'Starry Sky Map' as part of the authors' cognitive model for a strategy for the development of MPK Dinskoi, ZAO

'Starry Sky Map' as part of the authors' cognitive model for a strategy for the development of MPK Dinskoi, ZAO

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The trend towards closer links between business and information technology has paved the way for the emergence of enterprise architecture, a method for managing a company's information systems. The concept of enterprise architecture involves the development of the structure of a company's information system in alignment with specific requirements s...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... then draw a line (axis) from each of the factors to the circle's center. Figure 3 features the 4 circles, whose colors match those of the groups of strategic areas (Figure 2). ...
Context 2
... the next stage, we take a circle associated with a particular group and place on it the specific factors which make up that group. Figure 3 illustrates this step using blue dots. ...
Context 3
... for instance, as is seen in the cognitive model (Figure 2), the factor Х 1 has incoming relationships from the groups Clients and Products and Business Processes. Figure 3 illustrates this using white dots placed on the circles. ...
Context 4
... there are dots on a specific line at each point of its intersection with the four circles, the factor with which that line is associated will be regarded as a key one. As is seen in Figure 3, the factors Х 3 , Х 7 , and Х 14 can be considered as key factors (each marked with a red outline). Thus, the conclusion can be made that the key strategic areas for the development of MPK Dinskoi, ZAO are: ...
Context 5
... then draw a line (axis) from each of the factors to the circle's center. Figure 3 features the 4 circles, whose colors match those of the groups of strategic areas (Figure 2). ...
Context 6
... the next stage, we take a circle associated with a particular group and place on it the specific factors which make up that group. Figure 3 illustrates this step using blue dots. ...
Context 7
... for instance, as is seen in the cognitive model (Figure 2), the factor Х 1 has incoming relationships from the groups Clients and Products and Business Processes. Figure 3 illustrates this using white dots placed on the circles. ...
Context 8
... there are dots on a specific line at each point of its intersection with the four circles, the factor with which that line is associated will be regarded as a key one. As is seen in Figure 3, the factors Х 3 , Х 7 , and Х 14 can be considered as key factors (each marked with a red outline). Thus, the conclusion can be made that the key strategic areas for the development of MPK Dinskoi, ZAO are: ...

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