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This research investigates the possible effect of quantum computing on advertising investigation. In the quickly developing field of advanced promoting, the interest in additional productive and exact scientific apparatuses has never been more noteworthy. Marketing analytics, essential for surveying effort viability, is going through change because...
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Users' willingness to pay for new mobile services is questionable. This paper gives an overview of opportunities and challenges related to advertising based business models for mobile services from user acceptance, earnings logic, technology and regulatory point of view. It presents the roles involved in an advertisement based business model. Index...


... These new technologies has transformed the global media environment from one organized around passive media consumption to a far more complex environmentmobile, multitasking, on-demandwhere consumers have more control over where, when and how they interact with media. (Gluck & Sales, 2008). These facts show that advertising has evolved over period of time and still evolving. ...
Advertising has been around for more than a century. The development of technology has brought many media for advertising. This gives advertisers more options to choose the best medium for advertising. However, this also brings problems to advertisers, namely to choose the best media for advertising. This study was conducted to determine the impact of media selection on advertising effectiveness, an empirical study from the perspective of consumer behavior. The type of research in this research is descriptive research: single – cross sectional design, quantitative research. This research was conducted in Greater Jakarta with 155 respondents. Data were analyzed using SPSS and PLS. This research study shows that media selectin has a positive significant impact on advertising effectiveness. It shows that media selection is an important part of reaching advertising effectiveness.
... The business model of print and broadcast journalism has been based on traditional advertising, which centres on the media's capability to attract audience to pay for the content and deliver advertising messages to them (McPhillips & Merlo, 2008). However, this model is faltering due to media digitisation, audience fragmentation (Arsenault & Castells, 2008, and moving to the new arena of Internet (Gluck & Roca, 2008). Advertising remains the major revenue source of media organisations and at the same time is evolving to include rich media and "recommendation engines", which enables targeted advertising (McPhillips & Merlo, 2008). ...
An interpretivist methodology was adopted in the research using interview and observation techniques to build a broader qualitative picture of media convergence and innovation of lifestyle media organisations in PRC. By tracking the convergence of three media from 2014 to 2017 in China, this study has found that in the transitional period, the macro-political system unavoidably plays a restrictive role while the motivation of media organisation leadership to innovate is the key factor to success. Furthermore, original content production based on accurate positioning of the target as a niche player is positively linked to performance and profitability. The research team argues that it is not the mainstream news media, but instead the small and agile niche-player media that may pioneer the process of media convergence and innovation.
... Digitalisation of television broadcasting is also another challenge that has confronted most television broadcasting stations across the world, especially, in developing countries. In USA this challenge emerged when digital television technology and other online media were introduced (Gluck & Sales, 2008). The authors again, pointed out that, the primary problem facing traditional television broadcasters in USA is their inability to guarantee advertisers large audiences with desirable demographics. ...
... The authors again, pointed out that, the primary problem facing traditional television broadcasters in USA is their inability to guarantee advertisers large audiences with desirable demographics. (Gluck & Sales 2008). They substantiated this observation with the following statistics. ...
... Professionally produced content that was previously available only on a single platform is now available online, on portable media devices such as iPods, and portable communication devices such as cell phones, as well as on TV. Media has fragmented in terms of audience, consumer time and attention, and the content itself (Gluck & Sales, 2008). ...
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The paper researched into challenges that have characterised electronic advertising in Ghana since the inception of the art in Ghana
... Today, the TM are not playing an indispensable role in the football sport clubs because of the development of SMP, the TM became an old and uninteresting way for the sport fans to check the information or news about the football club, and, when the fans want to look up for specific information on the TM, it will take a long time. Showing more football matches on TV resulted in more advertising income that has become a phenomenon with media and sports (Gluck and Rocam, 2008), so that during this time, advertising on television has been decreased as audiences were spread out over different channels. ...
... The consumer, who used to be at the receiving end of the communication chain, has been placed at the center of the process. This change has mainly been possible thanks to social apps, a corpus of tools, services and technical devices that enable the user to produce (edit, copy, distribute) content accessible to others (Gluck & Roca, 2008). ...
