Fig 1 - uploaded by Letizia Spampinato
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Simplified tectonic map of Mount Etna, modified after 

Simplified tectonic map of Mount Etna, modified after 

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The 2002–03 Mt Etna flank eruption began on 26 October 2002 and finished on 28 January 2003, after three months of continuous explosive activity and discontinuous lava flow output. The eruption involved the opening of eruptive fissures on the NE and S flanks of the volcano, with lava flow output and fire fountaining until 5 November. After this dat...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... about 4:00 GMT on 27 October, a third fissure opened along the NE-Rift. This fissure was 3.7 km long and trended SW-NE (Figs. 2, 4). It propagated between 2500 m and 1890 m a.s.l. in less than 24 h. In Fig. 3 we show segment 3a between 2500 and 2300 m a.s.l., observations, which revealed low-level strombolian ac- trending N20–30E, that was 1.2 km long and showed tivity inside the crater. Strombolian activity at this crater violent strombolian activity. Segments 3b+3c of the fis- increased in July, leading to fallout of bombs on the sure, 0.7 km long and trending N30–45E, formed in a crater’s outer flanks. The erupted products were por- right en-echelon arrangement between 2290 and 2190 m phyritic (phenocrysts made up 25% of the total volume) a.s.l., producing fire fountaining and effusive activity. trachybasalts with their mineral assemblage dominated Lava effusion produced a 1 km-long flow from a vent at by plagioclase. These features are typical of volcanics 2500 m a.s.l. During the down-slope propagation of the produced by summit craters over the past 10 years fissure system a series of pit craters formed along the (Corsaro and Pompilio 2004a, 2004b). During this whole upper segments and the first, upper lava flow became period, the SEC remained quiescent, with its conduit inactive. Meanwhile, a second flow emerged from a vent obstructed, whilst Voragine (VOR; Fig. 3) showed pre- at 2200 m a.s.l. flowing east and partially submerging the dominantly quiescent degassing. Piano Provenzana tourist infrastructure (Figs. 4, 6a). A On 22 September 2002, an earthquake (Md=3.7, fo- shallow seismic swarm associated with the fissure prop- cal depth=5 km; Acocella et al. 2003), accompanied by agation seriously damaged all of the tourist-hotel facilities surface fracturing, occurred along the PFS (Fig. 1). This on Piano Provenzana. The earthquakes caused movements earthquake strongly remobilised the PFS after about along the whole PFS (~18 km) and up the Ionian coast 15 years of quasi-quiescence, marking the beginning of an (Acocella et al. 2003; Neri et al. 2004). On the early important displacement of the eastern flank of Etna. A morning of 28 October, the northern eruptive fissure survey on the summit of the volcano carried out imme- (N45–65E) propagated down-slope for 1.8 km to 1890 m a.s.l. The lower segment (3d, Fig. 3) of the fracture At about 4:00 GMT on 27 October, a third fissure opened along the NE-Rift. This fissure was 3.7 km long and trended SW-NE (Figs. 2, 4). It propagated between 2500 m and 1890 m a.s.l. in less than 24 h. In Fig. 3 we show segment 3a between 2500 and 2300 m a.s.l., trending N20–30E, that was 1.2 km long and showed violent strombolian activity. Segments 3b+3c of the fissure, 0.7 km long and trending N30–45E, formed in a right en-echelon arrangement between 2290 and 2190 m a.s.l., producing fire fountaining and effusive activity. Lava effusion produced a 1 km-long flow from a vent at 2500 m a.s.l. During the down-slope propagation of the fissure system a series of pit craters formed along the upper segments and the first, upper lava flow became inactive. Meanwhile, a second flow emerged from a vent at 2200 m a.s.l. flowing east and partially submerging the Piano Provenzana tourist infrastructure (Figs. 4, 6a). A shallow seismic swarm associated with the fissure propagation seriously damaged all of the tourist-hotel facilities on Piano Provenzana. The earthquakes caused movements along the whole PFS (~18 km) and up the Ionian coast (Acocella et al. 2003; Neri et al. 2004). On the early morning of 28 October, the northern eruptive fissure (N45–65E) propagated down-slope for 1.8 km to 1890 m a.s.l. The lower segment (3d, Fig. 3) of the fracture (~1 km long) showed continuous strombolian activity and a lava flow directed NE (Fig. 4), that travelled a distance of ~2.5 km (Fig. 6b) in a few hours. On 29 October, a NW-SE tectonic structure (SV in Fig. 1) located on the lower eastern flank of the volcano was activated by seismic swarms of 4.4 maximum mag- nitude that caused serious damage to houses and infrastructure around S. Venerina (SV in Fig. 1; Acocella et al. 2003). During the same day, the NE lava flow slowed and a new lava flow erupted from the same fissure (seg- ment 3d in Fig. 3) at 1930 m a.s.l., flowing SE and in- vading Piano Provenzana. The NE flow (Fig. 4) stopped on 31 October after having travelled 2.8 km, when a decline in effusion rate was observed. The explosive activity began to decrease slowly from 29 October and on 1 November it was limited to just two vents on the lower portion of the fissure, between 1950 and 1900 m a.s.l. This indicated a general waning of the eruptive activity on this side of the volcano. The eruptive plume did not exceed an altitude of 1 km above the vents, and fallout affected only the nearby areas. Strombolian activity formed two coalescent spatter cones at 1950–1900 m a.s.l. The E lava flow reached a final length of 6.2 km, and stopped its expansion on 3 November (Fig. 4). After lava supply from the main vent was cut off, 20 m of down- slope movement was observed at the most advanced flow front on 5 November. This late movement was caused by channel emptying, and occurred when lava coming from the main vent was completely crusted over. The ski station and tourist shops on Piano Provenzana were first destroyed by earthquakes then partially covered by lava flows. The flows also caused fires and destroyed parts of the old Linguaglossa pine forest (Fig. 4). Explosive and effusive activity completely stopped at the north fissure on 5 November. The morphology of the lava flows was “aa” in type, and the longer flows showed formation of wide ...
Context 2
... about 4:00 GMT on 27 October, a third fissure opened along the NE-Rift. This fissure was 3.7 km long and trended SW-NE (Figs. 2, 4). It propagated between 2500 m and 1890 m a.s.l. in less than 24 h. In Fig. 3 we show segment 3a between 2500 and 2300 m a.s.l., observations, which revealed low-level strombolian ac- trending N20–30E, that was 1.2 km long and showed tivity inside the crater. Strombolian activity at this crater violent strombolian activity. Segments 3b+3c of the fis- increased in July, leading to fallout of bombs on the sure, 0.7 km long and trending N30–45E, formed in a crater’s outer flanks. The erupted products were por- right en-echelon arrangement between 2290 and 2190 m phyritic (phenocrysts made up 25% of the total volume) a.s.l., producing fire fountaining and effusive activity. trachybasalts with their mineral assemblage dominated Lava effusion produced a 1 km-long flow from a vent at by plagioclase. These features are typical of volcanics 2500 m a.s.l. During the down-slope propagation of the produced by summit craters over the past 10 years fissure system a series of pit craters formed along the (Corsaro and Pompilio 2004a, 2004b). During this whole upper segments and the first, upper lava flow became period, the SEC remained quiescent, with its conduit inactive. Meanwhile, a second flow emerged from a vent obstructed, whilst Voragine (VOR; Fig. 3) showed pre- at 2200 m a.s.l. flowing east and partially submerging the dominantly quiescent degassing. Piano Provenzana tourist infrastructure (Figs. 4, 6a). A On 22 September 2002, an earthquake (Md=3.7, fo- shallow seismic swarm associated with the fissure prop- cal depth=5 km; Acocella et al. 2003), accompanied by agation seriously damaged all of the tourist-hotel facilities surface fracturing, occurred along the PFS (Fig. 1). This on Piano Provenzana. The earthquakes caused movements earthquake strongly remobilised the PFS after about along the whole PFS (~18 km) and up the Ionian coast 15 years of quasi-quiescence, marking the beginning of an (Acocella et al. 2003; Neri et al. 2004). On the early important displacement of the eastern flank of Etna. A morning of 28 October, the northern eruptive fissure survey on the summit of the volcano carried out imme- (N45–65E) propagated down-slope for 1.8 km to 1890 m a.s.l. The lower segment (3d, Fig. 3) of the fracture At about 4:00 GMT on 27 October, a third fissure opened along the NE-Rift. This fissure was 3.7 km long and trended SW-NE (Figs. 2, 4). It propagated between 2500 m and 1890 m a.s.l. in less than 24 h. In Fig. 3 we show segment 3a between 2500 and 2300 m a.s.l., trending N20–30E, that was 1.2 km long and showed violent strombolian activity. Segments 3b+3c of the fissure, 0.7 km long and trending N30–45E, formed in a right en-echelon arrangement between 2290 and 2190 m a.s.l., producing fire fountaining and effusive activity. Lava effusion produced a 1 km-long flow from a vent at 2500 m a.s.l. During the down-slope propagation of the fissure system a series of pit craters formed along the upper segments and the first, upper lava flow became inactive. Meanwhile, a second flow emerged from a vent at 2200 m a.s.l. flowing east and partially submerging the Piano Provenzana tourist infrastructure (Figs. 4, 6a). A shallow seismic swarm associated with the fissure propagation seriously damaged all of the tourist-hotel facilities on Piano Provenzana. The earthquakes caused movements along the whole PFS (~18 km) and up the Ionian coast (Acocella et al. 2003; Neri et al. 2004). On the early morning of 28 October, the northern eruptive fissure (N45–65E) propagated down-slope for 1.8 km to 1890 m a.s.l. The lower segment (3d, Fig. 3) of the fracture (~1 km long) showed continuous strombolian activity and a lava flow directed NE (Fig. 4), that travelled a distance of ~2.5 km (Fig. 6b) in a few hours. On 29 October, a NW-SE tectonic structure (SV in Fig. 1) located on the lower eastern flank of the volcano was activated by seismic swarms of 4.4 maximum mag- nitude that caused serious damage to houses and infrastructure around S. Venerina (SV in Fig. 1; Acocella et al. 2003). During the same day, the NE lava flow slowed and a new lava flow erupted from the same fissure (seg- ment 3d in Fig. 3) at 1930 m a.s.l., flowing SE and in- vading Piano Provenzana. The NE flow (Fig. 4) stopped on 31 October after having travelled 2.8 km, when a decline in effusion rate was observed. The explosive activity began to decrease slowly from 29 October and on 1 November it was limited to just two vents on the lower portion of the fissure, between 1950 and 1900 m a.s.l. This indicated a general waning of the eruptive activity on this side of the volcano. The eruptive plume did not exceed an altitude of 1 km above the vents, and fallout affected only the nearby areas. Strombolian activity formed two coalescent spatter cones at 1950–1900 m a.s.l. The E lava flow reached a final length of 6.2 km, and stopped its expansion on 3 November (Fig. 4). After lava supply from the main vent was cut off, 20 m of down- slope movement was observed at the most advanced flow front on 5 November. This late movement was caused by channel emptying, and occurred when lava coming from the main vent was completely crusted over. The ski station and tourist shops on Piano Provenzana were first destroyed by earthquakes then partially covered by lava flows. The flows also caused fires and destroyed parts of the old Linguaglossa pine forest (Fig. 4). Explosive and effusive activity completely stopped at the north fissure on 5 November. The morphology of the lava flows was “aa” in type, and the longer flows showed formation of wide ...
Context 3
... about 4:00 GMT on 27 October, a third fissure opened along the NE-Rift. This fissure was 3.7 km long and trended SW-NE (Figs. 2, 4). It propagated between 2500 m and 1890 m a.s.l. in less than 24 h. In Fig. 3 we show segment 3a between 2500 and 2300 m a.s.l., observations, which revealed low-level strombolian ac- trending N20–30E, that was 1.2 km long and showed tivity inside the crater. Strombolian activity at this crater violent strombolian activity. Segments 3b+3c of the fis- increased in July, leading to fallout of bombs on the sure, 0.7 km long and trending N30–45E, formed in a crater’s outer flanks. The erupted products were por- right en-echelon arrangement between 2290 and 2190 m phyritic (phenocrysts made up 25% of the total volume) a.s.l., producing fire fountaining and effusive activity. trachybasalts with their mineral assemblage dominated Lava effusion produced a 1 km-long flow from a vent at by plagioclase. These features are typical of volcanics 2500 m a.s.l. During the down-slope propagation of the produced by summit craters over the past 10 years fissure system a series of pit craters formed along the (Corsaro and Pompilio 2004a, 2004b). During this whole upper segments and the first, upper lava flow became period, the SEC remained quiescent, with its conduit inactive. Meanwhile, a second flow emerged from a vent obstructed, whilst Voragine (VOR; Fig. 3) showed pre- at 2200 m a.s.l. flowing east and partially submerging the dominantly quiescent degassing. Piano Provenzana tourist infrastructure (Figs. 4, 6a). A On 22 September 2002, an earthquake (Md=3.7, fo- shallow seismic swarm associated with the fissure prop- cal depth=5 km; Acocella et al. 2003), accompanied by agation seriously damaged all of the tourist-hotel facilities surface fracturing, occurred along the PFS (Fig. 1). This on Piano Provenzana. The earthquakes caused movements earthquake strongly remobilised the PFS after about along the whole PFS (~18 km) and up the Ionian coast 15 years of quasi-quiescence, marking the beginning of an (Acocella et al. 2003; Neri et al. 2004). On the early important displacement of the eastern flank of Etna. A morning of 28 October, the northern eruptive fissure survey on the summit of the volcano carried out imme- (N45–65E) propagated down-slope for 1.8 km to 1890 m a.s.l. The lower segment (3d, Fig. 3) of the fracture At about 4:00 GMT on 27 October, a third fissure opened along the NE-Rift. This fissure was 3.7 km long and trended SW-NE (Figs. 2, 4). It propagated between 2500 m and 1890 m a.s.l. in less than 24 h. In Fig. 3 we show segment 3a between 2500 and 2300 m a.s.l., trending N20–30E, that was 1.2 km long and showed violent strombolian activity. Segments 3b+3c of the fissure, 0.7 km long and trending N30–45E, formed in a right en-echelon arrangement between 2290 and 2190 m a.s.l., producing fire fountaining and effusive activity. Lava effusion produced a 1 km-long flow from a vent at 2500 m a.s.l. During the down-slope propagation of the fissure system a series of pit craters formed along the upper segments and the first, upper lava flow became inactive. Meanwhile, a second flow emerged from a vent at 2200 m a.s.l. flowing east and partially submerging the Piano Provenzana tourist infrastructure (Figs. 4, 6a). A shallow seismic swarm associated with the fissure propagation seriously damaged all of the tourist-hotel facilities on Piano Provenzana. The earthquakes caused movements along the whole PFS (~18 km) and up the Ionian coast (Acocella et al. 2003; Neri et al. 2004). On the early morning of 28 October, the northern eruptive fissure (N45–65E) propagated down-slope for 1.8 km to 1890 m a.s.l. The lower segment (3d, Fig. 3) of the fracture (~1 km long) showed continuous strombolian activity and a lava flow directed NE (Fig. 4), that travelled a distance of ~2.5 km (Fig. 6b) in a few hours. On 29 October, a NW-SE tectonic structure (SV in Fig. 1) located on the lower eastern flank of the volcano was activated by seismic swarms of 4.4 maximum mag- nitude that caused serious damage to houses and infrastructure around S. Venerina (SV in Fig. 1; Acocella et al. 2003). During the same day, the NE lava flow slowed and a new lava flow erupted from the same fissure (seg- ment 3d in Fig. 3) at 1930 m a.s.l., flowing SE and in- vading Piano Provenzana. The NE flow (Fig. 4) stopped on 31 October after having travelled 2.8 km, when a decline in effusion rate was observed. The explosive activity began to decrease slowly from 29 October and on 1 November it was limited to just two vents on the lower portion of the fissure, between 1950 and 1900 m a.s.l. This indicated a general waning of the eruptive activity on this side of the volcano. The eruptive plume did not exceed an altitude of 1 km above the vents, and fallout affected only the nearby areas. Strombolian activity formed two coalescent spatter cones at 1950–1900 m a.s.l. The E lava flow reached a final length of 6.2 km, and stopped its expansion on 3 November (Fig. 4). After lava supply from the main vent was cut off, 20 m of down- slope movement was observed at the most advanced flow front on 5 November. This late movement was caused by channel emptying, and occurred when lava coming from the main vent was completely crusted over. The ski station and tourist shops on Piano Provenzana were first destroyed by earthquakes then partially covered by lava flows. The flows also caused fires and destroyed parts of the old Linguaglossa pine forest (Fig. 4). Explosive and effusive activity completely stopped at the north fissure on 5 November. The morphology of the lava flows was “aa” in type, and the longer flows showed formation of wide ...
