Figure 6 - uploaded by Tayeb Lemlouma
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Server and proxy based Architecture The proxy-based architecture is a very suitable for the context change support. In this case, the proxy is the entity responsible of retrieving client contexts and looking for the eventual changes that may occur. These changes are therefore transparent for the content server. The proxy can transform existing multimedia content and thus the content server is not directly involved in the adaptation. At this stage, the client profile is always stored in the same location as the user context module. At any moment, the profile can be changed by selecting another profile. 

Server and proxy based Architecture The proxy-based architecture is a very suitable for the context change support. In this case, the proxy is the entity responsible of retrieving client contexts and looking for the eventual changes that may occur. These changes are therefore transparent for the content server. The proxy can transform existing multimedia content and thus the content server is not directly involved in the adaptation. At this stage, the client profile is always stored in the same location as the user context module. At any moment, the profile can be changed by selecting another profile. 

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In this paper, we present a framework which allows adapted content delivery for different target contexts. This framework is based on a universal profiling schema, UPS, for describing the environment characteristics and on an profile exchange protocol. In the server and the proxy side, we give a strategy for matching the different constraints (clie...

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Context 1
... applied mainly following two ways: 1- Variant selection : consists to choose the best variant of the server content on behalf the user agent. The selection is applied on the available variant list and based on variants description and the user requirements. Selection parameters include the language, the media type, the char-set, etc. The decision of the selection can be determined using an algorithm that handles the different situations [12][8]. Unfortunately, variant selection is not enough flexible and dependents on the variants availability. requirements can be described as a set of constraints that need to be solved. The concept of constraints takes a high importance in the practical application of the content negotiation. In this context, we define a constraint as: “ an atomic final delivered content will be used ”. In practice, the architecture can take into account the constraints collection of more than one element. In our approach, the resolution strategy starts from the assumption that the original content is accepted and continues by adding the constraints progressively. Finally, it ends with a solution that determines the content to be delivered. Possible solutions include an empty content in the case where the constraints can not be solved. In this case, the server sends a negative reply to the client. In order to achieve an efficient content negotiation solution, the environment constraints must be well expressed in order to reflect the picture of the delivery context. Constraints syntax must: 1- Provide enough expressiveness, in order to allow the description of what is required. 2- Offer an easy analysis for resolution strategies. 3- Avoid ambiguity: constraints must result in a unique solution. Example : Let’s assume that we have in the server side an original content in the form of XML document written in English. Let’s have the two following constraints expressed in the natural language: C 1 ={the preferred language is French}, C 2 ={the only supported language is French}. In a situation where the global context is represented by the first constraint C 1 , the content of the server can be delivered directly to the client. This case is equivalent to having no constraints at all. In a situation where we have C 2 as environment constraint, the original content can’t be delivered directly to the client because the content doesn’t respect the environment constraints. In our approach, the client constraints that depend on capabilities are extracted directly from the HardwarePlatform, SoftwarePlatform and BrowserUA components from the UPS client profiles. In the RDF bags: OnlySupportedResources, PreferredSupportedResource and NonSupportedResources, we extract additional constraints related to the content in terms of capabilities and preferences. During the negotiation matching, the client profile and the document instance profile of the requested content are parsed and the set of included constraints are stored in memory according to their types. The server makes the reference to the document instance profile. According to its content, the server can retrieve using the exchange protocol- the client resource profile [11] that corresponds to the resource used by the requested content. For example, the server retrieves the client resource profile of the WBMP images if the original requested document uses WBMP images. The server checks then if the resource (media or document) is supported by the client or not. In the positive case the resource is sent directly to the client without any modifications. In the negative case the server checks if there is any other version that can respond to the client requirements. Links to the list of versions related to the resource are included in the document instance profile or the client resource profile [11]. If the server succeeds to find a variant that responds to the client requirements, the original resource is substituted by the variant resource; otherwise the server tries to adapt the original resource. To achieve this operation, the server compares the original resource