Symmetry planes of the ctenophores, using Bolinopsis vitrea as model. a) view of the tentacular plane; b) aboral view, showing the stomodeal axis (in red) and the tentacular axis (in green); and c) view of the stomodeal plane. (photos: A. Migotto) Legends: ea, aboral extremity; bt, tentacular bulb; es, stomodeum; o, oral extremity.  

Symmetry planes of the ctenophores, using Bolinopsis vitrea as model. a) view of the tentacular plane; b) aboral view, showing the stomodeal axis (in red) and the tentacular axis (in green); and c) view of the stomodeal plane. (photos: A. Migotto) Legends: ea, aboral extremity; bt, tentacular bulb; es, stomodeum; o, oral extremity.  

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Embora abundantes e importantes ecologicamente no meio marinho, os ctenóforos do litoral brasileiro têm sido pouco estudados. O presente estudo tem por objetivo prover informações para auxiliar na identificação desses organismos. Para tal, são descritos métodos de fixação e documentação fotográfica dos ctenóforos. A terminologia referente ao grupo,...

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Although ctenophores are abundant and ecologically important in the marine environment, they are poorly known in the Brazilian coast. The present study is a taxonomic key for the ctenophores from the Brazilian coast. It aims to help students and non-specialist researchers with the identification of those organisms. Collecting, preserving and photog...


... To overcome such difficulties in the identification, laboratory studies were conducted to follow growth through different stages of the gelatinous species. This stage of growth could be differentiated by their diagnostic morphometries under different environmental conditions (Mayer, 1912;Oliveira et al., 2007;Gravili et al., 2007;Shiganova, 2020;Fabien Lombard pers. comm.). ...
... All species were found at their early stages. Diagnostic terms of hydrozoan followed the description made by Bouillon et al. (2006) The staged species were identified using the descriptions ascribed by Mayer (1910Mayer ( , 1912, Madin (1991), Oliveira et al. (2007). Gravili et al. (2007) determined the stage development of Gastroblasta raffaelei Lang, 1886, regarding the different lab conditions with water temperature, and Schuchert (2007) of Podocorynoides minima (Trinci, 1903) and species of the ctenophores (Chun, 1880;Mayer, 1912;Oliveira et al., 2007;Shiganova, 2020). ...
... Diagnostic terms of hydrozoan followed the description made by Bouillon et al. (2006) The staged species were identified using the descriptions ascribed by Mayer (1910Mayer ( , 1912, Madin (1991), Oliveira et al. (2007). Gravili et al. (2007) determined the stage development of Gastroblasta raffaelei Lang, 1886, regarding the different lab conditions with water temperature, and Schuchert (2007) of Podocorynoides minima (Trinci, 1903) and species of the ctenophores (Chun, 1880;Mayer, 1912;Oliveira et al., 2007;Shiganova, 2020). Photos of the specimens were taken, and their size was measured under the microscope; elliptical diameters of G. raffaelei and maximum bell width and height of P. minima. ...
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From samples for the phytoplankton collected from the sea surface water of 67 stations along the entire Turkish Mediterranean coast during June-July 2019, three juvenile gelatinous organisms were recorded. Two cnidarian-hydrozoan species (Podocorynoides minima and Gastroblasta raffaelei) and one ctenophore (Bolinopsis cf. vitrea) occurred near Mersin Bay. The specimens were determined at the juvenile or eumedusoid stages. Referring to the literature, Gastroblasta raffaelei was presumably about 4-5-day old (1.05 x 1.56 mm in elliptical diameter), and Podocorynoides minima about a stage of liberated eumedusoid (0.327 x 0.316 mm in bell diameter x height). The specimen of Bolinopsis cf. vitrea was measured to be 11 mm in lobate (total) length and 8.6 mm in body width. Interestingly, all species were found at different locations close to each other on the set of the water rim current speeding easterly up to about 0.5 m s-1. Gastroblasta raffaelei and Podocorynoides minima were first recorded on the Turkish Mediterranean coast. Early-staged specimens of these three species were described and discussed for their diagnostic structures with their occurrence in the Turkish Mediterranean Sea after the hydrozoans were reported in the Sea of Marmara, the ctenophore in the Black Sea, and other seas of the Mediterranean basin. The present study also discussed possible and presumable pathways of recent increased Turkish Mediterranean records of specimens that have been observed in the West Mediterranean Sea and the Adriatic Sea.