Context 4
... measurements of the relative amounts of SO 2 , HCl and HF in the volcanic plume emitted from Mt. Etna have been carried out since March 2000 with a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), using the sun as a source of radiation (Francis et al. 1998). Variations in the ratio of SO 2 /HCl are related to initial dissolved amounts for each species and to the degree of gas/magma separation that occurs during magma ascent within the volcanic edifice (Burton et al. 2003). During the 2002 eruption of Mt. Etna the SO 2 /HCl ratio of gases emitted from the explosive vent at 2750 m was measured regularly ( Fig. 8d). The first SO 2 /HCl ratio of 6.3 was measured on 28 October, after which the ratio decreased to 3 on 29 October before increasing at an approximately constant rate to 6 on 11 November, prior to a significant decrease to 3.5 on 12 November. This change was coincident with a temporary cessation of effusive activity, followed by a cyclic explosive activity that was measured contin- uously throughout the night of 12–13 November. After 12 November a strong increase in SO 2 /HCl ratio was observed from southern vent gas emissions, reaching a peak of 19 on 24 November, before declining and reaching a value of ~5 that was maintained until the end of the eruption with small variations. We believe that the variations observed during the first phase of activity (from 28 October to 12 November) were controlled primarily by the degree of gas/magma. A SO 2 /HCl ratio of 3 in the gas phase is consistent with complete equilibrium degassing of magma, suggesting that no gas/magma separation occurred, possibly assisted by magma fragmentation that strongly increased the surface area available for diffusion of volatiles from magma to the gas phase. As the eruption progressed, magma/gas separation began to become more important and became an increasingly significant factor in controlling the SO 2 /HCl ratio, primarily by inhibiting the diffusion of HCl into the gas phase either through accumulation of degassed magma at the conduit head or by less efficient fragmentation within the conduit. This was seen as an increasing SO 2 /HCl ratio between 30 October and 11 November that reached a critical point on 12 November when the amount of degassed magma in the conduit head was finally sufficient to inhibit fragmenta- tion, and the magma/gas mixture collapsed within the conduit for some hours, before gradually rising again, ex- hibiting strombolian and effusive activity. In order to understand if the 2002–03 southern flank activity showed uncommon volcanological features we compared it to past eruptions of Mt. Etna, examining in detail both eruptive style and intrusion dynamics. We were able to make this comparison for eruptions observed after 1700, when the location and timing of eruptive events started to be recorded and increasing scientific quality of the records allow us to define each event from a volcanological point of view (Branca and Del Carlo 2004). Searching the historical record for an eruption showing features similar to that of 2002–03, we find that during the last three centuries only one eruption, which occurred in the summer of 1763 (Recupero 1815), had similar characteristics to that of the 2002–03 S fissure. The 1763 eruption lasted 84 days, and started from an eruptive vent located very close to the area of the 2002-03 S fissure. It was characterised by intense and continuous explosive activity and by subordinate lava output that produced a 3.5 km-long lava flow. The explosive phase consisted of long periods of fire fountaining and minor strombolian activity that formed the La Montagnola scoria cone at 2500 m a.s.l. (Fig. 2). Fire fountain activity led to a few km-high eruptive columns, producing abundant lapilli and ash fallout on the SE flank down to Catania. The formation of a continuous lapilli and ash deposit caused considerable damage to cultivated areas. During the nineteenth century, several eruptions were characterised by strong explosive phases with lava effusion, such as the 1811, 1852–53, 1886 and 1892 eruptions. Vigorous explosive activity produced eruptive columns that caused an almost continuous tephra fall for a long period of time. During the twentieth century, no eruption showed similar explosive features compared to those of the nineteenth century. However, remarkable explosive activity occurred during the 2001 eruption (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001). This event was characterised by continuous explosive activity at the 2550 m vent, where a large scoria cone formed, and by effusive activity at the 2100 m vent that produced a 6.2 km-long lava flow field. Discontinuous ash emission from the 2550 m vent formed a 2–4 km-high sustained column. Lapilli and ash fell copiously for about ten days on the eastern flank of the volcano from Taormina to Catania (Fig. 1). In contrast, the 2002 eruptive activity along the NE-Rift showed the same explosive features and typical lava flow field evolution as the historical eruptions of this sector of the volcano (Branca and Del Carlo 2004). If we consider the composition of erupted products, the 2002–03 eruption showed the presence of two different magmas, as was the case in 2001 (Fig. 9). None of the historical eruptions of the last 300 years showed this double The multi-disciplinary and distinct magma approach output. to volcano In fact, monitoring although the at inant explosive activity, is comparable only with the eruptive Mt. Etna fissures allows opened evaluation in two of several different features areas of of the the La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 Lower Vents eccentric volcano eruptive in dynamics 1879 and of 1949 the 2002–03 (Blaserna eruption, et al. 1879, and therefore Silvestri eruptions. Another unusual aspect is that the 2002–03 1879, allows Cumin us to determine 1950), forming in great a detail several the km-long evolution fissure of the eruption involved two simultaneous, independent lava system eruption. that Before dissected the onset the of summit the eruption, cone, these the presence eruptions of effusions showing different magma compositions and were magma connected in the upper to a single portion dike of intrusion the volcanic from edifice the central had styles of lava flow field emplacement. In this respect, the conduit been revealed feeding by system. several lines of evidence, such as: the NE-Rift system was fed by a hydrostatic supply of mag- renewal of strombolian activity at NEC, the increase in ma, whereas the S fissure was fed by discrete pulses of SO 2 flux at the summit craters, and development of hot magma. The NE fissure system followed the general trend cracks across the summit. Recently, Patan et al. (2003) of the NE-Rift eruptions, being characterised by a high argued that geodetic and seismic data recorded between effusion rate that rapidly declined, with long lava flows of 1994 and 2001 indicate a continuous injection of magma short duration. The S fissure system had a rather different from 6–15 km depth into the shallow (3–5 km) magma behaviour with short lava flows and effusion rate char- reservoir, with magma accumulation in the upper part of acterised by several short-term pulses and rather constant Mt. Etna’s plumbing system. Starting from these consid- peak values. Pulses in the magma supply rate were also erations, we propose two alternative hypotheses for the seen as pulses in the SO 2 flux. mechanism that triggered the rise of magma. (1) The ra- Anomalous features of the 2002–03 eruption are re- dial stress accompanying the deformation caused by mag- flected in petrological analyses. These indicate that two ma instrusion at 6–15 km depth caused the earthquake different magmas fed the NE and S fissure systems, as along the PFS on 22 September 2002. This could have occurred during the 2001 eruption. The 2001 and 2002–03 favoured the gradual upward magma movement and its eruptions represent the only cases of two distinct dike emergence on the surface about one month later. This is intrusions in the eruptive activity of the last 300 years at supported, on a local scale, by thermal camera monitoring Etna. In particular, petro-chemical features of the 2002– and field surveys which allowed the recognition of new 03 products strongly suggest the presence of a complex fractures in the summit area some months before the plumbing system (Fig. 12). Type 1 magma erupted from eruption onset. SO 2 flux measurements showed a slight the NE fissure represents the partially degassed resident increase from March 2002 onwards. (2) An alternative magma of the shallow plumbing system. Type 2 magma possibility is that depressurisation caused by active spread- erupted from the S fissure is an undegassed, volatile-rich, ing of Etna’s eastern flank may have triggered magma fast-rising magma that drains the deep portion of the output along the NE-Rift system (Acocella and Neri 2003, feeding system and bypasses the central conduits. The Acocella et al. 2003; Branca et al. 2003; Neri et al. 2004). synthesis of data from SO 2 gas flux, SO 2 /HCl gas ratio In fact, the eastern unstable area is bordered to the north and bulk rock CaO/Al 2 O 3 ratio (Fig. 8c) in tephra allows a by the E-W trending PFS. Data collected during the unique insight into the processes that controlled the initial 2002–03 eruption (Neri et al. 2004) indicate that: a) the stages of the 2002–03 Etna eruption. All three datasets fracture pattern along the PFS migrated from the NE Rift indicate that the first two days of the southern flank erup- east toward the coastline, nearly 20 km distant, and b) tion produced relatively fractionated magma. Data from then the deformation transferred along most of the ash analyses demonstrate that phreatomagmatic processes structures and faults on the eastern flank of Etna, migrated ...
Context 5
... two cameras. days of The the within changes the between upper part 3 and of 0 the (alternation feeder system of fire of fountains the volcano. and eruption first fixed showed video cracks camera formed was located by rapid at quenching, Milo (Fig. 1), and Additionally, strombolian activity) in several in a cases few hours, it was until possible the end to distin- of the thick 20.5 km vesicle distance walls from typical the of summit. uncompleted The second gas expan- video guish eruption the when SO 2 the flux expulsion emission of from ash eventually separate sources ceased. (N sion, camera and was many a mobile pyroclasts system were that coated has been by adhering located at dust the fissure, Summit Craters, and S fissure) that allowed in- (Andronico Serra La Nave et Observatory, al. 2003b). These 5 km from features, the fissure, in addition since to 4 vestigation of the magma supply rate to each eruptive the November higher lithic 2002 content, (Fig. 2). suggest The explosive an initial activity magma-water during vent. SO 2 flux in the plume of Mt. Etna has been routinely interaction the first month during of the the opening eruption phase has been of the analysed southern using fis- carried out using a COSPEC since 1987 (Caltabiano and sure. images During from most photographs, of the following videos and days, direct the observations juvenile ash Romano 1988; Caltabiano et al. 1994; Bruno et al. 1999, components taken during (tachylite, daily helicopter sideromelane flights. and Continuous loose crystals) video 2001). This long data set shows that SO 2 flux has a represented images were 100% not available of the total, during indicating this period that the due process to the background value of about 5300 t/d (metric tons per day) of damage magma caused fragmentation by the S. during Venerina the eruption earthquake was on pro- 29 during non-eruptive periods. After the 2001 flank erup- duced October mostly 2002. by exsolution and expansion of magmatic tion, SO 2 flux from summit craters showed atypical be- gases. We have estimated the intensity of ash emission using haviour, with values below 1000 t/d for ~15 months. This a qualitative observation of the density and height of the represented the longest continuous period of low SO 2 flux ash column, taking into account the wind speed and di- observed at Etna since 1987. This low rate of degassing rection. We divided the observed ash intensity into four could have been caused by a reduced magma supply to levels, ranging from 0 for no ash emission to 3 for the the upper part of the main feeder system of the volcano maximum intensity of ash emission during the eruption. (Salerno et al. 2003). A slightly increasing trend in the We have assigned a value of 1 to an ash emission in- SO 2 flux was observed beginning mid-March 2002, which tensity corresponding to 25% of the maximum intensity, coincided with the resumption of eruptive activity first at and value of 2 to 25–75% of the maximum intensity. NEC and then at BN, suggesting a slow increase in the These data have been plotted in Fig. 8a, and show a efficiency of convective mechanisms of the magma in the general decreasing trend, with several variations in in- upper part of the main feeder system of the volcano. On tensity during the eruption. In particular, from 27 October 25 October 2002, the SO 2 flux increased abruptly, coin- to 12 November, the activity was very stable and char- cident with the onset of the eruption, reaching a peak on acterised by high intensity of ash emission. Between 12 29 October. During the 2002–03 eruption, three main SO 2 and 14 November there was a sharp decrease in ash emission stages were identified (Fig. 8e), coinciding with emission due to a change from fire fountaining to mild changes in eruptive activity. strombolian explosions. From 14 to 25 November ash The period between 26 October and 14 November was emission exhibited some pulses. On 24 November it marked by the onset of the eruption and ended with a reached the value 0 due to the temporary cessation of significant SO 2 increase up to a peak on 14 November explosive activity at the 2750 m cone, which occurred just that correlated with changes in strombolian activity at the S fissure and the renewal of lava effusion. During this phase, the minimum SO 2 flux was recorded on 5 November, when lava effusion ceased at the N fissure. The period between 14 November and 28 November was characterised by a huge increase in SO 2 flux emission up to the highest value ever recorded at Mt. Etna (~29000 t/d, 28 November). This value occurred during Since 1994 a network of video cameras on the lower slopes of the volcano have provided a continuous view of the volcanic activity from different locations. In order to quantify the intensity of the explosive activity at the S fissure and its changes during the eruption, we have analysed the images recorded by two video cameras. The first fixed video camera was located at Milo (Fig. 1), 20.5 km distance from the summit. The second video camera was a mobile system that has been located at the Serra La Nave Observatory, 5 km from the fissure, since 4 November 2002 (Fig. 2). The explosive activity during the first month of the eruption has been analysed using images from photographs, videos and direct observations taken during daily helicopter flights. Continuous video images were not available during this period due to the damage caused by the S. Venerina earthquake on 29 October 2002. We have estimated the intensity of ash emission using a qualitative observation of the density and height of the ash column, taking into account the wind speed and direction. We divided the observed ash intensity into four levels, ranging from 0 for no ash emission to 3 for the maximum intensity of ash emission during the eruption. We have assigned a value of 1 to an ash emission intensity corresponding to 25% of the maximum intensity, and value of 2 to 25–75% of the maximum intensity. These data have been plotted in Fig. 8a, and show a general decreasing trend, with several variations in intensity during the eruption. In particular, from 27 October to 12 November, the activity was very stable and characterised by high intensity of ash emission. Between 12 and 14 November there was a sharp decrease in ash emission due to a change from fire fountaining to mild strombolian explosions. From 14 to 25 November ash emission exhibited some pulses. On 24 November it reached the value 0 due to the temporary cessation of explosive activity at the 2750 m cone, which occurred just the maximum explosive activity at the newly formed vent at 2800 m a.s.l. In contrast, the period between 28 November 2002 and 28 January 2003 was marked by a decrease in SO 2 emissions down to minimum values on December 2002, followed by a weak increase, which corresponded to a weak increase in eruptive activity at the S fissure. SO 2 flux oscillated, with the amplitude and period of these oscil- lations increasing over time. This behaviour, also seen in other Etnean eruptions, seems typical of the waning stage of an eruption, and preceded the end of this eruption on 28 January ...
