TABLE 4 - uploaded by Rick Delbridge
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This paper reports the findings of a longitudinal study into manufacturing performance, lean production principles and buyer supplier relations in the Japanese, US and UK automotive industries. A total of 26 first tier component makers in the three countries were subject to detailed benchmarking exercises in 1994 and in 1999-2001. In each exercise...

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... in all three countries show substantial falls in external defect rates between 1994 and 2001. However, there are differences in the patterns of reasons behind these defect rates, as Table 4 illustrates. ...

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... Toyota's production system, (TPS), was considered a unique and philosophical approach to manufacturing. However, there has been a recent questioning of the overall effectiveness of the Japanese system, leading to a decreased interest in Japanese firms as a global business model (Oliver et al.., 2022). ...
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Supply chain practices have experienced significant transformation in many years of its existence resulting to numerous instances of success and achievements across most entities embracing lean concept implementation such as Just in Time (JIT), Total Quality Management (TQM), and Total Prevention Maintenance (TPM). Such organizations join a growing number of businesses cutting across various Industries that have undergone operational restructuring to enhance efficiency and to streamline operations. The study specifically sought to determine the influence of just-in-time on supply chain performance, The study was guided by lean theory. A descriptive cross-sectional research design was adopted in the study. The target population was 95 employees comprising procurement officers, finance officers, production officers, quality assurance officers, operations officers, director of audit services, logistics, and firm engineers from 11 sugar manufacturing firms in western Kenya. The survey utilized a census approach, specifically targeting all 95 employees. The research employed primary data sources, with primary data gathered by administering closed-ended questionnaires. Descriptive statistics was employed to analyze the data, displayed as tables, pie charts, and bar graphs. In this study, inferential statistics was employed to examine hypotheses and to evaluate data. Concisely, the researcher utilized Pearson correlation and linear regression models to demonstrate the association between lean production techniques and the supply chain performance of sugar manufacturing enterprises in western Kenya. A pilot study was undertaken using a sugar manufacturing firm in the Ramisi Sugar factory in Kwale County and involved respondents drawn from the firm. The findings from the pilot study were crucial in determining the reliability and validity of the instruments. An increased Cronbach's Alpha coefficient indicated a higher level of internal consistency, improving the research instruments' reliability. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 27. On hypothesis testing, H01: Just In Time has no significant impact on supply chain performance in Sugar manufacturing factories in Western Kenya was rejected with a significance value of 0.001 is less than the predetermined significance limit of 0.05. The research revealed that an increase in just-in-time results in a measurable enhancement of 0.078 in supply chain performance, according to the study ((85) = 7.312
... The ranking of business processes using this technique is carried out using the Lean production approach [7], and the assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of business processes is based on the following criteria: ...
The main purpose of the study is the formation the methodological approach to assessing the options for transforming of the main business process in the context of ensuring security. The study is based on the assessment results of several of leading engineering enterprises. The methodology of estimation of efficiency of carrying out transformation of the basic business processes of the enterprises, based on the theory of fuzzy sets, is a convenient means of carrying out multicriteria evaluation, comparative analysis from the point of view of integrated criterion and obtaining orderly priority of business processes on their efficiency. The study of the process of transformation of a business process for the production and sale of product enterprises was conducted and a methodology for assessing its effectiveness based on the use of the mathematical apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets was formed and allows us to formalize and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of each of the options for the business process. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the transformation of the main business processes at the enterprises can be used in enterprises of various profiles after the necessary analysis and optimization. The study conducted a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the transformation of the main business processes at the enterprises using as example engineering enterprises in the context of ensuring security.
... Cultural and literal translation -Since it's humble beginnings in Japan, the concept of Kaizen has spread worldwide due to huge successes in the automotive industry. However, previous literature shows that the transferal of concepts from one cultural and organisational context to another can often lead to misinterpretation and failure (Berger, 1997;Oliver et al., 2002;Herron and Hicks, 2008). Oliver et al. (2002) evidences this difficulty in his extensive study, finding that non-Japanese organisations implementing Kaizen perform comparatively poorly according to a number of indicators including: productivity, quality, changeover time, problem solving, and buyer-supplier relations. ...
... However, previous literature shows that the transferal of concepts from one cultural and organisational context to another can often lead to misinterpretation and failure (Berger, 1997;Oliver et al., 2002;Herron and Hicks, 2008). Oliver et al. (2002) evidences this difficulty in his extensive study, finding that non-Japanese organisations implementing Kaizen perform comparatively poorly according to a number of indicators including: productivity, quality, changeover time, problem solving, and buyer-supplier relations. ...
