Fig 3 - uploaded by Konstantinos Michmizos
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Ship trajectory for a single paddle shipwreck game. 

Ship trajectory for a single paddle shipwreck game. 

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Conference Paper
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The goal of Serious Games (SGs) in motor therapy has been established since the early studies with the MIT-Manus robot. It is important to keep the patient engaged during sensorimotor rehabilitation. Here we describe the development of three SGs, namely the Shipwreck, the Race for Noah's Ark, and Soccer 2014. The games are intended to be used with...

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Context 1
... how to execute that movement. Performance during this stage is likely to be highly variable with a large number of errors. At the associative stage, skills become more refined with practice, resulting in greater consistency of performance and fewer errors. At the autonomous stage, the motor skill has been learned and little cognitive effort is required to execute it. Krebs and colleagues described these stages of learning as variations of implicit and explicit learning [16]. 2) Types of tasks: Schmidt and Lee [17] classified several types of tasks that can affect how a skill is learned. Discrete tasks have a recognizable beginning and end (e.g., kicking a ball). In contrast, continuous tasks do not have an inherent start and finish as part of the task (e.g., playing the violin). Serial tasks are a collection of discrete tasks that have a particular order (e.g., dressing). Tasks can also be classified as open versus closed, depending on predictability of the environment. Open tasks take place in a constantly changing environment. One cannot plan an entire movement in advance but must rapidly adapt his/her plan in response to the changing environment (e.g., playing tennis). Closed tasks are in a stable environment, which offers predictability to the movement pattern (e.g., free throws in basketball). 3) Practice: Practice schedules are a well-studied area of motor learning. Blocked practice involves repetitive practice on the same task. It results in improved acquisition of motor performance in a short period of time but does not necessarily promote retention [18]. Greater retention and transfer of skills are accomplished with random practice, which involves varying the task demands over practice trial [19]. The effects of blocked versus random practice for children is less clear; some studies have found no difference between these practice schedules for children [20], [21], whereas others have found similar results as in adults, with random practice facilitating greater motor learning [22], [23]. Evidence suggests that the different results may be related to the complexity of the task and the age of the child [24], [25]. 4) Feedback: Intrinsic feedback is information provided by the sensory systems as a result of movement [26]. Extrinsic feedback supplements intrinsic feedback and forms the basis for explicit learning [26], which is learning that results from clearly stated directions or instructions (e.g., verbal feedback). Two sources of extrinsic feedback used in motor learning studies are knowledge of results [27] and knowledge of performance [28]. Knowledge of results is feedback about the final outcome of movement in terms of the environmental goal. In contrast, knowledge of performance is feedback related to the nature of the movement produced [17]. Feedback can be given during the movement (concurrent), right after the movement (immediate), at the completion of movement (terminal), or after a delay [17]. Feedback can also be given consistently (i.e., after every trial) or sporadically (i.e., after some but not all trials). Sporadic feedback after a delay is in general superior for motor learning to consistent feedback given immediately after the movement [29], [30]. The delay in feedback given over some trials allows the individual to determine what factors are influencing performance and prevents reliance on external feedback to learn the skill. While sporadic feedback is superior for adult motor learning, recent evidence suggests that children may respond differently [31] and require a more frequent pattern of feedback. Three goal-directed SGs were designed to address motor impairments including poor coordination, impaired motor speed or accuracy, and diminished strength, as well as to address cognitive or perceptual impairments. Games were developed in TCL/TK. For each of the games, the child moves a paddle using his/her ankle. Dorsi-plantar flexion and inversion-eversion control screen movements of the paddle in vertical and horizontal directions, respectively (see Fig. 1). Although not further discussed in this paper, sporadic feedback about performance was provided during the therapy session. Presentation of the three games follows. 