Context 6
... vent. SO 2 flux in the plume of Mt. Etna has been routinely interaction the first month during of the the opening eruption phase has been of the analysed southern using fis- carried out using a COSPEC since 1987 (Caltabiano and sure. images During from most photographs, of the following videos and days, direct the observations juvenile ash Romano 1988; Caltabiano et al. 1994; Bruno et al. 1999, components taken during (tachylite, daily helicopter sideromelane flights. and Continuous loose crystals) video 2001). This long data set shows that SO 2 flux has a represented images were 100% not available of the total, during indicating this period that the due process to the background value of about 5300 t/d (metric tons per day) of damage magma caused fragmentation by the S. during Venerina the eruption earthquake was on pro- 29 during non-eruptive periods. After the 2001 flank erup- duced October mostly 2002. by exsolution and expansion of magmatic tion, SO 2 flux from summit craters showed atypical be- gases. We have estimated the intensity of ash emission using haviour, with values below 1000 t/d for ~15 months. This a qualitative observation of the density and height of the represented the longest continuous period of low SO 2 flux ash column, taking into account the wind speed and di- observed at Etna since 1987. This low rate of degassing rection. We divided the observed ash intensity into four could have been caused by a reduced magma supply to levels, ranging from 0 for no ash emission to 3 for the the upper part of the main feeder system of the volcano maximum intensity of ash emission during the eruption. (Salerno et al. 2003). A slightly increasing trend in the We have assigned a value of 1 to an ash emission in- SO 2 flux was observed beginning mid-March 2002, which tensity corresponding to 25% of the maximum intensity, coincided with the resumption of eruptive activity first at and value of 2 to 25–75% of the maximum intensity. NEC and then at BN, suggesting a slow increase in the These data have been plotted in Fig. 8a, and show a efficiency of convective mechanisms of the magma in the general decreasing trend, with several variations in in- upper part of the main feeder system of the volcano. On tensity during the eruption. In particular, from 27 October 25 October 2002, the SO 2 flux increased abruptly, coin- to 12 November, the activity was very stable and char- cident with the onset of the eruption, reaching a peak on acterised by high intensity of ash emission. Between 12 29 October. During the 2002–03 eruption, three main SO 2 and 14 November there was a sharp decrease in ash emission stages were identified (Fig. 8e), coinciding with emission due to a change from fire fountaining to mild changes in eruptive activity. strombolian explosions. From 14 to 25 November ash The period between 26 October and 14 November was emission exhibited some pulses. On 24 November it marked by the onset of the eruption and ended with a reached the value 0 due to the temporary cessation of significant SO 2 increase up to a peak on 14 November explosive activity at the 2750 m cone, which occurred just that correlated with changes in strombolian activity at the S fissure and the renewal of lava effusion. During this phase, the minimum SO 2 flux was recorded on 5 November, when lava effusion ceased at the N fissure. The period between 14 November and 28 November was characterised by a huge increase in SO 2 flux emission up to the highest value ever recorded at Mt. Etna (~29000 t/d, 28 November). This value occurred during clast Since component, 1994 a network whereas of video on 28 cameras October on this the lower value During before the the opening eruption, of daily two effusive measurements vents at of 2800 sulphur m. Be- di- dropped slopes of to the 9%. volcano Generally, have provided for the a entire continuous eruption, view the of oxide tween 26 (SO November 2 ) flux were and carried 10 December, out using ash emission a correlation was proportion the volcanic of activity lithics from in the different ash was locations. low, between In order 0 and to spectrometer intense and quite (COSPEC) stable, mounted with values on a between vehicle travelling 3 and 2. 3%, quantify with the values intensity of 13% of on the 13 explosive November activity and about at the 5% S underneath Finally, from the 10 plume. December The onwards analyses there of data was a collected general on fissure 12 December. and its changes Some during juvenile the clasts eruption, (tachylite we have and daily decrease provided in the essential intensity information of ash emission, on magma with behaviour sudden sideromelane) analysed the images ejected recorded during by the two first video two cameras. days of The the within changes the between upper part 3 and of 0 the (alternation feeder system of fire of fountains the volcano. and eruption first fixed showed video cracks camera formed was located by rapid at quenching, Milo (Fig. 1), and Additionally, strombolian activity) in several in a cases few hours, it was until possible the end to distin- of the thick 20.5 km vesicle distance walls from typical the of summit. uncompleted The second gas expan- video guish eruption the when SO 2 the flux expulsion emission of from ash eventually separate sources ceased. (N sion, camera and was many a mobile pyroclasts system were that coated has been by adhering located at dust the fissure, Summit Craters, and S fissure) that allowed in- (Andronico Serra La Nave et Observatory, al. 2003b). These 5 km from features, the fissure, in addition since to 4 vestigation of the magma supply rate to each eruptive the November higher lithic 2002 content, (Fig. 2). suggest The explosive an initial activity magma-water during vent. SO 2 flux in the plume of Mt. Etna has been routinely interaction the first month during of the the opening eruption phase has been of the analysed southern using fis- carried out using a COSPEC since 1987 (Caltabiano and sure. images During from most photographs, of the following videos and days, direct the observations juvenile ash Romano 1988; Caltabiano et al. 1994; Bruno et al. 1999, components taken during (tachylite, daily helicopter sideromelane flights. and Continuous loose crystals) video 2001). This long data set shows that SO 2 flux has a represented images were 100% not available of the total, during indicating this period that the due process to the background value of about 5300 t/d (metric tons per day) of damage magma caused fragmentation by the S. during Venerina the eruption earthquake was on pro- 29 during non-eruptive periods. After the 2001 flank erup- duced October mostly 2002. by exsolution and expansion of magmatic tion, SO 2 flux from summit craters showed atypical be- gases. We have estimated the intensity of ash emission using haviour, with values below 1000 t/d for ~15 months. This a qualitative observation of the density and height of the represented the longest continuous period of low SO 2 flux ash column, taking into account the wind speed and di- observed at Etna since 1987. This low rate of degassing rection. We divided the observed ash intensity into four could have been caused by a reduced magma supply to levels, ranging from 0 for no ash emission to 3 for the the upper part of the main feeder system of the volcano maximum intensity of ash emission during the eruption. (Salerno et al. 2003). A slightly increasing trend in the We have assigned a value of 1 to an ash emission in- SO 2 flux was observed beginning mid-March 2002, which tensity corresponding to 25% of the maximum intensity, coincided with the resumption of eruptive activity first at and value of 2 to 25–75% of the maximum intensity. NEC and then at BN, suggesting a slow increase in the These data have been plotted in Fig. 8a, and show a efficiency of convective mechanisms of the magma in the general decreasing trend, with several variations in in- upper part of the main feeder system of the volcano. On tensity during the eruption. In particular, from 27 October 25 October 2002, the SO 2 flux increased abruptly, coin- to 12 November, the activity was very stable and char- cident with the onset of the eruption, reaching a peak on acterised by high intensity of ash emission. Between 12 29 October. During the 2002–03 eruption, three main SO 2 and 14 November there was a sharp decrease in ash emission stages were identified (Fig. 8e), coinciding with emission due to a change from fire fountaining to mild changes in eruptive activity. strombolian explosions. From 14 to 25 November ash The period between 26 October and 14 November was emission exhibited some pulses. On 24 November it marked by the onset of the eruption and ended with a reached the value 0 due to the temporary cessation of significant SO 2 increase up to a peak on 14 November explosive activity at the 2750 m cone, which occurred just that correlated with changes in strombolian activity at the S fissure and the renewal of lava effusion. During this phase, the minimum SO 2 flux was recorded on 5 November, when lava effusion ceased at the N fissure. The period between 14 November and 28 November was characterised by a huge increase in SO 2 flux emission up to the highest value ever recorded at Mt. Etna (~29000 t/d, 28 November). This value occurred during Since 1994 a network of video cameras on the lower slopes of the volcano have provided a continuous view of the volcanic activity from different locations. In order to quantify the intensity of the explosive activity at the S fissure and its changes during the eruption, we have analysed the images recorded by two video cameras. The first fixed video camera was located at Milo (Fig. 1), 20.5 km distance from the summit. The second video camera was a mobile system that has been located at the Serra La Nave Observatory, 5 km from the fissure, since 4 November 2002 (Fig. 2). The explosive activity during the first ...
Context 7
... the eruption, daily measurements of sulphur di- oxide (SO 2 ) flux were carried out using a correlation spectrometer (COSPEC) mounted on a vehicle travelling underneath the plume. The analyses of data collected daily provided essential information on magma behaviour within the upper part of the feeder system of the volcano. Additionally, in several cases it was possible to distinguish the SO 2 flux emission from separate sources (N fissure, Summit Craters, and S fissure) that allowed in- vestigation of the magma supply rate to each eruptive vent. SO 2 flux in the plume of Mt. Etna has been routinely carried out using a COSPEC since 1987 (Caltabiano and Romano 1988; Caltabiano et al. 1994; Bruno et al. 1999, 2001). This long data set shows that SO 2 flux has a background value of about 5300 t/d (metric tons per day) during non-eruptive periods. After the 2001 flank eruption, SO 2 flux from summit craters showed atypical behaviour, with values below 1000 t/d for ~15 months. This represented the longest continuous period of low SO 2 flux observed at Etna since 1987. This low rate of degassing could have been caused by a reduced magma supply to the upper part of the main feeder system of the volcano (Salerno et al. 2003). A slightly increasing trend in the SO 2 flux was observed beginning mid-March 2002, which coincided with the resumption of eruptive activity first at NEC and then at BN, suggesting a slow increase in the efficiency of convective mechanisms of the magma in the upper part of the main feeder system of the volcano. On 25 October 2002, the SO 2 flux increased abruptly, coincident with the onset of the eruption, reaching a peak on 29 October. During the 2002–03 eruption, three main SO 2 emission stages were identified ( Fig. 8e), coinciding with changes in eruptive activity. The period between 26 October and 14 November was marked by the onset of the eruption and ended with a significant SO 2 increase up to a peak on 14 November that correlated with changes in strombolian activity at the S fissure and the renewal of lava effusion. During this phase, the minimum SO 2 flux was recorded on 5 November, when lava effusion ceased at the N fissure. The period between 14 November and 28 November was characterised by a huge increase in SO 2 flux emission up to the highest value ever recorded at Mt. Etna (~29000 t/d, 28 November). This value occurred during clast Since component, 1994 a network whereas of video on 28 cameras October on this the lower value During before the the opening eruption, of daily two effusive measurements vents at of 2800 sulphur m. Be- di- dropped slopes of to the 9%. volcano Generally, have provided for the a entire continuous eruption, view the of oxide tween 26 (SO November 2 ) flux were and carried 10 December, out using ash emission a correlation was proportion the volcanic of activity lithics from in the different ash was locations. low, between In order 0 and to spectrometer intense and quite (COSPEC) stable, mounted with values on a between vehicle travelling 3 and 2. 3%, quantify with the values intensity of 13% of on the 13 explosive November activity and about at the 5% S underneath Finally, from the 10 plume. December The onwards analyses there of data was a collected general on fissure 12 December. and its changes Some during juvenile the clasts eruption, (tachylite we have and daily decrease provided in the essential intensity information of ash emission, on magma with behaviour sudden sideromelane) analysed the images ejected recorded during by the two first video two cameras. days of The the within changes the between upper part 3 and of 0 the (alternation feeder system of fire of fountains the volcano. and eruption first fixed showed video cracks camera formed was located by rapid at quenching, Milo (Fig. 1), and Additionally, strombolian activity) in several in a cases few hours, it was until possible the end to distin- of the thick 20.5 km vesicle distance walls from typical the of summit. uncompleted The second gas expan- video guish eruption the when SO 2 the flux expulsion emission of from ash eventually separate sources ceased. (N sion, camera and was many a mobile pyroclasts system were that coated has been by adhering located at dust the fissure, Summit Craters, and S fissure) that allowed in- (Andronico Serra La Nave et Observatory, al. 2003b). These 5 km from features, the fissure, in addition since to 4 vestigation of the magma supply rate to each eruptive the November higher lithic 2002 content, (Fig. 2). suggest The explosive an initial activity magma-water during vent. SO 2 flux in the plume of Mt. Etna has been routinely interaction the first month during of the the opening eruption phase has been of the analysed southern using fis- carried out using a COSPEC since 1987 (Caltabiano and sure. images During from most photographs, of the following videos and days, direct the observations juvenile ash Romano 1988; Caltabiano et al. 1994; Bruno et al. 1999, components taken during (tachylite, daily helicopter sideromelane flights. and Continuous loose crystals) video 2001). This long data set shows that SO 2 flux has a represented images were 100% not available of the total, during indicating this period that the due process to the background value of about 5300 t/d (metric tons per day) of damage magma caused fragmentation by the S. during Venerina the eruption earthquake was on pro- 29 during non-eruptive periods. After the 2001 flank erup- duced October mostly 2002. by exsolution and expansion of magmatic tion, SO 2 flux from summit craters showed atypical be- gases. We have estimated the intensity of ash emission using haviour, with values below 1000 t/d for ~15 months. This a qualitative observation of the density and height of the represented the longest continuous period of low SO 2 flux ash column, taking into account the wind speed and di- observed at Etna since 1987. This low rate of degassing rection. We divided the observed ash intensity into four could have been caused by a reduced magma supply to levels, ranging from 0 for no ash emission to 3 for the the upper part of the main feeder system of the volcano maximum intensity of ash emission during the eruption. (Salerno et al. 2003). A slightly increasing trend in the We have assigned a value of 1 to an ash emission in- SO 2 flux was observed beginning mid-March 2002, which tensity corresponding to 25% of the maximum intensity, coincided with the resumption of eruptive activity first at and value of 2 to 25–75% of the maximum intensity. NEC and then at BN, suggesting a slow increase in the These data have been plotted in Fig. 8a, and show a efficiency of convective mechanisms of the magma in the general decreasing trend, with several variations in in- upper part of the main feeder system of the volcano. On tensity during the eruption. In particular, from 27 October 25 October 2002, the SO 2 flux increased abruptly, coin- to 12 November, the activity was very stable and char- cident with the onset of the eruption, reaching a peak on acterised by high intensity of ash emission. Between 12 29 October. During the 2002–03 eruption, three main SO 2 and 14 November there was a sharp decrease in ash emission stages were identified (Fig. 8e), coinciding with emission due to a change from fire fountaining to mild changes in eruptive activity. strombolian explosions. From 14 to 25 November ash The period between 26 October and 14 November was emission exhibited some pulses. On 24 November it marked by the onset of the eruption and ended with a reached the value 0 due to the temporary cessation of significant SO 2 increase up to a peak on 14 November explosive activity at the 2750 m cone, which occurred just that correlated with changes in strombolian activity at the S fissure and the renewal of lava effusion. During this phase, the minimum SO 2 flux was recorded on 5 November, when lava effusion ceased at the N fissure. The period between 14 November and 28 November was characterised by a huge increase in SO 2 flux emission up to the highest value ever recorded at Mt. Etna (~29000 t/d, 28 November). This value occurred during clast Since component, 1994 a network whereas of video on 28 cameras October on this the lower value During before the the opening eruption, of daily two effusive measurements vents at of 2800 sulphur m. Be- di- dropped slopes of to the 9%. volcano Generally, have provided for the a entire continuous eruption, view the of oxide tween 26 (SO November 2 ) flux were and carried 10 December, out using ash emission a correlation was proportion the volcanic of activity lithics from in the different ash was locations. low, between In order 0 and to spectrometer intense and quite (COSPEC) stable, mounted with values on a ...
