Spatial distribution of emergency response capability evaluation indicators of public service institutions: (a) road density; (b) comprehensive density of public service institutions; (c) hospital density; (d) fire station density; (e) police station density; (f) inundation depth under 50-year pluvial flooding scenario; (g) inundation depth under 100-year pluvial flooding scenario; (h) inundation depth under 500-year pluvial flooding scenario; (i) inundation area under the 50-year pluvial flooding scenario; (j) inundation area under the 100-year pluvial flooding scenario; (k) inundation area under the 500-year pluvial flooding scenario.

Spatial distribution of emergency response capability evaluation indicators of public service institutions: (a) road density; (b) comprehensive density of public service institutions; (c) hospital density; (d) fire station density; (e) police station density; (f) inundation depth under 50-year pluvial flooding scenario; (g) inundation depth under 100-year pluvial flooding scenario; (h) inundation depth under 500-year pluvial flooding scenario; (i) inundation area under the 50-year pluvial flooding scenario; (j) inundation area under the 100-year pluvial flooding scenario; (k) inundation area under the 500-year pluvial flooding scenario.

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The evaluation of emergency response capability under different pluvial flooding scenarios is an essential approach to improve the emergency response capability of flood disasters. A new evaluation method of emergency response capacity of urban public services is proposed based on urban pluvial flooding scenario simulation. Firstly, inundation area...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... kernel density analysis tool in the GIS-based spatial analysis obtains the spat distribution of road network density, medical, public security and firefighting density an their comprehensive density [33] (Figure 5). Then, the emergency response capability an comprehensive emergency response capability of medical, public security and firefightin respectively are evaluated by the overlapping method (Figures 6-9). ...
Context 2
... kernel density analysis tool in the GIS-based spatial analysis obtains the spatial distribution of road network density, medical, public security and firefighting density and their comprehensive density [33] (Figure 5). Then, the emergency response capability and comprehensive emergency response capability of medical, public security and firefighting respectively are evaluated by the overlapping method (Figures 6-9). ...