1) The Shipwreck: In this game, the child has to prevent a ship from crashing into the rocks, by using a set of paddles (ship barriers) (see Fig. 2). Dorsi-plantar flexion (inversion- eversion) control simultaneously the vertically (horizontally) moving red and green (yellow and blue) barriers. If the ship is saved by a barrier or falls on the rocks, 20 points are added or subtracted on the scoreboard, respectively. After deflected by a paddle or hitting a rock, the boat bounces with random coordinates ( α , β ). To reduce cognitive load and facilitate motor planning, the game allows play with less than four barriers. In that case, the rocks on an “unprotected” side are replaced by a sandy beach (not shown) that deflects the boat towards the opposite direction. In Fig. 3, the schematic representation of a boat trajectory (blue line) in a single barrier game is shown. After the boat hits the barrier, a new set of ( α , β ) are used to calculate the final position of the boat (that is the new target for the game). 2) Race for Noah’s Ark: In this game, the child runs through a race to collect animals followed by water splashes (see Fig. 4). The paddle represents a racer that is collecting the animals and can move either horizontally or vertically, during the game. The scope of the game is to collect the animals but avoid the splashes that follow it. Animals come in predefined order (up-down-up, etc.) or randomly. Collecting an animal rewards the player by adding 20 points; failing to collect an animal or falling into the splash subtracts 20 or 10 points, respectively. 3) Soccer 2014: In this game, the child plays a soccer game with the computer as his/her opponent (Fig. 5). The child must play both defense and attack. During the defense phase, the player controls the goalkeeper which has the shape of an elliptical paddle (see Fig. 5). The opponent advances towards the center of the field and selects randomly to send the ball to the left or right corner of the goalpost. The goalkeeper now has to move left or right (by inversion/eversion of the ankle) to defend the ball. After the ball is defended, the child has to move his/her ankle near the neutral position so that the goalkeeper will be approximately at the center of the goal. When positioned near the center, the goalie becomes an attacker and takes a circular shape (not shown). The attacker has to kick the ball (dorsiflexion of the ankle) towards the opponent’s goalpost. The kick is visualized as the circular attacker moves upwards until it crosses the middle-line. The ball is released with a speed analogous to the speed of the actual kick. Since the opponent goalkeeper is moving at a constant speed, the probability of scoring increases with the speed of the kick. If the computer goalie is able to defend the shot, the child needs to plantarflex the ankle and move the attacker to the neutral position to defend again his/her goalpost. The three SGs were designed to offer the youngster the opportunity to exercise while challenging his/her ability to move faster or more accurate. Depending on one’s ability to aim, the target of the game may become smaller or larger. Depending on one’s ability to move fast er, the speed of the game may also change accordingly (for further details see [32]). III. D ISCUSSION The SGs presented above are meant to serve as a toolbox for habilitation of children with CP. The present games require discrete movements and can be assisted-as-needed by the robot. In addition, the task objectives of the race, the soccer and the shipwreck games were blocked, serial, and random, respectively, covering the entire spectrum of the structured practice. The predictability of the available gameplay environments also varied greatly. The race game could provide a closed environment whereas the other two game environments were open, with that of the Shipwreck varying the most. While we have not yet clinically tested the pediatric anklebot, one could use the blocked practice race game for the first (cognitive) stage of motor learning, introduce the soccer game during the associative phase and keep the last and most varying game for the autonomous stage. Our proposed goal (aim) for the SGs is that they be met by children as challenges to be mastered rather than threats to be avoided. Unlike other rehabilitation SGs that used 3D engines [33]-[36], we selected the game interface to be a simple 2D screen. Complex graphics are not the only option to attract the attention of children, especially in the ages of 5 to 8. Difficulty level modifications are used in other motor- rehabilitation approaches to ensure patient engagement [33], [34], [36], [37]. But trying to maximize the engagement (assumed to expedite habilitation in children) requires an additional perspective. For the set of proposed SGs, meaningful play and challenge concepts were employed to maximize engagement and sustain attention. Meaningful play employed feedback cues given by both auditory and visual means — buzzers with different sounds for success and failure, paddles changing shape to indicate interaction (in soccer), rocks shaking after being hit by the ship, and scoreboards providing knowledge of results. To maintain an appropriate level of challenge, game elements were changed dynamically according to the ability of the youngster to move and point with the ankle. We modified the size of the paddles (and as a consequence, of the target) and the speed of the game defined as the speed of falling gates in the race game or the speed of the boat or the ball in the other games. Knowledge of performance was also employed to challenge children to improve their performance or, at the very least, maintain it (reducing any slacking) [32]. Two of the ...