Context 8
... deformation; (5) tion. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depres- and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater surisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted dur- the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, ing eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we pres- composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted ent the results of these techniques, integrated to under- from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed stand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last magma fraction normally residing within the central con- eruption. duits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is Mount Etna is a basaltic volcano 3300 m high and covers an area of 1250 km 2 in Eastern Sicily, Italy (Fig. 1). A multi-disciplinary approach to its surveillance system has been active since the 1980s. More recently, the monitoring system has been further diversified, with a number of different investigations being carried out on a regular basis. These include: (1) regular field surveys of intra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux from the summit craters using a correlation spectrometer (COSPEC); (3) frequent measurements of the chemical composition of magmatic gas emissions using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted during eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we present the results of these techniques, integrated to understand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last eruption. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), from opposite flanks of the volcano. The 2002–03 erup- activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild tion was characterised by moderate emission of lava, degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This intense explosive activity, and abundant ash emission, consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions which caused damage to agriculture, housing and the lo- and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Cal- cal economy. vari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and The 2002–03 eruption involved two distinct magma Neri 2002; Alparone et al. 2003) at the summit craters intrusion zones, the NE-Rift and the S-Rift (Fig. 1) (Ki- (Fig. 1). This period stopped on 17 July 2001, when effer 1975; McGuire and Pullen 1989). The NE-Rift ex- magma quickly rose upward (Calvari and INGV-CT tends for about 7 km from the summit craters down to 2001; Acocella and Neri 2003; Behncke and Neri 2003a; 1500 m a.s.l., consisting of a network of N to NE-striking Lanzafame et al. 2003), producing intense explosive and eruptive fissures closely spaced in an area about 1–2 km effusive activity from several vents on the south-east wide (Garduæo et al. 1997). The NE-Rift is linked east- flank of the volcano. Although relatively short, the 2001 ward with the Pernicana Fault System (PFS in Fig. 1), a eruption displayed some important features: a very in- complex E-W oriented transtensive tectonic structure that tense seismic swarm lasting about a week before the onset dissects the NE flank of the volcano (Azzaro et al. 1998; of the eruption, the opening of two main systems of Groppelli and Tibaldi 1999; Neri et al. 2004). The last eruptive fissures (Billi et al. 2003; Lanzafame et al. 2003), eruption occurred there, in 1947, when a system of each one characterised by magma with peculiar compo- fissures developed from the North-East Crater (NEC, sition and petrography (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001), ~3300 m elevation, Fig. 3) down to 2150 m altitude, conspicuous lava emission threatening inhabited and forming a 6 km-long lava flow field (Cumin 1947; Ponte tourist areas, and violent explosive activity that led to the 1948; Cucuzza Silvestri 1949). The S-Rift (Fig. 1) com- formation of a 100 m high cinder cone (Behncke and Neri prises eruptive fissures distributed over a wider area, 2003a; Calvari and Pinkerton 2004) near La Montagnola extending from the summit craters to S and SE down to cone (Fig. 2). 600–700 m a.s.l. One third of the fissures on this sector of After a 15 month pause in activity, lava began to erupt the volcano developed as a consequence of eruptive ac- again on 26 October 2002. A short seismic swarm (Patan tivity over the last 2 ka (Del Carlo and Branca 1998). The 2002) preceded the almost simultaneous magma output upper portion of the S-Rift has been the preferential site of magma intrusion during the twentieth century, as indicated by the high occurrence of flank eruptions when compared to other sectors of the volcano (Behncke and Neri 2003b; Branca and Del Carlo 2004). The 2002–03 eruption shares many features with the 2001 event: (1) involvement of the same eruptive area on the south flank (Fig. 2); (2) strongly explosive style and lava output dynamics; (3) distinct magma compositions from the upper and lower fissure systems. In detail, the 2001 lower vents and the 2002–03 southern flank eruptions show features typical of the Etnean eccentric eruptions. Eccentric is the definition (Rittmann 1965) used for those Etnean eruptions fed by magma which bypasses the central conduit. These eruptions are characterised by a high tephra/lava ratio with prevalent ash emission, and low to medium phenocrysts content (Porphyritic In- dex<20%), with mafic minerals prevalent (Armienti et al. 1988). Here we present results obtained using different volcanological techniques, illustrating a multi-disciplinary approach that allowed us to monitor the eruptive events, and thereby promptly inform Civil Protection and local authorities of the possible evolution of the eruption. We use these results here to assess the triggering and eruptive mechanisms that caused the 2002–03 eruption, and by comparing our data with the historical activity of the volcano we infer the possible eruptive behaviour of Mt. Etna in the near future. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Calvari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and Neri 2002; Alparone et al. 2003) at the summit craters (Fig. 1). This period stopped on 17 July 2001, when magma quickly rose upward (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001; Acocella and Neri 2003; Behncke and Neri 2003a; Lanzafame et al. 2003), producing intense explosive and effusive activity from several vents on the south-east flank of the volcano. Although relatively short, the 2001 eruption displayed some important features: a very intense seismic swarm lasting about a week before the onset of the eruption, the opening of two main systems of eruptive fissures (Billi et al. 2003; Lanzafame et al. 2003), each one characterised by magma with peculiar composition and petrography (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001), conspicuous lava emission threatening inhabited and tourist areas, and violent explosive activity that led to the formation of a 100 m high cinder cone (Behncke and Neri 2003a; Calvari and Pinkerton 2004) near La Montagnola cone (Fig. 2). After a 15 month pause in activity, lava began to erupt again on 26 October 2002. A short seismic swarm (Patan 2002) preceded the almost simultaneous magma output The opening of a new fissure system across the summit area of the volcano was heralded several months in ad- vance by the development of a field of cracks between North-East Crater (NEC) and South-East Crater (SEC; Fig. 3) in February 2002 (Calvari et al. 2003). The cracks showed a sharp thermal signature that was revealed through routine monthly monitoring carried out by helicopter-borne thermal surveys. Apart from high-temper- ature fumaroles, the cracks did not show any activity, and after the July–August 2001 flank eruption, no eruptive activity occurred on Etna’s summit for several months. On 8 March 2002, ash emission was observed from Bocca Nuova (BN; Fig. 3). This continued until 14 March, when it was observed that the ash emission was caused by failure of the inner crater walls, forming land- slides within the crater. Ash emission from BN was particularly intense on 20 March, when ash was reported to have fallen for about an hour between Zafferana and Giarre, about 20 km away from the summit. Ash emission was discontinuous until 25 March. On 28 March the NEC showed the same kind of activity and between April and June 2002 deep, intermittent explosions of variable intensity occurred in the BN and NEC craters. During June 2002, the ash emission from BN and NEC was intense and became continuous at NEC on 14 June, with pulses of dark ash rising to 500 m above the crater rim. Microscope analysis showed that ash ...
Context 9
... of the volcano, with lava flow output and fire fountaining until 5 November. After this date, the eruption continued exclusively on the S flank, with continuous explosive activity and lava flows active between 13 November and 28 January 2003. Multi-disciplinary data collected during the eruption (petrology, analyses of ash components, gas geochemistry, field surveys, thermal mapping and structural surveys) allowed us to analyse the dynamics of the eruption. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depressurisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed magma fraction normally residing within the central conduits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is Abstract The 2002–03 Mt Etna flank eruption began on Mount typical Etna of most is a basaltic Etnean volcano eccentric 3300 eruptions. m high We and believe covers 26 October 2002 and finished on 28 January 2003, after an that area there of is 1250 a high km probability 2 in Eastern that Sicily, Mount Italy Etna (Fig. 1). has entered A three months of continuous explosive activity and dis- multi-disciplinary a new eruptive phase, approach with to magma its surveillance being supplied system to has a continuous lava flow output. The eruption involved the been deep reservoir active since independent the 1980s. from More the central recently, conduit, the moni- that opening of eruptive fissures on the NE and S flanks of the toring could periodically system has been produce further sufficient diversified, overpressure with a to number prop- volcano, with lava flow output and fire fountaining until 5 of agate different a dyke investigations to the surface being and carried generate out further on a regular flank November. After this date, the eruption continued exclu- basis. eruptions. These include: (1) regular field surveys of in- sively on the S flank, with continuous explosive activity tra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux and lava flows active between 13 November and 28 Jan- from Keywords the summit Multi-disciplinary craters using study a correlation · Mount spectrometer Etna · uary 2003. Multi-disciplinary data collected during the (COSPEC); 2002–03 eruption (3) frequent · Eccentric measurements eruptions · of Flank the activity chemical · eruption (petrology, analyses of ash components, gas geo- composition Etna feeding of system magmatic · Volcanic gas processes emissions using Fourier chemistry, field surveys, thermal mapping and structural Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys) allowed us to analyse the dynamics of the erup- surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) tion. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depres- and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater surisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted dur- the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, ing eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we pres- composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted ent the results of these techniques, integrated to under- from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed stand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last magma fraction normally residing within the central con- eruption. duits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is Abstract The 2002–03 Mt Etna flank eruption began on Mount typical Etna of most is a basaltic Etnean volcano eccentric 3300 eruptions. m high We and believe covers 26 October 2002 and finished on 28 January 2003, after an that area there of is 1250 a high km probability 2 in Eastern that Sicily, Mount Italy Etna (Fig. 1). has entered A three months of continuous explosive activity and dis- multi-disciplinary a new eruptive phase, approach with to magma its surveillance being supplied system to has a continuous lava flow output. The eruption involved the been deep reservoir active since independent the 1980s. from More the central recently, conduit, the moni- that opening of eruptive fissures on the NE and S flanks of the toring could periodically system has been produce further sufficient diversified, overpressure with a to number prop- volcano, with lava flow output and fire fountaining until 5 of agate different a dyke investigations to the surface being and carried generate out further on a regular flank November. After this date, the eruption continued exclu- basis. eruptions. These include: (1) regular field surveys of in- sively on the S flank, with continuous explosive activity tra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux and lava flows active between 13 November and 28 Jan- from Keywords the summit Multi-disciplinary craters using study a correlation · Mount spectrometer Etna · uary 2003. Multi-disciplinary data collected during the (COSPEC); 2002–03 eruption (3) frequent · Eccentric measurements eruptions · of Flank the activity chemical · eruption (petrology, analyses of ash components, gas geo- composition Etna feeding of system magmatic · Volcanic gas processes emissions using Fourier chemistry, field surveys, thermal mapping and structural Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys) allowed us to analyse the dynamics of the erup- surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) tion. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depres- and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater surisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted dur- the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, ing eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we pres- composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted ent the results of these techniques, integrated to under- from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed stand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last magma fraction normally residing within the central con- eruption. duits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is Mount Etna is a basaltic volcano 3300 m high and covers an area of 1250 km 2 in Eastern Sicily, Italy (Fig. 1). A multi-disciplinary approach to its surveillance system has been active since the 1980s. More recently, the monitoring system has been further diversified, with a number of different investigations being carried out on a regular basis. These include: (1) regular field surveys of intra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux from the summit craters using a correlation spectrometer (COSPEC); (3) frequent measurements of the chemical composition of magmatic gas emissions using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted during eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we present the results of these techniques, integrated to understand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last eruption. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), from opposite flanks of the volcano. The 2002–03 erup- activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild tion was characterised by moderate emission of lava, degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This intense explosive activity, and abundant ash emission, consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions which caused damage to agriculture, housing and the lo- and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Cal- cal economy. vari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and The 2002–03 eruption involved two distinct magma Neri ...