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This article explores contemporary portrayals of women and femininity in lifestyle blogs written and edited by millennial women in the United States. Based on a sample of three of the most popular lifestyle blogs currently in the U.S. this article attempts to identify and describe current portrayals of women to determine if they support a progressive or a conservative approach to femininity. The study we present in this paper is based on a dual methodology: content analysis and discourse analysis. Content analysis allows us to identify topics covered by the selected lifestyle blogs and their categorizations (sections in which they are published) whereas the discourse analysis helps determine the presence or absence of women stereotypes and how gender is represented. Results show some affinity between lifestyle blogs and women magazines with regards to topics covered although the editorial tone is more progressive in lifestyle blogs, leaning towards feminism and discarding conservative representations of femininity.
... With the 23-25 May 2016-Istanbul, Turkey Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2016 International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities advent of the Internet, Web 2.0 and social network sites (SNS), the individual has a more active role in access and content sharing. The user is no longer a receiver of information, it is also part of this process (Gluck & Sales, 2008). It is important that news organizations realize that the individual expectations are changing. ...
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The growing popularity of social networks, and their impact on the daily lives of consumers, contributed to news organizations marking their presence on different online platforms. In the case of Facebook, a social network that began as a personal space, it has gradually transformed into a content-sharing space (Oeldorf-Hirsch & Sundar, 2015). Nowadays, Facebook is the second most viewed website in Portugal (Alexa, 2016), and therefore, it has become crucial for Portuguese news agencies to be present on this social network. Although television continues to be the main information source in Portugal, social networks, and specifically Facebook, are increasingly important in news consumption by users (ERC, 2015). This new way of news dissemination, as well as the proliferation that these contents reach in social networks, led to news agencies exploiting these new channels, both to attract new audiences, and to redirect users to their own websites (Castillo, El-Haddad, Pfeffer, & Stempeck, 2014). Thus, it is important to understand how, and what kind of content these agencies put on their Facebook channels, as well as the strategies they use to share these same contents. This study aims to understand how the main news channels of Portuguese TV (RTP3, SIC Notícias, and TVI24) manage and use the social network Facebook to share news contents. To this end, the authors collected quantitative data of all posts placed on Facebook between February 8 and February 14 2016. Approximately 1063 posts were collected and analysed from the three Facebook pages. The results indicate that two of the three channels extensively used their Facebook pages to share and target content to their official websites. Regarding the news sources and type of media used, the three Portuguese TV news channels use similar strategies. However, in what concerns the main thematic and quantity of messages per day, as well as the level of redundancy of information, the three channels operate their pages differently.
... With the advent of the Internet, Web 2.0 and social network sites (SNS), the individual has a more active role in access and content sharing. The user is no longer a receiver of information, it is also part of this process (Gluck & Sales, 2008). It is important that news organizations realize that the individual expectations are changing. ...
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The growing popularity of social networks, and their impact on the daily lives of consumers, contributed to news organizations marking their presence on different online platforms. In the case of Facebook, a social network that began as a personal space, it has gradually transformed into a content-sharing space (Oeldorf-Hirsch & Sundar, 2015). Nowadays, Facebook is the second most viewed website in Portugal (Alexa, 2016), and therefore, it has become crucial for Portuguese news agencies to be present on this social network. Although television continues to be the main information source in Portugal, social networks, and specifically Facebook, are increasingly important in news consumption by users (ERC, 2015). This new way of news dissemination, as well as the proliferation that these contents reach in social networks, led to news agencies exploiting these new channels, both to attract new audiences, and to redirect users to their own websites (Castillo, El-Haddad, Pfeffer, & Stempeck, 2014). Thus, it is important to understand how, and what kind of content these agencies put on their Facebook channels, as well as the strategies they use to share these same contents. This study aims to understand how the main news channels of Portuguese TV (RTP3, SIC Notícias, and TVI24) manage and use the social network Facebook to share news contents. To this end, the authors collected quantitative data of all posts placed on Facebook between February 8 and February 14 2016. Approximately 1063 posts were collected and analysed from the three Facebook pages. The results indicate that two of the three channels extensively used their Facebook pages to share and target content to their official websites. Regarding the news sources and type of media used, the three Portuguese TV news channels use similar strategies. However, in what concerns the main themes and quantity of messages per day, as well as the level of redundancy of information, the three channels manage their pages differently.