... They developed a serious game similar to pong. One additional publication relying on the Anklebot by Michmizos [18] describes the development of three serious games for motor therapy in children with cerebral palsy aged between 5 and 8 years. Motor impairments such as coordination problems, reduced speed or accuracy, as well as cognitive or perceptual impairments should be addressed and improved by the games. ...
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Ankle injuries are amongst the most common musculoskeletal injuries. The necessity of prevention measurements before or an early rehabilitation start after an injury, is essential for (semi-) professional sports like soccer to decrease healing duration. Sensor-supported serious games could complement a therapeutic program to support resilience and motivation during the prevention or rehabilitation process. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop and evaluate a user-centered prototype of a serious game using a commercial Off-The-Shelf MetaMotion IMU sensor. A semi-structured interview with a soccer club therapist, followed by an online questionnaire containing 48 questions (n = 91), was performed to ensure a user-centered approach. Based on this, a prototype, including five identified functional requirements and seven exercises (comprising: horizontal/vertical in- and eversion, dorsi- and plantarflexion, knee bend and squat, and toe and heel rise), was developed in an iterative process and evaluated by two participants with an acute ankle injury. The questionnaire outcomes showed averages of 3.3 ankle injuries per participant and 40 absence days per incident. Additionally, 85% of the participants reported needing more prevention time for such injuries. The evaluation phase (total training duration: 2 h 52 min) consisted of playing two different game types (1 and 2 degrees of freedom) and three different levels, where an avatar needs to be controlled while running and avoiding obstacles or collecting trophies. Both range of motion (ROM) and scores, which are directly measured by the game, showed significant improvements (ROM: t = 5.71; p < 0.01; Score: t = 3.98; p < 0.01) between the first and last session in both participants (P1: ROM +3.56°; Score +7.00%, P2: ROM +6.59°; Score +9.53%), indicating high effectiveness, despite a short training period (1 and 2 weeks). ROM improvement results and athlete feedback coincide in that the sensor-assisted serious game might be beneficial for ankle prevention and rehabilitation. At the same time, the increased scores indicate substantial motivation over several training sessions.
... The patients can also be encouraged to use any personal equipment/facilities and/or satisfy hobbies-(feasible in a hospital ambient and which are not harmful and may enhance their personal motivation for rehabilitation)-such as availing/enjoying: mobile devices for IT/C, computer games, different puzzles, books, journals, music, art, all seeming with encouraging outcomes towards functional recovery. At the same time, EE is now consistently augmented and diversified by medical advanced-non-invasive, non-pharmacological/biotechnological therapeuticrehabilitative-interventions based on virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR), including with sensor-based computeraided "serious" [158]/active gaming technologies, thus supplementary augmenting the overall patients' status improvement [159]. Thus, EE is considered-not unanimously (see immediately hereinafter)-to bring a strong added value to a post ischemic stroke rehabilitation program paradigm [113], including as being (also) a "positive regulator" of "… the levels of neurogenesis in the adult brain …" [114]. ...
