Fig 12 - uploaded by A.R. Titelbaum
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Schematic coronal section of the C2 vertebra indicating the ossification centers. The five primary ossification centers include the left and right neural arches, body of C2, and left and right halves of the dens. The apex of the odontoid (os terminale) is a secondary ossification center (modified from Arvin et al., 2010:A23). 

Schematic coronal section of the C2 vertebra indicating the ossification centers. The five primary ossification centers include the left and right neural arches, body of C2, and left and right halves of the dens. The apex of the odontoid (os terminale) is a secondary ossification center (modified from Arvin et al., 2010:A23). 

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Os odontoideum is an uncommon vertebral anomaly where there is a smoothly corticated ossicle independent from a shortened odontoid peg. An example of os odontoideum was observed in an Early Intermediate period skeleton excavated from the Huacas de Moche (Moche IV, AD 400-700), Peru. The affected individual is a middle adult male who presents additi...

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... Volviendo al punto de las prácticas endogámicas, se debe establecer que si bien la presencia de defectos congénitos en poblaciones arqueológicas se ha asociado principalmente a grupos con sistemas sociales jerárquicos (Goldstein et al., 1976;Brothwell, 1987;Turkel, 1989;Henneberg y Henneberg, 1999;Comsa et al., 2011;Titelbaum y Uceda, 2015;Groza et al., 2016), donde las prácticas matrimoniales consanguíneas tienen objetivos sociales y políticos explícitos, estos también se han reflejado en poblaciones de cazadores-recolectores (Macdonald y Hewlett, 1999;Pemberton y Rosenberg, 2014;Walker y Bailey, 2014). ...
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En este trabajo se presenta una síntesis y discusión sobre la presencia de patologías congénitas y defectos del desarrollo en individuos de diferentes periodos arqueológicos de la costa de la región de Antofagasta, en el norte de Chile, las que se concentran en el esqueleto axial. A pesar de que la muestra analizada presenta un número bajo (n = 6), se realiza una comparación con casos reportados para la zona costera de Arica y Tarapacá, obteniéndose que la diferencia entre ambas zonas no es estadísticamente significativa. Considerando antecedentes ambientales y etnohistóricos de la zona, se propone que una combinación a la exposición de diferentes contaminantes naturales, junto a un sistema de parentesco endogámico, serían las causas más probables de la aparición de estas patologías.
... It appears as a smooth margined, apical osseous segment separated from the base of the odontoid process by an obvious gap. [3,4], which is derived from the proatlas centrum [3]. Its genesis and natural history have been debated, and its proper treatment remains uncertain. ...
... It appears as a smooth margined, apical osseous segment separated from the base of the odontoid process by an obvious gap. [3,4], which is derived from the proatlas centrum [3]. Its genesis and natural history have been debated, and its proper treatment remains uncertain. ...
ABSTRACT: Introduction: CVJ (Craniovertebral junction) anomalies are rare but cause troublesome health issues for patients. Complex surgical procedure or conservative management of this condition is the usual medical solution. This case study documents the process and effective outcome of Yoga Prana Vidya Healing as an alternative conservative treatment. Prior medical investigations: A 54 year old Patient with severe debilitating painconsulted a neurosurgeon and a spine surgeon. CT scan and MRI scan revealed CVJ anomalies such as C1 - C2 fusion with Os –odontoideum, cervical disc prolapse with narrowing of foramen magnum without any neurological deficit, but associated with debilitating sub-occipital cervical spasmodic pain, causing limitation of movements of Head & Neck. Therapeutic intervention: The patient tried the Yoga Prana Vidya system which include physical exercises, breathing exercise, planetary peace meditation and advanced YPV healing techniques. Only local analgesic spray and limited systematic pain killers were used. Result: The YPV therapy made her asymptomatic within 10-15 days, the severity of pain reduced after one week, spasm of the neck muscle reduced gradually between 2nd and 3rd months. She regained complete relaxation, painless free movement of head and neck within 3 months. Conclusion: YPV healing therapy worked effectively for controlling the pain associated with torticollis and sub-occipital headache in CVJ abnormalities, and restore the normal movements of the Neck and Head without using conventional analgesic and traction therapy. CVJ anomalies can be safely managed conservatively by the yoga prana Vidya (YPV) therapy.
