Fig 5 - uploaded by Panagiotis Artemiadis
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Subtask sequence for the robot interface. The robot hand is controlled to grasp two clothespins and a ball. Each object is arranged such that the hand must change both position and orientation to grasp the object. The object is then placed into the bin below the table. The order in which these tasks are completed is determined by each subject. The clothespins must be grasped as shown in the images to successfully complete the task. 

Subtask sequence for the robot interface. The robot hand is controlled to grasp two clothespins and a ball. Each object is arranged such that the hand must change both position and orientation to grasp the object. The object is then placed into the bin below the table. The order in which these tasks are completed is determined by each subject. The clothespins must be grasped as shown in the images to successfully complete the task. 

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Context 1
... is an element-wise matrix multiplication, u ( ) is the unit step function, σ is the muscle activation threshold, and g is the output gain. Both σ and g can be tuned for each subject, and M is a semi-random mixing matrix converting F ˆ ( t ) to the control outputs U ( t ) . U ( t ) is averaged over the last five outputs to provide consistent control. In this experiment, the 7-DoF control scheme is imple- mented as a two-state finite state machine (FSM), with each state offering simultaneous control of velocities over 4-DoFs (see Table I). M is designed to cover the entire output space ( c = 4 ) using minimal inputs ( k = 6 ) while decoupling control axes 1-3 from control axis 4 (see Fig. 1): (4) State switching is done by monitoring the simultaneous threshold breech between the last two activation inputs, F ˆ 5 and F ˆ 6 , contributed by an antagonistic muscle pair. 1) Pre-Processing: The HDsEMG signals are subtracted from the mean of all channels to dampen the influence of common noise, and then rectified and low-pass filtered (fourth-order zero-lag Butterworth, cut-off 3Hz). Finally, the signals are filtered by a 3x3 median filter to minimize the effects of electrode lift-off. The sEMG signals of an additional antagonistic muscle pair are rectified, low-pass filtered (fourth-order zero-lag Butterworth, cut-off 3Hz), and normalized with respect to the subject’s maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for these two muscles, as found during the initial calibration. Both series of signals are then sub- sampled to 200 Hz and merged to create Y ( t ) . 2) Calibration: Each subject is first guided through the calibration stage described in [20] to generate a unique W . A total of 16 wrist and finger motions from the right arm are investigated - wrist flexion/extension, wrist prona- tion/supination, ulnar/radial deviation, hand open/close and flexion/extension of the index, middle, ring, and pinky fingers. 192 HDsEMG signals are collected from the subject’s forearm using HD electrode grids to form an initial W ˆ 0 with k 0 = 4 . Two additional columns are added with unit input on the 193 rd and 194 th rows, respectively, and zeros elsewhere. These two columns contain the sEMG from biceps brachii (BB) and triceps brachii (TB), resulting in a 194 × 6 matrix W ˆ . During this calibration phase, subjects are also asked to perform their MVC for BB and TB to initially set the state switching threshold at 50% of it. MVC values are not needed from the HDsEMG, as explained in [10]. 3) Robot Control: There is a slight difference in operation between VR and robot control induced by joint limits, singularities, and inertia. LWR 4 operates in Cartesian impedance control using inverse kinematics when the control state is in position, and joint impedance control using forward kinematics of the three wrist joints when the control state is in orientation mode. The switch is enforced to reduce the risk of joint velocity and position limits being exceeded while rotating through singularities. Global ρ , φ , and θ are limited to ± π radians to avoid physical limitations while rotating. 3 The iLIMB operates via Bluetooth with velocity commands sent to open/close all fingers at 200 Hz . Two sEMG systems were used for data collection. The first system included 192 monopolar channels from the subject’s forearm using three equidistant semi-disposable adhesive 8 × 8 grids with 10 mm inter-electrode distance. The EMG- USB2, OT Bioelettronica amplifier was set to gain of 1000 with internal bandpass filter at 3 − 900 Hz , broadcasting samples via TCP at 2048 Hz with 12-bit depth for further processing, as in [18]. The second system included two bipolar channels placed on the BB and TB muscles. These wireless sEMG electrodes (Delsys Trigno Wireless) were acquired with a gain of 500, digitized with 16-bit depth at a frequency of 1926 Hz and broadcast via TCP. Both interfaces receive commands at 200 Hz from a custom program using C++ and OpenGL API [21]. This program performs real- time processing and conversion of sEMG inputs into control variables of linear velocity, angular velocity and color/grasp. The full setups are shown in Fig. 2 and 3, respectively. Subjects, without prior knowledge on how to control the interface, attended three sessions across several days. The first session consisted of the calibration phase described above, followed by an introductory control phase. The