Scoring rules of perceived value loss.

Scoring rules of perceived value loss.

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Electronic waste (e-waste) represents a severe global environmental issue due to the fast upgrading and updating of electronic products and the high environmental risk. Current low recycling technology, high economic cost, and weak disposal capability make it difficult for e-waste to be rendered 100% harmless. E-waste disposal requires new site-sel...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... four levels of buffer distance were considered during the public perception survey. As shown in Table 1, we formulated the value loss score of perceived value loss based on different levels of buffer distance and land use within the buffer zone. Combining the value loss scores of different buffer zones, we calculated the perceived value loss index of each potential landfill unit using Equation (1). ...
Context 2
... four levels of buffer distance were considered during the public perception survey. As shown in Table 1, we formulated the value loss score of perceived value loss based on different levels of buffer distance and land use within the buffer zone. Combining the value loss scores of different buffer zones, we calculated the perceived value loss index of each potential landfill unit using Equation (1). ...


... Wan et al. [10] used displacement inverse analysis to analyze the stability of construction waste landfills. Other scholars have conducted studies on design and construction [11] and environmental friendliness [12,13]. ...
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In the backdrop of China’s rapid economic growth and urbanization, the surge in construction waste poses mounting disposal challenges. This study primarily focuses on in-depth research and exploration of construction waste recycling technologies. By repurposing towering heaps of construction debris into artificial landscapes, it achieves resource reutilization and waste reduction, bearing profound significance for environmental protection, and resource utilization. Taking the Xi’an Meibei Lake Scenic Area construction waste embankment project as a case study, experiments on the physical properties of soil-construction waste mixtures were conducted. A three-dimensional computational model of the site was established, and typical cross-sections were selected for the slope stability calculations and analysis. This was coupled with on-site measurements to validate the practicality and effectiveness of the technology. The successful execution of the project has demonstrated the reliability of this technology, offering significant potential for widespread application and serving as a crucial reference for the similar projects.
... Such plastics are considered eco-friendly in nature and are commonly used in packaging industries [36]. Generally, plastic has been identified as one of the highly persistent pollutants that is stubborn to biodegradation [114]. Additionally, the material proves to be resistant to the attack of most microorganisms to remain non-degradable [115]. ...
... The method has also been associated with soil and water contamination and general adverse health impacts on wildlife [137]. The objectives of landfill waste disposal must provide a safer means for the e-plastic waste disposal focusing on protection of all dimensions of the environment, such as aquatic, soil and airspace [36,114]. The growing volumes of e-plastic waste indicates growing land mass requirement for development of appropriate landfills [3,13]. ...
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E-plastic waste receives little attention despite its significance as a proportion of e-waste at 20-40%, depending on specific equipment. The waste stream is characterized by low re-use and recycling, following its perceived; low value, limited recycling technology, sagging global prices for recycled products and associated intrinsic toxicity. Unlike the lucrative precious metals in e-waste, e-plastic waste is viewed as a residual waste after recovery of valuable e-waste components. Thus, the waste stream receives little attention often associated with crude disposal methods such as burning and open dumping oblivious of potential health and environmental impacts. The global sharp rise in e-plastic waste necessitates advocacy and campaign for efficient and effective disposal methods sensitive to environmental sustainability. The growing technology in manufacturing Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) that is not easily recyclable, repairable, or reusable, aggravates the challenge of e-plastic waste management. Currently, the common e-plastic waste management techniques include; recycling, incineration, bioremediation, pyrolysis, landfilling and re-use in construction as aggregates. This study evaluates the challenges and opportunities around e-plastic management practices such as; recycling, pyrolysis, incineration, land filling, bioremediation and use in aggregates while analyzing sustainability of the techniques. The study highlights the toxicity associated with e-plastic waste and its imposed challenge to general e-waste handling. The study recommends up scaling of regulatory framework and policies for efficient management of e-plastic waste to avert the looming health and environmental impacts.
