Fig 7 - uploaded by Jiří Malíček
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Sclerophora farinacea-this rare forest lichen is common in the reserve especially on old or dead beeches. Photo by F. Bouda.

Sclerophora farinacea-this rare forest lichen is common in the reserve especially on old or dead beeches. Photo by F. Bouda.

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Malíček, J., Palice, Z., Acton, A., Berger, F., Bouda, F., Sanderson, N. & Vondrák, J. 2018. Uholka primeval forest in the Ukrainian Carpathians — a keynote area for diversity of forest lichens in Europe. — Herzogia 31: 140–171. One of the largest European primeval forests, Uholka-Shyrokyi Luh in the Ukrainian Carpathians, has received increased at...


... It has since then been reported from additional countries in Europe, viz. Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Ukraine (Czarnota 2012, Dietrich et al. 2019, Malíček & Palice 2013, Malíček et al. 2018, Motiejūnaitė & Grochowski 2014, Stepanchikova et al. 2020. Outside Europe it is known from Asian Russia (Urbanavichus 2013), the Azores (Breuss 2018), and New Jersey in the United States (Waters & Lendemer 2019). ...
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We report 22 lichenised fungi as new to Sweden, of which nine are also new to Fennoscandia and one new to Europe. The newly reported species are Agonimia flabelliformis, Carneothele sphagnicola, Lecania madida, Lecanora horiza, L. subravida, L. subsaligna, Lecidea subhumida, L. toensbergii, Micarea coppinsii, M. isidioprasina, M. microsorediata, M. pseudotsugae, M. substipitata, Miriquidica majae, Protoblastenia calvella, P. szaferi, Ptychographa xylographoides, Ramboldia subcinnabarina, Verrucaria hydrophila, V. prominula, and V. rosula. We revised Swedish specimens of Normandina acroglypta and found that all but one belong to N. chlorococca, which is reported as new to Sweden. We also publish new records of the anamorphic, possibly lichenised fungus Sphaeronaema truncatum, a long-forgotten taxon originally described from Sweden 200 years ago.
... In the traditionally-inhabited European landscape, rare epiphytic and epixylic lichens are concentrated in habitats less influenced by forest management, habitat degradation and fragmentation, and areas with low air pollution (Hauck et al., 2013). For example, epiphytic lichens in Central Europe consist of only a subset of the species that are maintained in a few preserved hotspots with limited areas of hundreds or even tens of hectares (Hofmeister et al., 2016;Malíček et al., 2018Malíček et al., , 2019. Consequently, regional differences in species composition are controlled mainly by nestedness components of beta-diversity (Baselga, 2010), while species turnover is redundant over the broader landscape (Hofmeister et al., 2016;Malíček et al., 2019). ...
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Ecological science aims for general principles that are transferable, predictive and widely applicable across different local situations. However, natural history, in contrast to ecology, is rife with examples of the particular. In this study, we reject the validity of the general expectation that diversity hot-spots contribute to overall species diversity accordingly to their species richness. In eleven 1-hectare forest plots in four distinct areas across Great Britain, we recorded 550 epiphytic and epixylic lichen species, i.e. 73 % of the presently known British epiphytic flora. Species richness per site was regionally stratified and mirrored by functional diversity, but species composition differed among sites, and was unrelated to the distance between sites. Rare species and species restricted to a single site consistently represented a high proportion of the local species richness. This demonstrated that each site contributed substantially and evenly to the regional and national biodiversity of epiphytic lichens in Britain. Several functional attributes are quite specific to rare species, so further disappearance of rare species would lead to disproportionately high loss of overall functional diversity.