control phase introduced subjects to the VR helicopter, with 20 minutes of exploration, in which the subject was encouraged to explore the space and become familiar with the control paradigm, followed by 26 tasks to be completed. The tasks are distributed as to cover the entire volume of the task-space and require activation of all available DoFs, as explained in Fig. 4. After completing each full task, the helicopter returns to the center of the screen with an initial orientation and color followed by a ten second break. There was no time limit imposed in order to encourage users to explore and discover a comfortable control. The random arrangement of targets was consistent for each subject in the experiment. The second session occurred at least 24 hours after the first. Subjects were given one hour to accomplish as many tasks as possible while using the same control scheme and W ˆ calculated during the first session. This session provided data regarding learning retention and continued learning trends. The final session occurred between one and eight days after the second. Subjects were introduced to the robot myoelectric interface, while using the same control scheme and W ˆ calculated in session one. Subjects are asked to complete three precision tasks, with no strict order, by sequentially grasping a tennis-sized ball and two customized clothespins to place in a bin. The task sequence is timed and shown in Fig. 5. This session provided evidence of precision control capabilities and learning transfer despite slightly different system dynamics of the robot compared to the VR. During the first two sessions, collected datasets contained values describing task difficulty, completion times, and path lengths used to accomplish each task. This data was analyzed in data blocks containing 25% of each session’s data from all subjects. The total completion time is recorded for the third session to indicate precision performance capabilities and any factors influencing these capabilities. 1) Learning Trends: Metrics used for assessing performance in the first two sessions are provided in Table II, using first degree polynomials to fit the results with respect to block number. These linear trends are assumed according to [10], as the initial exponential learning component has been accounted for in the first 20 minutes of exploration. CT is the time needed to fulfill the task [22]. T P , ex- pressed in bits/second according to Fitts’ law [23], measures both speed and accuracy by considering the difficulty of the task [9]. P E is the ratio between the shortest path possible to complete the entire task and the actual path taken to reach the target [24]. b is the overall block number in session 1 and 2, κ is initial performance, and β shows the learning rate, such that β > 0 indicates better performance and a significant learning component, for each metric. The index of difficulty, ID , of a given task is given by the Shannon Formulation ...


... Ma et al. [20] proposed a control scheme that smooths the synergy-based inputs, thereby stabilizing the movement control. Ison et al. [21], [22] demonstrated simultaneous and proportional control of a 4-DOF myoelectric interface by using muscle synergy-inspired inputs from high-density EMG. However, all these studies provide reliable control at the expense of limited DOF. ...
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The non-stationary characteristics of surface electromyography (sEMG) and possible adverse variations in real-world conditions make it still an open challenge to realize robust myoelectric control (MEC) for multifunctional prostheses. Variable muscle contraction level is one of the handicaps that may degrade the performance of MEC. In this study, we proposed a force-invariant intent recognition method based on muscle synergy analysis (MSA) in the setting of three self-defined force levels (low, medium, and high). Specifically, a fast matrix factorization algorithm based on alternating non-negativity constrained least squares (NMF/ANLS) was chosen to extract task-specific synergies associated with each of six hand gestures in the training stage; while for the testing samples, we used the non-negative least square (NNLS) method to estimate neural commands for movement classification. The performance of proposed method was compared with conventional pattern recognition (PR) method consisting of LDA (linear discrimination analysis) classifier and representative features in three offline evaluation scenarios. Statistical tests on ten able-bodied subjects revealed no significant difference in intra-force-level (p=0.353) and multi-force-level (0.695) accuracy; But the synergy-based method performed significantly better than conventional PR-based method under inter-force-level conditions (p<0.05). Similar results were observed for nine amputee subjects though there was a drop in the classification accuracy. This study was the first to concurrently demonstrate the robustness and predictive power of task-specific synergies under variant force levels and explore their potential for reliable intent recognition against force variation. Although the online performance is yet to be demonstrated, the proposed method is characterized by simple training procedure and acceptable compute efficiency, which would potentially provide an alternative approach for the development of clinically viable prostheses and rehabilitation robots driven by sEMG.