... La identificación inicial se realizó utilizando el material fotográfico obtenido entre el 2015 al 2018, y la confirmación de su identidad se llevó a cabo por medio de especímenes recolectados en muestras de zooplancton de la zona nerítica próxima al polígono de protección del SALT ( Fig. 1). La identificación taxonómica se realizó con base en las características morfológicas descritas en los trabajos de Mayer (1912), Oliveira & Migotto (2006) y Oliveira et al. (2007). Como complemento, se representa la distribución geográfica conocida de la especie utilizando como fuentes de información la red de Naturalista ( ...
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Se aportan los primeros datos de la distribución de Bolinopsis vitrea en el golfo de México. Diversos ejemplares de B. vitrea fueron registrados y fotografiados entre el 2015 al 2018 en los arrecifes Tuxpan, Enmedio, Tanhuijo y Lobos; ecosistemas que pertenecen al Sistema Arrecifal Lobos-Tuxpan (SALT), ubicado al norte de Veracruz, México. La confirmación de la especie se realizó en el año 2019 a través de dos especímenes recolectados en las proximidades del SALT. En los arrecifes explorados, se observaron de 5–80 individuos dispersos en la columna de agua a 1 m de profundidad. Con el registro de B. vitrea la riqueza de ctenóforos para el golfo de México incrementa a 13 especies.
... Moreland et al., 2020) e mais trabalhos taxonômicos (e.g. Oliveira et al., 2007). Na Fig. 1, a posição de Ctenophora está representada através de uma linha pontilhada indicando um táxon incertae sedis. ...
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As relações evolutivas dentro de Metazoa são alvos de debates há décadas. As raízes da compreensão de seus relacionamentos filogenéticos surgiram através da análise de características morfológicas, seguidas de técnicas moleculares cada vez mais sofisticadas, como a filogenômica. Estudos provenientes de dados moleculares trouxeram grandes contribuições propondo novas hipóteses, mas neste momento ainda existem incertezas advindas de problemas de amostragem e técnicas moleculares, resultando em lacunas de conhecimento. No presente trabalho discutimos hipóteses da literatura sobre o posicionamento de alguns táxons chave na evolução dos animais, como Porifera, Ctenophora, Placozoa e Chaetognatha, além de discutir relações internas de grupos mais diversos, como Ecdysozoa, Spiralia e Deuterostomia. Por fim, discutimos suas implicações e consequências para o entendimento das relações entre os metazoários e suas trajetórias evolutivas. Palavras-chave: Animais; Evolução; Morfologia; Posicionamento filogenético.
... Moreland et al., 2020) e mais trabalhos taxonômicos (e.g. Oliveira et al., 2007). Na Fig. 1, a posição de Ctenophora está representada através de uma linha pontilhada indicando um táxon incertae sedis. ...
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As relações evolutivas dentro de Metazoa são alvos de debates há décadas. As raízes da compreensão de seus relacionamentos filogenéticos surgiram através da análise de características morfológicas, seguidas de técnicas moleculares cada vez mais sofisticadas, como a filogenômica. Estudos provenientes de dados moleculares trouxeram grandes contribuições propondo novas hipóteses, mas neste momento ainda existem incertezas advindas de problemas de amostragem e técnicas moleculares, resultando em lacunas de conhecimento. No presente trabalho discutimos hipóteses da literatura sobre o posicionamento de alguns táxons chave na evolução dos animais, como Porifera, Ctenophora, Placozoa e Chaetognatha, além de discutir relações internas de grupos mais diversos, como Ecdysozoa, Spiralia e Deuterostomia. Por fim, discutimos suas implicações e consequências para o entendimento das relações entre os metazoários e suas trajetórias evolutivas.
