Table 1 - uploaded by Claus Lamm
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Significant clusters in superior parietal and dorsal premotor regions of interest (ROI), resulting from a region of interest analysis of activation differences between encoding, mental rotation and matching 

Significant clusters in superior parietal and dorsal premotor regions of interest (ROI), resulting from a region of interest analysis of activation differences between encoding, mental rotation and matching 

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Subjects deciding whether two objects presented at angular disparity are identical or mirror versions of each other usually show response times that linearly increase with the angle between objects. This phenomenon has been termed mental rotation. While there is widespread agreement that parietal cortex plays a dominant role in mental rotation, rep...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... figure reveals that bilateral parietal and dorsal lateral premotor areas are active during all three processing steps. However, premotor activation during matching is considerably reduced in the right and increased in the left hemisphere, suggesting that it might be predominantly related to response preparation and movement execution with the right hand (see also below and Table 1). ...
Context 2
... was clearly the case, as this analysis yielded large clusters in dPM that were basically identical to those of the contrast ROTATE N FIXATE (data not shown). Table 1 displays results of the ROI analyses comparing activation in the dPM and SPL ROIs evoked by the three different processing steps. During the mental rotation epoch (ROTATE) activation was considerably increased -compared to both the encoding and the matching epochs -in large portions of the SPL. ...

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... Selon Lamm et al. (2007), lors de la rotation mentale, le cortex prémoteur dorsolatéral qui correspond à l'attention visuo-spatiale et à l'anticipation du mouvement est activé. Wohlschlager et Wohlschlager (1998) et Zacks (2008 confirment que les rotations manuelles et les rotations mentales partagent des processus communs au niveau de leur traitement mental et montrent les zones motrices du cerveau qui sont activées lors des rotations mentales, en particulier l'aire motrice supérieure qui est associée au contrôle moteur, mais également à la simulation motrice. ...
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Les recherches montrent que la capacité à effectuer des rotations mentales est un facteur prédictif de la réussite en mathématiques et en sciences à l’école. Au vu de l’importance de ces compétences dans la réussite scolaire des élèves, il est important de considérer les interventions permettant de développer l’habileté de rotation mentale chez les élèves. Cet article présente une revue systématique de la littérature sur les différentes interventions utilisées pour développer l’habileté de rotation mentale chez les élèves d’âge scolaire et sur le rôle des gestes dans ces interventions. Les résultats montrent que la manipulation réelle d’un objet et l’utilisation de gestes pour simuler la rotation mentale améliorent les compétences des élèves.
... Aitken et al., 2020;Yon et al., 2018;Muckli et al., 2015) about visual motion 403 from the hand. They could also have resulted from mental transformation of visual body posture 404 (Bonda et al., 1995;Lamm et al., 2007). Conversely, delay responses in the sensorimotor cortex and 405 the MTL increased when movements were uncued. ...
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... These strategies also are essential for maintaining appropriate motor control and safeguarding the joint in the face of unforeseen events, particularly competitive athletic maneuvers [6,7]. It has been extensively emphasized the pivotal role of cognitive skills in maintaining muscle coordination, which involves monitoring environmental cues and concurrently adjusting movement planning [8]. One prospective study by Swanik et al. [7] found that a group of collegiate athletes who had lower performance on neurocognitive tests, including slower processing speed, reactions, poorer memory, and visual-spatial abilities, went on to suffer noncontact ACL sprains. ...
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... Functional imaging studies comparing MR of objects and body parts support the involvement of distinct, yet partially overlapping cognitive processes by showing similar neural activations. Several MR studies of objects revealed bilateral activations of posterior parietal cortex (PPC), while MR of hands more often activated motor and premotor areas (Cohen et al., 1996;Kosslyn et al., 1998;Richter et al., 2000;Jordan et al., 2002;Wraga et al., 2005;Lamm et al., 2007;Milivojevic et al., 2009). Meta-analyses support the involvement of posterior parietal and motor/premotor regions in MR, but they do not distinguish between different types of stimuli (Zacks, 2008;Ptak et al., 2017;Cona and Scarpazza, 2019). ...
... Stimulus type Angular disparity Interaction underlying cognitive processes. Though some previous studies also compared MR of body parts and objects (Lamm et al., 2007;Dalecki et al., 2012;Vingerhoets, 2014;Jansen et al., 2020), our MR paradigm distinguishes itself by three features. First, we used objects that are not associated with a distinctive manual response, and are therefore not expected to trigger actions implying the hands. ...