... Сценарій-орієнтоване симуляційне навчання повинно бути широко імплементоване в освітній процес з підготовки та підвищення кваліфікації медичних кадрів і активно використовуватися під час викладання усіх клінічних дисциплін, насамперед з надання екстреної медичної допомоги. Такий підхід має стати невід'ємною частиною медичної освіти та безперервного професійного розвитку, оскільки дає здобувачам освіти можливість неодноразово практикувати й удосконалювати свою професійну компетентність без будь-яких ризиків для пацієнтів [6][7][8]. ...
У статті оцінено вплив впровадження сценарій-орієнтованого симуляційного навчання на динаміку змін показників рівня сформованості професійної компетентності здобувачів освіти з надання невідкладної допомоги. У дослідженні взяли участь 59 здобувачів ОНМедУ, які вивчали базову і розширену підтримку життєдіяльності і надання невідкладної допомоги під час травми. Оцінювання рівня знань, власної професійної компетентності і впевненості проводилося під час пре-тесту, пост-тесту одразу після виконання симуляційних сценаріїв та пост-тесту через 3 місяці. Рівень упевненості всіх здобувачів за всіма навичками значно виріс одразу після проходження навчання (21,8±1,33%, p<0,001), через 3 місяці залишився практично на тому ж рівні (19,14±1,54%, p<0,001). Виживання знань через 3 місяці становило 18,8 ±1,71%. Така методика навчання є високоефективною та має бути впроваджена у процес підвищення кваліфікації медичного персоналу задля підвищення якості надання медичної допомоги.
... With a similar objective to the present research on rescue and assistance, there are studies by Sortino and Perles (2017) [46], Coles et al. (2017) [47], Yin, Yu, and Liao (2021) [48], and Zhang et al. (2022) [49]. These studies develop methods that combine flood modeling with network analysis to assess intra-urban accessibility by emergency services during flood events. ...
... With a similar objective to the present research on rescue and assistance, there are studies by Sortino and Perles (2017) [46], Coles et al. (2017) [47], Yin, Yu, and Liao (2021) [48], and Zhang et al. (2022) [49]. These studies develop methods that combine flood modeling with network analysis to assess intra-urban accessibility by emergency services during flood events. ...
... There are some previous experiences with a similar objective to the present research. For example, the research by Sortino and Perles (2017) [46], Coles et al. (2017) [47], Yin, Yu, and Liao (2021) [48], and Zhang et al. (2022) [49] pursues a similar objective to the present investigation, developing methods that combine flood modeling with network analysis to assess intra-urban accessibility by emergency services during flood events. In contrast to previous proposals that focus on modeling the accessibility of emergency services during the disaster to the affected territory as a whole, selecting some facilities as in the case of Coles et al. (2017) [47], the present research identifies the location of the most vulnerable population, buildings, and infrastructure that require priority attention. ...
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The assessment of vulnerability to the danger of flooding, with a focus on the need for rescue and assistance from the population, is still in an exploratory scientific phase. The main objective of this research is to propose a methodology based on the issues of rescue and assistance in the face of the risk of floods and to provide a tool for its management. A series of maps is presented, indicating those territorial elements that require rescue and surveillance in a prioritized manner in a visual and accessible way for public administration. Four methodological cartographic proposals have been designed as follows: (1) a map of territory sectors with special rescue needs (dependent population and/or buildings without shelter); a map of the impact on transportation infrastructure and vulnerable areas of buildings (2); a map of vulnerability to possible disorder and looting caused by flooding events (3); and a map of the increase in the cost of deployment for rescue and assistance systems (4). As an experimental zone to test the effectiveness of these proposals, a peri-urban area of the municipality of Málaga (Spain) is chosen, which has an extensive history of severe floods. The results confirm the applied and preventive nature of the tool, which can be incorporated into flood risk management plans and local flood risk action plans developed by public administrations. The main finding of the research is the technical advancement that comes with a precise understanding of vulnerability and its resulting issues for better flood risk management.
... The combined weights Z i are calculated using Equation (1) . Generally, we consider a = b = 0.5 (39). ...
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As a strong economic and populous province in China, Jiangsu is home to four endemic diseases. Despite efforts in the past decade, the prevention and control of these four endemic diseases are not uniform because of the different etiological chains and influencing factors of these diseases. Among the evaluation methodologies for endemic disease control, only one method is currently available for each disease. In this study, we selected 14 indicators to comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of endemic disease control in Jiangsu between 2013 and 2022. We improved the method for calculating the weights of the indicators and established a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model based on the weighted Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution model and a weighted grey relational analysis model. The results of the comprehensive evaluation showed that the progress of endemic disease control in Jiangsu was not always in line with our expectations of improvement, with the top five years of better control occurring in 2015, 2013, 2021, 2022, and 2014. The results of the sensitivity analysis confirm the reliability and accuracy of these findings. We discovered that measures such as the reform of the salt industry, use of thyroid ultrasound, and new water supply projects for residents in Jiangsu affected the progress of endemic disease prevention and control. The tracking of endemic disease status should consider the potential effects of changes in policies implemented in other industries on endemic disease prevention and control. Additionally, the results of this study provide a theoretical basis for enhancing prevention and control practices in other regions of China.
... We compared the results of the proposed GT-AHP-EM method with AHP, EM and some well-known methods for road traffic situation assessment, such as the Combination of the Entropy Method and Variation Coefficient Method (EM-VC) [46] and the Bayesian network (BN) [47]. We performed the prediction evaluation based on the four metrics presented in Section 3.3. ...
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The complex and diverse urban road traffic environments make it difficult to accurately assess road traffic situations. This paper proposes a collaborative monitoring method for urban road traffic situational assessment during emergency events. This method is applied to a monitoring network mapped by road geographic relations. When an emergency event is captured by a monitoring node in the network, road traffic situational awareness is completed by an activation function. Then, the Incidence matrix of the emergency event is constructed based on the node degree of this monitoring node. The collaborative node set and collaborative monitoring area are formed dynamically from this Incidence matrix. Finally, the AHP and EM combination weight calculation method based on Game Theory (GT-AHP-EM) is used to fuse the data of various information in the collaborative monitoring area to predict the current road traffic trend. The experiments show that the collaborative monitoring method can effectively assess road traffic conditions and enhance the accuracy of road traffic trend prediction.