Shares of answers the question "Do you consider that you have sufficient information to protect your rights as a consumer of financial services?" Source: S.M. Lobozynska, 2016, Report on the survey "Protection of consumers in financial services in Ukraine", November, 1,500 questionnaires. 

Shares of answers the question "Do you consider that you have sufficient information to protect your rights as a consumer of financial services?" Source: S.M. Lobozynska, 2016, Report on the survey "Protection of consumers in financial services in Ukraine", November, 1,500 questionnaires. 

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The article presents the results of empirical research of rights protection of consumer of financial services in Ukraine. It revealed the scope and nature of the violations of the rights of financial services consumers, and the actions of the respondents for the protection of their rights. Special attention is focused on identifying the level of fi...