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Several arguments suggest that motor planning may share embodied neural mechanisms with mental rotation (MR). However, it is not well established whether this overlap occurs regardless of the type of stimulus that is manipulated, in particular manipulable or non-manipulable objects and body parts. We here used high-density electroencephalography (EEG) to examine the cognitive similarity between MR of objects that do not afford specific hand actions (chairs) and bodily stimuli (hands). Participants had identical response options for both types of stimuli, and they gave responses orally in order to prevent possible interference with motor imagery. MR of hands and chairs generated very similar behavioral responses, time-courses and neural sources of evoked-response potentials (ERPs). ERP segmentation analysis revealed distinct time windows during which differential effects of stimulus type and angular disparity were observed. An early period (90–160 ms) differentiated only between stimulus types, and was associated with occipito-temporal activity. A later period (290–330 ms) revealed strong effects of angular disparity, associated with electrical sources in the right angular gyrus and primary motor/somatosensory cortex. These data suggest that spatial transformation processes and motor planning are recruited simultaneously, supporting the involvement of motor emulation processes in MR.
... Neuroimaging data have supported both the analog representation view and the hypothesis that mental rotation depends on motor simulation, i.e., the planning of motor processes (Zacks, 2008). Mental rotation could be considered an imagined (covert) action or at least partly produced in conjunction with the motor system (Lamm et al., 2007;Wexler et al., 1998;Wohlschlä ger, 2001). ...
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Recognition of rotated images can challenge visual systems. Humans often diminish the load of cognitive tasks employing bodily actions (cognitive offloading). To investigate these phenomena from a comparative perspective, we trained eight dogs (Canis familiaris) to discriminate between bi-dimensional shapes. We then tested the dogs with rotated versions of the same shapes, while measuring their accuracy and head tilts. Although generalisation to rotated stimuli challenged dogs (overall accuracy: 55%), three dogs performed differently from chance level with rotated stimuli. The amplitude of stimulus rotation did not influence dogs’ performance. Interestingly, dogs tilted their head following the direction and amplitude of rotated stimuli. These small head movements did not influence their performance. Hence, we show that dogs might be capable of recognising rotated 2D objects, but they do not use a cognitive offloading strategy in this task. This work paves the way to further investigation of cognitive offloading in non-human species.
... Several meta-analyses of mental rotation also revealed bilateral activations of the dorsal parietal and premotor cortex [148][149][150]. A closer look at studies comparing the mental rotation of body parts and objects directly suggests some differences, with body parts generally activating more the premotor cortex than objects, while the latter more consistently activate the SPL [151][152][153][154][155]. Despite this difference, when each condition is compared with the baseline, robust bilateral premotor and parietal activations are revealed whether mental rotation involves bodily or non-bodily stimuli [151]. ...
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The aim of this article is to discuss the logic and assumptions behind the concept of neural reuse, to explore its biological advantages and to discuss the implications for the cognition of a brain that reuses existing circuits and resources. We first address the requirements that must be fulfilled for neural reuse to be a biologically plausible mechanism. Neural reuse theories generally take a developmental approach and model the brain as a dynamic system composed of highly flexible neural networks. They often argue against domain-specificity and for a distributed, embodied representation of knowledge, which sets them apart from modular theories of mental processes. We provide an example of reuse by proposing how a phylogenetically more modern mental capacity (mental rotation) may appear through the reuse and recombination of existing resources from an older capacity (motor planning). We conclude by putting arguments into context regarding functional modularity, embodied representation, and the current ontology of mental processes.
... Functional imaging studies comparing MR of objects and body parts support the involvement of distinct, yet partially overlapping cognitive processes by showing similar neural activations. Several MR studies of objects revealed bilateral activations of posterior parietal cortex (PPC), while MR of hands more often activated motor and premotor areas [22][23][24][25][26][27][28] . Meta-analyses support the involvement of posterior parietal and motor/premotor regions in MR, but they do not distinguish between different types of stimuli 12,15,29 . ...
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Several arguments suggest that mental rotation (MR) and motor planning may share embodied neural mechanisms, but the overlap between cognitive processes recruited during MR of objects and body parts is not well established. We here used high-density EEG to examine the cognitive similarity between MR of non-manipulable objects (chairs) and bodily stimuli (hands). We selected chairs because they may appear in a recognizable left-right orientation and are not automatically associated with a manual action. Participants had identical response options for both types of stimuli, and they gave responses orally in order to prevent possible interference with motor imagery. MR of hands and chairs generated very similar behavioral responses, time-courses and neural sources of evoked-response potentials (ERPs). ERP segmentation analysis revealed distinct time windows during which differential effects of stimulus type and angular disparity were observed. An early period (90-160 ms) differentiated only between stimulus types, and was associated with occipito-temporal activity. A later period (290-330 ms) revealed strong effects of angular disparity, associated with electrical sources in the right angular gyrus and primary motor/somatosensory cortex. These data suggest that spatial transformation processes and motor planning are recruited simultaneously, supporting the involvement of motor emulation processes in MR.