description (using its profile) and the set of the input requirements of each available adaptation methods included in the RDF bag: InputRequirements of the adaptation method profile [11]. If the resource description matches the input requirements of an adaptation method, the server checks if the output description of this method (included in the RDF bag OutputDescription of the adaptation method profile) matches the client requirements. If yes, the server applies this adaptation method on the original resource and delivers the created resource to the client. In the negative case, i.e. no adaptation method can be applied, the server sends a negative reply concerning the requested resource in order to avoid the client blocking. The negotiation exchange protocol and the content negotiation and adaptation strategies have been implemented within a proxy-based and server-based architecture (Figure 6). In both architectures, the used network is based on two infrastructure types: an 802.11 wireless LAN and a wired network. Three kinds of devices are used to access content: a personal device assistant (iPAQ 3600) running under Windows CE and connected through the wireless network, a laptop computer using both the wired connection and the wireless one and a personal computer that uses the wired network. In the proxy-based architecture a negotiation module is added to the communication proxy in order to retrieve and request the different client profiles. The same module is integrated to the content server in the server-based architecture. The difference between the two architectures is that in the case where we use an intermediate proxy, we can not experiment all the aspects of the content negotiation and adaptation strategy. In this case, tasks like evaluating the available content variants and content substitutions can not be performed correctly due to the lack of control on the content. An adaptation method M is applied on a resource R , if the UPS description of R matches the UPS input requirement of M , and the UPS output description of M matches the client requirements. To avoid developing static adaptation methods for each kind of resources adaptation, it’s preferable that the server has methods that provedes many outputs depending to the context of their application. This is called dynamic adaptation. A dynamic adaptation is the one that interacts with the current client context. Taking into account the client context by an adaptation method can be achieved at two locations: the client or the server (or proxy). In the general case, the client content adaptation is achieved using scripts and rendering styles which are sent inside the content and evaluated during the rendering according to the capability of the user device. Unfortunately, this kind of adaptation has many disadvantages and depends widely on the client processing power. Dynamic adaptation on the server represents a best alternative to deal with the variety of client contexts. It allows the delivery of adapted content directly. In our system, we consider two kinds of adaptations: the structural adaptation (transformation) and the media adaptation. Structural transformations are based on XSLT [19] which allows transforming XML document into other XML documents. Media adaptations use specific applications. Providing XSLT style sheets that handles client profiles is seems interesting since the server can obtain adapted content by applying the generated style sheet to content. It is also possible to concatenate the original service with the user agent context (or profile) and then apply the style sheet. In practice, this is very complicated to achieve using XSLT templates. The two parts of the input tree (the constraints profile and the original content, see Figure 7) are separated and requires intensive processing to achieve the cooperation between them. The scheme that we propose here consists to define a generic style sheet that admits as input the client profile and generates as output a style sheet. scenarios executions. Figure 9 represents the generic XSLT style sheet used for filtering. The style sheet of the figure 10 is generated automatically following the proposed approach and it can be used to transform SMIL content according to the user constraints given in the client profile. This kind of adaptation concerns media resources such as images, videos, etc. A context is considered as a set of variables that reflect the state of the client capabilities and preferences. Consequently, a context change is equivalent to a values change of these parameters. The new values of the context are taken as input and the corresponding adaptation methods are applied. Here are some experimental results concerning the dynamic adaptation used within the exchange protocol. In each application, a user is associated with as a set of variables used in the adaptation. Application 1 : Image generation using structural transformation (Figure 11): XML to SVG [17]. The client context about the requested content includes the following set: {wanted_text="Structural Transformation", image_width = 400, image_height = 60, preferred_font_color = "blue", preferred_font_size = 30, preferred background color = "red", preferred text position=40}. In the current internet, providing adaptable content delivery is crucial. This becomes even more important when considering multimedia content which requires the handling of resource intensive media. As stated in the paper, defining a complete adaptable content delivery system is not an easy task. It introduces many challenges at different levels of the current infrastructure. One of such challenges is the definition of a model for describing the environment or the environment constraints that have to be taken into account. UPS was proposed as a flexible model for describing not only the client but also the ...

