Fig 12 - uploaded by Yassine Rhazali
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State digram model of "select products of order".

State digram model of "select products of order".

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The models transformation is the fundamental key in Model Driven Architecture approach. In Model Driven Architecture there are two transformations kinds: the CIM to PIM transformation and the PIM to PSM transformation. The researchers focused on the transformation from PIM level to PSM level, because there are several points in common between these...

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... It also consists of defining transformation rules between these three models: CIM, PIM, and PSM. MDA is used in various types of applications, such as mobile applications, websites, and user interfaces [27]. ...
Today, the tourism industry is significantly impacted by mobile applications leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to enhance tourists' experiences before, during, and after their visits. This technological convergence has given rise to Smart Tourism Destinations (STDs). However, efficiently integrating these functionalities into mobile apps poses a major challenge, leading to the emergence of chatbots. Companies like IBM, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon offer tools such as Watson, Bot Framework, Dialogflow, and Amazon Lex for their development. Nevertheless, creating chatbots remains intricate, demanding expertise in software development and AI, along with associated costs related to NLP service providers. Additionally, employing an appropriate modeling language is crucial for designing a chatbot. At this juncture, the concepts of software factories and Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) become indispensable. These innovative approaches provide solutions for addressing these complex challenges. Software factories automate the development process, expediting chatbot creation while ensuring consistency. Simultaneously, DSLs furnish tools for accurately modeling and articulating the specific requirements of smart tourism, simplifying the development of tailor-made chatbots suited to this domain. This article introduces a model-driven approach for a DSL aimed at offering an abstract, high-level representation of the various aspects of chatbots within the context of an intelligent tourism mobile application.
... The model-driven Architecture (MDA) is also used to implement MDD by using model transformations from CIM to PIM up To PSM [25,26]. MDA is used in several types of applications, such as mobile applications, websites, and user interfaces [27]. Perez et al. [28,29] It is implementing an IDE called Conga for automating the creation and migration of CA. ...
Conversational agents (CA) are software programs that can converse with users using natural language. They are now widely used in various domains, such as tourism, healthcare, and others, to perform tasks and provide permanent assistance to users by interacting with them in natural language. The development of such applications is a task that requires expertise in several fields, such as software engineering, machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP). However, several platforms and frameworks on the market facilitate the building of CA, such as Dialogflow, Rasa, and others. Recently, several research studies have proposed solutions to reduce the workload of developers and designers by offering their model-driven development approaches using domain-specific languages (DSLs), which facilitate the automation of the development of CA. This work aims to provide an Overview of CA to identify and describe their architecture and the details of its key components. and discuss the tools and technologies for their development. At the same time, discover the research topics that focus on using DSLs for model-driven development to automate and speed up the creation of these agents and discover approaches and technologies employed to implement each of these DSLs.
... Moreover, Rhazali et al. [15] in their method generated the UML models: use case diagram, package diagram, class diagrams [16], [17], and state diagram at the PIM level automatically, with the ATL language, from the UML activity diagram to develop their information system. In addition, Laaz et al. [18] proposed connecting domain ontologies and business process model and notation (BPMN) models at the CIM level to produce interaction flow modeling language (IFML) models [19] automatically with QVT [20]. ...
... For the model representation, all the studied papers start their alignment at the CIM level, and they use the flowing models; SGAP for [11], BPMN for [13], [18], [22]. UML Activity diagram is used by [15], DFD by [21] and E 3 value is proposed by our method. All studied papers deal with a process model in their source model, except our paper, which we based on a business value model for our source model, which gives a new dimension for representing the CIM level. ...
... For the target models representation, we have a textual representation for SBVR in [11], and the textual case model at [13]. All other paper generate graphical models like GoalCases in [11], use case diagram at [13], UML diagrams for [15], [22], IFML for [18], [22]. For our proposal, we generate the DFD which is a business process model, that can be used in the future for other research as a source model to generate their information system models as all studied papers based on it as a source model. ...