Context 10
... rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we present the results of these techniques, integrated to understand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last eruption. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), from opposite flanks of the volcano. The 2002–03 erup- activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild tion was characterised by moderate emission of lava, degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This intense explosive activity, and abundant ash emission, consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions which caused damage to agriculture, housing and the lo- and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Cal- cal economy. vari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and The 2002–03 eruption involved two distinct magma Neri 2002; Alparone et al. 2003) at the summit craters intrusion zones, the NE-Rift and the S-Rift (Fig. 1) (Ki- (Fig. 1). This period stopped on 17 July 2001, when effer 1975; McGuire and Pullen 1989). The NE-Rift ex- magma quickly rose upward (Calvari and INGV-CT tends for about 7 km from the summit craters down to 2001; Acocella and Neri 2003; Behncke and Neri 2003a; 1500 m a.s.l., consisting of a network of N to NE-striking Lanzafame et al. 2003), producing intense explosive and eruptive fissures closely spaced in an area about 1–2 km effusive activity from several vents on the south-east wide (Garduæo et al. 1997). The NE-Rift is linked east- flank of the volcano. Although relatively short, the 2001 ward with the Pernicana Fault System (PFS in Fig. 1), a eruption displayed some important features: a very in- complex E-W oriented transtensive tectonic structure that tense seismic swarm lasting about a week before the onset dissects the NE flank of the volcano (Azzaro et al. 1998; of the eruption, the opening of two main systems of Groppelli and Tibaldi 1999; Neri et al. 2004). The last eruptive fissures (Billi et al. 2003; Lanzafame et al. 2003), eruption occurred there, in 1947, when a system of each one characterised by magma with peculiar compo- fissures developed from the North-East Crater (NEC, sition and petrography (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001), ~3300 m elevation, Fig. 3) down to 2150 m altitude, conspicuous lava emission threatening inhabited and forming a 6 km-long lava flow field (Cumin 1947; Ponte tourist areas, and violent explosive activity that led to the 1948; Cucuzza Silvestri 1949). The S-Rift (Fig. 1) com- formation of a 100 m high cinder cone (Behncke and Neri prises eruptive fissures distributed over a wider area, 2003a; Calvari and Pinkerton 2004) near La Montagnola extending from the summit craters to S and SE down to cone (Fig. 2). 600–700 m a.s.l. One third of the fissures on this sector of After a 15 month pause in activity, lava began to erupt the volcano developed as a consequence of eruptive ac- again on 26 October 2002. A short seismic swarm (Patan tivity over the last 2 ka (Del Carlo and Branca 1998). The 2002) preceded the almost simultaneous magma output upper portion of the S-Rift has been the preferential site of magma intrusion during the twentieth century, as indicated by the high occurrence of flank eruptions when compared to other sectors of the volcano (Behncke and Neri 2003b; Branca and Del Carlo 2004). The 2002–03 eruption shares many features with the 2001 event: (1) involvement of the same eruptive area on the south flank (Fig. 2); (2) strongly explosive style and lava output dynamics; (3) distinct magma compositions from the upper and lower fissure systems. In detail, the 2001 lower vents and the 2002–03 southern flank eruptions show features typical of the Etnean eccentric eruptions. Eccentric is the definition (Rittmann 1965) used for those Etnean eruptions fed by magma which bypasses the central conduit. These eruptions are characterised by a high tephra/lava ratio with prevalent ash emission, and low to medium phenocrysts content (Porphyritic In- dex<20%), with mafic minerals prevalent (Armienti et al. 1988). Here we present results obtained using different volcanological techniques, illustrating a multi-disciplinary approach that allowed us to monitor the eruptive events, and thereby promptly inform Civil Protection and local authorities of the possible evolution of the eruption. We use these results here to assess the triggering and eruptive mechanisms that caused the 2002–03 eruption, and by comparing our data with the historical activity of the volcano we infer the possible eruptive behaviour of Mt. Etna in the near future. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Calvari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and Neri 2002; Alparone et al. 2003) at the summit craters (Fig. 1). This period stopped on 17 July 2001, when magma quickly rose upward (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001; Acocella and Neri 2003; Behncke and Neri 2003a; Lanzafame et al. 2003), producing intense explosive and effusive activity from several vents on the south-east flank of the volcano. Although relatively short, the 2001 eruption displayed some important features: a very intense seismic swarm lasting about a week before the onset of the eruption, the opening of two main systems of eruptive fissures (Billi et al. 2003; Lanzafame et al. 2003), each one characterised by magma with peculiar composition and petrography (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001), conspicuous lava emission threatening inhabited and tourist areas, and violent explosive activity that led to the formation of a 100 m high cinder cone (Behncke and Neri 2003a; Calvari and Pinkerton 2004) near La Montagnola cone (Fig. 2). After a 15 month pause in activity, lava began to erupt again on 26 October 2002. A short seismic swarm (Patan 2002) preceded the almost simultaneous magma output The opening of a new fissure system across the summit area of the volcano was heralded several months in ad- vance by the development of a field of cracks between North-East Crater (NEC) and South-East Crater (SEC; Fig. 3) in February 2002 (Calvari et al. 2003). The cracks showed a sharp thermal signature that was revealed through routine monthly monitoring carried out by helicopter-borne thermal surveys. Apart from high-temper- ature fumaroles, the cracks did not show any activity, and after the July–August 2001 flank eruption, no eruptive activity occurred on Etna’s summit for several months. On 8 March 2002, ash emission was observed from Bocca Nuova (BN; Fig. 3). This continued until 14 March, when it was observed that the ash emission was caused by failure of the inner crater walls, forming land- slides within the crater. Ash emission from BN was particularly intense on 20 March, when ash was reported to have fallen for about an hour between Zafferana and Giarre, about 20 km away from the summit. Ash emission was discontinuous until 25 March. On 28 March the NEC showed the same kind of activity and between April and June 2002 deep, intermittent explosions of variable intensity occurred in the BN and NEC craters. During June 2002, the ash emission from BN and NEC was intense and became continuous at NEC on 14 June, with pulses of dark ash rising to 500 m above the crater rim. Microscope analysis showed that ash emitted after 21 June 2002 contained a juvenile component. On 23 June a helicopter-borne thermal survey showed elevated tem- peratures inside the NEC, suggesting that magma was very close to the surface. This was confirmed by field diately after the earthquake revealed that no eruptive activity had occurred within the craters. On 26 October 2002 at 20:12 GMT, an earthquake swarm recorded by our seismic network (Patan 2002; Acocella et al. 2003) preceded and accompanied the formation of eruptive fissures over the S and NE flanks of the volcano (Fig. 3), marking the onset of the 2002–03 Etna eruption. A north-south, 1 km-long eruptive fissure opened on the upper southern flank of the volcano (2850–2600 m a.s.l.), between Torre del Filosofo and the old cable-car station partially destroyed during the 1983 eruption (Figs. 2, 3). The fissure produced 100–300 m high fire fountains that soon evolved into an ash column up to about 5 km a.s.l. that was blown south by the wind. Another north-south, 340 m-long eruptive fissure opened at the northern base of NEC (3010–2920 m a.s.l.; Figs. 2, 4), producing fire fountains that lasted ~0.5 h. During this period NEC, VOR and BN showed increasing levels of explosive activity, consisting of pulsating ash emissions and intense short-lived strombolian activity. This produced distinct ash plumes that merged together and joined those orig- inating from the NE and S fissures, forming a large composite plume and causing abundant ash fall on the S and SE flanks of the volcano (Fig. 5). Table 1 summarizes the eruption ...
Context 11
... a new eruptive phase, approach with to magma its surveillance being supplied system to has a continuous lava flow output. The eruption involved the been deep reservoir active since independent the 1980s. from More the central recently, conduit, the moni- that opening of eruptive fissures on the NE and S flanks of the toring could periodically system has been produce further sufficient diversified, overpressure with a to number prop- volcano, with lava flow output and fire fountaining until 5 of agate different a dyke investigations to the surface being and carried generate out further on a regular flank November. After this date, the eruption continued exclu- basis. eruptions. These include: (1) regular field surveys of in- sively on the S flank, with continuous explosive activity tra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux and lava flows active between 13 November and 28 Jan- from Keywords the summit Multi-disciplinary craters using study a correlation · Mount spectrometer Etna · uary 2003. Multi-disciplinary data collected during the (COSPEC); 2002–03 eruption (3) frequent · Eccentric measurements eruptions · of Flank the activity chemical · eruption (petrology, analyses of ash components, gas geo- composition Etna feeding of system magmatic · Volcanic gas processes emissions using Fourier chemistry, field surveys, thermal mapping and structural Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys) allowed us to analyse the dynamics of the erup- surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) tion. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depres- and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater surisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted dur- the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, ing eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we pres- composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted ent the results of these techniques, integrated to under- from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed stand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last magma fraction normally residing within the central con- eruption. duits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is Mount Etna is a basaltic volcano 3300 m high and covers an area of 1250 km 2 in Eastern Sicily, Italy (Fig. 1). A multi-disciplinary approach to its surveillance system has been active since the 1980s. More recently, the monitoring system has been further diversified, with a number of different investigations being carried out on a regular basis. These include: (1) regular field surveys of intra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux from the summit craters using a correlation spectrometer (COSPEC); (3) frequent measurements of the chemical composition of magmatic gas emissions using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted during eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we present the results of these techniques, integrated to understand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last eruption. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), from opposite flanks of the volcano. The 2002–03 erup- activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild tion was characterised by moderate emission of lava, degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This intense explosive activity, and abundant ash emission, consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions which caused damage to agriculture, housing and the lo- and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Cal- cal economy. vari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and The 2002–03 eruption involved two distinct magma Neri 2002; Alparone et al. 2003) at the summit craters intrusion zones, the NE-Rift and the S-Rift (Fig. 1) (Ki- (Fig. 1). This period stopped on 17 July 2001, when effer 1975; McGuire and Pullen 1989). The NE-Rift ex- magma quickly rose upward (Calvari and INGV-CT tends for about 7 km from the summit craters down to 2001; Acocella and Neri 2003; Behncke and Neri 2003a; 1500 m a.s.l., consisting of a network of N to NE-striking Lanzafame et al. 2003), producing intense explosive and eruptive fissures closely spaced in an area about 1–2 km effusive activity from several vents on the south-east wide (Garduæo et al. 1997). The NE-Rift is linked east- flank of the volcano. Although relatively short, the 2001 ward with the Pernicana Fault System (PFS in Fig. 1), a eruption displayed some important features: a very in- complex E-W oriented transtensive tectonic structure that tense seismic swarm lasting about a week before the onset dissects the NE flank of the volcano (Azzaro et al. 1998; of the eruption, the opening of two main systems of Groppelli and Tibaldi 1999; Neri et al. 2004). The last eruptive fissures (Billi et al. 2003; Lanzafame et al. 2003), eruption occurred there, in 1947, when a system of each one characterised by magma with peculiar compo- fissures developed from the North-East Crater (NEC, sition and petrography (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001), ~3300 m elevation, Fig. 3) down to 2150 m altitude, conspicuous lava emission threatening inhabited and forming a 6 km-long lava flow field (Cumin 1947; Ponte tourist areas, and violent explosive activity that led to the 1948; Cucuzza Silvestri 1949). The S-Rift (Fig. 1) com- formation of a 100 m high cinder cone (Behncke and Neri prises eruptive fissures distributed over a wider area, 2003a; Calvari and Pinkerton 2004) near La Montagnola extending from the summit craters to S and SE down to cone (Fig. 2). 600–700 m a.s.l. One third of the fissures on this sector of After a 15 month pause in activity, lava began to erupt the volcano developed as a consequence of eruptive ac- again on 26 October 2002. A short seismic swarm (Patan tivity over the last 2 ka (Del Carlo and Branca 1998). The 2002) preceded the almost simultaneous magma output upper portion of the S-Rift has been the preferential site of magma intrusion during the twentieth century, as indicated by the high occurrence of flank eruptions when compared to other sectors of the volcano (Behncke and Neri 2003b; Branca and Del Carlo 2004). The 2002–03 eruption shares many features with the 2001 event: (1) involvement of the same eruptive area on the south flank (Fig. 2); (2) strongly explosive style and lava output dynamics; (3) distinct magma compositions from the upper and lower fissure systems. In detail, the 2001 lower vents and the 2002–03 southern flank eruptions show features typical of the Etnean eccentric eruptions. Eccentric is the definition (Rittmann 1965) used for those Etnean eruptions fed by magma which bypasses the central conduit. These eruptions are characterised by a high tephra/lava ratio with prevalent ash emission, and low to medium phenocrysts content (Porphyritic In- dex<20%), with mafic minerals prevalent (Armienti et al. 1988). Here we present results obtained using different volcanological techniques, illustrating a multi-disciplinary approach that allowed us to monitor the eruptive events, and thereby promptly inform Civil Protection and local authorities of the possible evolution of the eruption. We use these results here to assess the triggering and eruptive mechanisms that caused the 2002–03 eruption, and by comparing our data with the historical activity of the volcano we infer the possible eruptive behaviour of Mt. Etna in the near future. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Calvari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and Neri 2002; Alparone et al. 2003) at the summit craters (Fig. 1). This period stopped on 17 July 2001, when magma quickly rose upward (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001; Acocella and Neri 2003; Behncke and Neri 2003a; Lanzafame et al. 2003), producing intense explosive and effusive activity from several vents on the south-east flank of the volcano. Although relatively short, the 2001 eruption displayed some important features: a very intense seismic swarm lasting about a week before the onset of the eruption, the opening of two main systems of eruptive fissures (Billi et al. 2003; Lanzafame et al. 2003), each one characterised by magma with peculiar composition and petrography (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001), conspicuous lava emission threatening inhabited and tourist areas, and violent explosive activity that led to the formation of a 100 m high cinder cone (Behncke and Neri 2003a; Calvari and Pinkerton 2004) near La Montagnola cone (Fig. 2). After a 15 month pause in activity, lava began to erupt again on ...