... Por ende, más allá de encontrarse relativamente aisladas geográficamente, las poblaciones prehistóricas de la costa de Antofagasta habrían además optado por establecer un aislamiento reproductivo con respecto a sus vecinos, el cual habría estado sustentado por un proceso de identidad territorial que tendría sus orígenes en momentos muy tempranos (Salazar et al., 2018), lo cual se habría perpetuado a través de relaciones de parentesco mantenidas de manera tradicional, al menos hasta momentos históricos. El contexto anterior brinda un marco para interpretar las anomalías de desarrollo vertebral como resultado de grupos con prácticas reproductivas altamente endogámicas (Brothwell, 1987;Comsa, Kogalmiceanu y Nalbitoru, 2010-2011Goldstein, Aresburg y Nathan, 1976;Groza, Simalcsik, Bejenaru y Simalcsik, 2016;Henneberg y Henneberg, 1999;Titelbaum y Uceda, 2015;Turkel, 1989) entre los que se encontrarían algunas sociedades de cazadoresrecolectores (Macdonald y Hewlett, 1999;Pemberton y Rosenberg, 2014;Walker y Bailey, 2014), tal como sucedería con los habitantes prehispánicos de la costa de Antofagasta. ...
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... Hemos consultado diferentes atlas y tratados de anatomía para obtener y comparar la información anatómica detallada del axis y de las vértebras cervicales, así como del complejo ligamentoso y muscular del cuello. Para este objetivo nos han sido de mucha utilidad tanto los textos de osteología, artrología, miología y anatomía funcional, como los dibujos y esquemas publicados en estos tratados:Gray, 1918;Kamina, 1997;Le Double, 1912;Netter y Frank, 2018;Platzer, 1987;Rouvière, 1962;Testut y Latarjet, 1927; dibujos de Arnold en Journal des Connaissances Médico-Chirurgicales, 1845-46. ...
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The second cervical vertebra under study was found isolated in a collective funeral unit E-459 from the Can Roqueta II site (Sabadell, Vallés Occidental, Barcelona) which dates back to the Bronze Age (3465±60 BP). Several skeletons in anatomical connection along with numerous isolated fragmentary bones were also recovered from the different stratigraphic units of the shaft and lateral niches. The axis, which belongs to an adult individual, displays a skeletal anomaly represented by a reduced body height and the absence of the odontoid process. After analysing the aetiology of this pathological case, hypoplasia appears as an appropriate condition. Seeking to go further in the differential diagnosis, different hypotheses are examined. However, the impossibility to accurately attribute the isolated vertebra to one of the skeletal individuals from the funeral unit limits both the diagnostic interpretation and any functional conclusions. Insofar as very few cases with the absence of the odontoid process seem to be available in the palaeontological literature, the comparative study also relies on the medical and clinical literature.
Though developmental anomalies have been noted for over a century in South American paleopathology, they have received less attention than other pathological conditions. When anomalies are reported, they tend to be unusual case studies or incidental findings. Paleopathological research should also consider anomalies from a population perspective, to broaden our understanding about the frequency of specific anomalies, and potentially offer insight into genetic relationships, cultural behavior, or environmental factors. This investigation compared block vertebrae and co-occurring postcranial axial anomalies among three skeletal samples reflecting an occupational sequence at the El Brujo Archaeological Complex of Peru. Block vertebrae demonstrate both considerable antiquity and persistence through time, though frequencies, vertebral level, and co-occurring anomalies varied by sex and cultural period. Among the Late Preceramic sample, the frequency of C2-C3 block vertebrae was highest and only seen among females, which may suggest familial influence, genetic isolation, and potentially matrilocality. The Moche sample demonstrated a moderate frequency of blocks, which in combination with the frequencies of other developmental anomalies, may suggest population continuity paired with an influx of new genes, demographic expansion, and possible cultural change with regard to postmarital residence. The Lambayeque sample demonstrated the lowest frequency of blocks and the highest frequency and greatest diversity of anomalies, which may suggest genetic continuity from the Moche, an expanded gene pool, broader opportunities for mate choice, and cultural change. It is hoped that this investigation will provide data for future comparisons and call attention to the need for the broader study of developmental anomalies in South America.