... Such plastics are considered eco-friendly in nature and are commonly used in packaging industries [36]. Generally, plastic has been identified as one of the highly persistent pollutants that is stubborn to biodegradation [114]. Additionally, the material proves to be resistant to the attack of most microorganisms to remain non-degradable [115]. ...
... The method has also been associated with soil and water contamination and general adverse health impacts on wildlife [137]. The objectives of landfill waste disposal must provide a safer means for the e-plastic waste disposal focusing on protection of all dimensions of the environment, such as aquatic, soil and airspace [36,114]. The growing volumes of e-plastic waste indicates growing land mass requirement for development of appropriate landfills [3,13]. ...
... Infrastruktur yang baik dan tepat dapat mendukung pengelolaan e-waste [22]; di sisi lain, pembangunan infrastruktur dan fasilitas yang tidak memadai serta anggaran yang tidak mencukupi dapat menghambat pengelolaan e-waste [23]. Masalah utama dalam mengelola e-waste di negara berkembang adalah cara untuk mengatur insentif untuk penggunaan sektor informal sehingga mengurangi aktivitas siklus yang tidak diinginkan dan mengalihkan e-waste tambahan ke aliran ke penggunaan sektor formal. ...
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Strategy for Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Management in Jakarta (Indonesia) Alternatif Strategi Pengelolaan E-Waste di Jakarta
... With the decrease in the cost of sensor equipment in recent years, the application range of information sensing technology has expanded rapidly. Academic research on the applications of information technologies to design, construct and maintain civil infrastructure in areas such as location optimization [3,4], schedule monitoring [5][6][7][8], safety warning [9,10] and structural health monitoring (SHM) is growing [11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...
... Afferden et al. [89] discovered savings of up to 40% by using a GIS-based approach to evaluate local lowestcost wastewater solutions. Chen et al. [4] used GIS to map suitable e-waste landfills. Wang et al. [3] proposed that the integration of GIS and geographic databases, AR and VR technologies could generate utility-based geospatial data for monitoring, recording and managing the location of all underground utilities. ...
... Generally, the whole life cycle of a construction project can be divided into three phases, namely, planning and design, construction and maintenance. This study does not introduce in detail all the information technologies applications in civil infrastructure due to space constraints but instead classifies information technologies according to their application in different phases, as shown in Table 5. [3,4,89], roadside vegetation management [93], and road investigation [90]) (Information sharing [47], construction management optimization [47,94], schedule monitoring [5], digital delivery [95,96], 3D visualization [97] and LCM [39,98]) (SHM [11][12][13]18,19,21,23,27,30,52,70,[99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106], information collection [107][108][109], quality monitoring [28] and traffic trend forecast [110]) ...
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Information technologies have widely been used in the construction and maintenance of civil infrastructure. The advantages of information technologies provided a broader range of methods for infrastructure and enhanced its level of maintenance. However, a systematic summary of the research development of information technologies used in civil infrastructure is limited. This study aims to supplement this field by providing an objective, systematic summary of relevant literature in mainstream journals employing bibliometric retrieval and quantitative analysis from 2010 to 2020. The following results are obtained: (1) This study discusses the application of advanced information technologies in different phases and provides a critical analysis of the application of these existing information technologies, which includes wireless sensor networks (WSN), fiber optic sensing (FOS), building information modelling (BIM), radio frequency identification (RFID) and other advanced information technologies. (2) The digital twins can be used as tools for the planning and management of next-generation smart infrastructure, making the future of civil infrastructure smarter and more sustainable.
... Recent studies have demonstrated that plants were the first multicellular organisms to conquer the terrestrial ecosystem with the help of mycorrhizal fungi [5] and bacterial symbionts [6]. Although these results shed light on the role of symbiosis in the adaptation of plants to terrestrial habitats, few studies have investigated the metazoan counterpart [7][8][9]. ...