... Les signaux EMG, obtenus via des électrodes placées sur les muscles cibles (surface EMG, sEMG), sont très utilisés dans la recherche pour le contrôle de prothèses ou de bras d'assistance [Ison et al., 2015] [Tavakoli et al., 2017]. Ils présentent plusieurs avantages. ...
Les troubles musculo-squelettiques (TMS) sont les première causes de maladies professionnelles en France.Les TMS affectent tous les domaines industriels et des services; de l'industrie lourde et manufacturière aux services d'aide à la personne en passant par les manutentions dans les centres logistiques.Ils peuvent notamment apparaitre suite à un port de charges, particulièrement critiques en raison des efforts intenses et répétés que cette tâche nécessite. Une solution pour prévenir l'apparition des TMS est d'assister physiquement les travailleurs afin de réduire l'effort engendré.Les exosquelettes apparaissent comme un des outils les plus prometteurs pour fournir cette assistance.Cependant, leur commande est un des verrous limitant leur mise en fonction dans l'industrie. C'est sur ce point que ce travail de recherche s'est focalisé. Ainsi une stratégie de contrôle d'un exosquelette de membres supérieurs pour l'assistance au port de charge sans connaissance à priori de la masse a été développée et intégrée.L'originalité de ce travail de recherche vient de l'estimation de l'intention en effort de l'utilisateur via son activité musculaire, estimée grâce à des capteurs électromyographiques, et de son utilisation dans la commande en effort d'un exosquelette. Ceci permet notamment de compenser le poids de charges non connues à priori.Ce système de détection d'intention est basé sur une méthode hybride intégrant un modèle du couple développé en fonction de l'activité musculaire et un réseau de neurones artificiels.Le système de contrôle a ensuite été évalué avec dix utilisateurs. Il a été constaté que cette méthode induisait : (i) des performances équivalentes à une assistance par compensation de gravité classique (avec connaissance à priori de la charge), mais aussi(ii) une réduction de l'activité musculaire du participant. L'impact de la personnalisation des paramètres (gain du contrôleur) sur les utilisateurs a également été analysé, et ce travail a démontré que cette personnalisation facilite la prise en main intuitive du système.Au cours des développements une attention particulière a été de proposer une approche facilement déployable sur le terrain, afin de tenir compte de l'orientation industrielle des applications.En effet, ce travail de recherche ouvre des perspectives d'applications pour les exosquelettes actifs dédiés au port de charges, comme par exemple dans le secteur de la logistique où les charges à manipuler sont variées.
... To overcome the inherent discrete nature of classifiers, a focus has been put on regression approaches which aim to establish a continuous mapping between the observed EMGs and the functional domain of prosthetic joints [5]. However, even after demonstrating that a high number of DOFs can be concurrently controlled in this way in robotic systems using high-density EMG (HD-EMG) [6], the most recent ...
... All such force/torque exertion are generated by the activation of the corresponding muscles on the arm Measurement of the intensity of a muscle contraction can be translated into hand force/torque value [2]. Hand force/torque measurement is of interest in many applications such as control of prostheses [3], rehabilitation [4], and human-machine interaction [5]. ...
Conference Paper
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Force Myography (FMG) is a technique involving the use of force sensors on the surface of the limb to detect the volumetric changes in the underlying musculotendinous complex. This paper investigates the feasibility of employing force-sensing resistors (FSRs) worn on the arm that measure the FMG signals for force prediction in dynamic conditions. The predicted force value can be mapped into velocity value to control a linear actuator to track hand movements. Two FMG bands were donned on the participant wrist and forearm muscle belly to measure the FMG signals during force exer-tion. An accurate force transducer was used for labeling the FMG signals by measuring the exerted force. Three regression algorithms including kernel ridge regression (KRR), support vector regression (SVR), and general regression neural network (GRNN), were used in this study for predicting hand force using the FMG signals. The data were collected for 200 seconds for training the regression model. Then, the trained model was used for online force prediction for 430 seconds. The testing accuracy was 0.92, 0.90 and 0.79, using KRR, SVR and GRNN, respectively. These results will be beneficial for monitoring hand force during human-robot interaction or controlling the robot movement.