... Фрідріх Газлінський наприкінці XIX століття (Hazslinsky, 1884) наводив цей лишайник для Татр, а не Карпат. Види N. parile та N. resupinatum відмічалися в Карпатах та Криму як з історичних (Boberski, 1883;Hazslinsky, 1884;Mereschkovsky, 1920;Szatala, 1922;Hruby, 1925;Suza, 1926a, b, c;Suza, 1926Suza, -1927Servít, Nádvorník, 1932, 1935-1936Sulma, 1933;Макаревич, 1947;Окснер, 1956;Копачевская, 1986;Макаревич и др., 1982;Bystrek & Sulma, 1986;Faltynowicz, Sulma, 1994), так і з сучасних знахідок (Coppins et al., 1998;Dymytrova et al., 2013;Khodosovtsev et al., 2013;Malíček et al., 2018). Усвідомлення катастрофічного скорочення місць їхнього існування, яке повʹязане головним чином зі зменшенням площ старовікових лісів, змусило занести ці два види до другого видання Червоної книги України (2009) та залишити у новому переліку видів (Наказ …, 2021). ...
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Авторами було проведено критичне вивчення лишайників комплексу Nephroma laevigatum s. lat. на основі зразків лишайників, що зберігаються в гербарії Інституту ботаніки ім. М.Г. Холодного НАН України. Крім того, в роботі використані матеріали ліхенологічних досліджень з Національного природного парку "Зачарований Край" (Закарпатська область, Хустський район). Встановлено, що в Україні існують два види комплексу – N. bellum та N. laevigatum. Лишайники близькі між собою, проте відрізняються кольором серцевини та її реакцією на 10% розчин КОН. Nephroma bellum має білу серцевину з негативною реакцією на КОН, тоді як N. laevigatum має жовтувату серцевину, що червоніє від 10% розчину КОН. Підтверджено існування в Карпатах N. bellum. Ймовірно, що всі історичні повідомлення у першій половині 20 століття, 15 локалітетів, під назвою N. laevigatum відносяться до N. bellum. Останній раз N. bellum в Україні колекціонувала М.Ф. Макаревич у 1948 році (KW). В Україні, вперше за останні 75 років N. bellum був зареєстрований нами у Національному природному парку "Зачарований Край". Існування N. laevigatum s. str. в Україні підтверджено єдиним зразком з Криму, зібраним у 1950 році (KW). В Карпатах зростання цього виду поки не підтверджено гербарними зразками. За критеріями МСОП для N. bellum та N. laevigatum в Україні пропонується статус "у критичній небезпеці" та "регіонально вимерлий" відповідно. За існуючими критеріями Червоної книги України N. bellum та N. laevigatum можна віднести до категорії "зникаючі" та "неоцінені" відповідно та пропонувати до внесення у її нове видання.
... It is the first time report from Cherkasy region. This hyphomycete is commonly found on Graphis scripta and has been reported from Khmelnytskyi, Ternopil, Zakarpattia and Zhytomyr regions , Malíček et al. 2018, Darmostuk & Sira 2020. It is the first time report from the Lviv region. ...
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Materials and methods: field observations and herbarium collections, microscope technique Nomenclature: Index Fungorum Results: In this contribution, new data concerning lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi in Ukraine are presented. It includes new record, exclusions, and confirmations to the Ukrainian administrative regions of 64 species of lichen-forming and 20 species of lichenicolous fungi in the 57 genera of Acarospora, Agonimia, Arthonia, Bacidia, Botryolepraria, Caloplaca, Candelaria, Ceratobasidium, Circinaria, Clauzadea, Coenogonium, Endococcus, Epithamnolia, Erythricium, Flavoplaca, Illosporiopsis, Intralichen, Ionaspis, Laetisaria, Lathagrium, Lecania, Lendemeriella, Lichenochora, Lichenodiplis, Llimoniella, Parmeliopsis, Peltigera, Petractis, Phaeophyscia, Physcia, Placynthium, Platismatia, Polyblastia, Polychidium, Polyozosia, Porina, Protoparmeliopsis, Pyrenidium, Pyrenochaeta, Pyrenodesmia, Punctelia, Rinodina, Rhizocarpon, Roselliniella, Rusavskia, Scytinium, Spirographa, Stigmidium, Taeniolella, Telogalla, Toninia, Tremella, Trichoconis, Xanthocarpia, Xanthoriicola, Verrucaria. Among them 29 species are the first time reported to the Chernivtsi region, 12 species new to the Sumy region, 10 species new to the Ternopil region, 7 species new to the Ivano-Frankivsk region, 5 species new to the Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions, 4 species new to the Lviv, Cherkasy, Kharkiv, Kherson, Odesa and Volyn regions, 3 species new to the Donetsk region, two species new to the Zakarpattia region, one species new to the Dnipropetrovk, Khmelnytskyi, Kirovograd, Poltava regions as well as one species new to Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The paper includes recent records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from National Nature Parks of Ukraine: Carpathian, Holosiivsky, Kamianska Sich, Skolivsli Beskydy, Tsumanska Pushcha, Verkhovynsky as well as Carpathian Biosphere Reserve and Cheremosky Regional Landscape Park.