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Due to the chemico-physical differences between air and water, the transition from aquatic life to the land poses several challenges for animal evolution, necessitating morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations. Microbial symbiosis is known to have played an important role in eukaryote evolution, favouring host adaptation under changing environmental conditions. We selected mangrove brachyuran crabs as a model group to investigate the prokaryotes associated with the gill of crabs dwelling at different tidal levels (subtidal, intertidal and supratidal). In these animals, the gill undergoes a high selective pressure, finely regulating multiple physiological functions during both animal submersion under and emersion from the periodical tidal events. We hypothesize that similarly to other marine animals, the gills of tidal crabs are consistently colonized by prokaryotes that may quantitatively change along the environmental gradient driven by the tides. Using electron microscopy techniques, we found a thick layer of prokaryotes over the gill surfaces of all of 12 crab species from the mangrove forests of Saudi Arabia, Kenya and South Africa. We consistently observed two distinct morphotypes (rod- and spherical-shaped), positioned horizontally and/or perpendicularly to the gill surface. The presence of replicating cells indicated that the prokaryote layer is actively growing on the gill surface. Quantitative analysis of scanning electron microscopy images and the quantification of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene by qPCR revealed a higher specific abundance of prokaryote cells per gill surface area in the subtidal species than those living in the supratidal zone. Our results revealed a correlation between prokaryote colonization of the gill surfaces and the host lifestyle. This finding indicates a possible role of prokaryote partnership within the crab gills, with potential effects on animal adaptation to different levels of the intertidal gradient present in the mangrove ecosystem.
... Sistem Akuntansi Bank e-Waste adalah rangkaian perangkat lunak terintegrasi yang menyediakan fasilitas untuk pendaftaran perusahaan dan manajemen keanggotaan, entri data elektronik, pelaporan, referensi silang, dan pemantauan waktu nyata pergerakan bahan berbahaya. Itu juga dilengkapi dengan opsi untuk menghasilkan laporan khusus tentang berbagai aspek proyek yaitu, manajemen informasi pelanggan (Customer Information Management), inventaris bahan berbahaya, transportasi bahan berbahaya atau pembuangan limbah di pusat pengumpulan atau lokasi pembuangan (Chen et al., 2019;Osibanjo & Nnorom, 2007;R., 2020;Ruiz Galeano & Bautista Rodríguez, 2021). ...
... Sampai saat ini EPR masih dalam proses pertimbangan dan belum diketahui bagaimana sistem yang akan diterap kan nantinya (AjwaniRamchandani et al., 2021;Borthakur, juga membantu menghilangkan kelebihan persediaan dengan melacak berbagai tingkat pemrosesan secara real time. Dalam aplikasi tersebut juga terdapat fitur yang memungkinkan penetapan harga transfer yang lebih baik dengan menghilangkan peluang yang terlewatkan dalam mendaur ulang pendapatan, membuat laporan sehingga proses bisnis menjadi lebih efisien, menghasilkan data untuk mematuhi peraturan pemerintah tentang pembuangan limbah elektronik, memberikan angka inventaris yang akurat untuk pengambilan keputusan yang lebih baik saat membeli peralatan baru sehingga konsumen tidak membeli berlebihan (Andeobu et al., 2021;Chen et al., 2019;Osibanjo & Nnorom, 2007). ...
... Strategi berkelanjutan atas sistem informasi manajemen sampah elektronik dapat membantu pemerintah mening katkan kebijakan nasional mereka, yang mendorong pro dusen untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak produk ramah lingkungan yang lebih mudah didaur ulang (Chen et al., 2019;Mor et al., 2021;Shumon et al., 2014;Turaga et al., 2019). Produsen juga berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan teknologi yang mengurangi jumlah bahan berbahaya yang dilepaskan ke lingkungan. ...