Context 12
... continued exclu- basis. eruptions. These include: (1) regular field surveys of in- sively on the S flank, with continuous explosive activity tra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux and lava flows active between 13 November and 28 Jan- from Keywords the summit Multi-disciplinary craters using study a correlation · Mount spectrometer Etna · uary 2003. Multi-disciplinary data collected during the (COSPEC); 2002–03 eruption (3) frequent · Eccentric measurements eruptions · of Flank the activity chemical · eruption (petrology, analyses of ash components, gas geo- composition Etna feeding of system magmatic · Volcanic gas processes emissions using Fourier chemistry, field surveys, thermal mapping and structural Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys) allowed us to analyse the dynamics of the erup- surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) tion. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depres- and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater surisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted dur- the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, ing eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we pres- composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted ent the results of these techniques, integrated to under- from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed stand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last magma fraction normally residing within the central con- eruption. duits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is Mount Etna is a basaltic volcano 3300 m high and covers an area of 1250 km 2 in Eastern Sicily, Italy (Fig. 1). A multi-disciplinary approach to its surveillance system has been active since the 1980s. More recently, the monitoring system has been further diversified, with a number of different investigations being carried out on a regular basis. These include: (1) regular field surveys of intra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux from the summit craters using a correlation spectrometer (COSPEC); (3) frequent measurements of the chemical composition of magmatic gas emissions using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted during eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we present the results of these techniques, integrated to understand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last eruption. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), from opposite flanks of the volcano. The 2002–03 erup- activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild tion was characterised by moderate emission of lava, degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This intense explosive activity, and abundant ash emission, consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions which caused damage to agriculture, housing and the lo- and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Cal- cal economy. vari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and The 2002–03 eruption involved two distinct magma Neri 2002; Alparone et al. 2003) at the summit craters intrusion zones, the NE-Rift and the S-Rift (Fig. 1) (Ki- (Fig. 1). This period stopped on 17 July 2001, when effer 1975; McGuire and Pullen 1989). The NE-Rift ex- magma quickly rose upward (Calvari and INGV-CT tends for about 7 km from the summit craters down to 2001; Acocella and Neri 2003; Behncke and Neri 2003a; 1500 m a.s.l., consisting of a network of N to NE-striking Lanzafame et al. 2003), producing intense explosive and eruptive fissures closely spaced in an area about 1–2 km effusive activity from several vents on the south-east wide (Garduæo et al. 1997). The NE-Rift is linked east- flank of the volcano. Although relatively short, the 2001 ward with the Pernicana Fault System (PFS in Fig. 1), a eruption displayed some important features: a very in- complex E-W oriented transtensive tectonic structure that tense seismic swarm lasting about a week before the onset dissects the NE flank of the volcano (Azzaro et al. 1998; of the eruption, the opening of two main systems of Groppelli and Tibaldi 1999; Neri et al. 2004). The last eruptive fissures (Billi et al. 2003; Lanzafame et al. 2003), eruption occurred there, in 1947, when a system of each one characterised by magma with peculiar compo- fissures developed from the North-East Crater (NEC, sition and petrography (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001), ~3300 m elevation, Fig. 3) down to 2150 m altitude, conspicuous lava emission threatening inhabited and forming a 6 km-long lava flow field (Cumin 1947; Ponte tourist areas, and violent explosive activity that led to the 1948; Cucuzza Silvestri 1949). The S-Rift (Fig. 1) com- formation of a 100 m high cinder cone (Behncke and Neri prises eruptive fissures distributed over a wider area, 2003a; Calvari and Pinkerton 2004) near La Montagnola extending from the summit craters to S and SE down to cone (Fig. 2). 600–700 m a.s.l. One third of the fissures on this sector of After a 15 month pause in activity, lava began to erupt the volcano developed as a consequence of eruptive ac- again on 26 October 2002. A short seismic swarm (Patan tivity over the last 2 ka (Del Carlo and Branca 1998). The 2002) preceded the almost simultaneous magma output upper portion of the S-Rift has been the preferential site of magma intrusion during the twentieth century, as indicated by the high occurrence of flank eruptions when compared to other sectors of the volcano (Behncke and Neri 2003b; Branca and Del Carlo 2004). The 2002–03 eruption shares many features with the 2001 event: (1) involvement of the same eruptive area on the south flank (Fig. 2); (2) strongly explosive style and lava output dynamics; (3) distinct magma compositions from the upper and lower fissure systems. In detail, the 2001 lower vents and the 2002–03 southern flank eruptions show features typical of the Etnean eccentric eruptions. Eccentric is the definition (Rittmann 1965) used for those Etnean eruptions fed by magma which bypasses the central conduit. These eruptions are characterised by a high tephra/lava ratio with prevalent ash emission, and low to medium phenocrysts content (Porphyritic In- dex<20%), with mafic minerals prevalent (Armienti et al. 1988). Here we present results obtained using different volcanological techniques, illustrating a multi-disciplinary approach that allowed us to monitor the eruptive events, and thereby promptly inform Civil Protection and local authorities of the possible evolution of the eruption. We use these results here to assess the triggering and eruptive mechanisms that caused the 2002–03 eruption, and by comparing our data with the historical activity of the volcano we infer the possible eruptive behaviour of Mt. Etna in the near future. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Calvari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and Neri 2002; Alparone et al. 2003) at the summit craters (Fig. 1). This period stopped on 17 July 2001, when magma quickly rose upward (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001; Acocella and Neri 2003; Behncke and Neri 2003a; Lanzafame et al. 2003), producing intense explosive and effusive activity from several vents on the south-east flank of the volcano. Although relatively short, the 2001 eruption displayed some important features: a very intense seismic swarm lasting about a week before the onset of the eruption, the opening of two main systems of eruptive fissures (Billi et al. 2003; Lanzafame et al. 2003), each one characterised by magma with peculiar composition and petrography (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001), conspicuous lava emission threatening inhabited and tourist areas, and violent explosive activity that led to the formation of a 100 m high cinder cone (Behncke and Neri 2003a; Calvari and Pinkerton 2004) near La Montagnola cone (Fig. 2). After a 15 month pause in activity, lava began to erupt again on 26 October 2002. A short seismic swarm (Patan 2002) preceded the almost simultaneous magma output The opening of a new fissure system across the summit area of the volcano was heralded several months in ad- vance by the development of a field of cracks between North-East Crater (NEC) and South-East Crater (SEC; Fig. 3) in February 2002 (Calvari et al. 2003). The cracks showed a sharp thermal signature that was revealed through routine monthly monitoring carried out by helicopter-borne thermal surveys. Apart from high-temper- ature fumaroles, the cracks did not show any activity, and after the July–August 2001 flank eruption, no eruptive activity ...
Context 13
... analyse the dynamics of the erup- surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) tion. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depres- and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater surisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted dur- the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, ing eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we pres- composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted ent the results of these techniques, integrated to under- from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed stand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last magma fraction normally residing within the central con- eruption. duits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is Abstract The 2002–03 Mt Etna flank eruption began on Mount typical Etna of most is a basaltic Etnean volcano eccentric 3300 eruptions. m high We and believe covers 26 October 2002 and finished on 28 January 2003, after an that area there of is 1250 a high km probability 2 in Eastern that Sicily, Mount Italy Etna (Fig. 1). has entered A three months of continuous explosive activity and dis- multi-disciplinary a new eruptive phase, approach with to magma its surveillance being supplied system to has a continuous lava flow output. The eruption involved the been deep reservoir active since independent the 1980s. from More the central recently, conduit, the moni- that opening of eruptive fissures on the NE and S flanks of the toring could periodically system has been produce further sufficient diversified, overpressure with a to number prop- volcano, with lava flow output and fire fountaining until 5 of agate different a dyke investigations to the surface being and carried generate out further on a regular flank November. After this date, the eruption continued exclu- basis. eruptions. These include: (1) regular field surveys of in- sively on the S flank, with continuous explosive activity tra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux and lava flows active between 13 November and 28 Jan- from Keywords the summit Multi-disciplinary craters using study a correlation · Mount spectrometer Etna · uary 2003. Multi-disciplinary data collected during the (COSPEC); 2002–03 eruption (3) frequent · Eccentric measurements eruptions · of Flank the activity chemical · eruption (petrology, analyses of ash components, gas geo- composition Etna feeding of system magmatic · Volcanic gas processes emissions using Fourier chemistry, field surveys, thermal mapping and structural Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys) allowed us to analyse the dynamics of the erup- surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) tion. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depres- and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater surisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted dur- the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, ing eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we pres- composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted ent the results of these techniques, integrated to under- from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed stand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last magma fraction normally residing within the central con- eruption. duits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is Mount Etna is a basaltic volcano 3300 m high and covers an area of 1250 km 2 in Eastern Sicily, Italy (Fig. 1). A multi-disciplinary approach to its surveillance system has been active since the 1980s. More recently, the monitoring system has been further diversified, with a number of different investigations being carried out on a regular basis. These include: (1) regular field surveys of intra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux from the summit craters using a correlation spectrometer (COSPEC); (3) frequent measurements of the chemical composition of magmatic gas emissions using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted during eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we present the results of these techniques, integrated to understand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last eruption. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), from opposite flanks of the volcano. The 2002–03 erup- activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild tion was characterised by moderate emission of lava, degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This intense explosive activity, and abundant ash emission, consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions which caused damage to agriculture, housing and the lo- and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Cal- cal economy. vari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and The 2002–03 eruption involved two distinct magma Neri 2002; Alparone et al. 2003) at the summit craters intrusion zones, the NE-Rift and the S-Rift (Fig. 1) (Ki- (Fig. 1). This period stopped on 17 July 2001, when effer 1975; McGuire and Pullen 1989). The NE-Rift ex- magma quickly rose upward (Calvari and INGV-CT tends for about 7 km from the summit craters down to 2001; Acocella and Neri 2003; Behncke and Neri 2003a; 1500 m a.s.l., consisting of a network of N to NE-striking Lanzafame et al. 2003), producing intense explosive and eruptive fissures closely spaced in an area about 1–2 km effusive activity from several vents on the south-east wide (Garduæo et al. 1997). The NE-Rift is linked east- flank of the volcano. Although relatively short, the 2001 ward with the Pernicana Fault System (PFS in Fig. 1), a eruption displayed some important features: a very in- complex E-W oriented transtensive tectonic structure that tense seismic swarm lasting about a week before the onset dissects the NE flank of the volcano (Azzaro et al. 1998; of the eruption, the opening of two main systems of Groppelli and Tibaldi 1999; Neri et al. 2004). The last eruptive fissures (Billi et al. 2003; Lanzafame et al. 2003), eruption occurred there, in 1947, when a system of each one characterised by magma with peculiar compo- fissures developed from the North-East Crater (NEC, sition and petrography (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001), ~3300 m elevation, Fig. 3) down to 2150 m altitude, conspicuous lava emission threatening inhabited and forming a 6 km-long lava flow field (Cumin 1947; Ponte tourist areas, and violent explosive activity that led to the 1948; Cucuzza Silvestri 1949). The S-Rift (Fig. 1) com- formation of a 100 m high cinder cone (Behncke and Neri prises eruptive fissures distributed over a wider area, 2003a; Calvari and Pinkerton 2004) near La Montagnola extending from the summit craters to S and SE down to cone (Fig. 2). 600–700 m a.s.l. One third of the fissures on this sector of After a 15 month pause in activity, lava began to erupt the volcano developed as a consequence of eruptive ac- again on 26 October 2002. A short seismic swarm (Patan tivity over the last 2 ka (Del Carlo and Branca 1998). The 2002) preceded the almost simultaneous magma output upper portion of the S-Rift has been the preferential site of magma intrusion during the twentieth century, as indicated by the high occurrence of flank eruptions when compared to other sectors of the volcano (Behncke and Neri 2003b; Branca and Del Carlo 2004). The 2002–03 eruption shares many features with the 2001 event: (1) involvement of the same eruptive area on the south flank (Fig. 2); (2) strongly explosive style and lava output dynamics; (3) distinct magma compositions from the upper and lower fissure systems. In detail, the 2001 lower vents and the 2002–03 southern flank eruptions show features typical of the Etnean eccentric eruptions. Eccentric is the definition (Rittmann 1965) used for those Etnean eruptions fed by magma which bypasses the central conduit. These eruptions are characterised by a high tephra/lava ratio with prevalent ash emission, and low to medium phenocrysts content (Porphyritic In- dex<20%), with mafic ...