... Other studies are compilations and checklists of certain regions and provide records of a high number of species. For instance, Llop (2012Llop ( -2013 reported 73 lichens on bark of F. sylvatica in La Garrotxa (Spain) and Malíček et al. (2018) reported 275 species in Uholka-Shyrokyi Luh (Ukraine). Despite the large amount of information available it is not summarised in a single database. ...
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Beech forests are considered one of the most emblematic ecosystems in the temperate deciduous broadleaf forest biome and host a wide variety of specialised cryptogamic organisms such as epiphytic lichens. This checklist is the first compilation focused on the epiphytic lichen diversity occurring on Fagus sylvatica L. trees along Europe. The checklist is based on a literature search encompassing 137 studies. We report 683 lichen species differently distributed across 26 European countries. The reported richness of the lichen species ranged from one in Kosovo and Netherlands to 331 species in Ukraine. All information provided in this manuscript is available online ( to facilitate the accessibility and updating of the data. Thus, we aim that this checklist becomes an open and dynamic database that continuously expands not only based on new lichenological studies, but also with the information retrieved by lichenologist in the past, data published in a diverse suite of languages and herbarium records.
... У затінених біотопах з жердняком із Acer spp., Alnus glutinosa, Salix fragilis на корі дерев були поширені бідні на лишайники епіфітні угруповання. У дуже затінених біотопах був знайдений один соредіозний стерильний лишайник Coppinsiella croatica, який нещодавно був наведений з Карпатського біосферного заповідника [MALÍČEK et al., 2018]. У цих біотопах зростали схожі за морфологією соредіозні Mycobilimbia epixanthoides та Scoliciosporum sarothamni. ...
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The first data on the lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Kivertsy National Natural Park «Tsumanska Pushcha» are reported. Totally, 50 species of lichens and one lichenicolous fungus were found. Among them, Acrocordia gemmata, Arthonia radiata, Athallia pyracea, Biatora chrysantha, Catillaria nigroclavata, Chaenotheca phaeocephala, Cladonia cariosa, C. coniocraea, Coppinsidea croatica, Heterocephalacria physciacearum Graphis scripta, Lecaniella naegelii, Lecanora expallens, Lepra albescens, L. amara, Lepraria incana, L. finkii, Mycobilimbia epixanthoides, Phlyctis argena, Peltigera didactyla, Porina aenea, Physcia tenella, Placynthiella uliginosa, Polyozosia persimilis, P. sambuci, Pseudoschismatomma rufescens, Rinodina freyi, Scoliciosporum sarothamni are new to the Volyn region. Coppinsidea croatica is recorded for the first time for the lowland part of Ukraine. Rinodina freyi are new for Ukraine. This species is common in the forest areas of Asia, Europe and North America. It is a pioneer lichen on thin twigs of shrubs or damaged areas (scars) on the bark of trees. Rinodina freyi is characterized by a thin, almost inconspicuous gray thallus with flat areolas and negative reactions to chemical tests, sessile apothecia 0.4–0.7 μm in diameter with a grayish-brown thalline margin (50–70 μm thick), and Physcia-type ascospores 15–19 × 6.5–8.5 μm. Lichen communities are presented mainly by epiphytic species that grow on the bark of Alnus incana, Quercus robur, Salix fragilis. Low number of species were found sandy soil of river terraces. Acrocordia gemmata is a species that was included in the regional Red List of the Volyn region.