... Two main determinants [228] of VR/AR's efficiency are "… the sense of presence … (defined as the subjective experience of being in one place or environment, even when one is physically situated in another)" [80] and the one of "control over", as a consequence of availing "… interaction with the environment and objects" [228]. VR "… and interactive video gaming …", also for leisure purposes ones-but especially those adapted for or dedicated to medical goals-began to be used in post stroke rehabilitative approaches, too, having, as a rather valuable particularity, the one of being "more motivating" and thus allowing to be spent a longer time within an including therapeutic/training endeavor [229]; and more: at least some of them (not quite few) are feasible in "home environment" [91], as part of the needful infrastructure is rather accessible, including-as afore mentioned-sensorbased computer-aided "serious"/active gaming technologies [158]/"training programs" [91]. Corollary, VRBR seems to generate even better and faster outcomes-at least as regards "walking speed, balance and mobility"-in post stroke patients, than "standard rehabilitation" [228], and this may also apply "... in improving upper limb function and ADL function ..." [229]. ...
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Considering its marked life-threatening and (not seldom: severe and/or permanent) disabling, potential, plus the overall medico-psycho-socio-economic tough burden it represents for the affected persons, their families and the community, the cerebrovascular accident (CVA)-including with the, by far more frequent, ischemic type-is subject to considerable scientific research efforts that aim (if possible) at eliminating the stroke induced lesions, and consist, as well, in ambitious-but still poorly transferable into medical practice-goals such as brain neuroregeneration and/or repair, within related corollary/upshot of neurorestoration. We have conducted, in this respect, a systematic and synthetic literature review, following the "Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)" concept. Accordingly, we have interrogated five internationally renowned medical data bases: Elsevier, NCBI/PubMed, NCBI/PMC, PEDro, and ISI Web of Knowledge/Science (the last one to check whether the initially identified articles are published in ISI indexed journals), based on a large (details in the body text) number of most appropriate, to our knowledge, key word combinations/"syntaxes"-used contextually-and subsequently fulfilling the related, on five steps, filtering/selection methodology. We have thereby selected 114 fully eligible (of which contributive: 83-see further) papers; at the same time, additionally, we have enhanced our documentation-basically, but not exclusively, for the introductive part of this work (see further)-with bibliographic resources, overall connected to our subject, identified in the literature within a non-standardized search. It appears that the opportunity window for morph-functional recovery after stroke is larger than previously thought, actually being considered that brain neurorestoration/repair could occur, and therefore be expected, in later stages than in earlier ones, although, in this context, the number of cases possibly benefitting (for instance after physical and/or cognitive rehabilitation-including with magnetic or direct current transcranial stimulation) is quite small and with more or less conflicting, related outcomes, in the literature. Moreover, applying especially high intense, solicitating, rehabilitation interventions, in early stages post (including ischemic) stroke could even worsen the functional evolution. Accordingly, for clarifications and validation of more unitary points of view, continuing and boosting research efforts in this complex, interdisciplinary domain, is necessary. Until finding (if ever) effective modalities to cure the lesions of the central nervous system (CNS)-including post ischemic stroke-it is reasonable and recommendable-based on rigorous methodologies-the avail of combined ways: physiatric, pharmacologic, possibly also bio-technologic. On a different note, but however connected to our subject: periodic related systematic, synthetic literature reviews reappraisals are warranted and welcome.
... Con la finalidad de mejorar estos factores se han realizado estudios [8], [9] en los que se han identificado los beneficios de usar juegos serios en la terapia de movimiento para mejorar el equilibrio, el control postural y la motricidad fina [5]. Esta tecnología ha generado un gran interés entre los profesionales de la salud [10], [11] al ser herramientas prometedoras en el proceso de rehabilitación; además tienen la ventaja de proporcionar a los jugadores una mayor inmersión en las actividades que realizan sin ser consientes muchas veces del paso del tiempo [12]. ...