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Getrieben von der schnellen Entwicklung der Techniken zur Positionsbestimmung und der weiten Verbreitung mobiler Kommunikation, ermöglichen ortsbasierte Dienste spezifische Angebote am Aufenthaltsort des Nutzers. Die meisten zur Zeit existierenden Dienste sind entweder eigenständige Programme für mobile Geräte oder arbeiten im Client-Server Modus. Somit müssen Nutzer für verschiedene Dienste die jeweils notwendige Software installieren. Heutzutage ist das World-Wide-Web die primäre Plattform für Kommunikation, Recherche, Geschäftsabwicklung und vieles mehr. Die Kombination von Ortsbezug und World-Wide-Web ermöglicht die Nutzung verschiedener ortsbezogener Dienste ohne die zusätzliche Software-Installation durch den Nutzer. Die Personalisierung zeigt ihren Nutzen für ortsbezogene Dienste und beweist gleichzeitig die Notwendigkeit ihrer Akzeptanz. Jeder einzelne Nutzer erhält, basierend auf der spezifischen Charakteristik und dem jeweiligen Kontext, diejenigen Informationen, die für ihn am meisten relevant sind. In dieser Dissertation wird der Prozess einer ortsbasierten und personalisierten Führung mit den Mitteln des World-Wide-Web dargestellt. Dazu werden zunächst übliche Webbrowser und Webserver verwendet, erweitert um die Möglichkeit zur Generierung von ortsbezogenen und personalisierten Inhalten, sowie der Option, diese automatisch dem Nutzer zuzustellen. Dieser Prozess besteht aus einem ortsbezogenen Web-System, der Ortsbestimmung, der Möglichkeit des ortsbezogenen Abrufs von Informationen sowie der personalisierten Darstellung. Das ortsbezogene Web-System bildet dabei die zugrunde liegende Infrastruktur. Diese ermöglicht den Austausch von Ortsinformationen zwischen Browser und Webserver und die automatische Aktualisierung der im Browser angezeigten Webseiten im Falle eines Ortswechsels. Die notwendigen Geräte zur Ortsbestimmung sind üblicherweise auf Seiten des Nutzers zu finden. Damit der Server dem Nutzer in seiner Bewegung folgen kann, müssen die Ortsdaten vom Webbrowser an den Server übermittelt werden. Mit dem Wissen über den Aufenthaltsort des Nutzers, führt das System eine ortsbezogene Inhaltssuche durch und bezieht die relevanten ortsbezogenen Inhalte von einer Datenbank und/oder über das Internet. Diese werden anschließend gefiltert, multimedial aufbereitet und dem Nutzer personalisiert dargestellt. Basierend auf diesem Prozess, wurde ein Framework zum Verfolgen und Führen eines Nutzers vorgestellt. Dieses besteht aus dem Location Server, Content Server, Guiding Web Server und mobilen Clients. Der Location Server führt die Algorithmen zur Positionsbestimmung aus und ermöglicht ortsbezogene Web-Dienste. Der Content Server beinhaltet eine Datenbank mit Inhalten, auf der räumliche und nicht-räumliche Suchanfragen durchgeführt werden können und ermöglicht inhaltsbezogeneWeb-Dienste. Der Guiding Webserver ist ein üblicher Webserver, der die personalisierten Tracking und Guiding Dienste anbietet. Ein mobiler Client besteht aus einem normalen Webbrowser, der um eine universelle Location Control Komponente erweitert wurde, die die Abfrage von ortsbezogenen Daten aus der Positionierungshardware ermöglicht. Weiterhin werden Techniken zur Personalisierung vorgestellt, die die Modellierung der Nutzercharakteristika beziehungsweise deren Kontext ermöglichen, Inhalte ortsbezogen und personalisiert organisieren, Inhalte auswählen und personenbezogene Vorschläge unterbreiten und zuletzt, dynamische Zusammenstellungen von personalisierten multimedialen Darstellungen ermöglichen. Eine prototypische Anwendung—der Location-Based Botany Guide—wurde mit Hilfe des vorgestellten Frameworks im Botanischen Garten Freiburg umgesetzt. Diese kann sowohl als ortsbezogenes E-Learning System für Biologiestudenten als auch als digitaler botanischer Führer für Besucher dienen. Nach vorheriger Authentifizierung eines Nutzers, erzeugt das System ein Nutzer- und Kontextmodell zur Personalisierung. Dieses wird während der Nutzung ständig aktualisiert. Zur Positionsbestimmung kommen GPS und Wi-Fi Fingerprinting zum Einsatz. Das System bietet sowohl eine Kartendarstellung als auch ein Angebot zur Wegewahl. Im Kartenmodus erhält der Nutzer eine dynamische und interaktive Karte des Gartens, angereichert mit botanischen Informationen und Markierung des aktuellen Standorts. Im Leitmodus überwacht das System die Position des Nutzes und bietet automatisch personalisierte multimedial aufbereitete Informationen der nächstgelegenen Pflanzen. Das System bietet einen grundsätzlichen Architekturentwurf, der sich für ähnliche Anwendungen einsetzen lässt, und zeigt die Möglichkeit der Integration des Orts- und Kontextbezugs in das World-Wide-Web, um webbasierte personalisierte Tracking und Guiding Systeme zu erstellen.
