Scatter plot of green transformation and digital economy.

Scatter plot of green transformation and digital economy.

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Under the new development pattern, promoting urban green transformation efficiently addresses resource and environmental restrictions and is the foundation of high-quality development. However, the development of green transformation in Chinese cities faces constraints in three dimensions, production, life, and ecology, and it is not clear whether...

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Context 1
... there a substantial connection between the green transformation of the Yangtze River Delta city cluster and the growth of the digital economy? This paper builds a scatter plot and fits a curve to show their relationship (Figure 4). Figure 4 indicates a favorable relationship between the digital economy and urban green transformation. ...
Context 2
... paper builds a scatter plot and fits a curve to show their relationship (Figure 4). Figure 4 indicates a favorable relationship between the digital economy and urban green transformation. It shows that improving the digital economy's development level can speed up urban green transformation. ...

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In the current global context of environmental degradation and resource constraints, the pursuit of sustainable development has become an imperative. One avenue that holds promise for achieving this objective is the application of digital technologies, which have the potential to decouple economic growth from its carbon footprint. However, it is crucial to ensure that these technologies are designed and governed in a prudent manner, with a strong alignment to environmental priorities. This study focuses on exploring the potential roles of blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) in supply chain coordination and impact mitigation. Furthermore, they have the capacity to incentivize recycling and circular business models, as well as facilitate carbon accounting and offsetting. To fully realize these benefits, it is essential to deploy these technologies within inclusive collaborative frameworks that take into consideration social and ecological considerations. The study also offers policy recommendations that highlight key leverage points for digital innovation, enabling countries to embark on smart and green industrial transformation pathways. By harnessing the potential of blockchain and AI in supply chains, governments can promote transparency, traceability, and accountability, thereby fostering sustainable practices and reducing environmental impacts. Incorporating blockchain and AI technologies into supply chain approaches leads to a substantial improvement in efficiency, as demonstrated by a numerical analysis. In conclusion, the integration of innovative digital technologies offers significant opportunities to optimize production systems and economic activity while prioritizing sustainability objectives for the betterment of society and the environment. These technologies have the potential to mitigate environmental externalities by addressing information imbalances within global supply chains. However, it is essential to prioritize inclusive governance that emphasizes democratic participation to mitigate any unintended negative consequences, especially for vulnerable communities. By ensuring inclusive decision-making processes, we can maximize the positive impact of these technologies while minimizing potential harm.
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... Table 7-B reveals that the coefficient of the digital economy is insignificant, and the coefficient of natural resource use is significantly positive, implying that in the west of China, the digital economy fails to accelerate the industrial green transformation by boosting natural resource use. Chang et al. (2022) and identify that the impact of the digital economy on the green transformation is limited by regional location resulting in significant variability. One potential explanation is that the east-central part of China has the highest economic development, the earliest startup, and better digital economy infrastructure investment than the western part of China (Ma and Zhu, 2022). ...
Natural resource consumption and the digital economy are increasingly critical in empowering industrial green transformation, which is also an ongoing and valuable topic worth exploring. Therefore, this study investigates the impact of natural resource use and the digital economy on industrial green transformation in 30 Chinese provincial-level administrative data from 2006 to 2020. The outcomes reveal that digital economy can significantly drive industrial green transformation by elevating natural resource consumption. Significant heterogeneity is observed in the effects of natural resource use and digital economy on industrial green transformation. Manifestly, the digital economy stimulates industrial green transformation by promoting natural resource use in the east-central regions of China, while the mechanism is insignificant in the western region of China. Finally, the positive impact of natural resource use on industrial green transformation is gradually strengthening with the continuous increase in the digital economy level. Our findings imply that policymakers should differentiate the execution of digital economy policies and build an empowered natural resource usage system led by the digital economy to accelerate industrial green transformation.
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Urban social space and sustainable urban development are both prominent areas of research in urban studies. The development of a city is closely tied to the development of its social space. The level of sustainable development in a city can be assessed by examining the evolution of its urban social space. Therefore, the two are highly interconnected in a close relationship. However, the social dimension of sustainable development has always received the least attention compared to the economy and the environment. Therefore, this paper examines urban transformation and urban spatial structure, social composition, the activity space and living space of urban residents, the social integration of urban residents in urban communities, and urban planning. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review of research on urban social space and sustainable development. On the one hand, this literature review thoroughly examines the correlation between urban social space and sustainable urban development. On the other hand, it broadens the perspectives of urban research, highlights the key role of social dimensions in sustainable urban development, and helps to draw the attention of academics to this topic. In addition, this literature review may provide policymakers with more comprehensive information on urban social space and sustainable development.