Figure 3 - uploaded by Kerstin Voelz
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Schematic life cycle of Cryptococcus neoformans. Nutrient limitation can lead to mating and monokaryotic fruiting. During sexual reproduction, opposite mating partners fuse to a dikaryotic filament. After formation of a basidium, nuclear fusion and meiosis/mitosis occur eventually resulting in production of basidiospores by budding. During monokaryotic fruiting, yeast cells of one mating type form monokaryotic diploid hyphae that develop into basidia and sporulate following meiosis and mitosis.

Schematic life cycle of Cryptococcus neoformans. Nutrient limitation can lead to mating and monokaryotic fruiting. During sexual reproduction, opposite mating partners fuse to a dikaryotic filament. After formation of a basidium, nuclear fusion and meiosis/mitosis occur eventually resulting in production of basidiospores by budding. During monokaryotic fruiting, yeast cells of one mating type form monokaryotic diploid hyphae that develop into basidia and sporulate following meiosis and mitosis.

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... followed by biolistic bombardment and homologous recombination in the target genome ( Figure 13) whereas the latter randomly integrates a GFP-­- expression cassette ligated into a plasmid in the target genome. serotype B strain R265 were transformed with a GFP construct by biolistic bombardment (Toffaletti et al., 1993). ...
Context 2
... et al., 2008, Xu et al., 2009, Bovers et al., 2009. No major differences in the phylogenetic clustering were found when the mitochondrial (Figure 37 A) and ...
Context 3
... this information 19 C. gattii strains were selected that represent a range of isolates within the species for subsequent comparative genome analysis (Table 9). To confirm strain identity, all 19 selected strains were analysed by AFLP (Figure 38). Following the selection of C. gattii strains and confirmation of strain identity, we isolated high quality total DNA from each strain. ...


... The development of such transferable intracellular survival skills may help to explain the broad host range of C. neoformans: all major mammalian immune responses rely on phagocytic effector cells. Following invasion of the phagocyte by Cryptococcus, there may be dissemination by non-lytic extrusion of yeast cells to both the extracellular space and adjacent host cells ('vomocytosis') [92,[94][95][96][97][98][99]. This potential 'Trojan horse' effect may be the key in establishing central nervous system infection [100][101][102]. ...
Full-text available
Cryptococcus spp. are considered ‘model yeasts’, and the reasons for that are the topic of this review. Several perspectives will be discussed, starting with their characterization and emergence as human pathogens before moving onto their adaptations and the scientific response. The section on characterization illustrates the progress of knowledge and technology over the 120 years since Cryptococcus was first identified, whilst the section on emergence sees this applied to describe the expansion of the host population and environmental niche. The ongoing outbreak in the Pacific northwest of North America is discussed, including some of its drivers. The section on adaptation highlights some insights into how eukaryotes adapt both to their environment and within hosts, and the final section covers the scientific response to this threat in terms of treatment and prevention. The review highlights both clinical and laboratory features of particular interest and places them into the wider context of this still emerging threat.
... Sekresi IL-1 mengatur proliferasi dan aktivasi limfosit T yang penting dalam memediasi pembersihan paru. 8 ...
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Abstrak Kriptokokosis merupakan infeksi yang disebabkan oleh jamur Cryptococcus neoformans, infeksi ini secara luas ditemukan di dunia dan umumya dialami oleh penderita dengan sistem imun yang rendah. Munculan klinis terutama adalah meningitis dan meningoensefalitis yang dikenal dengan kriptokokal meningitis. Sejalan dengan infeksi HIV yang menjadi pandemi, kriptokokosis sebagai infeksi oportunistik juga semakin berkembang di dunia. Kriptokokal meningitis merupakan infeksi oportunistik kedua paling umum yang terkait dengan AIDS di Afrika dan Asia Selatan dengan kejadian kriptokokosis 15%-30% ditemukan pada pasien dengan AIDS. Tanpa pengobatan dengan antifungal yang spesifik, mortalitas dilaporkan 100% dalam dua minggu setelah munculan klinis kriptokokosis dengan meningoensefalitis pada populasi terinfeksi HIV. Di Indonesia, sebelum pandemi AIDS kasus kriptokokosis jarang dilaporkan. Sejak tahun 2004, seiring dengan pertambahan pasien terinfeksi HIV, Departemen Parasitologi FKUI mencatat peningkatan insidensi kriptokokal meningitis pada penderita AIDS yaitu sebesar 21,9%. Faktor yang terkait dengan virulensi Cryptococcus neoformans adalah adanya kapsul polisakarida, produksi melanin dan sifat thermotolerance. Imunitas yang dimediasi oleh sel memiliki peranan penting dalam pertahanan pejamu terhadap Cryptococcus. Pemeriksaan laboratorium penunjang untuk diagnosis adalah pemeriksaan mikroskopis langsung menggunakan tinta India, deteksi antigen, metode enzyme immunoassay, kultur, dan metode molekular. Kata kunci: kriptokokal meningitis, Cryptococcus neoformans,infeksi oportunistik Abstract Cryptococcosis is an infection caused by Cryptococcus neoformans, that is widely found worldwide and generally experienced by patients with immunodeficiency. Meningitis and meningoencephalitis is the major clinical symptoms in cryptococcal meningitis. Coincide with the pandemic of HIV infection, cryptococcosis as an opportunistic infection is also growing in the world. Cryptococcal meningitis is the second most common opportunistic infection associated with AIDS in Africa and South Asia with the incidence of cryptococcosis is 15% -30% found in patients with AIDS. Without specific antifungal treatment, 100% mortality reported within two weeks after clinical cryptococcosis with meningoencephalitis in HIV-infected population. In Indonesia, before the AIDS pandemic, cryptococcosis cases are rarely reported. Since 2004, by the increasing HIV-infected patients. Department of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine, Indonesian University also reported an increase incidence of cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS patients that is about 21.9%. Associated factors with virulence of Cryptococcus neoformans is the polysaccharide capsule, melanin production and thermotolerance. Cell-mediated immunity has an important role in host defense against Cryptococcus. Laboratory tests for cryptococcosis diagnosis is direct microscopic examination using India ink, antigen detection, enzyme immunoassay, culture, and molecular methods. Keywords: cryptococcal meningitis, Cryptococcus neoformans, opportunistic infection
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The purpose of research - the study of clinical and pathogenetical features of cryptococcal meningoencephalitis (CME) in patients with HIV infection for the improvement of the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment. Materials and Methods. There are presented the results of the study of 67 cases of cryptococcal meningoencephalitis in patients with HIV infection. There was performed an assessment of the clinical picture and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which was consisted of direct microscopy, cultural method and PCR. Also pathomorphological data of deceased patients have been analyzed. Results of the study. The clinical picture of CME was mildly pronounced and not constant. Dominant complaint is constant headache diffuse in character. Meningeal symptoms are uncertain or absent. CSF changes are not specific, most informative methods are PCR and mycological study of CSF. The fatality was causedfirst ofall by the development of edema-brain swelling and the dislocation of stem structures. Conclusion. The clinical picture of cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is caused first of all by destructive processes in brain tissue and progression of the development of edema-brain swelling. The clinical picture is poorly pronounced and is not constant, therefore to all patients with HIV infection in the presence of long-term headache the CSF examination is indicated even in the absence of meningeal symptoms.