... -Transformation structurelle : Cette catégorie de techniques concerne les transformations appliquées sur l'organisation globale ou l'arbre logique du document. Quelques exemples de telles transformations (Lemlouma, 2003a) (Lemlouma, 2003b) (Lux-Pogodalla, 2006) sont la transformation des documents HTML vers des documents XHTML Basic pour les terminaux mobiles, le filtrage des documents HTML, la transformation d'un contenu textuel écrit en XML vers une représentation graphique en SVG, la transformation temporelle ,…etc. (Laborie, 2005). ...
... -Transformation structurelle : Cette catégorie de techniques concerne les transformations appliquées sur l'organisation globale ou l'arbre logique du document. Quelques exemples de telles transformations (Lemlouma, 2003a) (Lemlouma, 2003b) (Lux-Pogodalla, 2006) sont la transformation des documents HTML vers des documents XHTML Basic pour les terminaux mobiles, le filtrage des documents HTML, la transformation d'un contenu textuel écrit en XML vers une représentation graphique en SVG, la transformation temporelle ,…etc. (Laborie, 2005). ...
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La forte demande dans le domaine des réseaux ambiants, permet actuellement d'envisager le développement de réseaux de capteurs pour un grand nombre d'applications. Ces réseaux, tout comme les réseaux ad hoc souffrent de nombreuses limitations en terme de performance, du fait du manque d'infrastructure et de la nature du média sans fil. La mutualisation des moyens informatiques et la tendance vers le « tout multimédia » laisse penser que les capteurs sans fils intègreront dans un avenir proche des préoccupations liées à ce domaine, c'est-à-dire qu'ils seront amenés à participer au transport et éventuellement au traitement de flux multimédia, Ce qui provoque l'apparition de plusieurs problèmes tel que la capacité limitées des capteurs et l'incompatibilité des flux manipulés par ces capteurs. L'objectif de cet article est de proposé une modélisation d'un système d'information évolutif, en fonction de représentation des flux de données, des traitements (adaptation) et de l'environnement (capteurs). Chaque composant (matériel ou logiciel) de notre système devant communiquer avec un autre devrait consulter ce système d'informations via un serveur pour obtenir une interface de communication capable de lui assurer une très bonne communication. Le système d'information, en fonction des caractéristiques des flux à faire transiter et du profil de l'émetteur/récepteur, fournira l'interface correspondante à l'émetteur et au récepteur. Ainsi, on pourra disposer de deux interfaces compatibles qui sauront communiquer entre elles et, par extension, les composants pourront, grâce à elles, échanger des informations quelle que soit la structure et le format de flux. L'avantage d'un tel système d'information réside également dans son évolutivité dans le sens où il pourra être enrichi aux grés des flux fournis/requis et ainsi proposer de nouvelles connexions et donc de nouveaux maillages dans l'échange de flux de données.
... Structural Transformation: This category of technical concerns the transformations applied to the global organization (spatial or temporal) or to the tree logic of the document. Some examples of such transformations [10] [11] [18] are the transformation of the HTML documents towards the XHTML documents Basic for the terminal mobiles, the filtering of the HTML documents, the transformation of a textual content written in XML to a graphical representation SVG, the temporal transformation [16] [17], and so on. Media transformation (content): In this category, we find the methods of transformation concerning the adaptation and the encoding media. ...
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This article proposes an architecture that adapts multimedia flows context of the participants in ommunication in peer-to-peer systems. This architecture allows a pair to play several roles (pair adaptation, Proxy or communicating), the adaptation peer researches adapters, compose them, if it is necessary to have interfaces to adapt, to realize the complex adaptation operations and send them to peer communicating. The peer Proxy supports the execution of the interface if the communicating peers are not able to execute it. This architecture allows recomposing dynamically the adaptive interfaces, so; this facilitates changes in the user's environment and in the adapters. The construction of the adaptation interfaces is dynamic; it applies the Choquet integral on a set of coefficients in order to have a compatible interface to the needs of the communicating. A complete chain of adaptation is implemented using the Java language for creating interface adaptations, the Web service for description and communication profiles such as RDF and HTTP, and we propose a model that describes adaptation profiles based on the standard CC/PP (Composite Capabilities / Preferences Profile) of W3C.