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Scheffé results for multiple comparisons among various strategy groups

Scheffé results for multiple comparisons among various strategy groups

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The research in the field of language learning highlights two major paradigm shifts in the past few decades. First, the shift is from teacher-centered learning to learner-centered teaching and second related to learning processes through which learning occurs. In this second shift, research carried out in the field of language learning strategies (...

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... significant differences between the different LLS categories were revealed by the multiple comparisons. Table 6 presents the Scheffé test results. Table 7 depicts the fifty SILL strategy items along with their mean values (in descending order from high to low used) for all the participants of the present study. ...

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... Many studies have confirmed that students with a high awareness of learner autonomy and practices that promote learner autonomy achieve a high level of language proficiency (Dogan & Mirici, 2017;Erturk, 2016;Szocs & Jozsef, 2017). Similar to the current study's findings, many previous studies revealed a positive relationship between students' knowledge of learning strategies, their success in learning a foreign language, and the need for developing a sort of learning strategies awareness training for students (Bajrami, 2015;Ceylon, 2015;Ranjan & Philominraj, 2020). ...
... Her earlier research discovered that motivation, gender, cultural background, career incentive, work type, age, L2 level, learning style, and tolerance of ambiguity impacted how often LLS was used (Oxford, 1990(Oxford, , 1994(Oxford, , 2017. Numerous research further studied the internal variables that support learners' LLS, e.g., motivation and gender (Khamkhien, 2010;Liyanage & Bartlett, 2012;Ranjan & Philominraj, 2020), learner's language level (Salahshour et al., 2013), and age (Sepasdar & Soori, 2014). On the contrary, the external variables affecting students' LLS have not been widely discussed. ...
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... In another study, it was understood that female students viewed the foreign language course they took with distance education more positively than male students (Doğan, 2020). In another study, no significant difference was found between the genders (Ranjan & Philominraj, 2020). Another finding is that there are other factors for language learning motivation, such as the desire to live abroad, cultural improvement, speaking practice with friends, interest in new technology and applications, and literature. ...
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This research examines various studies on language learning strategies published between 2012 and 2022 using the document review technique in a systematic literature review (N=106). The analysis employs content analysis to investigate scientific studies on language learning strategies. Relevant articles on language learning strategies were investigated in terms of certain criteria such as the year they were published, method, sample size, data collection tools as well as the status of publication at the national or international level. The databases were searched using the keyword "language learning strategies." The PRISMA 2020 Checklist was used in the classification of the studies. To ensure the internal validity of the research, we have paid attention to making comments about language learning strategies. To ensure the external validity of the research, the methodic procedures of the research included in the sample, the characteristics of the study group, and the results obtained at the end of the research were explained in detail. Out of all the studies, 81.1% were internationally published articles. The majority of publications were prepared in 2020, while the least were in 2016. Based on research designs applied in the analyzed articles, 34.9% utilized relational surveys, 33.9% employed questionnaires, and 11.4% conducted experimental research involving pre-test and post-test assessments. 83.9% of the studies used the Language Learning Strategies Inventory developed by Oxford (1990). The integration of the findings from this study with previous research in the literature led to the development of suggestions regarding language learning strategies. Furthermore, it is recommended to conduct further research using meta-analysis to evaluate language learning strategies more comprehensively.
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... The favorable perception is achieved because the focus of learning is on how it is learned (Manca et al., 2019). In this regard, second/foreign language learning processes address not only external factors but also psychological ones (Ranjan & Philominraj, 2020). Therefore, learning in this type of context with the use of GBL provides opportunities to enhance learner commitment in language acquisition. ...
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We are very happy to publish this issue of the International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. The International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research is a peer-reviewed open-access journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of education. Submissions may include full-length articles, case studies and innovative solutions to problems faced by students, educators and directors of educational organisations. To learn more about this journal, please visit the website We are grateful to the editor-in-chief, members of the Editorial Board and the reviewers for accepting only high quality articles in this issue. We seize this opportunity to thank them for their great collaboration. The Editorial Board is composed of renowned people from across the world. Each paper is reviewed by at least two blind reviewers. We will endeavour to ensure the reputation and quality of this journal with this issue.
... Oxford's classification has been praised as the predominant and thorough taxonomy in investigating language learning strategies (Ranjan & Philominraj, 2020). A further analysis mentioned that the classifications provided a specific attribute to the cognizance of each item in the LLS (Sepasdar & Soori, 2014), and such qualities create a strong understanding of each category (Chen, 2014). ...