Context 14
... The 2002–03 Mt Etna flank eruption began on 26 October 2002 and finished on 28 January 2003, after three months of continuous explosive activity and discontinuous lava flow output. The eruption involved the opening of eruptive fissures on the NE and S flanks of the volcano, with lava flow output and fire fountaining until 5 November. After this date, the eruption continued exclusively on the S flank, with continuous explosive activity and lava flows active between 13 November and 28 January 2003. Multi-disciplinary data collected during the eruption (petrology, analyses of ash components, gas geochemistry, field surveys, thermal mapping and structural surveys) allowed us to analyse the dynamics of the eruption. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depressurisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed magma fraction normally residing within the central conduits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is Abstract The 2002–03 Mt Etna flank eruption began on Mount typical Etna of most is a basaltic Etnean volcano eccentric 3300 eruptions. m high We and believe covers 26 October 2002 and finished on 28 January 2003, after an that area there of is 1250 a high km probability 2 in Eastern that Sicily, Mount Italy Etna (Fig. 1). has entered A three months of continuous explosive activity and dis- multi-disciplinary a new eruptive phase, approach with to magma its surveillance being supplied system to has a continuous lava flow output. The eruption involved the been deep reservoir active since independent the 1980s. from More the central recently, conduit, the moni- that opening of eruptive fissures on the NE and S flanks of the toring could periodically system has been produce further sufficient diversified, overpressure with a to number prop- volcano, with lava flow output and fire fountaining until 5 of agate different a dyke investigations to the surface being and carried generate out further on a regular flank November. After this date, the eruption continued exclu- basis. eruptions. These include: (1) regular field surveys of in- sively on the S flank, with continuous explosive activity tra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux and lava flows active between 13 November and 28 Jan- from Keywords the summit Multi-disciplinary craters using study a correlation · Mount spectrometer Etna · uary 2003. Multi-disciplinary data collected during the (COSPEC); 2002–03 eruption (3) frequent · Eccentric measurements eruptions · of Flank the activity chemical · eruption (petrology, analyses of ash components, gas geo- composition Etna feeding of system magmatic · Volcanic gas processes emissions using Fourier chemistry, field surveys, thermal mapping and structural Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys) allowed us to analyse the dynamics of the erup- surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) tion. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depres- and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater surisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted dur- the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, ing eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we pres- composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted ent the results of these techniques, integrated to under- from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed stand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last magma fraction normally residing within the central con- eruption. duits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is Abstract The 2002–03 Mt Etna flank eruption began on Mount typical Etna of most is a basaltic Etnean volcano eccentric 3300 eruptions. m high We and believe covers 26 October 2002 and finished on 28 January 2003, after an that area there of is 1250 a high km probability 2 in Eastern that Sicily, Mount Italy Etna (Fig. 1). has entered A three months of continuous explosive activity and dis- multi-disciplinary a new eruptive phase, approach with to magma its surveillance being supplied system to has a continuous lava flow output. The eruption involved the been deep reservoir active since independent the 1980s. from More the central recently, conduit, the moni- that opening of eruptive fissures on the NE and S flanks of the toring could periodically system has been produce further sufficient diversified, overpressure with a to number prop- volcano, with lava flow output and fire fountaining until 5 of agate different a dyke investigations to the surface being and carried generate out further on a regular flank November. After this date, the eruption continued exclu- basis. eruptions. These include: (1) regular field surveys of in- sively on the S flank, with continuous explosive activity tra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux and lava flows active between 13 November and 28 Jan- from Keywords the summit Multi-disciplinary craters using study a correlation · Mount spectrometer Etna · uary 2003. Multi-disciplinary data collected during the (COSPEC); 2002–03 eruption (3) frequent · Eccentric measurements eruptions · of Flank the activity chemical · eruption (petrology, analyses of ash components, gas geo- composition Etna feeding of system magmatic · Volcanic gas processes emissions using Fourier chemistry, field surveys, thermal mapping and structural Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys) allowed us to analyse the dynamics of the erup- surveys to analyse ...
Context 15
... eruptive phase, approach with to magma its surveillance being supplied system to has a continuous lava flow output. The eruption involved the been deep reservoir active since independent the 1980s. from More the central recently, conduit, the moni- that opening of eruptive fissures on the NE and S flanks of the toring could periodically system has been produce further sufficient diversified, overpressure with a to number prop- volcano, with lava flow output and fire fountaining until 5 of agate different a dyke investigations to the surface being and carried generate out further on a regular flank November. After this date, the eruption continued exclu- basis. eruptions. These include: (1) regular field surveys of in- sively on the S flank, with continuous explosive activity tra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux and lava flows active between 13 November and 28 Jan- from Keywords the summit Multi-disciplinary craters using study a correlation · Mount spectrometer Etna · uary 2003. Multi-disciplinary data collected during the (COSPEC); 2002–03 eruption (3) frequent · Eccentric measurements eruptions · of Flank the activity chemical · eruption (petrology, analyses of ash components, gas geo- composition Etna feeding of system magmatic · Volcanic gas processes emissions using Fourier chemistry, field surveys, thermal mapping and structural Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys) allowed us to analyse the dynamics of the erup- surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) tion. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depres- and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater surisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted dur- the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, ing eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we pres- composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted ent the results of these techniques, integrated to under- from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed stand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last magma fraction normally residing within the central con- eruption. duits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is Mount Etna is a basaltic volcano 3300 m high and covers an area of 1250 km 2 in Eastern Sicily, Italy (Fig. 1). A multi-disciplinary approach to its surveillance system has been active since the 1980s. More recently, the monitoring system has been further diversified, with a number of different investigations being carried out on a regular basis. These include: (1) regular field surveys of intra-crater activity; (2) three measurements of SO 2 flux from the summit craters using a correlation spectrometer (COSPEC); (3) frequent measurements of the chemical composition of magmatic gas emissions using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); (4) structural surveys to analyse the pattern of brittle deformation; (5) thermal imaging surveys carried out from both ground and helicopter to detect new fractures and intra-crater activity; (6) quantitative analyses of ash components; (7) petrology of ash fall-out, scoria and lava emitted during eruptive activity. The use of fixed cameras, stream- ing images of the volcano from various perspectives di- rectly to the web, has also significantly improved the visual monitoring of the volcano. In this paper we present the results of these techniques, integrated to understand the dynamics and eruptive behaviour of the last eruption. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), from opposite flanks of the volcano. The 2002–03 erup- activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild tion was characterised by moderate emission of lava, degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This intense explosive activity, and abundant ash emission, consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions which caused damage to agriculture, housing and the lo- and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Cal- cal economy. vari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and The 2002–03 eruption involved two distinct magma Neri 2002; Alparone et al. 2003) at the summit craters intrusion zones, the NE-Rift and the S-Rift (Fig. 1) (Ki- (Fig. 1). This period stopped on 17 July 2001, when effer 1975; McGuire and Pullen 1989). The NE-Rift ex- magma quickly rose upward (Calvari and INGV-CT tends for about 7 km from the summit craters down to 2001; Acocella and Neri 2003; Behncke and Neri 2003a; 1500 m a.s.l., consisting of a network of N to NE-striking Lanzafame et al. 2003), producing intense explosive and eruptive fissures closely spaced in an area about 1–2 km effusive activity from several vents on the south-east wide (Garduæo et al. 1997). The NE-Rift is linked east- flank of the volcano. Although relatively short, the 2001 ward with the Pernicana Fault System (PFS in Fig. 1), a eruption displayed some important features: a very in- complex E-W oriented transtensive tectonic structure that tense seismic swarm lasting about a week before the onset dissects the NE flank of the volcano (Azzaro et al. 1998; of the eruption, the opening of two main systems of Groppelli and Tibaldi 1999; Neri et al. 2004). The last eruptive fissures (Billi et al. 2003; Lanzafame et al. 2003), eruption occurred there, in 1947, when a system of each one characterised by magma with peculiar compo- fissures developed from the North-East Crater (NEC, sition and petrography (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001), ~3300 m elevation, Fig. 3) down to 2150 m altitude, conspicuous lava emission threatening inhabited and forming a 6 km-long lava flow field (Cumin 1947; Ponte tourist areas, and violent explosive activity that led to the 1948; Cucuzza Silvestri 1949). The S-Rift (Fig. 1) com- formation of a 100 m high cinder cone (Behncke and Neri prises eruptive fissures distributed over a wider area, 2003a; Calvari and Pinkerton 2004) near La Montagnola extending from the summit craters to S and SE down to cone (Fig. 2). 600–700 m a.s.l. One third of the fissures on this sector of After a 15 month pause in activity, lava began to erupt the volcano developed as a consequence of eruptive ac- again on 26 October 2002. A short seismic swarm (Patan tivity over the last 2 ka (Del Carlo and Branca 1998). The 2002) preceded the almost simultaneous magma output upper portion of the S-Rift has been the preferential site of magma intrusion during the twentieth century, as indicated by the high occurrence of flank eruptions when compared to other sectors of the volcano (Behncke and Neri 2003b; Branca and Del Carlo 2004). The 2002–03 eruption shares many features with the 2001 event: (1) involvement of the same eruptive area on the south flank (Fig. 2); (2) strongly explosive style and lava output dynamics; (3) distinct magma compositions from the upper and lower fissure systems. In detail, the 2001 lower vents and the 2002–03 southern flank eruptions show features typical of the Etnean eccentric eruptions. Eccentric is the definition (Rittmann 1965) used for those Etnean eruptions fed by magma which bypasses the central conduit. These eruptions are characterised by a high tephra/lava ratio with prevalent ash emission, and low to medium phenocrysts content (Porphyritic In- dex<20%), with mafic minerals prevalent (Armienti et al. 1988). Here we present results obtained using different volcanological techniques, illustrating a multi-disciplinary approach that allowed us to monitor the eruptive events, and thereby promptly inform Civil Protection and local authorities of the possible evolution of the eruption. We use these results here to assess the triggering and eruptive mechanisms that caused the 2002–03 eruption, and by comparing our data with the historical activity of the volcano we infer the possible eruptive behaviour of Mt. Etna in the near future. After the 1991–93 flank eruption (Calvari et al. 1994), activity at Mt. Etna was typified for several years by mild degassing, alternated with summit eruptive activity. This consisted of lava flow emission, strombolian explosions and paroxysmal events (Coltelli et al. 1998, 2000a; Calvari et al. 2002; Calvari and Pinkerton 2002; Harris and Neri 2002; Alparone et al. 2003) at the summit craters (Fig. 1). This period stopped on 17 July 2001, when magma quickly rose upward (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001; Acocella and Neri 2003; Behncke and Neri 2003a; Lanzafame et al. 2003), producing intense explosive and effusive activity from several vents on the south-east flank of the volcano. Although relatively short, the 2001 eruption displayed some important features: a very intense seismic swarm lasting about a week before the onset of the eruption, the opening of two main systems of eruptive fissures (Billi et al. 2003; Lanzafame et al. 2003), each one characterised by magma with peculiar composition and petrography (Calvari and INGV-CT 2001), conspicuous lava emission threatening inhabited and tourist areas, and violent explosive activity that led to the formation of a 100 m high cinder cone (Behncke and Neri 2003a; Calvari and Pinkerton 2004) near La Montagnola cone (Fig. 2). After a 15 month pause in activity, lava began to erupt again on 26 October ...

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... Mt. Etna volcano is one of the most studied active volcanoes worldwide that exhibited an increasing frequency of the volcanic activity throughout the last two decades, characterized by flank eruptions during 2001 and 2002-03 (Behncke and Neri, 2003;Andronico et al., 2005;Ferlito et al., 2012) along with paroxysmal eruptions at the summit (Alparone et al., 2003;Behncke et al., 2014;Bonaccorso and Calvari, 2017;Giuffrida and Viccaro, 2017;Edwards et al., 2018;Giuffrida et al., 2018;Gambino et al., 2023;Andronico et al., 2021). According to Calvari and Nunnari (2022), 122 paroxysmal episodes were registered from 2011 to 2022, showing in general similar volcanological features in terms of explosiveness and transition from Strombolian activity to fountaining activity. ...
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Mt. Etna exhibited 62 lava fountaining events between December 13, 2020 and February 21, 2022. We analyzed tilt deformations and volcanic tremor amplitude time series, to characterize both eruptions and the preceding preparatory phases in terms of magnitude and speed of development of the volcanic phenomena, as well as to reconstruct the processes that took place inside the plumbing system and drove this intense period of activity. Based on deflation amplitudes associated with lava fountains and according with other retrieved parameters (i.e., magnitude of inflations, inflation and deflation velocities and volcanic tremor amplitudes), three periods have been distinguished. Period I displays higher values of all the aforementioned parameters, interpreted as conspicuous volumes of volatile-rich magma transferred towards the surface. Period II shows lower values evidencing lack of important new injections of magma from depth, whereas period III reveals a general increasing trend possibly related to gas flushing from magma residing in deeper portions of the plumbing system. Detailed elaborations of tilt signals allowed the identification of short-lived inflations accompanying the early stages of lava fountains during period II. Our results reveal significant correlations between amplitude and velocity of tilt and volcanic tremor signals associated with lava fountains and evidence the crucial role of gas in the inflation-deflation cycles.
... The location of the storage and transport system, along with evidence from sedimentary-metamorphic xenoliths documented at Etna, indicate that magmas are indeed in direct contact and interact physically and chemically with the f lysch and carbonate/skarn substrata. The complex nature of the present storage and transport system as a plexus of dikes and sills (Trigila et al., 1990;Armienti et al., 2004;Chiarabba et al., 2004;Corsaro & Pompilio, 2004c;Andronico et al., 2005;Corsaro et al., 2007) creates even larger areas of contact (compared to a single, large magma chamber) between the magma and wallrock to support these thermal and chemical exchanges. ...
... The suggestion that the magma storage system is a plexus of dikes and sills is also supported by the variability of the observed data, even within a single eruption (e.g. Behncke & Neri, 2003;Clocchiatti et al., 2004;Andronico et al., 2005;Viccaro et al., 2006;Ferlito et al., 2012;Magee et al., 2021). The complex nature of the magma storage system can allow magmas to be stored in physically isolated chambers, which can interact with spatially heterogeneous wallrock compositions or mix with varied recharge magmas, which means these magma chambers are not equally affected by fractionation and other open-system processes (e.g. ...
The nearly continuous volcanic eruption record at Mt. Etna dating back ~700 years provides an excellent opportunity to investigate the geochemical evolution of a highly active volcano. Of particular interest is elucidating the cause of selective enrichment in alkali elements (K and Rb) and 87Sr/86Sr observed in various episodes of past activity. More recently, this alkali enrichment trend started to manifest in the 17th century and accelerated after 1971, and was accompanied by an increase in the volume, frequency, and explosivity of eruptions. Explanations for this signature include recharge of alkali-enriched magmas and/or crustal contamination from the subvolcanic basement. This study quantitatively examines the role of crustal contamination in post-1971 Etnean magma compositions via hundreds of open-system phase equilibria and trace element calculations based upon whole-rock major oxides, trace elements, 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and mineral compositional data. Available pre-1971 petrochemical data are satisfactorily reproduced by fractional crystallization of a high whole-rock MgO (12–17 wt.%), Ni (135–285 ppm), and Cr (920–1330 ppm) parental magma composition that is documented in Etna's ~4-ka fall-stratified deposit. Observed post-1971 whole-rock and glass trends and phase equilibria are reproduced via modeled assimilation of a skarn and flysch mixture, lithologies that represent the uppermost 10 to 15 km of sedimentary rocks beneath Etna. Notably, models show that K2O (wt.%) and Rb (ppm) behave incompatibly during partial melting of skarn/flysch. Additionally, the observed elevation of 87Sr/86Sr in post-1971 samples is consistent with the addition of radiogenic Sr from wallrock partial melts. In best-fit models, which yield observed post-1971 K2O, Rb, and 87Sr/86Sr trends, ~17% anatectic melt is assimilated and there may be a subordinate stoped wallrock component of ≤2% (percentage is relative to the starting mass of pristine magma). Previous work has shown that metasomatized spinel lherzolite and garnet pyroxenite can be melted in different proportions to reproduce long- and short-term changes observed in Etna’s geochemical products. We propose that the alkali enrichment signature observed after 1971 can be fully explained through the combination of mantle heterogeneity and crustal contamination. In particular, up to ~20% crustal input coupled with mantle heterogeneity of primitive melts explains the geochemical signals quite well. The influence of crustal contamination on post-1971 lavas is, in part, the result of frequent recharge of magmas that thermally primed the middle to upper crust and enhanced its partial melting.
