Figure 4 - uploaded by Manuel Hidalgo Pérez
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Share of censored wages (top-codded) by age (High-skilled occupations & high-educated workers, men, 1988-2008)  

Share of censored wages (top-codded) by age (High-skilled occupations & high-educated workers, men, 1988-2008)  

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El proposito principal de este trabajo es el documentar y explicar la caída del premio salarial observado en España en las últimas dos décadas. Mostramos que el incremento del desajuste ocupacional de los ocupados y la contratación temporal explican parte de la caída en los retornos a la experiencia en el mercado laboral y en la empresa de los trab...

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Context 1
... maximum covered wages do imply real censoring of monthly wages for an important fraction of the simple. As we can observe in Figure 4 censoring is especially important for male in qualified occupations (groups of contribution 1 and 2) and also for high educated individuals. For workers older than 45 in the top groups of contributions, censoring can even affect the median, that poses severe difficulties to quantile estimation methods. ...

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... In this line, the Spanish unemployment rate has been consistently among the highest within the EU for decades, and has risen to values over 25% during the Great Recession. Third, returns to education are low compared to many EU countries (de la Fuente and Jimeno, 2009) and they have declined over time (Budría and Moro-Egido, 2008;Felgueroso et al., 2010;Izquierdo and Lacuesta, 2012;Murillo et al., 2012) with wage inequality also having decreased (Lacuesta et al., 2011). 2 Finally, there is mixed evidence about the permanent character of over-education and the possibilities of promotion or upward mobility. Alba-Ramirez (1993) and Alba-Ramirez and Blazquez (2003) present evidence in favour of over-education being temporary, and workers moving up the occupational ladder, with Malo (1996, 2003) arguing for a more permanent character of over-education. ...
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Over-education may arise from the voluntary decisions of individuals to acquire more qualifications than those required in the workplace, such that over-education may have a signaling role that allows workers to compensate for the lack of certain other skills, or to gain access to the labor market. This paper analyses the signaling role of over-education in Spain, a country characterised by a strongly-segmented labor market with high unemployment levels, and a large number of over-educated. Using micro data for a representative sample of Spanish workers, three different methods are applied to provide evidence that educational mismatch plays a clear signaling role. Policy implications are derived to alleviate inefficiencies in the allocation of educational resources and in the incentives of workers to use over-education as a signal.
... Nonetheless, this does not mean that their position in the labor market has not worsened in other senses, especially regarding their relative salaries. Felgueroso et al. (2010) provide the calculations for the skill wage premium (SWP) by age, cohort and gender, comparing educational or qualification groups (Figure 2). The results are quite revealing: First, at the time of entry into the labor market, the SWP has continued to fall for the cohort born after the early 60s (those entering the market after 1985); second, despite the apparent increase with age, the SWP falls with time for all the male cohorts; the differences by gender are due to a delay in the SWP fall for females. ...
... We see that the college premium decreased substantially from the early 1990s until 2005, by roughly 13%. This evidence of a decline in the college premium in Spain has been documented before (Felgueroso et al., 2010;Pijoan-Mas Notes. The top panel shows employment shares for various groups. ...
We use detailed information from social security records to document the evolution of male earnings inequality and employment in Spain from 1988 to 2010. We find that inequality was strongly countercyclical: it increased around the 1993 recession, experienced a substantial decrease during the 1997-2007 expansion and then a sharp increase during the recent recession. This evolution went in parallel with the cyclicality of employment in the lower middle part of the wage distribution. Our findings highlight the importance of the housing boom and bust in this evolution, suggesting that demand shocks in the construction sector had large effects on aggregate labour market outcomes.
... Los trabajos que han intentado identificar las razones de la moderación de las diferencias salariales en la etapa de bonanza enfatizan, en primer lugar, el efecto de la reducción de la prima salarial de los titulados debido al aumento de su oferta. Los problemas de sobrecualificación y las mayores dificultades del mercado de trabajo español en el contexto comparado para absorber con puestos de trabajo apropiados el gran incremento de titulados universitarios han sido puestos de relieve por distintos autores, subrayando sus consecuencias tanto sobre la reducción de las diferencias entre los distintos grupos educativos como en el aumento de las desigualdades salariales intra-grupos (Budría y Moro-Egido, 2008, García Montalvo, 2009, Felgueroso et al., 2010, Mateos et al., 2014. Un segundo factor que explica que las desigualdades salariales no aumentaran en la etapa anterior a la crisis son los cambios en la composición del empleo. ...