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Pada tahun 2020, kami dari Tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Prodi Teknik Industri UNTAR bersama mitra mempersembahkan buku digital yang berjudul Guyub Sampah. Pada buku tersebut, semua naskah ditulis oleh tim partisipan masyarakat dan instansi. Tahun 2021 bulan Mei, kami juga mempersembahkan buku digital yang berjudul Guyub Peduli Rumah Kita Bersama. Tema ini diangkat oleh tim PKM, karena kami ingin menciptakan suatu kerja sama dalam dialog naskah tentang keprihatinan dan harapan akan masalah lingkungan hidup. Di pengujung tahun 2021 ini, kami kembali mempersembahkan kepada masyarakat, buku Guyub Koperasi Pengelola Sampah. Adapun dalam pembuatan buku digital kali ini, kami didukung LPPM UNTAR, Fakultas Teknik UNTAR, dan mitra Pepulih. Buku digital Guyub Koperasi Pengelola Sampah dibuat sebagai tanda apresiasi untuk warga masyarakat yang sudah dan sedang merintis mengusahakan adanya Koperasi Pengelola Sampah di wilayahnya. Partisipan penulis adalah praktisi koperasi pengelola sampah, pengajar, pemerhati, iv Guyub Koperasi Pengelola Sampah dan pemerintah terkait. Buku digital ini juga dimaksudkan sebagai sarana edukasi kepada masyarakat, bahwa hanya melalui Koperasi Pengelola Sampah, kesejahteraan bersama dapat diupayakan. Koperasi mempunyai beberapa kekuatan, antara lain: 1. Nilai solidaritas menjadi kekuatan koperasi; 2. Koperasi dapat melindungi kepentingan bersama dalam solidaritas satu sama lain; 3. Koperasi adalah milik bersama, dari sini muncul prinsip bahwa kepemilikan menuntut kewajiban sosial, artinya setiap anggota koperasi tidak boleh egoistis, tetapi harus mengutamakan kepentingan bersama; 4. Keberagaman kegiatan/program dalam koperasi harus didorong pada penciptaan lapangan kerja dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan bersama; 5. Kehidupan sosial ekonomi anggota koperasi dan kesejahteraan seluruh anggotanya harus dihormati dan dikembangkan, sebab anggota koperasi yang menjadi pencipta, pusat, dan tujuan keberlanjutan koperasi; 6. Jika memberikan uang/dana kepada seseorang begitu saja berarti merampas segala inisiatif dan kreativitas orang itu untuk menolong dirinya sendiri. Hanya koperasi yang mampu mengajak dan mendidik orang untuk bertanggung jawab atas dana yang diperolehnya. 7. Prinsip keberlanjutan adalah prinsip etis tradisional yang menaruh hormat pada kondisi hidup manusia dan kelangsungan bumi. Hanya koperasi yang membagi dana secara adil berdasarkan prinsip solidaritas sehingga tidak ada seorang anggota pun yang akan Guyub Koperasi Pengelola Sampah v kekurangan, karena komunitas koperasi dapat mengerti kebutuhan anggota yang paling menderita. Hanya koperasi yang mewujudkan manusia dan lingkungan ekologis berjalan bergandengan. Salam hormat kami, Jakarta, 1 Oktober 2021 Helena Juliana Kristina S.T., M.T Ketua Tim PKM, Teknik Industri UNTAR, untuk buku digital: Guyub Koperasi Pengelola Sampah
... The recycling process of electronic waste is mostly carried out in the informal sector, which has the potential to cause environmental damage and decrease the quality of public health [2] [3]. Generally, the potential risks that arise during the recycling process of electronic waste are carried out by very simple methods in developing countries [4]. ...
... Rather high A high enough chance of process control will detect potential causes/mechanisms and the next failure mode. 3 High Most likely, Control Design will detect potential causes/mechanisms and subsequent failure modes. 2 Very high The very high probability of process control will detect potential causes/mechanisms and subsequent failure modes. 1 ...
