Fig 1 - uploaded by Andrey Vinnikov
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Survey blocks and pre-determined track line for BЛАДИМИР САΦΟΗΟΒ (VLADIMIR SAFONOV) in 2015 Okhotsk cetacean sighting survey. Orange line shows blocks, thin black line pre-determined track line and dotted line track line for transit.

Survey blocks and pre-determined track line for BЛАДИМИР САΦΟΗΟΒ (VLADIMIR SAFONOV) in 2015 Okhotsk cetacean sighting survey. Orange line shows blocks, thin black line pre-determined track line and dotted line track line for transit.

Source publication
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Using a Russian research vessel, BЛАДИМИР САΦΟΗΟΒ (VLADIMIR SAFONOV), a dedicated systematic cetacean sighting survey will be conducted in the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk (a part of sub-area 12NE for common minke whale RMP implementation) in 2015. The vessel is a trawl-net type research vessel with a barrel for observation. The objective of...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... departs from Vladivostok, 10 August Vessel arrives at the WP 1 in the block A ( Figure 1) and start survey, 17 August Vessel arrives at Korsakov, Sakhalin, and departs from there, ...
Context 2
... arrives at the final WP 10 in the block B (Figure 1) and leaves the research area, 10 September Vessel arrives at Vladivostok and finishes the cruise, 30 September Post-cruise meeting in Vladivostok. ...
Context 3
... survey blocks and pre-determined track line are shown in Figure 1. The pre-determined track line was set from the random selected start point using the 'Distance program (ver. ...