... In the traditionally-inhabited European landscape, rare epiphytic and epixylic lichens are concentrated in habitats less influenced by forest management, habitat degradation and fragmentation, and areas with low air pollution (Hauck et al., 2013). For example, epiphytic lichens in Central Europe consist of only a subset of the species that are maintained in a few preserved hotspots with limited areas of hundreds or even tens of hectares (Hofmeister et al., 2016;Malíček et al., 2018Malíček et al., , 2019. Consequently, regional differences in species composition are controlled mainly by nestedness components of beta-diversity (Baselga, 2010), while species turnover is redundant over the broader landscape (Hofmeister et al., 2016;Malíček et al., 2019). ...
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We surveyed epiphytic and epixylic lichens in eleven 1-hectare forest plots located in representative old-forest stands in four distinct regions of Great Britain that are well-known centres of lichen biodiversity. We aimed to analyse the patterns of lichen biodiversity in these important biodiversity hotspots from a British perspective. In total, we recorded 550 lichen species in 11 ha, i.e. 73% of the presently known British epiphytic and epixylic lichen flora. Species richness per site was regionally stratified and varied from 126 to 235 species. Although the presence of frequent species coincided with total species richness in the respective hotspot, rare species (those with <50 records in Great Britain since 2000) were more balanced among hotspots and relatively independent of species richness. Species turnover contributed significantly and evenly to the species composition regardless of species richness so that hotspots did not have nested structure, typical for the hotspots in Central Europe. Although British hotspots generally shared more species within regions than between regions, geographic distances between regions did not correspond with the differences in species composition. The results document the importance and irreplaceability of the surveyed hotspots for lichen diversity in Great Britain, notwithstanding their current species richness and past depletion due to long-term acid deposition and habitat degradation.
... Вивчення лишайників та ліхенофільних грибів Закарпаття має майже сторічну історію [SERVÍT, 1936;SERVÍT, NADVORNIK, 1936]. Науковцями проводились дослідження переважно на територіях Карпатського гірського масиву, зокрема увага була приділена вивченню ліхенобіоти пралісів та альпійських лук, об'єктів природнозаповідного фонду України [MAKAREVICH et al., 1982;KONDRATYUK et al., 2003;VONDRÁK et al., 2010;KHODOSOVTSEV et al., 2016aKHODOSOVTSEV et al., , b, 2018MALÍČEK et al., 2018;DARMOSTUK, 2018;DARMOSTUK et al., 2021]. Відомості щодо лишайників та ліхенофільних грибів Закарпатської низовини досить фрагментарні [MAKAREVICH et al., 1982;OXNER, 1956OXNER, , 1968OXNER, , 2010, а для урбанізованих ландшафтах цього регіону взагалі відсутні. ...
