Figure 2 - uploaded by Yves Souchon
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2. Schematic view of the Liebig's law of the minimum (according to Liebig circa. 1850). In this case, manganese (Mn) is the limiting factor.

2. Schematic view of the Liebig's law of the minimum (according to Liebig circa. 1850). In this case, manganese (Mn) is the limiting factor.

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L’eutrophisation touche de nombreux lacs, réservoirs, rivières et zones côtières, en France et dans le monde. Elle génère des perturbations majeures pour les écosystèmes aquatiques et a des impacts sur les biens et les services associés, sur la santé humaine et sur les activités économiques. Cet ouvrage présente les connaissances scientifiques disp...

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Sur la Grande-Terre de Nouvelle-Calédonie, les anciennes décharges minières et les sols mis à nus par les exploitations ont largement contribué, et contribuent encore, à alimenter en débris rocheux (charge solide) les cours d’eau, au point que certains cours d'eau sont considérablement engravés. Ce surengravement a pour conséquence, entre autres, u...
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... The latter, covered and opened irrigation basins of three types: in-ground basins, combined basins, and above-ground basins (Shortt, 2016), continuously ensure agricultural production, even in dry years they regularly supply water from wells or combined with a system that draws water from a stream in winter or spring, which makes it impossible to draw water from the rivers in summer during low-water periods (Marie-Josée, 2020; Aichouche & Amroune, 2020;Aziz & Farissi, 2014;Boivin-Irda C et al., 2016). However, these artificial resources are exposed to various dangers that threaten the quality of their water, namely eutrophication which is defined as the uncontrollable proliferation of algae and this leads to the creation of green mats on the surface of water that are produced when the quantity of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen, often in the form of phosphates ad nitrates NO3-) available increases which causes an alteration in the quality of water, and subsequently a decline in its reliability for irrigation (Pinay et al., 2017); thus, a clogging of irrigation canals causes economic damages to farmers. ...
... The maintenance of their biological cycle depends on several abiotic factors relating conditions linked first and foremost to the type of aquatic habitat and the quality of its water, and thus to the succession of seasons, bearing in mind that the variability of climatic parameters could be in favor of the bloom of species than another, everything is conditioned to the requirements of alga (Laplace-Treyture et al., 2014). In general, the main factors influencing algal functioning and controlling the degree of eutrophication are nutrient supply, water residence time, light and temperature (Pinay et al., 2017), which are closely available in the studied ponds, mainly in summer. In this sense, all the parameters monitored over a limited period were not completely stable from winter to spring in both types, so open and covered ponds simultaneously showed the same changes; in other words, the variability of temperature and PH was parallel from one season to the next. ...
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To cope with the water shortage in Sous Massa region of Morocco, agricultural producers in the region have resorted to different types of water supply basins, known as “irrigation basins” but the phenomenon of eutrophication has hindered the continuity of agricultural productivity by altering the quality of the water used for irrigation on the one hand, and causing economic damage to agricultural producers due to the clogging of the water pumping network on the other. We began by characterising the physico-chemical quality of the water to determine the causes of its high nutrient content, then we determined the taxonomy of the algal species in the irrigation basins to which we had access. A qualitative study of the water in the irrigation basins in order to better explain the inventory obtained from the taxonomic identification of the algal biomass collected, which proved the existence of new species, not previously identified, characterising the freshwaters of the Moroccan region, is under the scope of this work. The species studied belong mainly to the following groups: green algae (11 genera of Chlorophyta and 7 genera of Charophyta), blue algae (7 genera of Cyanobacteria), brown algae (7 genera of Diatoms), and one genus of Euglenophyta.
... À titre d'exemple, la combinaison de modèles numérico-probabilistes d'aléas et de courbes de vulnérabilité quantifiant la susceptibilité aux dommages est désormais largement utilisée dans le domaine des risques en montagne pour évaluer des taux de destruction pour des bâtiments soumis à l'impact et de décès pour leurs habitants (Eckert et al., 2012), y compris avec des mesures de risques basées sur des quantiles (Farvacque et al., 2021). De même, le formalisme du risque s'applique assez directement à la problématique de l'eutrophisation des milieux aquatiques (Pinay et al., 2017), au risque pour les écosystèmes liés aux espèces invasives (Hulme et al., 2017), aux risques pour les organismes vivants et les milieux liés aux perturbateurs endocriniens (Ducrot et al., 2010) ou aux microplastiques (Cormier et al., 2019), et, plus généralement, au risque écotoxicologique à court et à long terme (Coutellec et Barata, 2013). ...
