Fig 3 - uploaded by Chao Xu
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3 Structures of single Tudor domains in complex with methylated peptides. a Structure of PHF1 single Tudor domain in complex with a histone H3K36me3 peptide. PHF1 is represented as blue ribbon. Selected amino acids including aromatic cage residues of PHF1 are shown in blue stick representation. H3K36me3 is shown in yellow stick representation with nitrogen and oxygen atoms marked blue and red, respectively. b Structure of PHF19 single Tudor 2 domain in complex with a histone H3K36me3 peptide. Same representation and color coding as in (a). c Structure of PHF20 single Tudor 2 domain in complex with a p53K370me2 peptide. Same representation and color coding as in (a) 

3 Structures of single Tudor domains in complex with methylated peptides. a Structure of PHF1 single Tudor domain in complex with a histone H3K36me3 peptide. PHF1 is represented as blue ribbon. Selected amino acids including aromatic cage residues of PHF1 are shown in blue stick representation. H3K36me3 is shown in yellow stick representation with nitrogen and oxygen atoms marked blue and red, respectively. b Structure of PHF19 single Tudor 2 domain in complex with a histone H3K36me3 peptide. Same representation and color coding as in (a). c Structure of PHF20 single Tudor 2 domain in complex with a p53K370me2 peptide. Same representation and color coding as in (a) 

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Protein domains of the Royal Family were the first methyllysine binding domains to be discovered. Here, we review what was learned from the structural studies of Royal Family members including chromo, Tudor, MBT, chromo barrel, and PWWP domains. Our main focus is on methyllysine reader domains for which three-dimensional structures are available in...


... Methylation of lysine results in chemically distinct ligands, which are recognized by diverse classes of reader domains that initiate cellular processes [9,16,120]. The size of lysine's side chain increases with each additional methylation, while maintaining the overall +1 charge of the ε-amine at physiological pH. ...
... Protein domains of the Royal Family proteins (chromodomain, chromobarrel, PWWP, Tudor domain) are composed of structurally conserved Src homology 3-like β-barrel topologies that recognize Kme3-containing ligands through an aromatic cage that mediates cation-π interactions [122]. Recognition of ligands by members of this family is often associated with chromatin condensation, transcription, silencing, repair, and maintenance of posttranslational modifications [120]. ...
... H3K4me3 is normally bound in an extended conformation that specifically interacts with the second Tudor domain. However, methylation of R8 leads to a reorientation of the Arg side chain towards the first Tudor domain for high affinity interactions [120,134]. ...
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Trimethyllysine is an important post-translationally modified amino acid with functions in the carnitine biosynthesis and regulation of key epigenetic processes. Protein lysine methyltransferases and demethylases dynamically control protein lysine methylation, with each state of methylation changing the biophysical properties of lysine and the subsequent effect on protein function, in particular histone proteins and their central role in epigenetics. Epigenetic reader domain proteins can distinguish between different lysine methylation states and initiate downstream cellular processes upon recognition. Dysregulation of protein methylation is linked to various diseases, including cancer, inflammation, and genetic disorders. In this review, we cover biomolecular studies on the role of trimethyllysine in carnitine biosynthesis, different enzymatic reactions involved in the synthesis and removal of trimethyllysine, trimethyllysine recognition by reader proteins, and the role of trimethyllysine on the nucleosome assembly.
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Chromatin-modifying complexes containing histone deacetylase (HDAC) activities play critical roles in the regulation of gene transcription in eukaryotes. These complexes are thought to lack intrinsic DNA-binding activity, but according to a well-established paradigm, they are recruited via protein-protein interactions by gene-specific transcription factors and post-translational histone modifications to their sites of action on the genome. The mammalian Sin3L/Rpd3L complex, comprising more than a dozen different polypeptides, is an ancient HDAC complex found in diverse eukaryotes. The subunits of this complex harbor conserved domains and motifs of unknown structure and function. Here we show that Sds3, a constitutively-associated subunit critical for the proper functioning of the Sin3L/Rpd3L complex, harbors a type of Tudor domain that we designate the capped Tudor domain (CTD). Unlike canonical Tudor domains that bind modified histones, the Sds3 CTD binds to nucleic acids that can form higher-order structures such as G-quadruplexes, and shares similarities with the knotted Tudor domain of the Esa1 histone acetyltransferase (HAT) that was previously shown to bind single-stranded RNA. Our findings expand the range of macromolecules capable of recruiting the Sin3L/Rpd3L complex and draw attention to potentially new biological roles for this HDAC complex.
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Chromatin-modifying complexes containing histone deacetylase (HDAC) activities play critical roles in the regulation of gene transcription in eukaryotes. These complexes are thought to lack intrinsic DNA-binding activity, but according to a well-established paradigm, they are recruited via protein-protein interactions by gene-specific transcription factors and post-translational histone modifications to their sites of action on the genome. The mammalian Sin3L/Rpd3L complex, comprising more than a dozen different polypeptides, is an ancient HDAC complex found in diverse eukaryotes. The subunits of this complex harbor conserved domains and motifs of unknown structure and function. Here we show that Sds3, a constitutively associated subunit critical for the proper functioning of the complex, harbors a type of Tudor domain that we designate the capped Tudor domain (CTD). Unlike canonical Tudor domains that bind modified histones, the Sds3 CTD binds to nucleic acids that can form higher-order structures such as G-quadruplexes, and shares similarities with the knotted Tudor domain of the Esa1 histone acetyltransferase (HAT) that was previously shown to bind single-stranded RNA. Our findings expand the range of macromolecules capable of recruiting the Sin3L/Rpd3L complex and draws attention to potentially new roles for this HDAC complex in transcription biology.
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SH3-fold-β-barrel domains of the chromo-like superfamily recognize epigenetic marks in eukaryotic proteins. Their provenance has been placed either in archaea, based on apparent structural similarity to chromatin-compacting Sul7d and Cren7 proteins, or in bacteria based on the presence of sequence homologs. Using sequence and structural evidence we establish that the archaeal Cren7/Sul7 proteins emerged from a zinc ribbon (ZnR) ancestor. Further, we show that the ancestral eukaryotic chromo-like domains evolved from bacterial versions, likely acquired from early endosymbioses, which already possessed an aromatic cage for recognition of modified amino-groups. These bacterial versions are part of a radiation of secreted SH3-fold domains, which spawned both chromo-like domains and classical SH3 domains in the context of peptide-recognition in the peptidoglycan or the extracellular matrix. This establishes that Cren7/Sul7 converged to a "SH3"-like state from a ZnR precursor via the loss of metal-chelation and acquisition of stronger hydrophobic interactions; it is unlikely to have participated in the evolution of the chromo-like domains. We show that archaea possess several Cren7/Sul7-related proteins with intact Zn-chelating ligands, which we predict to play previously unstudied roles in chromosome segregation during cell-division comparable to the PRC barrel and CdvA domain proteins.