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Background and Purpose: Different language learners have varying capacities to acquire L2, where some learners develop their learning strategies faster than others. Hence, it is critical for instructors to examine the degree of understanding and ability obtained by the learners through the investigation of their language learning strategies particularly on the type of schools the learners attend. This study, therefore, reveals frequently employed learning strategies in ESL classrooms based on the type of school the learners attend, notably the distinction between Cluster School of Excellence (CSE) and non-cluster primary school in Malaysia. Methodology: This quantitative research gathered information through the administration of a survey questionnaire. In total, 112 young ESL Malaysian learners (CSE:56; Non-CSE:56) aged 11 were chosen through stratified random sampling in Samarahan, Sarawak. The close-ended Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) that consist of 50 questions was used to collect information and SSPS Version 25 was used to interpret an independent t-test to determine the significant in strategies employed by the respondents. Findings: The data revealed that the most prevalent Language Learning Strategy (LLS) used by young Malaysian ESL learners are metacognitive strategies that allow learners to manage their learning. Learners in non-CSE school adopt learning strategies more than learners in CSE school and there is no significant difference in the type of learning strategies employed by both learners. Contributions: School’s environment reflects a significant impact on the academic success of students and the result of the investigation helped throughout the educational process to tailor teaching strategies to help learners achieve common educational goals. Teachers from both schools should use this chance to conceive, construct, or assign tasks that will push students to reach their full potential in language learning. Keywords: Language learning, language learning strategies, type of school, Malaysian young learner. Cite as: Sani, S., & Ismail, H. (2022). Through the lens of young Sarawakian English as second language learners: Identifying their language learning strategies. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 7(2), 399-423.
... Learning a second/foreign language is a complex process. Several factors affect the English language learning process, including biological and psychological variables (Ranjan & Philominraj, 2020). Motivation and gender are significant factors in learning a language. ...
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There are a variety of factors that affect the English language learning process such as motivation and gender. The present study highlights the importance of motivation and gender in the English language learning process. This study follows a mixed-method approach; qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed. Qualitative data were collected through a self-determined motivation questionnaire and a self-assessment chart from fifteen male and fifteen female Saudi students. The participants were all studying English in the United States to continue their university-level education. Data were analyzed co-relationally, using statistics and descriptions, quantitatively. The results have revealed interesting findings, as the female participants tend to demonstrate more motivation towards learning the English language, further highlighting that participants of different genders had different perspectives about learning the English language. The conclusions, implications, and recommendations of this study provide a foundation for future investigations into the English language learners’ motivation in Saudi Arabia and other similar settings, with the goal of identifying variances in students’ orientations.
... Shin and So (2018) found that greater degrees of determination, mastery goal orientation, and internal management positively influenced the employment of compensatory and social tactics. A favorable link between LLS and motivation was reported by Ranjan & Philominraj (2020). LLS and motivation predicted success in L2 writing performance when both were included in the same regression model. ...
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Mapping the multidimensional impact of learner attributes on behavior demonstrates the importance of models in learning. To this purpose, we examined the correlations between strategies and student characteristics and utilized regression analysis to determine how learner attributes affect strategy selection. A cross-sectional study of 258 students demonstrated widespread strategy use, as well as statistically significant connections within and between the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning and Student Characteristics of Learning measures. Regression analysis found distinctions in the types of learner characteristics associated with strategy adoption, most notably between direct and indirect strategies. Instrumental motivation predicted both direct and indirect Strategy Inventory for Language Learning scores, but self-efficacy affected memory, cognitive, and compensatory strategies, and perseverance predicted reported metacognitive and emotional strategy choice levels. Additionally, a negative route coefficient occurred between persistence and compensation techniques and between competition and memory strategies, implying mediation and a high degree of complexity in the way learner traits impact behavior. The present study's findings have implications for prospective instructor techniques for motivating students to become fully involved in language learning via the online procedure.
... Various strategies can help second language learners learn a new language (Ranjan & Philominraj, 2020). For example, students' communicative skills can be improved by applying different activities such as an information gap, a jigsaw puzzle, games, problem-solving, and role-playing (Oradee, 2012). ...
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Facebook Live has become a means of teaching and learning in many parts of the world. This paper, thus, reports an examination of teaching English through Facebook Live and students’ experiences of learning on it in the COVID-19 pandemic. It as participatory action research employed observation of selfmanaged Facebook Live streaming, and an online semi-structured interview with students and parents. The intervention of Facebook Live consisted of three strategies: pre-recorded video streaming, live teaching and a combination of both. This paper reports on how students in absence of a physical classroom learned English through Facebook Live, developed communicative skills and gained ICT skills. Although the teacher’s lessons on Facebook Live were appreciated by students and parents as students could get ideas for speaking English, students expressed concerns if they could interact with the teacher and friends. Facebook Live associated with videoconferencing tools, however, can complement physical classroom learning in crises and normal situations.