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With the massive development of end-users requirements, the model alignment has become an essential stage in software engineering, especially in the model driven architecture (MDA) approach, to absorb the end-user’s need. The purpose is to facilitate the alignment of new models from existing ones. Our contribution in this paper is to deal with the MDA higher abstraction lever by focusing on the automatic alignment of the business value with the business process models for the information system (IS). For our case, the data-flow diagram (DFD) illustrates the business process model, and the E<sup>3</sup>value model illustrates the business value model. However, the ATLAS-transformation language (ATL) ensures automatic alignment. The main goal is to facilitate and accelerate IS implementation while enhancing its quality.
... After highlighting all the OMG proposed levels, and since one of the MDA approach purposes is the model creation and generation between these different levels; we have in the literature that some researchers escape the first transformation from the highest levels (CIM and PIM levels) since these levels contain higher abstraction model character, most of which do not have defined standards [6]. Our challenge in this contribution is to propose an innovative solution that puts much focus on the construction and the generation of the MDA's Highest levels; to align the Agent Modeling Language (AML) Communicative Interaction diagram [2] with the E3value model [7]. ...
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With the massive growth of the software sector as well as the erratic needs of end users, agent-based information systems and Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach are among the liveliest and significant fields of experimentation and improvement to emerge in the recent decade. In this vein, we suggest in this research an innovative method that automates the construction and the generation processes of the interaction multi-agent models from the business requirements engineering models at the MDA highest abstraction levels. So, our defiance is to align the Agent Modeling Language (AML) Communicative Interaction diagram with the E3value model dealing with the MDA approach. The ATLAS-Transformation Language (ATL) is applied to automate the model alignment process. The goal is to reduce project effort, time, and development costs as all alignment process is automatically done, boosting the chances of being more competitive in the software business.
... But the technology has some disadvantages, for example, even though IFML modeling is still relatively a new technology, it is still best suited for modeling small programs rather than programs for large and medium-sized businesses. Rhazali et al. [22] Yes UML diagrams Kharmoum et al. [23] Yes UML class diagram Arrhioui et al. [24] Yes UML class diagram Khlif et al. [25] Yes BPMN Erraissi et al. [26] Yes UML class diagram Deeba et al. [27] Yes UML class diagram Srai et al. [28] Yes UML class diagram Betari et al. [29] Yes UML class diagram Koren et al. [30] Yes IFML ...
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The fundamental concept behind the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) approach is the development of many models, first the Computation Independent Model (CIM), then the Platform Independent Model (PIM), and lastly the Platform Specific Model (PSM) for the concrete implementation of the system. Web applications are just one example of customized software that is now being developed at an increasing rate. Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) was developed to represent the front end of any program that necessitates a powerful interaction with a user through the use of an interface, regardless of the technical details of its implementation. There are various modeling tools for IFML; the Webratio tool is an illustration that facilitates the generation of the entire web application. This article discusses the model transformations in the MDA’s approach, starting from the CIM level up to the PSM level through the PIM level. To begin, we created the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and IFML metamodels in Eclipse tool, we created also the BPMN model, and we get the IFML model by applying the shift rules in Atlas Transformation Language (ATL). Finally, we generated the application using a standard tool that implements IFML Webratio tool. A CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) features for the after-sales service case study were provided to illustrate the conversion strategy from the CIM level via the PIM level to the PSM level.
... The goal of our methodologies [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] is to ensure transformations from CIM to PIM, but we never talked about graphical interfaces automatic generation. ...
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MDA focuses on productivity and maintainability, OMG shows that the expected gains from adopting MDA are reduced operating costs and development time, increased return on investment and new technologies rapid integration into an existing system. MDA’s goal is to express the functional and implementation specifications of an application on a given platform independently. In this paper, we present a case study of course management in a department, illustrated by a class diagram and then we generate the code of classes using the enterprise architect software. This paper proposes also an approach in accord with MDA and IFML standards, our approach is about graphical user interfaces (GUI) automatic generation, starting from the business process model on CIM level, to the generation of graphic interfaces code on PSM model by applying MDA model transformations.
... However, we can model business process to improve communication with customers or partners, for controlling business process, or to establish an information system (Rhazali et al., 2018). Namun, perusahaan dapat memodelkan proses bisnis untuk meningkatkan komunikasi dengan pelanggan atau mitra, untuk mengendalikan proses bisnis, atau untuk membangun sistem informasi dalam operasional perusahaan. ...