... Estos datos apuntan, según los investigadores, a cierta disfuncionalidad del sistema productivo español (Garrido, 2012;Felgueroso, Hidalgo y Jiménez-Martín, 2010, Bentolilla, Cahuc, Dolado y Le Barbanchon, 2012. Las evidencias empíricas que avalan esta tesis nos remiten por un lado a las características de los empleos que se han creado y destruido en el colectivo de los jóvenes desde el inicio de la crisis y, por otro lado, a la evolución que ha tenido la sobrecualificación. ...
... Auque el desempleo ha afectado a todos los niveles formativos, en el colectivo de jóvenes con educación universitaria es donde menos empleo se ha destruido en términos comparados, pasando de ser el 7,58% de desempleados con educación universitaria en 2007 al 23% en 2012 (Figura 4). Aunque los datos parecen constatar que el desempleo es menor entre aquellos jóvenes con educación secundaria y universitaria, la brecha según nivel formativo se ha incrementado durante la crisis (Felgueroso et al., 2010). ...
The data presented in this article evidence that the high youth unemployment in Spain is a structural fact which is explained by the destruction of temporary jobs, production system characteristics and the mismatches between education and labour market. Analyze the causes of high youth unemployment in Spain and the circumstances that affect employability. The methodology is based on the exploration of secondary data from the Youth Surveys, Eurostat and the Labour Force Survey. The article highlights the uneven incidence of unemployment among young people. Unemployment is concentrated primarily among younger, less educated and those belonging to the lower classes and other nationality. These results show a high unemployment among young people under 25 years, the high level of school drop-outs and the high incidence of over-education of the young. The methodology is based on the exploration of secondary data from the Youth Surveys, Eurostat and the Labour Force Survey.
... Este fenómeno está también vinculado con el alto grado de precariedad laboral que los universitarios españoles vienen sufriendo desde la década de los 90, con fenómenos conocidos como el mileurismo. Esta disminución de las contrapartidas que un título universitario puede proporcionar también ha sido confirmada por Felgueroso et al. (2010) en lo que se refiere a los ingresos. Desde los años 90, los universitarios han visto reducidas las retribuciones económicas en el mercado de trabajo, así como su distancia con respecto a los grupos con menor nivel educativo. ...
Full-text available ¿Es cierto que los jóvenes disponen de menos probabilidades que sus padres para escalar socialmente? ¿Ha dejado de funcionar el ascensor social? ¿En qué medida heredan los hijos la clase social de sus padres? ¿Quiénes son aquellos que en nuestro país trabajan de camareros teniendo titulación universitaria? La movilidad social en España contesta a estas preguntas, y lo hace empleando un lenguaje sencillo que pueda ser comprendido por todos. Una sociedad cerrada se caracteriza por la estrecha relación que guardan los orígenes sociales de los padres con el destino social de sus hijos. En cambio, una sociedad abierta queda caracterizada por todo lo contrario. Las posiciones sociales más deseadas, de mayores ingresos y de mayor prestigio pueden alcanzarse sin importar en demasía los azares y accidentes que impone la cuna, cuando lo que importa es la valía que uno plasma en su título educativo. En este libro se analiza la movilidad social en España desde los años cincuenta del siglo pasado hasta la recesión económica del presente, además de someter a examen a la meritocracia y al papel que ha cumplido la educación como catalizador del cambio social.
... As regards work transition, a few different aspects have been analysed, including the incidence of long-term unemployment, the differences between the USA and European countries (Quintini and Martin, 2006;Quintini and Manfredi, 2009), the relationship with the wage skill premium (Felgueroso et al., 2010), the influence of the educational system, or the over-and under-qualification of workers and how both types of mismatch affect workers in different countries (Quintini, 2011), as well as the role of temporary jobs in unemployment and school-to-work transition. This latter aspect is especially important when analysing the Spanish case, due to the high temporality and volatility among young workers in Spain (Dolado et al., 2013b). ...
