Figure 4 - uploaded by Woo-Suk Tae
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Spatial relationship between the lesion and corticospinal tract. The subtracted percentage map (the difference map of percentage of overlapped lesions) was overlaid on the corticospinal tract (green). The colour bar represents the subtracted percentage of overlapped lesions from the patients in the CRPS and control groups. MR images are displayed according to neurological convention. The lesion site from our experimental results substantially overlapped with the descending pathway of the corticospinal tract.

Spatial relationship between the lesion and corticospinal tract. The subtracted percentage map (the difference map of percentage of overlapped lesions) was overlaid on the corticospinal tract (green). The colour bar represents the subtracted percentage of overlapped lesions from the patients in the CRPS and control groups. MR images are displayed according to neurological convention. The lesion site from our experimental results substantially overlapped with the descending pathway of the corticospinal tract.

Source publication
Full-text available
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a common poststroke complication. However, the neural substrates associated with CRPS remain unclear. We investigated the neural correlates associated with poststroke CRPS using voxel-based lesion‒symptom mapping (VLSM) analysis. Among 145 patients with ischemic stroke, 35 were diagnosed with CRPS and catego...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... with poststroke CRPS using VLSM. The lesion overlay maps for each group are presented in Fig. 3A,B. The voxel-wise comparison maps by subtraction for two samples are presented in Fig. 3C,D. When compared to the previously documented CST pathway (indicated by the green line) 25 , these maps overlap with the CST that governs the motor function (Fig. 4). Furthermore, Fig. 5 presents the voxelwise comparison maps created by analysis of nonparametric tests for two samples, with adjustment for age and sex confounders. Similar to the simple subtraction map described in Fig. 3C,D, damage to the white matter of Table 1. General characteristics of subjects. All ordinary and continuous data ...
Context 2
... location associated with poststroke CRPS using VLSM. The lesion overlay maps for each group are presented in Figures 3A and B. The voxel-wise comparison maps by subtraction for two samples are presented in Figures 3C and D. When compared to the previously documented CST pathway (indicated by the green line), 25 these maps overlap with the CST that governs the motor function (Figure 4). Furthermore, Figure 5 presents the voxel-wise comparison maps created by analysis of nonparametric tests for two samples, with adjustment for age and sex confounders. ...

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Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a common poststroke complication. However, the neural substrates associated with CRPS remain unclear. We investigated the neural correlates associated with poststroke CRPS using voxel-based lesion‒symptom mapping (VLSM) analysis. Among 145 patients with ischemic stroke, 35 were diagnosed with CRPS and catego...