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The article presents data on the study of lichen biota in the city of Beregovo (Zakarpattia region). Totaly, 84 species of lichens and 13 species of lichenicolous fungi were identified. Among them Bryostigma phaeophysciae, Epiphloea byssina, Heterocephalacria physciacearum, Laetisaria lichenicola, Lichenochora obscuroides, Stigmidium fuscatae, Xanthomendoza huculica are reported for the first time to the Zakarpattia region. Calogaya decipiens, Candelariella aurella, C. vitellina, Flavoplaca austrocitrina, and Xanthocarpia crenulatella were quite common on reinforced concrete structures in town. Circinaria contorta, Protoparmeliopsis muralis, Polyozosia dispersa, and Sarcogyne regularis grows on stone fences and house foundations. Botanical reserve “Ardov” is situated in the ourkirts of Beregovo town and represented by a pannonian oak forest with a few silicicolous outcrops. Acarospora fuscata, Circinaria caesiocinerea, Rhizocarpon distinctum, R. geographicum, Trapelia placodioides, Xanthoparmelia conspersa, X. pulla are dominated on the siliceous outcrops on Ardov Mt. Bactrospora dryina is a rare corticolous species which can be an indicator of virgin oak forest was found on Ardov Mt. Only eight terricolous species were found during this research. Among them, Catapyrenium squamulosum, Epiphloea byssina, Peltigera didactyla and Scytinium tenuissimum are rarely reported on soil of hills near a small lake. Cladonia cenotea, C. fimbriata, C. subcariosa, and C. rangiformis were found on the ground between the boulders only on Ardov Mt. Corticolous lichens within town represented by typical nitrophylous species. Keywords: Bactrospora, Epiphloea, Heterocephalacria, new records, Ardov. У статті представлені результати дослідження ліхенобіоти міста Берегове (Закарпатська область). Загалом виявлено 84 види лишайників та 13 видів ліхенофільних грибів. Серед них Bryostigma phaeophysciae, Epiphloea byssina, Heterocephalacria physciacearum, Laetisaria lichenicola, Lichenochora obscuroides, Stigmidium fuscatae, Xanthomendoza huculica вперше наведено для Закарпатської області. Calogaya decipiens, Candelariella aurella, C. vitellina, Flavoplaca austrocitrina та Xanthocarpia crenulatella широко поширені на залізобетонних спорудах в межах міста. Circinaria contorta, Protoparmeliopsis muralis, Polyozosia dispersa та Sarcogyne regularis зростають на кам’яних мурах та фундаментах старих будинків. Ботанічний заказник «Ардов» розташований на окраїнах міста Берегове та представлений панонськими дубовими лісами з силікатними відслоненнями. Acarospora fuscata, Circinaria caesiocinerea, Rhizocarpon distinctum, R. geographicum, Trapelia placodioides, Xanthoparmelia conspersa, X. pulla домінують на силікатних відслоненнях на території гори Ардов. Bactrospora dryina, рідкісний епіфітний вид, який є індикатором старовікових дубових лісів, було виявлено на горі Ардов. Лише вісім епігейних видів було виявлено під час цього дослідження. Серед них, Catapyrenium squamulosum, Epiphloea byssina, Peltigera didactyla та Scytinium tenuissimum було виявлено на грунтах на схилі біля озера. Cladonia cenotea, C. fimbriata, C. subcariosa та C. rangiformis було виявлено на ґрунті на схилі гори Ардов. Епіфітні види в межах міста представлені типовими нітрофільними лишайниками. Ключові слова: Bactrospora, Epiphloea, Heterocephalacria, нові знахідки, Ардов
... Surprisingly the high number of species on spruce is due to the relatively high number of epixylic bryophytes growing on spruce, especially in dense forests in rocky areas. Consistent with our results, beech is repeatedly reported to be generally very important for epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in temperate and boreal regions (Friedel et al. 2006, Jüriado et al. 2009, Fritz & Brunet 2010, Ódor et al. 2013, Hofmeister et al. 2016, Malíček et al. 2018a). The analysis of epiphytic records was robust, especially for lichens based on 41,841 records, which was not entirely true for bryophytes based on 6,146 records. ...
... -1, 3, 4 ! THELOPSIS flaveola Arnold -A1: G, Zak (Dymytrova et al. 2012b: 62, 2013: 78, 2014: 1390, Malíček et al. 2018a. (Khodosovtsev et al. 2013c: 64). ...
The “Fourth checklist of lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Ukraine”, including 2150 accepted scientific names based on published records as well as analysis of current additions are provided. Current additions include 439 taxa newly recorded for Ukraine after the third checklist of lichens of Ukraine by Kondratyuk et al. (2010) and 262 nomenclatural novelties. Annotations to each taxon of 318 newly recorded to Ukraine are provided in the style of the second checklist by Kondratyuk et al . (1998), i.e. data on phytogeographical regions and administrative districts (oblasts) of Ukraine as well as references to published papers are provided. Among current additions 99 taxa were annotated in the Checklist of lichenicolous fungi of Ukraine by Darmostuk and Khodosovtsev (2017) and consequent references to the latter are provided. The conclusion confirms the earlier recommendation that national checklists of lichens are to be re-published more often than once a decade.