... (2) B. cucumis Fabricius, 1780 Global distribution. Northwestern Atlantic Ocean: Gulf of Maine (Bigelow, 1926;Haddock and Case, 1999), northeastern Gulf of Mexico (Moss, 2009), and Caribbean Sea (close to Venezuela) (Harbison et al., 1977); Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: from Brazil to Argentina (between 30 • S and 59 • S) (Mianzan, 1999;Oliveira et al., 2007); Northeastern Atlantic Ocean: southern Baltic Sea (northern Europe) (Hansson, 2006), Canary Islands (Hernández, 2003;Lozano Soldevilla et al., 2006), and Mediterranean basin (Haddock and Case, 1999;Shiganova and Malej, 2009); Northwestern Pacific Ocean: Japan (Lindsay and Hunt, 2005;Uchida, 1940); Northeastern Pacific Ocean: Santa Barbara Channel, off California (USA) (Haddock and Case, 1999;Podar et al., 2001); Southeastern Pacific Ocean: from Peru to Chile (between 3 • S to 55 • S) and references therein; (Yáñez et al., 2009); Southwestern Pacific Ocean: Australia (Gershwin et al., 2010(Gershwin et al., , 2014; Arctic Ocean (Moss, 2009 (Chun, 1889(Chun, , 1898, Mediterranean basin (including the Gulf of Naples, Alboran Sea, northern Adriatic, and Black Sea) (Chun, 1880;Haddock and Case, 1999;Mills et al., 1996;Seravin et al., 2002;Shiganova and Malej, 2009); Northeastern Pacific Ocean: Santa Barbara Channel, off California (USA) (Haddock and Case, 1999;Podar et al., 2001), Monterey Bay, California (USA) (Francis et al., 2015); Southeastern Pacific Ocean: Peru ; Northwestern Pacific Ocean: Japan (Lindsay and Hunt, 2005); Southwestern Pacific Ocean: Australia (Gershwin et al., 2014). ...
... Global distribution. Northwestern Atlantic Ocean: Georges Bank (southern Gulf of Maine) (Bigelow, 1926), Bahamas (Haddock and Case, 1999), northwestern and northeastern Gulf of Mexico (Moss, 2009); Central and Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: from Colombia to Brazil (Harbison et al., 1978;Mianzan, 1999;Mianzan and Guerrero, 2000;Oliveira, 2007;Oliveira et al., 2007); Northeastern Atlantic Ocean: Canary Islands (Fol, 1869), Mediterranean basin (Chun, 1880;Mills et al., 1996;Shiganova and Malej, 2009 and references therein); Northeastern Pacific Ocean: Santa Barbara Channel, off California (USA) (Haddock and Case, 1999;Podar et al., 2001); Southeastern Atlantic Ocean: Chile (near Valparaiso coast) (Oliveira et al., 2016); Northwestern Pacific Ocean: Hatoma Knoll Hydrothermal Vent (Philippine Sea) (Lindsay et al., 2015), Japan (Lindsay and Hunt, 2005); Southwestern Pacific Ocean: New Zealand (Mianzan et al., 2009), Australia (Gershwin et al., 2014). ...
... Genus Velamen Krumbach, 1925 General distribution. Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: from Venezuela to Brazil (between 10 • N and 2 • S) (Harbison et al., 1978;Mianzan, 1999;Nogueira et al., 2015;Oliveira et al., 2007); Northeastern Atlantic Ocean: Canary Islands (Fol, 1869), Mediterranean basin (Mayer, 1912;Mills et al., 1996); Northeastern Pacific Ocean: Monterey Bay, California (USA) (Francis et al., 2015), California (USA) (Haddock and Case, 1999;Luo et al., 2014;Mills and Haddock, 2007;Podar et al., 2001); Southeastern Atlantic Ocean: Peru and Chile and references therein; Palma and Apablaza, 2004); Southwestern Pacific Ocean: Australia (Gershwin et al., 2010(Gershwin et al., , 2014; Indian Ocean (Harbison et al., 1978). ...