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Utilization of electronic products expansion dramatically in recent decades throughout the globe. Faster technological evolution is one of the causes of the high use of electronic products and makes the product obsolete rapidly. Therefore, this encourages the potential for various risks and becomes one of the problems in the sustainability of environmental management. Moreover, risk factors study in the process of managing e-waste has not been done. Therefore, this study will analyze the risk of e-waste management factors using the Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) approach. Several important information regarding the risk factors of the e-waste management process were collected using literature studies, interview methods, and fishbone diagrams. The risk factors were arranged in the form of questionnaires distributed to five respondents from various fields such as academics, the ministry of environment, the sanitation department, non-governmental organizations. The respondents were asked to provide a risk assessment based on expertise and professionalism. The result shows that several highest RPN values such as manual technology (729), number of technologies (729), legal compliance (729), and recycling costs (729). At the same time, other factors are still in the medium and low category. Thus, risk evaluation in the e-waste management process is focused on the highest risk category. Furthermore, this research can be an approach to evaluating risk management from electronic waste in DKI Jakarta-Indonesia and other developing countries. Further studies to improve the results of this research need to be carried out that will be useful for further action in the future.
... With the advent of the Internet of Things era, diverse electronics including sensors, displays, and antennas have attracted a great deal of attention in recent years [1,2]. However, human beings are deeply troubled by electronic waste (e-waste) while they are enjoying the convenience of electronics [3,4]. So far, the majority of e-waste is handled by landfill and incineration, but these two treatment methods may lead the toxic and hazardous components of e-waste to go directly into the soil, water, and air, finally resulting in serious ecological pollution [5]. ...
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As a synthetic renewable and biodegradable material, the application of polylactide (PLA) in the green flexible electronics has attracted intensive attention due to the increasingly serious issue of electronic waste. Unfortunately, the development of PLA-based optoelectronic devices is greatly hindered by the poor heat resistance and mechanical property of PLA. To overcome these limitations, herein, we report a facile and promising route to fabricate silver nanowires/PLA (AgNW/PLA) film with largely improved properties by utilizing the stereocomplex (SC) crystallization between poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) and poly(D-lactide) (PDLA). Through embedding the AgNW networks into the PLLA:PDLA blend matrix via a transfer method, the AgNW/PLLA:PDLA film with both high transparency and excellent conductivity was obtained. Compared with the AgNW/PLLA film, the formation of SC crystallites in the composites matrix could significantly enhance not only heat resistance but also mechanical strength of the AgNW/PLLA:PDLA film. Exceptionally, the AgNW/PLLA:PDLA film exhibited superior flexibility and could maintain excellent electrical conductivity stability even under the condition of 10,000 repeated bending cycles and 100 tape test cycles. In addition, the organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with the AgNW/PLLA:PDLA films as electrodes were successfully fabricated in this work for the first time and they exhibited highly flexible, luminous, as well as hydrolytic degradation properties. This work could provide a low-cost and environment-friendly avenue towards fabricating high-performanced PLA-based biodegradable electronics.
... Sumathi et al. [25] proposed GIS-based procedures that combined the use of GIS with a multicriteria analysis, Zamorano et al. [26] applied the procedure to a case study in Southern Spain and Simsek et al. [10] explicitly considered NIMBY syndrome constraints. Other case studies can be found in [27][28][29][30][31]. ...
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This paper proposes a discrete optimisation model and a heuristic algorithm to solve the landfill siting problem over large areas. Besides waste transport costs and plant construction and maintenance costs, usually considered in such problems, the objective function includes economic compensation for residents in the areas affected by the landfill, to combat the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) syndrome or, at least, reduce its adverse effects. The proposed methodology is applied to a real-scale case study, the region of Campania, Italy, where waste management is a thorny problem. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm may be used to obtain a solution to the problem, albeit sub-optimal, with acceptable computing times, and the proposed model tends to locate landfills in sparsely populated sites.