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De nombreux territoires font face à des risques grandissants et de plus en plus multiples et interconnectés. Sur la base du matériel rassemblé lors d’un atelier de prospective INRAE et d’une analyse bibliographique et bibliométrique, cet article propose un état des lieux transversal des risques environnementaux en 2020 et de la recherche menée à INRAE sur le sujet. Le périmètre de l’analyse inclut les risques de catastrophe, les risques physicochimiques et les risques pour les écosystèmes. Les leçons de cet état des lieux sont mises en perspective au regard des besoins de la recherche nationale et internationale sur le sujet et du contexte d’urgence environnementale actuelle. L’analyse fait ressortir l’intérêt d’une approche holistique et intégrée des risques environnementaux incluant l’ensemble du périmètre considéré et la nécessité d’inscrire l’appréhension des risques environnementaux dans une démarche de sciences de la durabilité pour surmonter les verrous associés.
... Alternative P sources for mineral P fertilisers, such as organic waste products (OWPs) (urban composts) and animal manure, can help avoid a possible future shortage of P fertilisers. Environmental risks are another major issue in P management in agricultural soils (Némery & Garnier, 2007;Pinay et al., 2018;Sharpley et al., 2016). The runoff of particulate and dissolved P from elds towards water bodies can contribute to the alteration of water quality during eutrophication. ...
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Phosphorus (P) is a major nutrient for crops, and its application to agricultural soils as inorganic or organic fertilizer is crucial for optimising P availability to plants to sustain and ensure food production. The mineralisation of soil organic phosphorus (SOP) may play a significant role in supplying plant-available P. This study aimed to determine the SOP mineralisation rate in soils cropped under contrasting agropedoclimatic conditions. The rate was determined by applying to SOP the modelling approach developed by Hénin and Dupuis in 1945 for soil organic carbon. We used three French long-term field experiments (LTFEs) on P fertilisation combining different P rates (0–112 kg P ha ⁻¹ yr ⁻¹ ), applied for decades as superphosphate or various organic waste products (OWPs), on different soil types, and different annual crop successions. These databases include long time-series data of topsoil SOP and soil inorganic phosphorus (SIP) contents and annual crop measurements. For the three LTFEs, the initial SOP stocks were 446, 595, and 1145 kg P ha ⁻¹ , the P amounts exported during harvest were 26.5, 26.6, and 25.3 kg P ha ⁻¹ yr ⁻¹ , and the P remaining in the topsoil as crop residues were 15.0, 14.4, and 11.5 kg P ha ⁻¹ yr ⁻¹ with significant differences across yields, plant organs, and fertilisation treatments. During the post-harvest year, 2.5, 7.9, and 11.0 kg P ha ⁻¹ yr ⁻¹ were incorporated into SOP by the decomposition of crop residues and OWPs. The rates of SOP mineralisation, 2.1, 5.4, and 11.2 kg P ha ⁻¹ yr ⁻¹ , differed significantly across the LTFEs. The SOP stocks did not change significantly with the years of cropping and fertilisation, irrespective of P fertilisation. The SIP stocks closely corresponded to the cumulative P budget (i.e., cumulative sum of applied P – exported P).
... One concern is the potential scarcity of P mineral fertilizers derived from rock phosphates, due to their limited reserves and their ever-increasing consumption by the agriculture sector to support the growing demand for food (Cordell and White, 2011). Another concern is P enrichment of water bodies by agricultural activities, which can contribute to eutrophication and degradation of water quality Pinay et al., 2018). ...
... This literature is published in environmental or ecological sciences and focuses on integrated coastal zone management. The contribution of agriculture to an excessive input of phosphorus and nitrogen to the aquatic compartment and its consequences on water quality (Jordan et al., 1997;Lee and Song, 2007;Stuart, 2010;Soy-Massoni et al., 2016;Li et al., 2017) and on the biodiversity of marine ecosystems (Perilla et al., 2012;Kroon et al., 2014;Petersen et al., 2018) have received much focus and are well-documented worldwide, especially in coastal areas vulnerable to anthropogenic eutrophication (Pinay et al., 2018). The literature also highlights the impact of agricultural intensification on habitat change and subsequent biodiversity loss of species restricted to coastal marshes (Butet and Leroux, 2001), as well as, conversely, the key role of specific agricultural practices, such as extensive grazing, in preserving biodiversity in coastal wetlands (Yanez-Arancibia et al., 1999). ...
The forms and presence itself of farming in coastal territories changed profoundly in the 20th century. By contrast with other interface farming systems, such as mountain or peri-urban farming, coastal farming has rarely been studied as such and has not, until now, been considered as a useful category to describe and analyse production systems. The aim of this article is thus to address the relevance of such a categorization, using empirical data collected in Brittany (France) as well as contextual indicators, but also by carrying out a systemic qualitative-quantitative analysis, questioning the forms, depth and continuity of marine influence on farming activities at the local scale. We show that specific traits of coastal farming do indeed exist. A greater diversity of farming systems exists in coastal strip than inland at the regional scale. Four configurations of coastal farming were identified, which result from distinct dynamics and combinations of urbanization and environmental pressures on agriculture. But these specific features cannot be revealed without a comprehensive and historicized approach of its interactions with the coastal zone as a territory, rather than a biophysical milieu. These configurations are characterized in the typical spatial extent of coastal farming and spatial patterns of the transition to inland farming (gradient, discontinuities).