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The objective of this paper was to compare the incidence of dynamic difficulty adjustment (DDA) in a in a motor skill rehabilitation game, compared to a manual configuration. To achieve that, a virtual tool called "Bug catcher" was developed, which is focused in upper limb rehabilitation. This tool uses a DDA based in fuzzy logic. The population involved for the present study were made by two users, an l8-year-old patient with a he-miparesis that limits her motor ability in her left upper limb, and a 37-year-old patient with motor monoparesis in his right upper limb. This tool was used in both users, each one with a different configuration (automatic or manual), and the motor ability from both participants was objectively measured using Box and Blocks Test, applied before, during and after each session; additionally, a performance index (percentage of success) was defined in order to determine the progress of the participants in the virtual tool. As a result, it was obtained that user number one using the game with DDA, managed to obtain not only a better performance in the sessions but also an important advance in her motor skill in comparison to the user 2 with the manual configuration.
... On the other hand, some devices are intended strictly for ankle joint, aiming to imitate its movements for example with a cable-pulley driven device [6] or serving rehabilitation support like a bio-inspired soft wearable robotic device based on artificial muscles [7]. Another good example is Anklebot designed by researchers at MIT [8] with the aim of improving walking and balance functions, as well as return of range of motion, strength and motor control. ...
... On the basis of kinematic scheme, a three-dimensional mechanical CAD model of the research prototype was designed using Autodesk Inventor program as in Fig. 2, taking into account part of the planned measurement system together with chosen mechanical and electronic parts. The main elements are (Fig. 2): main platform of the device (1.1 and 1.2), U-bolt element (4), drive of plantar/dorsiflexion motion (5), drive of inversion/eversion motion (6), tensometric force sensors (7), universal joint (8). Two electrical motors fulfill the need of performing two selected movements of the ankle joint in space. ...
The paper is focused on development of a device supporting rehabilitation of the human ankle joint enabling also measurements of various parameters in order to diagnose the human state and its progress, as well as to characterize and personalise the therapy. First step in the device’s design was to identify its kinematics by performing type synthesis and finding possible solutions. Afterwards, a selection of motors, as well as elements of electric and electronic systems (including sensors) has been performed. The mechanical system of the research prototype in the form of 3D drawings was designed and a research prototype was built. In order to carry out the experiments a control system has been designed in Matlab Simulink and applied using a dSpace real time controller. Moreover, experimental modes have been prepared to be controlled with a built user graphical interface. Experiments in different modes and with various input parameters were developed and data of kinematic and dynamic parameters has been gathered.
... One of the main purposes of using VR environments in HIRN technologies is to maximize the engagement and participation of the patient. For the case of pediatric rehabilitation, the design of the VR environments is more challenging and it should be motivating and interestingenough to keep the pediatric patient engaged in the loop of rehabilitation [88,90,[103][104][105]. ...
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This review paper introduces different classes of robotic rehabilitation systems and aims to provide a view of the existing technical, technological and control challenges of the current state of this technology together with the ongoing lines of research. For this purpose, the existing commercialized systems, the specific design, modes of operation, functionality, effectiveness, existing technical issues, control design and possible future developments are studied. In this regard, it is shown that although the potential effectiveness of robotic rehabilitation technology is endorsed by official organizations, there are still conflicting clinical studies with contradictory conclusions. Reasons for these contradictions are discussed in the paper. Two major challenges are identified in this regard, namely conservative patient-robot interaction stabilizing algorithms, and insufficient adaptability of the control parameters to the needs and biomechanics of the patient. Accordingly, based on recent literature, possible future trends for this technology are envisioned such as (a) making the control design of the robots more flexible and intelligent to better match the patients’ needs and biomechanics; (b) designing stabilizing algorithms which can guarantee physical patient-robot interaction stability with minimum conservatism while maximizing the fidelity of force field applied to the patient’s limb; and (c) making it possible to have rehabilitation robots in patients’ homes (e.g., via cloud-based and remote neurorehabilitation) to increase the duration of interactive rehabilitation and thereby improve outcomes while reducing cost.