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Ctenophores are one of the most conspicuous and frequent groups of the gelatinous zooplankton community, but their regional diversity in tropical and subtropical latitudes remains largely unknown. We provide an overview and update of the current knowledge of the diversity in Mexican seas, including ocean and coastal-neritic environments of the Gulf of Mexico, the Mexican Caribbean Sea, and the Mexican Pacific Ocean. Ctenophore records were reviewed based on the available scientific and gray literature, the Naturalista network (, and the ctenophore species collected in the Gulf of California by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. A total of 33 taxa (Class Nuda and Tentaculata) were found to occur in Mexican seas, of which 12 of the 33 taxa (36.4 % of the total) were recorded in the Gulf of Mexico, 7 (21.2 %) in the Mexican Caribbean Sea, 25 (75.8 %) in the Gulf of California, 11 (33.3 %) in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, and only 2 (6.1 %) are known in the Northeastern Pacific. Up to nine taxa included in our account represent first records for Mexico (i.e., Bathocyroe fosteri, Kiyohimea usagi, Lampocteis cruentiventer, Leucothea sp., Aulacoctena sp., Haeckelia beehleri, Charistephane fugiens, Bathyctena chuni, and Hormiphora californensis). Due to the lack of data on benthic ctenophores and the sparse studies on oceanic and deep-living species, it is expected that the list will grow as new surveys are performed in the deep sea. The lack of long-term studies on Mexican ctenophores have limited our capacity to draw valid conclusions on their abundance, total diversity, endemicity, and trophic ecology in Mexico.
... Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, 1865 (Order Lobata) is native to estuarine and coastal regions along the east coasts of North and South America (from 40 • N to 46 • S) (Javidpour et al., 2006;Costello et al., 2012;Oliveira et al., 2016) that cover coastal estuaries, ranging from Buzzards Bay (USA) to Blanca Bay (Argentina) (Harbison and Volovik, 1994;Mianzan, 1999). Other native records report M. leidyi in Chesapeake Bay in USA (Purcell et al., 1994), the Gulf of Mexico (Bolte et al., 2013), Brazil (Oliveira et al., 2007(Oliveira et al., , 2016, and Puerto Madryn and Escondida Island, Argentina (Costello and Mianzan, 2003;Mianzan et al., 2010), among others. This ctenophore species has broad physiological tolerances to differences in temperature (0 to 32 • C), salinity (2 to 38 ppt), and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels (Purcell et al., 2001;Costello et al., 2012). ...
... The width and total length were measured to the nearest mm. The specimens were identified following the taxonomic key of Oliveira et al. (2007). ...
... The auricular furrow was extended at the height of the apical organ. The characteristics observed are as described for M. leidyi byOliveira et al. (2007).Distribution. From Massachusetts (USA) to Argentina from 40 • N to 46 • S(Ghabooli et al., 2013;Oliveira et al., 2016). ...
... Keywords: Estuary l Mnemiopsis leidyi l Beroe ovata l Southwestern Atlantic shallow (< 10 m water depth) and under the influence of warm and oligotrophic coastal waters. The in situ identification followed Oliveira et al. (2007). For adults identification of M. leidyi, the presence of the lobes appearing at the height of the apical organ and creating a long auricular groove between the lobe and the central region of the body was used ( Fig.2A), while for Beroe ovata identification, the body flattened in the tentacular axis and the anastomoses of gastrovascular diverticula ( Fig.2B) were used. ...