... buffer zones, transfer indices and models), examining pesticide drift in the environment and discussing crop management strategies and spatial configurations to reduce it. Chantal co-led another joint scientific assessment entitled "Causes, mechanisms, consequences and predictability of eutrophication phenomena" (Le Moal et al., 2019;Pinay et al., 2018) that highlights the general increase in N and P fluxes to oceans and agriculture's increased contribution to them during the 20th century. To predict eutrophication risk, nutrient transfer and transformation processes need to be considered along with climatic variability and ecological vulnerability of downstream ecosystems. ...
Here we highlight the career contributions of Chantal Gascuel-Odoux in hydrology, soil science and agronomy. These contributions are divided into four main categories: i) Influence of soil and subsoil properties on hydrological processes; ii) Water, solute and particulate transfer at the catchment scale; iii) Design of integrated approaches to landscapes and territorial management; iv) Contributions to public policies and public debates. We conclude by emphasising Chantal’s human qualities, which we particularly appreciate as former mentees.
... Ce phénomène est aggravé par le rejet de boues d'épuration, soit d'excréments humains pourtant riches en azote et en phosphore, que l'on ne recycle plus. En 2010, on estimait qu'environ 250 000 km 2 d'espaces aquatiques, soit l'équivalent de la surface du Royaume-Uni, étaient eutrophisés dans le monde (Pinay et al., 2018). En conséquence : une perturbation majeure pour les écosystèmes aquatiques, une menace pour leur biodiversité, des risques sanitaires pour les riverains et des risques économiques pour les activités liées à ces milieux. ...
Repenser nos alimentations, c’est repenser nos sociétés. Car partager un repas et même faire ses courses sont des moyens de se relier aux autres. La façon de nous nourrir construit notre santé. Nos modes de production agricole façonnent nos paysages et définissent notre place dans la nature. Gérer des ressources pour produire, pour transformer et pour distribuer les aliments fonde nos économies. Nos registres du comestible, nos cuisines et nos manières de table racontent nos cultures. Enfin, et surtout, manger est un plaisir… C’est en reconnaissant toutes ces dimensions avec une égale importance que cet ouvrage aborde les enjeux contemporains de l’alimentation. La proposition d’une écologie de l’alimentation s’ancre dans le double registre d’une science des relations et d’un engagement politique. Une telle approche permet de revisiter, parfois de façon inattendue, les mots d’ordre de l’alimentation durable. Elle vise aussi à nourrir les démarches citoyennes, publiques et privées engagées dans la transformation des systèmes alimentaires. Entre essai d’experts et récit illustré d’exemples tirés des quatre coins du monde, cet ouvrage s’adresse aussi bien aux professionnels qu’à un grand public curieux des questions d’alimentation durable.
... In eutrophic ecosystems, the developments of phytoplankton are no longer limited by the concentrations in phosphorus because of the anthropogenic inputs. They are rather controlled by environmental conditions as the temperature, the luminosity, the stability of the water and the zooplankton pressure (Chorus and Bartram, 1999;Anderson et al., 2002;Reynolds, 2006;Schindler, 2008;Pinay et al., 2017). The temperature is the most important factor influencing the metabolism of the phytoplankton and its increase promotes the proliferation of cyanobacteria because they have a higher optimal temperature than the algae (Paerl and Huisman, 2008;Jöhnk et al., 2008;Lürling et al., 2013). ...
The natural surface waters are widely impacted by the seasonal blooms of phytoplankton and in water rich in nutrients their developments are controlled by the climate. These proliferations modify the global quality of the water resources and the Algal Organic Matter (AOM) produced by the algae and the cyanobacteria impacts the content and the characteristics of the Natural Organic Matter (NOM). However, none study deals with the sustainable influence of the recurrent seasonal blooms of phytoplankton on the chemical quality of the water resources. The physico-chemical, chemical and biological quality of a water resource and more specifically the content and the characteristics of the NOM were thus in situ monitored in a eutrophic pond in 2017–2018 and compared to the characteristics observed in 2012–2013. The blooms of phytoplankton were more important in 2017–2018 and the increase of both the temperature of the air and the radiance promoted the domination of cyanobacteria. None significant evolution of the content in chlorophyll-a, the concentrations in nutrients and the pH was observed between 2012–2013 and 2017–2018. However, the concentrations in DOC increased, more in summer periods than winter, because of the production of AOM by the algae and the cyanobacteria and the NOM presented more hydrophilic and less aromatic characters. These evolutions of the characteristics of the NOM were more important in 2017–2018 than 2012–2013. The recurrent inputs of AOM every year in summer periods seemed thus to sustainably modify the intrinsic characteristics of the NOM.