... Due to the promising results, muscle synergies were used to describe the muscle activity in several applications, such as clinics [6,, robotics [52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67], and sports [68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87]. ...
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In the last years, several studies have been focused on understanding how the central nervous system controls muscles to perform a specific motor task. Although it still remains an open question, muscle synergies have come to be an appealing theory to explain the modular organization of the central nervous system. Even though the neural encoding of muscle synergies remains controversial, a large number of papers demonstrated that muscle synergies are robust across different tested conditions, which are within a day, between days, within a single subject and between subjects that have similar demographic characteristics. Thus, muscle synergy theory has been largely used in several research fields, such as clinics, robotics and sports. The present systematical review aims at providing an overview on the applications of muscle synergy theory in clinics, robotics and sports; in particular, the review is focused on the papers that provide tangible information for: (i) diagnosis or pathology assessment in clinics; (ii) robot-control design in robotics; and (iii) athletes’ performance assessment or training guidelines in sports.
... It has the potential to lead a revolution in human-machine interaction due to its ability to measure human motion intention [5]. After more than 60 years of research, however, myoelectric control is still struggling with the translation from research to clinical and commercial applications, such as exoskeletons, robot teleoperation, human-computer interface, and prostheses [12,4,10]. One of the major gaps between scientific research and common usage is the lack of robust simultaneous control schemes [11]. ...
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Surface electromyogram (sEMG) is a bioelectric signal that can be captured non-invasively by placing electrodes on the human skin. The sEMG is capable of representing the action intent of nearby muscles. The research of myoelectric control using sEMG has been primarily driven by the potential to create human-machine interfaces which respond to users intentions intuitively. However, it is one of the major gaps between research and commercial applications that there are rarely robust simultaneous control schemes. This paper proposes one classification method and a potential real-time control scheme. Four machine learning classifiers have been tested and compared to find the best configuration for different potential applications, and non-negative matrix factorisation has been used as a pre-processing tool for performance improvement. This control scheme achieves its highest accuracy when it is adapted to a single user at a time. It can identify intact subjects hand movements with above 98 % precision and 91 % upwards for amputees but takes double the amount of time for decision-making.
... Castellini et al. [11] proposed a method termed as linearly enhanced training to tackle simultaneous classification, but these approaches are still subject-specific. Ison et al. [12], proposed a similar yet different approach where they implemented a subject independent decoding model to perform simultaneous and proportional control, by training the subjects in learning the inverse model of a fixed mapping function relating muscle activity to control outputs. ...
Conference Paper
Decoding simultaneous movements in the context of myoelectric control is becoming increasingly popular, because it is a more intuitive and natural way by which humans perform daily life activities. Current decoding techniques require the use of a calibration phase, and also on the use of machine learning algorithms in order to build the decoder model, and hence they are subject-specific. In this paper, we propose a unique subject-independent based decoding model, which is devoid of the calibration procedures required to train the decoder. The idea is to develop a model to decode two degrees of freedom involving the wrist and the hand, and incorporating both individual and combined motions. A set of experiments are performed in order to acquire electromyogram (EMG) signals for the entire set of motions. A hierarchical-decision tree approach is devised to build the model, by analyzing the relative activity patterns of the principal components of muscle activity in both individual and combined motions. The model is tested in a real-time scenario by means of a virtual graphical environment, and its performance is quantified. The results are promising, and indicate its capability to perform both individual and simultaneous motions.
Blast causes severe and complex injury patterns and significant rehabilitation challenges. By 2011/12, the peak of the Afghanistan conflict, complex trauma admissions into the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre Headley Court were equivalent to the total admissions into specialist inpatient NHS rehabilitation for the whole of England. These high casualty numbers enabled the rehabilitation specialists to evolve practice and challenge expectations. The service was built upon existing principles, namely early assessment, exercise-based rehabilitation, cross-disciplinary working, active case management, and rapid access to specialist opinions and investigations. Rehabilitation commenced at the earliest possible point in the intensive care unit in the deployed setting. This then progressed through to the inpatient trauma ward to the delivery of outpatient rehabilitation even while the patients were still in hospital. Finally, the integration of medical rehabilitation and transitional support agencies is critical in the support of the casualty in the final stages of their recovery.KeywordsRehabilitationComplex injuryAmputeesDMRCInterdisciplinarityPainProstheticsOsseointegration