In this paper, we focus on the effects of the Great Recession on the decisions of young women regarding their labour supply. Considering the profound effect of the economic recession on the Spanish labour market, and in particular on the labour supply of young people, the focus of the empirical part of this paper is on Spain. Using EU-SILC 2007 and 2012 micro data for Spain, the labour supply models of women are estimated by age group, with a particular focus on the 20 to 29 and 30 to 39 age bands, in order to establish how young women living in couples exhibit different labour supply propensities according to their partner's labour market status. Correction is made for the non-random selection of women living in couples in the younger age groups. This first analytical step reveals a negative effect on the likelihood of forming a new household in the context of precarious employment conditions. Analytical results regarding the labour supply of women by age group confirmed a discouraging effect of young children on the labour supply of the youngest mothers, as well as a positive effect from being the owner of a house purchased under mortgage.
... y Felgueroso et al. (2010). ...
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The article examines the evolution of the wage structure for men in Spain between 2002 and 2010 on the basis of microdata from the Encuesta de Estructura Salarial and a decomposition econometric methodology developed by Fortin, Lemieux and Firpo (2011). It is observed that real wages grew moderately over the entire period, regardless of the economic cycle, and wage inequality presented a counter-cyclical evolution, increasing significantly since the onset of the economic crisis. On the other hand, significant changes in the determinants of the evolution of the wage structure are observed over the period. Thus, while changes in wage returns were the most prominent determinants of the evolution of the wage structure during the boom, significant effects are observed during the crisis resulting from changes both in the composition of employment and in wage returns.
... La obligatoriedad prevista en la Ley General de Educación de 1970 no se hizo efectiva más que hasta bien entrada la vigencia de la nueva ley de educación, la Ley de Ordenación General del Sistema Educativo (LOGSE), promulgada en 1990, la cual expresaba con mucha mayor nitidez esa obligatoriedad. 8 A ello cabría añadir el efecto de polarización que se está produciendo en muchos países desarrollados entre trabajos altamente cualificados y trabajos sin cualificar, dejando cada vez menos espacio entre ambos(Felgueroso, Hidalgo y Jiménez, 2010). ...
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vida (empleo, renta y educación). Esa mala situación relativa ha empeorado con la crisis, pero es anterior a ella. Lo que sí ha hecho la crisis es poner de manifiesto que la situación de nuestros jóvenes se está deteriorando hasta el punto de hacer difícilmente sostenible el contrato social con el que hemos convivido durante las últimas décadas. 1. Introducción La crisis económica no solo está redu-ciendo los niveles de renta y bienestar de la población, sino que está provocando cambios profundos en la estructura económica y social de nuestro país. La evidencia empírica que apunta a estos cambios se acumula: la distribución de la renta personal se ha hecho más desigual, las diferencias entre comunidades autónomas se agrandan, la propia composición de las unidades familiares está variando, reduciéndose el prome-dio de miembros del hogar en el conjunto, pero aumentando en el caso de las familias pobres, las clases medias están adelgazando. El desem-pleo, en particular el de larga duración, es segu-ramente el fenómeno más relevante y que más costará corregir
... Source: Calculations byFelgueroso, Hidalgo and Jiménez (2010), from the Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (MCVL)- ...
Conference Paper
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Unemployment among young people has mushroomed during the past years in the EU due to the economic and financial crisis. Spain stands out as one of member states suffering from one of the most staggering rates. This paper focuses on the situation of Spanish youth vis à vis employment and unemployment. The first section analyzes youth (un)employment in Spain from a comparative perspective. The aim of the second and third sections is to analyze two outstanding and specific traits of the Spanish case. First, Spanish youth have followed a ‘temporary’ pattern of incorporation into the labour market, this meaning that spells of employment/unemployment occur for some years before achieving stable employment. Such pattern has prevailed for more than twenty years and it has not been modified during the crisis. The second trait, discussed in section 3, is related to the problem of over-qualification and low skill wage differentiation. Section 4 is devoted to the analysis of the reform of labour market policies and their institutional results. Finally, the concluding section weighs the situation of young workers against the institutional design of labour market regulation and social protection policies in Spain.