... The Suggestion System operated by the General Motors Uzbekistan generated over 90 thousand suggestions for improving manufacturing processes over a span of 10 years, including suggestions both of individualsas each employee Ideas and of Quality circlesas group decision making. The average number of suggestions submitted by each employee per year is 2.1, that approximately similar as 10 years ago for Britain companies [5]. The saving from suggestions in the company was approximately 3.9 billion Uzbek sums (approximately US$ 2.530.000). ...
... Investment in the real economy mainly takes form of capital investment; international scientific research on the matter currently focuses on multiple different aspects of it. Some researchers analyze investment chains and how they can fund production setup and upgrades [1, 2, 3]; others discuss the most common production system models [4,5,6,7,8]; a third group emphasizes the innovation behind capital investment [9. 10, 11] Russian scientists believe that industrial policies today should seek to upgrade the existing facilities, whereby the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of fixed assets become the single most important factor [Ошибка! Источник ссылки не найден.2]. ...
... R= P m/M, (6) where: Р is the probability (occurrence rate) of a negative event; m/M is the severity of investment loss incurred due to a negative event; m is the investment loss incurred due to a negative event; М is the investment to set up a system. Transform the equation (6) as ...
... This, implicitly at least, covers related areas such as corporate funding and the restructuring of large corporate groupings, including inter-and intra-firm relations and changes in relationships to banks, supplier firms and wider Japanese society (Ahmadjian, 2016;Ahmadjian and Robinson, 2001). Oliver et al. (2002) argued, for example, that Nissan's widespread restructuring of its keiretsu and subcontracting relationships in the early 2000s (largely a consequence of its merger with Renault) created a benchmark for the whole Japanese auto industry. Also significant here is pressure to adopt Anglo-American corporate governance practices and the growing influence of foreign ownership of Japanese firms and, more importantly, of their shares (Dore, 2009;Jacoby, 2005;Whittaker and Deakin, 2011). ...
... Furthermore, firms were delayering by the early 2000s as part of a wider restructuring of business (Hassard et al., 2009). Firm boundaries were also changing, notably in the form of keiretsu ties loosening, with more fluid networked relations emerging in response to heightened competition, modular production, global sourcing and weakened links between corporate groups and banks (Oliver et al., 2002;Whittaker and Deakin, 2011). Indeed boundaries of the firm had altered along the lines basically suggested in the new organizational forms literature. ...
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The aim of this study is to understand the nature of managerial work in Japan during an era of widespread corporate reform and changing human resource management (HRM) practices. To achieve this, a qualitative multi-method investigation was designed in which data were collected from company documents, ethnographic observations, and principally in-depth interviews with senior, middle and junior managers. These managers worked for five large Japanese corporations whose operations were based respectively in a range of industrial and commercial sectors. Silhouetted against widespread corporate restructuring and assessing managers’ personal rationalizations of key HRM concerns – vis-a-vis job security levels, payment systems, promotion/career systems, trades union activities and work-time expectations – the study found significant age, experience and gender-related differences in the experience of managerial work and working environments. Finally, in conceptual terms, the project adopts an approach in which Weickian sensemaking and business systems theory are deployed to frame evidence that reflects macro (institutional), meso (organizational) and micro (individual) levels of analysis.
... Так, однією з найбільш використовуваних у цьому напрямі методик оцінки бізнеспроцесу є KPI (Key Performance Indicator), яка складається із набору показників, що допомагають визначити ступінь успіху внаслідок реалізації бізнеспроцесу або рівень досягнення його цілей. В основі ранжування бізнеспроцесів, згідно з цією методикою, лежить підхід ощадливого виробництва, а сама ефективність бізнеспроцесів оцінюється за чотирма критеріями: ступінь повноти обслуговування споживачів (швидкість виконання бізнеспроцесу, суть робіт із його виконання тощо), продуктивність бізнеспроцесу, витрати на бізнеспроцес, якість бізнеспроцесу [6]. ...