... laricio (Poir.) Maire) forests to develop on the west and north-east flanks, including near the 2002-2003 eruption location (Andronico et al., 2005). These forests form part of the regional park of Mt. ...
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Understanding past volcanic eruptions is essential to improve the resilience of societies to future events and to establish appropriate response plans. For volcanoes which are not the most active (one eruption every 30 yrs or less), documentation of past eruptions is often scarce, especially for those preceding modern measurements, making sometimes challenging the connection between studies such as those based on ash deposits and more recent observations. In this study we show that tree-ring growth records can help to constrain the size of basaltic events over a time-span of approximately 100 years. In order to validate our approach, we sampled pine trees along the north-east rift zones of Mt. Etna and show the growth of these trees has been impacted since 1925, and that erupted volumes correlate with change in tree-ring growth (r>0.7, p<0.005, n=14 events and 48 trees sampled). We propose that tree growth is enhanced by transport of fluids (water, nutrients within the water and potentially SO2/CO2) within the subsurface before magma reach the surface. These results suggest that trees growing on volcanoes may be useful in documenting past volcanic activity and in understanding the role of deep magmatic sources in the preparation of magma intrusions.
... Etna's persistent degassing activity is typically sustained by quiescent (passive) gas discharge from shallow convecting magma (Allard, 1997), accompanied by mild (Strombolian) intra-crater explosive activity. This ordinary activity is frequently interrupted by effusive eruptions (Branca and Del Carlo, 2004;Branca and Del Carlo, 2005;Andronico et al., 2005;Branca et al., 2011) and, periodically, by violent paroxysmal explosive activity (Andronico et al., 2021). Since the 1980s, there has been an intensification of this latter explosive behavior, with periods of quiescent open-vent degassing at the summit craters being frequently interrupted by powerful paroxysmal sequences, typically lasting months, and consisting of clusters of violent, short-lived Strombolian to lava fountaining episodes (Andronico et al., 2021 and references therein). ...
... That the SO 2 flux regime at Etna modulates in response to changing activity level is not a new finding itself, as there is plenty of evidence for an SO 2 flux escalation during both flank eruptions (Bruno et al., 2001;Caltabiano et al., 2004;Andronico et al., 2005) and summit crater paroxysmal sequences (Patanè et al., 2013;Spampinato et al., 2015;Corsaro et al., 2017;Coppola et al., 2019;Calvari et al., 2020). The relationship between SO 2 , seismic tremor , and heat flux Corradini et al., 2020) has also been investigated earlier. ...
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The persistent open-vent degassing of Mt. Etna is often punctuated by months-long paroxysmal sequences characterized by episodes of violent Strombolian to lava fountaining activity. Understanding these gas-fueled transitions from quiescence to eruption requires routine measurement of gas fluxes. Here, we report SO2 flux measurements, obtained from a permanent UV camera system, collected over a two-year-long period spanning two paroxysmal sequences of Etna’s New South East Crater (NSEC) in December 2020/April 2021 and May/October 2021. In both cases, SO2 flux increased from ≤ 3250 Mg/day during “ordinary” activity to ≥ 4200 Mg/day. We interpret these distinct SO2 degassing regimes in light of seismic and thermal observations and drawing on numerical simulations of sulfur degassing constrained by parental melt sulfur contents in Etna’s hawaiites. We find that initiation of a paroxysmal sequence results from an approximate doubling of the time-averaged rate of magma supply (and degassing) above the sulfur exsolution level (∼150 MPa pressure), to >4 m³/s. This corroborates recent models that argue for the triggering of paroxysmal sequences by escalating supply of volatile-rich magma to a reservoir ∼3–4 km below the summit region. The non-stationary nature of magma flow and volcanic degassing we identify highlights the need for sustained surveillance to characterize long-term atmospheric budgets of volcanic volatiles.
... However, the origins of Mt. Etna remain a subject of debate (Andronico et al. 2005;Behncke et al. 2009). ...
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Landslides on the flanks of stratovolcanoes can significantly modify the structure of the volcano. Macroscopic factors that determine the stability of volcanic deposits are well understood, but the microscopic interactions between particles and their impact on deposit cohesion remain poorly understood. Deposit cohesion is related to the energy of interaction between particles, and its calculation depends on the surficial properties of the eruptive materials. The purpose of this study was to perform a preliminary comparative analysis of the surficial properties of volcanic materials from various tectonic settings, including electrical (zeta potential) and thermodynamic (surface free energy) components and to calculate the total interaction energy between particles under different environmental conditions. We analyzed samples of eruptive materials obtained from volcanic flows characteristic of six active volcanoes (El Hierro, Pico Do Fogo, Vulcano, Stromboli, Mt. Etna, and Deception Island). The results show that deposit cohesion varies among volcanoes and changes drastically with the pH of the medium. Among the volcanic systems investigated, El Hierro (pH = 3) has the most cohesive materials, while Mt. Etna (pH = 8) has the least cohesive materials. Our results suggest that microscopic electrical and thermodynamic properties play a role in the stability of volcanic deposits, and confirm the need for a greater research focus in this area.
... An open-conduit system is persistently filled with magma feeding spectacular explosive Strombolian eruptions and lava fountains from the summit craters. Effusive flank eruptions occur as both lateral eruptions draining magma from the central conduit (Corsaro et al., 2009) and as eccentric (peripheral) eruptions bypassing the central conduit and draining magma from the deeper feeding system (Andronico et al., 2005). Petrological studies outline that intratelluric crystals generally equilibrate at P ≈ 100-500 MPa, T ≈ 1000-1200 • C, and H 2 O melt ≈ 1-3 wt% Armienti et al., 2013;Mollo et al., 2015aMollo et al., , 2018. ...
... These episodes have a major impact on the local population, because the ash fallout affects air and ground viability, stability of roofs and buildings, and public health [9][10][11][12][13]. Usually, lava fountain activity at Etna precedes major flank eruptions [14][15][16][17], but this was not so during the most recent paroxysmal explosive sequences [2,3,8]. This unusual behavior allowed Bonaccorso and Calvari [18] to note that the lava fountain sequences are just an alternative way used by the volcano to dissipate the inner energy caused by magma stored at depth from a steady supply. ...
... Remote Sens. 2022,14, 4006 ...
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Between 13 December 2020 and 21 February 2022, Etna volcano produced a sequence of 66 paroxysmal explosive eruptions, with Strombolian activity at the summit craters climaxing in lava fountains and eruption columns extending several kilometers above the craters, accompanied by minor and short-lasting lava flows from the crater rim. We selected three of these episodes that occurred within a short space of time, between 13 December 2020 and 12 March 2021, of different magnitude (i.e., erupted volume) and intensity (i.e., mass eruption rate or instantaneous eruption rate), and analyzed them from a multidisciplinary perspective. The aim was to gain insights into those parameters that mostly reveal the eruptive process for hazard assessment purposes. The multidisciplinary data consist of calibrated visible images, thermal images, seismic and infrasound data, ground deformation detected from the strainmeters, as well as satellite SEVIRI images. From these data, we obtained the timing of each paroxysmal event, the erupted volume in terms of tephra and lava flows, and the corresponding deflation of the source region, together with the development of the lava fountains and eruption columns with time. The results enabled determining that the smallest episode was that of 13 December 2020, which comprised three distinctive pulses but did not produce an eruptive column detectable from either monitoring cameras or satellites. The 28 February 2021 episode was remarkable for the short amount of time required to reach the climax, and was the most intense, whereas the 12 March 2021 event showed the longest duration but with an intensity between that of the previous two. Our results show that these three paroxysmal events display a typical trend, with the first event also being the smallest in terms of both erupted volume and intensity, the second being the most intense, and the third the one of greatest magnitude but less intense than the second. This is coherent with the end of the first paroxysmal phase on 1 April 2021, which was followed by 48 days of eruptive pause before starting again. In this context, the end of the paroxysmal phase was anticipated by a more effusive episode, thus heralding a temporary decline in the gas content within the feeding magma batch.
... Between 26 and 27 October 2002, intense seismicity accompanied the opening of two eruptive fissure systems on Etna's S and NE flanks (Andronico et al., 2005(Andronico et al., , 2009. Beginning during the early hours of 27 October, a fissure system opened on the NE Rift between the elevations of 2500 and 1890 m asl (Andronico et al., 2009), where satellite-derived Time Averaged Discharge Rates (TADR; Harris et al., 2007) recorded a peak of 30-60 m 3 s − 1 during the evening of 27 October (Harris et al., 2011(Harris et al., , 2012. ...
... Samples comprise plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine and oxides in a microcrystalline groundmass (Appendix B), thus exhibiting chemical and mineralogical associations typical of Etnean lavas (c.f. Andronico et al., 2005;Clocchiatti et al., 2004;Corsaro and Miraglia, 2005;Corsaro and Pompilio, 2004;Vona et al., 2011). We were able to group the crystals into three different populations by size: (i) phenocrysts with equivalent diameters between 1 and 8 mm; (ii) microphenocrysts with equivalent diameters between 0.2 and 1 mm; and (iii) microlites with equivalent diameters of <0.2 mm. ...
... The Linguaglossa lava flow destroyed and buried the Piano Provenzana tourist infrastructure (Andronico et al., 2005), plus 2.1 km 2 of forest through which it moved, causing fires (Fig. 6). Around 231,000 trees covered the area before the eruption (Table 2), of which none remained standing following passage of the flow, and just 2% were still apparent as trunks lying on the flow surface. ...
Forest destruction by ‘a‘ā lava flow is common. However, mechanical and thermal interactions between the invading lava and the invaded forest are poorly constrained. We complete mapping, thermal image and sample analyses of a channel-fed ‘a‘ā lava flow system that invaded forest on the NE flank of Mt. Etna (Italy) in 2002. These lava flows destroyed 231,000 trees, only 2% of which are still visible as felled trunks on the levees or at the channel-levee contact. The remaining 98% were first felled by the flow front, with the trunks then buried by the flow. Rare tree molds can be found at the rubble levee base where trees were buried by avalanching hot breccia and then burnt through, with a time scale for total combustion being a few days. Protruding trunks fell away from the flow, if felled by blocks avalanching down the levee flank, or became aligned with the flow if falling onto the moving stream. Estimated cooling rates (0.1–5.5 °C km⁻¹) are normal for well-insulated ‘a‘ā flow, suggesting no thermal interaction. We find the highest phenocryst concentrations (of 50–60%, above an expected value of 30–40%) in low velocity (<0.5 m s⁻¹) locations. These low velocity zones are also characterized by high trunk concentrations. Thus, the common factor behind crystal and trunk deposition is velocity. That is, when the lava slows down, crystal settling occurs and trunks are preferentially deposited. Thus, although we find no thermal or textural effects due to the presence of the forest, we do find mechanical and environmental interactions where the trees are consumed to become part of the flow.
... The vast majority of impacts from Kīlauea lava flows over the past 50 years, including the 2018 LERZ lava flows, have been located within the Puna District on the eastern flanks of Kīlauea volcano on the Island of Hawaiʻi (Fig. 1). Williams and Moore (1983); b Blong (1984); c Harris (2015); d Jenkins et al. (2017); e Tsang and Lindsay (2020); f GVP (1981); g GVP (1983); h Barberi et al. (2003); i Bonaccorso et al. (2016); j Andronico et al. (2005); k Komorowski et al. (2016); l GVP (1976); m Krafft (1982); n Bachèlery et al. (2016); o Morin and Lavigne (2009) Aramaki et al. (1986);u GVP (1977a); v Baxter et al. (2002); w GVP (2021a); x Wardman et al. (2012); y GVP (2021b); z GVP (1977b) (Fig. 3). ...
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Cataloguing damage and its correlation with hazard intensity is one of the key components needed to robustly assess future risk and plan for mitigation as it provides important empirical data. Damage assessments following volcanic eruptions have been conducted for buildings and other structures following hazards such as tephra fall, pyroclastic density currents, and lahars. However, there are relatively limited quantitative descriptions of the damage caused by lava flows, despite the number of communities that have been devastated by lava flows in recent decades (e.g., Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, 2021; Nyiragongo, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2002 and 2021; Fogo, Cape Verde, 2014–2015). The 2018 lower East Rift Zone (LERZ) lava flows of Kīlauea volcano, Hawaiʻi, inundated 32.4 km ² of land in the Puna District, including residential properties, infrastructure, and farmland. During and after the eruption, US Geological Survey scientists and collaborators took over 8000 aerial and ground photographs and videos of the eruption processes, deposits, and impacts. This reconnaissance created one of the largest available impact datasets documenting an effusive eruption and provided a unique opportunity to conduct a comprehensive damage assessment. Drawing on this georeferenced dataset, satellite imagery, and 2019 ground-based damage surveys, we assessed the pre-event typology and post-event condition of structures within and adjacent to the area inundated by lava flows during the 2018 LERZ eruption. We created a database of damage: each structure was assigned a newly developed damage state and data quality category value. We assessed 3165 structures within the Puna District and classified 1839 structures (58%) as destroyed, 90 structures (3%) as damaged, and 1236 (39%) as unaffected. We observed a range of damage states, affected by the structural typology and hazard characteristics. Our study reveals that structures may be damaged or destroyed beyond the lava flow margin, due to thermal effects from the lava flow, fire spread, or from exposure to a range of hazards associated with fissure eruptions, such as steam, volcanic gases, or tephra fall. This study provides a major contribution to the currently limited evidence base required to forecast future lava flow impacts and assess risk.