... Con la finalidad de mejorar estos factores, se han realizado estudios [8], [9] en los que se han identificado los beneficios de usar juegos serios en la terapia de movimiento para mejorar el equilibrio, el control postural y la motricidad fina [5]. Esta tecnología, ha generado un gran interés entre los profesionales de la salud [10], [11] al ser prometedoras herramientas para personas sometidas a terapia, tienen la ventaja de proporcionar a los jugadores una mayor inmersión en las actividades que realizan e inconscientes del paso del tiempo [12]. ...
... In this analysis, we found that most of the implemented systems consider the feedback of the patient, used mirror feedback, in which through an avatar the patient can observe the movements made on the screen, facilitating the interaction with the game (Jaume-i-capó and Samčović 2014), while in other works a database stores the number of movements realized in each session. In ankle rehabilitation, the therapy must be performed through the repetition of specific movements (RSMs) such as movements of dorsiflexion-plantarflexion or eversion-inversion (Girone et al. 1999;Michmizos and Krebs 2012;Burdea et al. 2013;Farjadian et al. 2014;Garcia and Navarro 2014;Goncalves et al. 2014;Menezes et al. 2014;Zhang et al. 2014;Pasqual et al. 2016). The main tools used for the game's implementations are Microsoft XNA Game Studio, Visual Studio . ...
... The serious game needs to be interesting, entertaining, and interactive (Zhang et al. 2014), to motivate the patient. According to the recommendations given in (Michmizos and Krebs 2012), we considered to have a simple visual interface and simple control so that the learning period is short, helping the patient to be autonomous and if possible, that he/she can perform the therapy at home. The game developed is aimed at young people, ranging from 12 to 20 years old, who need motivation not to abandon their rehabilitation process, having a more attractive and fun therapy. ...
People who have suffered an injury require a rehabilitation process of the affected muscle. Rehabilitation machines have been proposed to recover and strengthen the affected muscle. In this chapter, we propose a novel ankle rehabilitation parallel robot of two degrees of freedom consisting of two linear guides. For the integral rehabilitation, a serious game and a facial expression recognition system are added for entertainment and to improve patient engagement in the rehabilitation process. The serious game has a simple design. This game has three levels and it is controlled with an impedance control, which specific command allowing character game jumps the obstacles. Facial expressions recognition system assists to the serious game. We propose to recognize three different facial expressions to the basic expressions. Based on the experiment results, we concluded that our system is good because it has a performance of 0.95%.
... We have recently introduced the MIT's pediAnklebot, a robotic device that provides an intensive task-specific sensorimotor therapy to the ankle of children with motor disabilities [2]. The device lives in a human-robot symbiotic system that assesses the ability of the child to move [6] and adapts the difficulty of the movement [7,8] by changing its speed and accuracy constraints [9,10]. Despite the promising clinical results with the robot "assisting as needed" even when movement is significantly impaired [2], the therapeutic R. Kommalapati intervention does not account for the cognitive and perceptual deficiencies that accompany poor coordination and motor disorders. ...
Conference Paper
Sensorimotor therapy gives optimal results when patients are cognitively engaged into highly repetitive tasks, a goal that most children find hard to pursue. This paper presents the key developments of our ongoing effort to design an interactive rehabilitation environment that motivates physically impaired children throughout their therapy. The continuous motivation is achieved by the system adapting fundamental therapeutic components to the performance of each child. The relevant movement is mirrored to an animated character projected in front of the child. We speculate that the visual observation of one’s own movements will activate the “mirror neuron system”, a brain system underlying the human capacity to learn by imitation. Our rehabilitation algorithm personalizes the difficulty of the tasks by adapting the difficulty of reaching virtual targets on the animated environment through changing the visual gain between real and animated movements. To track the sensorimotor performance, we estimated the time required to reach a target. To give a proof of concept for the adaptation of the visual gain, we developed a serious game driven by a Leap Motion device. In addition to becoming a testbed for studying sensorimotor integration and neuroplasticity, the proposed notion of visual gain can be integrated into a highly engaging environment in which physically impaired children will play their way to recovery.