... Esta possibilidade advém da evolução das novas tecnologias, principalmente no que diz respeito à capacidade que um indivíduo tem de consumir e distribuir informação, criando novas dinâmicas, quer em termos de colaboração como de cooperação (Cádima, 2013). Com o aparecimento da internet, o indivíduo tem agora um papel mais ativo e central no acesso e interação com a informação, dado que o indivíduo passou a não ser só um recetor de informação mas também a participar nesse processo (Gluck & Sales, 2008). É importante que as estações televisivas percebam que as expectativas do indivíduo estão a mudar. ...
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One of the problems in viewing television news is related to the large amount of visual and audio stimuli present in this television genre, and how this multiplicity may have implications in viewers’ reception of information contents. This work aims to understand how television communication strategies influence the manner in which viewers receive the contents present in the different graphics that are part of the informative layout of television news. The focus of the reception of television news in this work will be held at the level of attention and recall of information content. To achieve this goal, this multi-methodological research proposes to evaluate, through hypothesis testing, the disposition of a informative layout of RTP’s television news, based on the informative layout of the "Jornal da Tarde", which was produced and manipulated in a professional context. On the one hand, this work introduces eye tracking as an evaluation technique in the context of television news; on the other hand, it aims to understand, through a set of methods and techniques, the display patterns in television news, in order to present a informative layout proposal with the objective of improving viewers’ attention and recall of information contents. This involved the participation of 193 individuals, divided into three age groups: ages 17-24, ages 25-54, and over 55 years old. The tests consisted of two questionnaires (pre-session and post-session), and the visualization of one of the six versions of television news produced for this purpose. The mean duration of these tests, per participant, was approximately 15 minutes. The results show that in some versions, regardless of age, the visual dispersion in some graphics may influence the attention and recall of television news. These results contributed to the proposal of an optimized graphical layout so that the reception of television news, specifically regarding attention and recall of information contents, be more effective.
... Esta possibilidade advém sobretudo da evolução das tecnologias, principalmente no que diz respeito à capacidade que um indivíduo tem de consumir e distribuir informação. Com o aparecimento da internet, o indivíduo tem agora um papel mais ativo e central no acesso e interação com a informação, uma vez que o mesmo passou a não ser apenas um receptor de informação mas também a participar nesse processo (Gluck & Sales, 2008). Os noticiários televisivos deixaram de ser um conteúdo audiovisual a ser assistido somente em casa e em família, assumindo outros contextos e cenários de visualização. ...
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No cenário televisivo português é possível evidenciar um conjunto de eras pelas quais os noticiários televisivos portugueses atravessaram: são essas as Eras da Técnica, dos Realizadores, do Jornalista, do Marketing e do Virtual (Saraiva et al., 2011). Estes períodos ficaram delimitados tanto ao nível cénico e técnico, como também pelos aspetos socioculturais que se manifestaram ao longo das décadas. Contudo, foram sobretudo as diversas evoluções tecnológicas que mudaram a forma como os noticiários televisivos são consumidos atualmente. Graças a estas evoluções, os noticiários televisivos deixaram de ser um conteúdo audiovisual a ser assistido apenas em casa e em família, assumindo outros papéis e outros cenários de visualização, como são os casos da visualização em contexto público (ex. cafés e restaurantes), ou num contexto mais pessoal, como a visualização de noticiários através de diversos suportes digitais, ou em contexto interativo, através da televisão interativa (iTV). Nesse sentido, este artigo tem o intuito de explorar estes novos caminhos na visualização de noticiários televisivos e perceber os diferentes cenários e contextos com que os telespectadores visualizam estes conteúdos audiovisuais. Pretende-se assim refletir sobre as necessidades de adaptação dos conteúdos informativos e da comunicação visual aos diversos contextos comunicativos referidos.
... As emissoras de televisão abertas sofrem atualmente com a incapacidade de garantir grandes audiências para os anunciantes, sua principal fonte de renda. Essa dificuldade é um reflexo do fenômeno de fragmentação das mídias, trazido pelos avanços tecnológicos, que acabaram minando a estrutura econômica e cultural das empresas de mídia (Gluck & Sales, 2008). ...