ABSTRAK Proses bisnis merupakan serangkaian aktivitas yang dilakukan baik secara paralel maupun berurutan untuk mencapai suatu tujuan. Transformasi mengacu pada perubahan mendasar dalam organisasi, yang berdampak besar pada strategi dan struktur organisasi. perusahaan dapat memodelkan proses bisnis untuk meningkatkan komunikasi dengan pelanggan atau mitra, untuk mengendalikan proses bisnis, atau untuk membangun sistem informasi dalam operasional perusahaan. Strategi bisnis Unilever Indonesia dalam menciptakan nilai bagi pemegang saham melalui model bisnis yang memadukan tiga elemen utama yaitu merek, operasional dan karyawan. Keunggulan Unilever Indonesia akan memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menciptakan nilai lebih untuk pelanggannya dan perusahaan dapat memperoleh keuntungan yang lebih tinggi Kata Kunci : Proses Bisnis, Transformasi, Model Bisnis, Unilever Indonesia ABSTRACT A business process is a series of activities carried out either in parallel or sequentially to achieve a goal. Transformation refers to a fundamental change in the organization, which has a major impact on the strategy and structure of the organization. companies can model business processes to improve communication with customers or partners, to control business processes, or to build information systems in company operations. Unilever Indonesia's business strategy is to create value for shareholders through a business model that combines three main elements, namely brand, operations and employees. Unilever Indonesia's advantages will enable the company to create more value for its customers and the company can earn higher profits
... However, we can model business process to improve communication with customers or partners, for controlling business process, or to establish an information system (Rhazali et al., 2018). Namun, perusahaan dapat memodelkan proses bisnis untuk meningkatkan komunikasi dengan pelanggan atau mitra, untuk mengendalikan proses bisnis, atau untuk membangun sistem informasi dalam operasional perusahaan. ...
... There are more than ten papers considering UML AD as the source notation, but only [26] presents an automatic CDM generator (named ADBdesign) based on the complete source model. Several papers [17,18,20,25,32,49,50,67,68] present the automatic, mainly ATL-and QVT-based, data model generation based on the incomplete source model, but with modest effectiveness, while the others present only manual data model derivation. ...
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The existing tools that aim to derive data models from business process models are typically able to process the source models represented by one single notation and also serialized in one specific way. However, the standards (e.g., BPMN) enable different serialization formats and also provide serialization flexibility, which leads to various implementations of the standard in different modeling tools and results in differently serialized models in practice, which therefore significantly constraints usability of the existing model-driven tools. In this article, we present an approach to automatic derivation of conceptual database models from business process models represented by different notations, with particular focus on differently serialized process models. A deterministic rule-based approach is proposed to overcome the serialization specificities and to enable extraction of characteristic elements from differently serialized process models. Based on the proposed approach, we implemented an online web-based model-driven tool named AMADEOS, which is able to automatically derive conceptual database models from process models represented by different notations and also differently serialized. The experimental results show that the proposed approach and implemented tool enable successful extraction of specific elements from differently serialized process models and enable derivation of the target conceptual database models with very high completeness and precision.
... The second layer corresponds to the Platform Independent Model (PIM), it is a logical and technical model. It is also totally obtained from the transformation of the first level model using MDA architecture [15] and [16]. The Platform Specific Model (PSM) is the third layer. ...
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Interface and interaction design take up most of the times in software creation. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is mainly the best way to interact with a computer. During software development, class diagram is the only required step and process to design an information system according to UML notation. In addition, creating class diagram is a mandatory activity during the software creation process. The aim of this paper is to automatically generate the HCI mockup from class diagram to make easy and extremely fast software design. For example, the SEF (Schéma d’Enchaînement de Fenêtre), is an interface model allowing to create a new interface mockup. It offers more widgets to design the HCI. And MACAO (Méthode d’Analyse et de Conception d’Applications Orientées-objets) is one of the methods which helps computer scientist to easily create software. The model transformation is based on Model Driven Engineering (MDE). We use UML notation to design the class diagrams. We also adopt MDA architecture to create the model-based transformation process. Transformation rules are created using Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) to automatically generate a specific interface from the class diagram.