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The fauna of ctenophores in the coastal zone of tropical Southwestern Atlantic is virtually unknown. Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata are important components of pelagic communities as top predators, which are occasionally abundant and widely distributed on coastal regions of the western Atlantic. However, in this region most of the records are in subtropical areas of SW Atlantic, North Atlantic or in the Caribbean region. In this paper we present information on the occurrence of both species in ten tropical estuaries, located between 3 and 11°S, covering more than 1,000 km of coastal areas. The records were made through visual observation, manual collections (with the aid of a 1 mm mesh size net) and subsurface and bottom zooplankton hauls (200, 300 and 500 μm mesh size). We recorded the occurrence of ctenophores in distinct shallow-water estuaries, including hypersaline and highly polluted environments. These new occurrences expand our knowledge on the distribution of the fauna of ctenophores, as well as on the need to carry out taxonomic works and studies that investigate the influence of environmental variables over the population structure and blooms of these species. Résumé : Estuaires et plancton gélatineux : nouveaux signalements de Ctenophora de la côte tropicale du Brésil (3-11°S). La faune des cténophores dans la zone côtière de l'Atlantique tropical sud-ouest est pratiquement inconnue. Mnemiopsis leidyi et Beroe ovata sont des composantes importantes des communautés pélagiques en tant que prédateurs supérieurs, parfois abondantes et largement réparties sur les régions côtières de l'Atlantique Ouest. Cependant, dans cette région, la plupart des enregistrements se situent dans des zones subtropicales de l'Atlantique Sud-Ouest, de l'Atlantique Nord ou des Caraïbes. Dans cet article, nous présentons des informations sur la présence des deux espèces dans dix estuaires tropicaux situés entre 3 et 11°S et couvrant plus de 1000 km de zones côtières. Les enregistrements ont été réalisés par observation visuelle, par des collectes manuelles (à l'aide d'un filet de 1 mm) et par des mouvements de zooplancton sous la surface et
... Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, 1865 (Order Lobata) is native to estuarine and coastal regions along the east coasts of North and South America (from 40 • N to 46 • S) (Javidpour et al., 2006;Costello et al., 2012;Oliveira et al., 2016) that cover coastal estuaries, ranging from Buzzards Bay (USA) to Blanca Bay (Argentina) (Harbison and Volovik, 1994;Mianzan, 1999). Other native records report M. leidyi in Chesapeake Bay in USA (Purcell et al., 1994), the Gulf of Mexico (Bolte et al., 2013), Brazil (Oliveira et al., 2007(Oliveira et al., , 2016, and Puerto Madryn and Escondida Island, Argentina (Costello and Mianzan, 2003;Mianzan et al., 2010), among others. This ctenophore species has broad physiological tolerances to differences in temperature (0 to 32 • C), salinity (2 to 38 ppt), and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels (Purcell et al., 2001;Costello et al., 2012). ...
... The width and total length were measured to the nearest mm. The specimens were identified following the taxonomic key of Oliveira et al. (2007). ...
... The auricular furrow was extended at the height of the apical organ. The characteristics observed are as described for M. leidyi byOliveira et al. (2007).Distribution. From Massachusetts (USA) to Argentina from 40 • N to 46 • S(Ghabooli et al., 2013;Oliveira et al., 2016). ...
... Nondestructive specific sampling techniques are highly recommended, but not always possible to perform. Consequently, ctenophores are commonly understudied worldwide, which is particularly true for Brazilian waters where less than ten stud- ies dealing with the phylum have been published ( Oliveira et al. 2007Oliveira et al. , 2016. Regarding estuarine ecosystems, there are few scattered records of Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata from tropical (~7°S, Singarajah 1978) and subtropical lati- tudes (~23-26°S, e.g., Montú and Cordeiro 1988, see Tables 1 and 2). ...
... Pleurobrachia sp. has been recorded exclusively in the tropical Paraíba river estuary (Singarajah 1978), what may be a misidentification since in the south- western Atlantic this genus is only known to occur in temperate Argentina (37-47°S, Mianzan 1999; Oliveira et al. 2016). Moreover, larvae of lobate ctenophores (e.g., M. leidyi) are morphologically similar to the adults of the cydippids as Pleurobrachia sp. ( Oliveira et al. 2007), particularly for non-experts on the phylum. ...