... A typical result of coastal eutrophication is the growth of dense macroalgal mats observed in shallow waters worldwide near industrial, agricultural and urban areas [Gladyshev and Gubelit, 2019, Morand and Briand, 1996, Valiela et al., 1997. This phenomenon was given the evocative name "green tides" because of the visible proliferation of Ulva sp. in both estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems [Perrot et al., 2014, Pinay et al., 2018. The subsequent decay of the macroalgal biomass has harmful environmental consequences through changes in the microbial and macrofaunal food web in the sediment [Davoult et al., 2017, García-Robledo et al., 2008, Hardison et al., 2013, Valiela et al., 1997 and an accumulation of toxic hydrogen sulfide [Nedergaard et al., 2002]. ...
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A broad sampling program was carried out in the spring of 2019 on the Brittany coast to assess how the surface sediment characteristics drive the benthic effluxes of ammonium (NH + 4) and phosphate (PO 4) from intertidal mudflats. A total of 200 sediment samples were characterized by their porosity, grain-size, elemental composition and pigment contents, as well as the benthic fluxes of NH + 4 and PO 4 determined by core incubations. The results showed that (1) a high phaeopigment and iron-bound phosphorus content (Fe-P) and a low porosity were significantly related to the high PO 4 flux, and (2) a high porosity and the TN:Org-P ratio in the sediment organic matter (SOM) were related to the high NH + 4 flux. This indicated that PO 4 fluxes would be more driven by the redox status of the sediment through the desorption of Fe-P under specific anoxic conditions during the algal decomposition. NH + 4 fluxes would be more driven by high NH + 4 recycling rates from SOM mineralization and high sediment-water exchanges, enhancing the diffusion of NH + 4 to the overlying water. The present study allowed to highlight the large variability in the benthic nutrient fluxes at the regional scale, as a result of the connections between microbial (SOM mineralization), chemical (adsorption-desorption) and physical (diffusion) processes.
... For agronomic (Morel et al., 1992), environmental (Pinay et al., 2018), and economic reasons as well as for saving the world rock phosphates reserves (Cordell and White, 2011) and recycling organic products (Fuchs et al., 2015), relevant and reliable diagnosis systems were required to improve soil and fertilizer P use efficiency by crops. For decades, soil and plant-based diagnosis methods had been developed with the goal of producing more efficient decision-making tools for adjusting P applications to soil and climate conditions. ...
Developing more sustainable forage systems requires efficient decision support tools for fertilization management. Soil phosphorus (P) tests have long been used as decision support tools for fertilization management but, more recently, plant nutrition indices using the P concentration of shoot biomass were developed to assess the P nutrition status of grasslands. The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate the relationship between the phosphorus nutrition index (PNI) and the yield response to P fertilization (ii) analyze relationships between PNI and soil plant-available P (SPAP) indicators, and (iii) evaluate PNI assets for P diagnosis in forage system. Five long-term (≥ 9 years) grassland P fertilization experiments under different soil and climate environments in Canada, Switzerland, France and Romania were used. Three SPAP indicators were tested: CP, the soil solution orthophosphate ions (oPion) concentration (mg P L⁻¹), Olsen P (mg P kg⁻¹), and, a process-based assessment (Qw + Pr) from the sum of oPion in the soil solution (Qw, mg P kg⁻¹) and diffusive oPion with time and CP (Pr, mg P kg⁻¹). PNI was calculated as sward P concentration divided by the critical P concentration. The cumulative effect of P fertilization resulted in a wide range of SPAP values. Overall, CP varied from 0.03 to 3.6 mg P L⁻¹, (Qw + Pr60 min) from 6−52 mg kg⁻¹, and Olsen P from 4−40 mg kg⁻¹. The PNI varied from 48–94% in plots with no applied P, and from 83–121% in P-fertilized plots. A generally positive relationship between relative forage dry matter yield and PNI was established, with a critical PNI value of 92% that distinguishes P-limited and non-P-limited grassland nutrition. Positive relationships between PNI and the three SPAP indicators confirmed that the soil P status influenced the grassland P nutrition status. Critical values on a stock basis for a target PNI value of 92% were similar for Olsen P (12.9 kg P ha⁻¹) and (Qw + Pr60 min) (13.5 kg P ha⁻¹). This study opens perspectives for P diagnosis improvement in forage systems.