... of motor learning including knowledge of results (e.g., hitting the targets) and knowledge of performance (e.g., in every fifth repetition of the game, performance is provided in terms of self-initiation movement counts, aiming accuracy and speed, deviation, amount of robotic help power, smoothness of movement, etc.) [10]. But to our knowledge, there is scarcity of studies on the design principles applicable to lower limb rehabilitation, in general, and the sensorimotor control of the ankle, in particular [11]. ...
... Middle panel shows the "race for Noah's Ark" to train either dorsi-plantarflexion or inversion-eversion. Right panel shows the "World Cup Soccer 2018," which requires both dorsi-plantarflexion and inversion-eversion and speed to release the ball towards the adversary goal [10]. Middle panel shows the control of the paddle (grey ellipse) using DP and IE ankle movements. ...
... The level of challenge was automatically adjusted by our adaptive algorithm and it is adequacy was previously demonstrated in 3 impaired children [14]. We selected Noah's Ark or Shipwreck game because, in addition to be engaging enough for our feasibility study, they were designed for the first stages of motor learning, namely the cognitive, and associative stages, where one may have a vague idea of the movement required for a task but might not be sure how to execute that movement [10]. ...
Conference Paper
We are currently examining the therapeutic efficacy of the pediAnklebot, an impedance-controlled low-friction, back-drivable robotic device that trains the ankle of neurologically impaired children of ages 6-10 years old. In this paper, we present the first clinical results from a small feasibility study involving 4 children with Cerebral Palsy. The children used the pediAnklebot in seated position to train their ankle twice per week for a total of 6 weeks (12 sessions). The initial results indicate an improvement of the ankle’s functions including its pointing abilities and gait speed. The observed clinical outcome reinforces our confidence that the pediAnklebot, driven by our adaptive, assist-as-needed, robotic therapy can harness plasticity to guide habilitation during childhood.
... The pediAnklebot's SGs had to address sensorimotor impairments in children including poor coordination, disorders in motor speed or accuracy, diminished strength, motor planning, and cognitive or perceptual deficiencies. Therefore, we designed the games to have a) an interesting concept, to support the level of perceptual joy throughout the therapeutic sessions; b) a simple visual interface, to communicate easily the game concept; c) easy controls, to facilitate guidance around the visual interface and focus on the game concept; and d) simple rules, to minimize the learning period [41]. These basic rules governed all our SGs, to afford consistency among the different games. ...
... The controller employs a scheduler in real time on the basis of the subject's disability level and stage of rehabilitation and provides an "assist-as-needed" therapy to the ankle. By incorporating Fitts' law parameters into the SGs design, we developed a SAT-based therapeutic environment that not only adapts but also challenges the youngster to do his/her best in movement planning and execution [41,42]. Given the importance of active participation during therapy [44] and the need for specificity in therapeutic tasks that resemble (if not exploit) motor learning, Fitts' law shows a great potential to empower new therapeutic protocols that adapt to and challenge patients according to their ability to move their ankle fast and/or accurately. ...
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This paper presents the pediAnklebot, an impedance-controlled low-friction, backdriveable robotic device developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that trains the ankle of neurologically impaired children of ages 6-10 years old. The design attempts to overcome the known limitations of the lower extremity robotics and the unknown difficulties of what constitutes an appropriate therapeutic interaction with children. The robot’s pilot clinical evaluation is on-going and it incorporates our recent findings on the ankle sensorimotor control in neurologically intact subjects, namely the speed-accuracy tradeoff, the deviation from an ideally smooth ankle trajectory, and the reaction time. We used these concepts to develop the kinematic and kinetic performance metrics that guided the ankle therapy in a similar fashion that we have done for our upper extremity devices. Here we report on the use of the device in at least 9 training sessions for 3 neurologically impaired children. Results demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in the performance metrics assessing explicit and implicit motor learning. Based on these initial results, we are confident that the device will become an effective tool that harnesses plasticity to guide habilitation during childhood.