Figure 5 - uploaded by Richard Seager
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Same as  but for the twenty-first century trend in zonal mean Eady growth rate σ D in (a) DJF and (b) JJA, in colors, with the twentieth century climatology in contours. Contour intervals are 0.5 day−1. Units are day−1

Same as but for the twenty-first century trend in zonal mean Eady growth rate σ D in (a) DJF and (b) JJA, in colors, with the twentieth century climatology in contours. Contour intervals are 0.5 day−1. Units are day−1

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Storm tracks play a major role in regulating the precipitation and hydrological cycle in midlatitudes. The changes in the location and amplitude of the storm tracks in response to global warming will have significant impacts on the poleward transport of heat, momentum and moisture and on the hydrological cycle. Recent studies have indicated a polew...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the dry Eady growth rate is determined by both the meridional temperature gradient and static stability, future changes in both terms will impact the change in the baroclinic instability of the time-mean flow. The zonal mean of the dry Eady growth rate is shown in Fig. 5a and b for both DJF and JJA. The climatology maximizes in the midlatitudes and is stronger in the winter hemisphere due to stronger meridional temperature gradients. The change in the dry Eady growth rate follows that in the meridional temperature gradient, i.e. a poleward shift and an intensi- fication on the poleward flank in the ...
Context 2
... but the rising tropospheric static stability south of 40 o N helps to stabilize the subtropical jet streams on the equatorward flank whereas the reduced static stability north of 40 o N acts to enhance the instability of the jet streams on the poleward flank, which would assist a poleward shift of the storm tracks. Therefore, as can be seen in Fig. 5a and b, the poleward shift and enhancement of the dry Eady growth rate in the midlatitudes of both hemispheres in both seasons (except for the lower troposphere in northern winter) fully supports the storm track changes. The results in Fig. 5a and b confirm the relevance of the changing characteristics of baroclinic instability in ...
Context 3
... the poleward flank, which would assist a poleward shift of the storm tracks. Therefore, as can be seen in Fig. 5a and b, the poleward shift and enhancement of the dry Eady growth rate in the midlatitudes of both hemispheres in both seasons (except for the lower troposphere in northern winter) fully supports the storm track changes. The results in Fig. 5a and b confirm the relevance of the changing characteristics of baroclinic instability in driving the storm track changes. The results further indicate that eddies are influenced by the baroclinicity in the upper troposphere rather than the surface instability, as the enhancement of the instability growth rate in the upper troposphere ...

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    Alongside mean increases in poleward moisture transport (PMT) to the Arctic, most climate models also project a linear increase in the interannual variability (IAV) with future warming. It is still uncertain to what extent atmospheric rivers (ARs) contribute to the projected IAV increase of PMT. We analyzed large‐ensemble climate simulations to (a) explore the link between PMT and ARs in the present‐day (PD) and in two warmer climates (+2 and +3°C compared to pre‐industrial global mean temperature), (b) assess the dynamic contribution to changes in future ARs, and (c) analyze the effect of ARs on Arctic climate on interannual timescales. We find that the share of AR‐related PMT (ARPMT) to PMT increases from 42% in the PD to 53% in the +3°C climate. Our results show that the mean increases in AR‐frequency and intensity are mainly caused by higher atmospheric moisture levels, while dynamic variability regulates regional ARs on an interannual basis. Notably, the amount of ARs reaching the Arctic in any given region and season strongly depends on the regional jet stream position and speed southwest of this region. This suggests that future changes in dynamics may significantly amplify or dampen the regionally consistent moisture‐induced increase in ARs in a warmer climate. Our results further support previous findings that positive ARPMT anomalies are profoundly linked to increased surface air temperature and precipitation, especially in the colder seasons, and have a predominantly negative effect on sea ice.
    ... In addition, the residual term that mainly includes sub-monthly transient eddy has a negative contribution in Cluster 2 and Cluster 4 (figure 6(u)), which partly explains precipitation decreases over SC. The change of transient eddies is projected to decrease in the subtropics during winter half year that is mainly associated with the transient eddy moisture transport in response to global warming (Seager et al 2010, Wu et al 2011 due to the westerly jet weakening in the region (Liang and Zhang 2021). As demonstrated by He (2023), the weakened southern branch westerly jet on the southern side of the Tibetan Plateau plays a key role in suppressing winter precipitation in the subtropical East Asian. ...
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    ... Future risk at sites of marginally influenced by cyclones. Tropical cyclones are likely to shift poleward in a warming climate [5][6][7] and some suggest that this trend is particularly obvious in the Southern Hemisphere 8 . Evidence of the poleward shifts in storm tracks have been found in both the reanalyses of the instrumental records 9,10 and projections from numerical models including models with enhanced greenhouse gas concentrations 1,5,8,[11][12][13][14] . ...
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    Shark Bay Marine Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Property located in a region of marginal tropical cyclone influence. Sustainable management of this unique environment as the climate changes requires a quantified understanding of its vulnerability to natural hazards. Here, we outline a structured analysis of novel historical archive information that has uncovered reports of an extreme storm surge associated with a Tropical Cyclone in 1921 that generated remarkable overland flow which left fish and sharks stranded up to 9.66 km (6 miles) inland. Weighted information from historical archives is placed in a new framework and provide inputs to modelling of this event which improves the understanding of its magnitude and furnishes records of the impacts of what occurred on that day and notably also in the years following. The suite of plausible tracks that reproduce the historical data contextualise the storm as a marginal Category 4 or 5 storm and its return interval as equivalent or slightly greater than the current local planning level for coastal flooding in the region. The outcome underscores the global importance of examining the probable maximum event for risk management in areas of marginal cyclone influence where vulnerable ecosystems or vital regional infrastructure of key economic importance are located, and the need to factor in TC risk in marine conservation and planning in the Shark Bay World Heritage Property.
    ... The North Pacific storm track (NPST) features intense activities of synoptic-scale eddies (Blackmon, 1976;Blackmon et al., 1977). It is accompanied by a large amount of poleward heat and moisture fluxes (Wu et al., 2011;Shaw et al., 2016), whose variations have been suggested to be of importance for regional and global climates (Zhang et al., 2002;Ashley and Black, 2008;Pfahl and Wernli, 2012;. ...
    The North Pacific storm track (NPST) represents intense activity of synoptic-scale eddies that are important for Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude weather systems. According to the linear baroclinic instability theory, the strength of the NPST should peak in January and February but is substantially weaker than that in late fall and early spring, a phenomenon termed mid-winter suppression (MWS). This study investigates the characteristics of the MWS associated with central-Pacific (CP) and eastern-Pacific (EP) El Niños mainly based on composite analyses in the HadISSTv1.1 and ERA-5 datasets. It is found that over the southern North Pacific (NP; south of 40°N), the peak of the NPST delays until January and thus the MWS does not appear during CP El Niño as that in climatology. In contrast, a prominent MWS-like feature is identified in January over this region during EP El Niño. Over the northern NP (north of 40°N), the MWS is largely enhanced in January and February during CP El Niño. Quantitative diagnosis of eddy kinetic energy conversion further reveals that different features of the MWS are mainly caused by baroclinic conversion anomalies. The two types of El Niño may affect the NPST and MWS by modifying the atmospheric thermal structure and exciting cross-Pacific wave trains, which are associated with different convective anomalies.