... The direct transfer may occur only when a subject is familiar with a current environment, in which enough information could be provided to compute the target location accurately in the HPC. Conversely, when the environment is not enough familiar, the subject may recruit an active simulation process like mental rotation, which would be supported by other cortical areas [49][50][51]. ...
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The ability to use stored information in a highly flexible manner is a defining feature of the declarative memory system. However, the neuronal mechanisms underlying this flexibility are poorly understood. To address this question, we recorded single-unit activity from the hippocampus of 2 nonhuman primates performing a newly devised task requiring the monkeys to retrieve long-term item-location association memory and then use it flexibly in different circumstances. We found that hippocampal neurons signaled both mnemonic information representing the retrieved location and perceptual information representing the external circumstance. The 2 signals were combined at a single-neuron level to construct goal-directed information by 3 sequentially occurring neuronal operations (e.g., convergence, transference, and targeting) in the hippocampus. Thus, flexible use of knowledge may be supported by the hippocampal constructive process linking memory and perception, which may fit the mnemonic information into the current situation to present manageable information for a subsequent action.
... The SPL has previously been reported to be activated during both action observation and execution (Rizzolatti et al., 2014) and is considered to play a critical role in mental rotation and spatial transformation (Buneo and Andersen, 2006;Lamm et al., 2007). Oh et al.'s (2019) model indicated that the SPL may be involved in visuospatial transformation, allowing the MNS to observe and imitate actions independently of demonstratorimitator spatial relationships. ...
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In a social world, observing the actions of others is fundamental to understanding what they are doing, as well as their intentions and feelings. Studies of the neural basis and decoding of action observation are important for understanding action-related processes and have implications for cognitive, social neuroscience, and human-machine interaction (HMI). In the current study, we first investigated temporal-spatial dynamics during action observation using a combined 64-channel electroencephalography (EEG) and 48-channel functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) system. We measured brain activation while 16 healthy participants observed three action tasks: (1) grasping a cup with the intention of drinking; (2) grasping a cup with the intention of moving it; and (3) touching a cup with an unclear intention. The EEG and fNIRS source analysis results revealed the dynamic involvement of both the mirror neuron system (MNS) and the theory of mind (ToM)/mentalizing network during action observation. The source analysis results suggested that the extent to which these two systems were engaged was determined by the clarity of the intention of the observed action. Based on the difference in neural activity observed among different action-observation tasks in the first experiment, we conducted a second experiment to classify the neural processes underlying action observation using a feature classification method. We constructed complex brain networks based on the EEG and fNIRS data. Fusing features from both EEG and fNIRS complex brain networks resulted in a classification accuracy of 72.7% for the three action observation tasks. This study provides a theoretical and empirical basis for elucidating the neural mechanisms of action observation and intention understanding, and a feasible method for decoding the underlying neural processes.
... These observed effects of biomechanical constraints on mental rotation performance strongly support the theory that motor simulation affects mental imagery transformation. Several brain-imaging studies have further shown that, during mental-rotation tasks, both motor-related areas, such as premotor and supplementary motor areas, and posterior parietal areas, which are involved in spatial processing, are activated (Cohen et al. 1996;Richter et al. 1997Richter et al. , 2000Wraga et al. 2003;Lamm et al. 2007;Zacks 2008;Sasaoka et al. 2014). Considering this finding, it could be tentatively suggested that motor-related areas play a functional role in motor simulation, updating the mental imagery represented in the posterior parietal areas. ...
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Active exploration of views of 3-D objects by manually controlling a device, such as a trackball, facilitates subsequent object recognition, suggesting that motor simulation contributes to object recognition. Further, biomechanical constraints, such as range of hand rotation, can affect mental rotation. Thus, the ease with which an object can be rotated by hand may modulate the facilitative effect active exploration through manual control has on object recognition. In our experiment, participants performed two sessions of a view-matching task, with a learning task administered between the two. In the learning task, one group of participants (active group) viewed and explored a novel 3-D object using their hand to rotate a handle attached to a cathode-ray tube monitor. The other group (passive group) observed on the monitor a replay of the movements of the 3-D object as manipulated by an active-group participant. Active-group participants were interviewed to determine the direction they found easiest to rotate their hand. The view-generalization performances were compared between the pre and post sessions. Although we observed a facilitative effect on the view-matching process in both groups, the active group exhibited view-dependent facilitation. The view-generalization range of the active group in the post-session was asymmetric in terms of the rotation direction. Most intriguingly, for most participants, this asymmetric change corresponded to the direction that afforded the easiest hand rotation (ulnar deviation). These findings suggest that the object-recognition process can be affected by ease of hand rotation, which is based on the biomechanical constraints of the wrist joint.