Services Offered by the CPM.

Services Offered by the CPM.

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Apresentação: Os artigos que compõem o presente livro falam por si mesmos. A bem da verdade, seja por sua experiência direta no complexo fenômeno das migrações, seja pelo olhar pastoral e ao mesmo tempo científico dos autores e autoras, eles dispensariam maiores apresentações. Além de números e cifras, trazem nomes, rostos, famílias, sonhos, mas...

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Context 1
... Migratórios e a Ação Pastoral no Contexto Brasileiro -ISBN 978-65-5360-254-0 -Vol. 1 -Ano 2023 -Editora Científica Digital It is worth noting that the services offered by the CPM are not limited to those shown in Figure 2, as they also act in the mobilization of other social actors in favor of migrants and refugees, according to their demands as they arrive, as described by the protagonist J.: [...] the main services also include the regularization of documents, to assist them in getting ahead on its way to get a job, as everyone that arrives here come looking for a new life, they come looking for a life with dignity and that life with dignity they will get when they find work, because they need to support themselves and they need to have a normal life, have a family... Those who already have a family need to support their family and these younger people who come, will start a family and need to have a dignity and that dignity they only get with work [...] (Protagonist J.). . ...