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The literature on gelatinous (Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Tunicata) and semi-gelatinous (Chaetognatha) zooplankton from 32 Brazilian estuaries is reviewed. Altogether 104 species have been recorded, 70 cnidarians, 2 ctenophores, 14 chaetognaths, 13 appendicularians and 5 thaliaceans. All groups are understudied with only few detailed data available. Most of these gelatinous and semi-gelatinous taxa are typically oceanic, and thus the low diversity in estuarine systems was expected and is not probable to increase much with increasing sampling effort. Contrary, the meroplanktonic hydromedusae from the orders Anthoathecata and Leptothecata are diversified in estuarine ecosystems and the respectively 29 and 19 species currently reported from Brazilian estuaries are an underestimation and certainly will increase considerably with increased sampling effort. The best-studied taxa are the chaetognaths, followed by appendicularians, and very little is known about the other taxa, particularly concerning ctenophores and thaliaceans. We summarize the main tendencies of each taxon regarding diversity, abundance, temporal and spatial variations, species composition, and the most abundant species. In addition, we also provide general guidelines for future research on gelatinous and semi-gelatinous zooplankton taxa from Brazilian estuaries.
... Since only a few species of ctenophores (mainly smaller forms of Beroe spp.) may be routinely fixed and preserved with success (but see Sullivan and Gifford 2009;Engel-Sorensen et al. 2009), studies on ctenophores are generally scant. This is especially true for Brazilian ecosystems where these ctenophores, although common, are among the least-studied marine animals (Oliveira et al. 2007(Oliveira et al. , 2016. Only 13 species of planktonic ctenophores have been recorded thus far (Oliveira et al. 2016). ...
... Only 13 species of planktonic ctenophores have been recorded thus far (Oliveira et al. 2016). Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata are common and occasionally abundant in coastal and estuarine areas (Oliveira et al. 2007;Nogueira Júnior et al. 2018). In offshore areas over the shelf abundances are low (<1 ind m −3 ), and small-sized (<10 mm high) Beroe sp. ...
... Great gaps still exist, however, for the meroplankton as a whole, and some sporadically abundant holoplanktonic taxa such as ctenophores, ostracods, polychaetes, amphipods, euphausiids, and thaliaceans. Effort in this direction is being carried out with the descriptions of the larval stages of several decapods (e.g., Fransozo and Bertini 2003;Negreiros-Fransozo et al. 2003;Barros-Alves et al. 2013;Pantaleão et al. 2013;Alves et al. 2016) and the publication of an identification key for Brazilian ctenophores (Oliveira et al. 2007), for instance. The connection of zooplanktonic associations with different water masses is satisfactorily addressed, being one of the few ecological aspects relatively well-studied locally. ...
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The South Brazilian Bight (23–28.5°S; SBB) is a typical western boundary current system with a wide shelf and which has high ecologic and economic importance, supporting nationally important fishing grounds. Away from the coastal areas, the planktonic production is mostly controlled by regenerative processes prevailing in the oligotrophic Tropical Water (TW) of the Brazil Current, enriched by the advection of the nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW). About 790 zooplanktonic invertebrate species have been recorded, what is an underestimate considering that most meroplanktonic and some holoplanktonic taxa are largely unstudied. An inshore-offshore gradient is clear. Zooplankton abundance and biomass are typically higher in more coastal areas, diminishing offshore as the influence of the oligotrophic TW increases, while the diversity has the inverse tendency. The cold and nutrient-rich SACW intrusions certainly are the most relevant mesoscale physical feature over the shelf of the SBB, increasing considerably the primary production and subsequently zooplankton abundance and production. Indeed, available data suggest that the intrusions of the SACW and their strength are an important factor influencing both seasonal and interannual variability in zooplankton diversity, biomass, abundance, production, and size-spectra. While the distributional patterns of most of the dominant groups in relation to the main water masses are relatively well-known, little is known about the life strategy, trophic interactions, physiological responses, and the impact of the main physical processes on these populations. In this review, we also emphasize the need for process-oriented studies along SBB with spatiotemporal scales relevant to the main physical events in order to better understand the zooplankton dynamics and their role in the regional fishery production.