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Slope Analysis Map Source : data processed (2016) 

Slope Analysis Map Source : data processed (2016) 

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Pongkor Mining Ecotourism Area has a diverse landscape character as a potential landscape resources for the development of ecotourism destination. This area is part of the Mount of Botol Resort, Halimun Salak National Park (HSNP). This area also has a fairly high biodiversity. This study aims to identify and analysis the category of landscape chara...

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... the east, and south increasingly visible elevation, reaches a height of ± 900-1000 meters asl. Based on the slope analysis, there was a Several classes: 1) 0-3%, 2) 3-15%, 4) 15-25%, 5) 25- 45%, and 6)> 45% ( figure 3). The results of the analysis showed that the slope at locations scattered research slope from flat to steep. ...


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The Gunung Pongkor post-mining area has several objects that have the potential as ecotourism objects such as natural phenomena, flora and fauna, as well as tailings and mine buildings that will be abandoned and have the potential as heritage buildings. The study aims to identify and analysis the potential of these objects for ecotourism development based on landscape character through expert judgement. This study used a qualitative descriptive method through assessment surveys and interviews. The stages in this research are: 1) identification of ecotourism objects and 2) analysis of potential ecotourism objects. The uniqueness of potential natural phenomena is the most important variable compared to its beauty and scarcity. The existence of areas where there are almost extinct, vulnerable, and critical flora and fauna is the most important assessment variable and must be protected. The scarcity of heritage buildings is the most important variable compared to their uniqueness and beauty. The potential variable is compared to the value of the weight of its importance as something that must be a concern for protecting ecotourism objects and developing ecotourism destination area. The protection carried out is to protect the character of the landscape where the unique natural phenomena are located, protect the habitat and types of flora and fauna from extinction and protect the scarcity of heritage buildings from destruction.
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The Gunung Pongkor post-mining area has some resources potential for ecotourism destination. The development of area’s ecosystem in the Gunung Pongkor post-mining area needs to protect the ecosystem and prevent activities that do damage within the area. In this case, it is necessary to make institutional model for ecotourism development in the Gunung Pongkor post-mining area. The objectives of this study are 1) to identify the elements in the development structure variable; 2) to analyze objective variables, needs variables, constraint variables, and actor variables; 3) to create institutional model for ecotourism development in the Gunung Pongkor post-mining area. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) analysis. The elements analyzed are 1) the objectives to be achieved in the development of the ecotourism areas, 2) the needs in the development of the ecotourism areas, 3) the obstacles that need to be overcome, and 4) the actors who play a role in the development of the ecotourism areas. The key element of the goal for ecotourism development in the Gunung Pongkor post-mining area is to provide education to the local community about environmental management and culture. In the development process, a master plan and legality of the area as ecotourism are needed. Some of the main obstacles in the development of this area are the absence of a change in the status of a forest area to an ecotourism area and a lack of knowledge about the conservation of natural resources and the environment. The key actors needed in developing this area are Regional Planning, Research, and Development Agency of Bogor Regency Regional Government, Tourism and Culture Office of Bogor Regency Regional Government, Environmental Office of Bogor Regency Regional Government. The diversity of the existing potential is utilized to the fullest it resolves problem that occur in this area in achieving an ecotourism area based on landscape characters in the Gunung Pongkor post-mining through collaborative ecotourism development.
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Nüfus artışı, plansız kentleşme ve sanayi kaynaklı etkiler özellikle içerisinde bulunduğumuz yüzyılda, etkisini artan oranlarda hissettirmekte ve çevre üzerindeki baskısını arttırmaktadır. Bu baskılar peyzajların bozulmasına ve sulak alanlar gibi hassas ekosistemlere sahip alanlarda geri dönüşü mümkün olmayan kayıpların yaşanmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu kayıplar çevresel kaygıların ön plana çıkmasını ve bu doğrultuda uluslararası bir takım adımlar atılması gerekliliğini beraberinde getirmiştir. Peyzajların tanımlanması, korunması, yönetilmesi ve planlaması konularında uluslararası bir dil birliği geliştirilmesi amacıyla imzaya açılan Avrupa Peyzaj Sözleşmesi bu konuda atılan en önemli adımlardan biridir. APS gereğince; taraf ülkelerin tümü, peyzajlarını tanımlama, peyzaj karakter tiplerini belirleme, peyzajın değişim ve dönüşümünü izlemeyi taahhüt etmişlerdir. Bu çalışmada ülkemizin de taraf olduğu APS’den hareketle aynı zamanda uluslararası öneme sahip bir sulak alan olan Uluabat Gölü ve çevresinde planlama, yönetim, koruma ve sürdürülebilir alan kullanımına yönelik karar alma aşamalarında önemli bir yeri olan peyzaj karakter değerlendirme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada peyzaj karakter değerlendirme yönteminin bir aşaması olan peyzaj karakter analizindeki, peyzaj karakter tip ve alanlarının belirlenmesi aşamasına odaklanılmıştır. Çalışma alanının belirlenmesinde Ramsar tampon bölge sınırları dikkate alınmıştır. CBS tekniklerinden yararlanılan ve arazi çalışmalarıyla desteklenen çalışma sonucunda 229 adet peyzaj karakter tipi ve 7 adet peyzaj karakter alanı belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen her bir peyzaj karakter alanına ilişkin baskı unsurları ortaya konularak, sürdürülebilir alan kullanımına ilişkin öneriler geliştirilmiştir.
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The Pongkor post-mining area is designated as one of the ecotourism areas in Bogor. This area has biodiversity of flora and fauna. This study aims to: (1) analysis the importance value index (IVI) of flora types; (2) analysis species richness index, species diversity index, and relative species abundance index; (3) analysis the beauty, the uniqueness and the rarity of the flora and fauna types. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. Based on the identification results, 185 species of flora are distributed in this region. During the rainy season, 15 species of herpetofauna were identified, 32 types of aves , and 4 types of mammals, while in the dry season 19 species of herpetofauna were identified, 23 types of aves , and 2 types of mammals. Based on the results of the analysis conducted on these flora and fauna, there are flora species that have high IVI values and some beautiful and unique flora species that are in the category of endangered species. Besides that, there are also fauna species which have a value of species richness index, species diversity index, and relative species abundance index, as well as some beautiful, unique, and fauna species that are in the category of endangered species.