Summary of descriptive analysis on Marital Stress and Nigerian Married Working Women: The Role of Coping Strategies, Self-concept and Educational Qualification

Summary of descriptive analysis on Marital Stress and Nigerian Married Working Women: The Role of Coping Strategies, Self-concept and Educational Qualification

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In this 21st century a lot of women are experiencing martial challenges due to the various and important roles they perform in the home and in the society, which may require some psychological remedies. The study investigated the influence of coping strategies, self-concept and educational level on marital stress among married working women. The pa...

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... means that there was a remarkable difference between the marriage related problems of those who used emotion-focused styles and those who used problem-focused styles. Thus, observation of the mean scores in Table 1 shows that women who adopted emotion-focused styles manifested less marital stress symptoms than those who used problem-focused styles. Hence, hypothesis 1 was confirmed. ...

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... In many homes today, women serve as the bread winners, providing for the needs of the family members and also engaging in professional careers, various vocations, and/or full-time trading/farming (Nwatu, 2018). According to Christensen and Heavey (1990), marital conflict typically emerges when one partner behaves in a way that is unpleasant to the other. ...
... Lengua and Stormshak (2000) noted that both genders use coping strategies differently, as has also been reported in a number of studies. There are also individual differences in how people cope with distress (Nwatu, 2018), because a modern woman, unlike her counterpart four decades ago, is challenged by the current economic situation to pursue and have a career and also to help in achieving organizational goals as well as being a companion to the husband, and a caregiver to her children; ...
... she needs psychological remedies such as emotion-focused coping to remain functional and stable in the face of these enormous difficulties both from home and at work. Nwatu (2018) further stated that married women in different vocations have different ways of coping. The findings of the study found that married working women who adopted problem-focused strategies presented more marital stress symptoms than women who adopted emotion-focused strategies. ...
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This study examined gender differences in handling marital communication conflict and choice of individual coping strategies in a sample of 130 (89 females and 41 males) married working individuals aged between 25 and 60 years old, who have been married for at least 6 months at the time of study. The Communication Pattern Questionnaires (CPQ) and Coping Resources Inventory (CRI) were used to collect the data. A Mann-Whitney U test was run to determine any differences in the scores of marital communication conflict and coping strategies between the males and the females. The median marital communication conflict score was statistically and significantly different between males and females, U = 1218.5, z =-3.037, p = 0.002. The median marital communication score for males was 164, which was higher than the female score of 142. The score for median coping strategies was also statistically significantly different between males and females, U = 1370.5, z =-2.276, p = 0.023. The score for median coping strategies for females was 165, which was higher than the scores of the males (159). The results indicate that the males attained significantly higher marital conflict communication scores than the females while females attained significantly higher coping strategy scores than the males.
هدفت الدراسة التعرف إلى العلاقة بين التّوافق الزّواجي واستراتيجيات التّكيف لدى النّساء العاملات في منطقة النّقب، واتبعت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي الارتباطي، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تطوير مقياسين: التوافق الزواجي واستراتيجيات التكيف، وبعد التحقق من صدقهما وثباتهما، تم تطبيقهما على عينة مكونة من (452) من النّساء العاملات في منطقة النّقب، وقد أظهرت النتائج أن مستوى التّوافق الزّواجي الكلي لدى النّساء العاملات في منطقة النّقب جاءت مرتفعاً، كما توصلت الدراسة إلى وجود علاقة طردية موجبة بين التّوافق الزّواجي ومجالاته من جهة وبين أبعاد استراتيجيات التّكيف من جهة أخرى. وأظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً درجات التّوافق الزّواجي لدى النّساء العاملات في منطقة النّقب وفقاً لمتغيرات: الدخل الشهري، عدد الأطفال، مكان السكن، في حين ظهرت فروق دالة إحصائياً في درجات التّوافق الزّواجي لدى النّساء العاملات في منطقة النّقب وفقاً لمتغير العمر لصالح النّساء العاملات اللاتي أعمارهن من (18-23). كما أظهرت النتائج وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً في درجات استراتيجيات التّكيف لدى النّساء العاملات في منطقة النّقب وفقاً لمتغير الدخل الشهري، لصالح النّساء العاملات اللاتي دخلهن الشهري متوسط ومرتفع، ولمتغير العمر لصالح النّساء العاملات اللاتي أعمارهن من (أكثر من 30 سنة)، وعدم وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً درجات استراتيجيات التّكيف لدى النّساء العاملات في منطقة النّقب وفقاً لمتغيري عدد الأطفال، ومكان السكن.