... However, several studies indicate that the search for a culture of sustained improvement presents not only success factors, but also barriers to its implementation (Idris and Zairi, 2006;Prajogo and Sohal, 2004;Bateman and Rich, 2003). In addition, the lack of understanding of the Kaizen philosophy due to cultural limitations has become evident in some organizations at the time of its implementation (Macpherson et al., 2015;Oliver and Delbridge, 2002). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the benefits and barriers experienced by medium and large manufacturing and service companies of the State of Puebla, Mexico (SP/Mexico) and the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador (MDQ/Ecuador) in the implementation and sustainability of continuous improvement, and furthermore, to provide greater knowledge about Kaizen and its practices in the permanent search for this improvement cycle. ...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to compare the practices of continuous improvement that are applied in medium and large manufacturing and service companies in two Latin American countries. At the same time, benefits and barriers experienced by these companies with regard to sustainability of continuous improvement are explored. Design/methodology/approach In order to generate a comparative study between two Latin American countries, interviews were conducted with managers linked to continuous improvement in medium and large companies in the State of Puebla and the Metropolitan District of Quito, which are important areas in Mexico and Ecuador, respectively. Data were collected by means of document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and direct observation. Findings Companies in both countries identify the use of various techniques and/or tools for continuous improvement. The results of the empirical evidence show how the impact of the application of the techniques has been beneficial in economic and human terms. Thus, the exploratory study has permitted the identification of the drivers and inhibitors in the maintenance of continuous improvement. Research limitations/implications The research is based on only two areas of the Latin American countries: Mexico and Ecuador. Their results can therefore not be generalized. The approach is applied in a specific environment, namely, the State of Puebla and the Metropolitan District of Quito. This study incorporates the perception of managers, directors, and/or supervisors involved in continuous improvement processes. Practical implications This paper seeks to provide analytical input. The study is of great interest to researchers, managers, consultants, and professionals linked to projects of continuous improvement who wish to incorporate continuous improvement practices which are sustainable over time. A new managerial behavior is the basis of continuous improvement, where the training and development of the human resource increases the commitment to achieve organizational changes. Originality/value This research makes an empirical contribution to the literature through the understanding of practices of continuous improvement in a Latin American context, highlighting the factors that improve or impede the process of continuous improvement. Particularly in Mexico and Ecuador, the empirical evidence on this subject is still scarce despite the existence of theoretical academic literature.
... Reduced lead time Narasimhan et al. (2006), Oliver et al. (2002), Prince and Kay (2003), Candadai et al. (1995), Dove (1995), Bhasin and Burcher (2006), Kulatilaka (1988), Pavnaskar et al. (2003) and Baratt et al. (2010) 9 8 Information driven virtual supply chain Zheng (2010), Oliver et al. (2002), Shah and Ward (2007), Gunasekaran and Yusuf (2002), Candadai et al. (1995), McDonald (2000, Dove (1995), Bhasin and Burcher (2006), Behrouzi and Wong (2011) and Lu et al. (2011) 10 9 ...
... Reduced lead time Narasimhan et al. (2006), Oliver et al. (2002), Prince and Kay (2003), Candadai et al. (1995), Dove (1995), Bhasin and Burcher (2006), Kulatilaka (1988), Pavnaskar et al. (2003) and Baratt et al. (2010) 9 8 Information driven virtual supply chain Zheng (2010), Oliver et al. (2002), Shah and Ward (2007), Gunasekaran and Yusuf (2002), Candadai et al. (1995), McDonald (2000, Dove (1995), Bhasin and Burcher (2006), Behrouzi and Wong (2011) and Lu et al. (2011) 10 9 ...
... Reduced lead time Narasimhan et al. (2006), Oliver et al. (2002), Prince and Kay (2003), Candadai et al. (1995), Dove (1995), Bhasin and Burcher (2006), Kulatilaka (1988), Pavnaskar et al. (2003) and Baratt et al. (2010) 9 8 Information driven virtual supply chain Zheng (2010), Oliver et al. (2002), Shah and Ward (2007), Gunasekaran and Yusuf (2002), Candadai et al. (1995), McDonald (2000, Dove (1995), Bhasin and Burcher (2006), Behrouzi and Wong (2011) and Lu et al. (2011) 10 9 ...
... Reduced lead time Narasimhan et al. (2006), Oliver et al. (2002), Prince and Kay (2003), Candadai et al. (1995), Dove (1995), Bhasin and Burcher (2006), Kulatilaka (1988), Pavnaskar et al. (2003) and Baratt et al. (2010) 9 8 Information driven virtual supply chain Zheng (2010), Oliver et al. (2002), Shah and Ward (2007), Gunasekaran and Yusuf (2002), Candadai et al. (1995), McDonald (2000, Dove (1995), Bhasin and Burcher (2006), Behrouzi and Wong (2011) and Lu et al. (2011) 10 9 ...
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Leagile manufacturing is one of the recent dominant research areas in the field of operations management in the current scenario. However, there is a lack of research focusing on leagile in manufacturing industries. The leagile system combines the advantages of both lean as well as agile system. The purpose of the paper is to make the industries and academicians aware of the leagile concept and its tools so as to meet the fluctuating needs of customers in short duration of time. It provides industries to remove all different types of wastes and at the same time concurrently meeting the changing needs of customers and hence helps in achieving better customer satisfaction. Both lean and agile systems can be incorporated simultaneously in the system by proper positioning of de-coupling point in the supply chain. In the upstream of the supply chain, lean system is adopted while in downstream, agile system is best suited.