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Rules employed to process government authority entries

Rules employed to process government authority entries

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Purpose The paper proposes a tool that generates authority files to be integrated with Linked Data by means of learning rules. AUTHORIS is software developed to enhance authority control and information exchange among ibliographic and non-bibliographic entities. Design/methodology/approach The article analyzes different methods previously develope...

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... system has 300 cases for each rule, and a deciding algorithm that chooses the most complete entry for each heading. Figure 6 illustrates one of the rules employed to process government authority entries. Rules for assigning a uniform title: these rules function through a comparison of cases. ...


... La familia de los MARC apareció con posterioridad en la década de los 60/70 para automatizar los catálogos de bibliotecas. Ha continuado hasta nuestros días con la última adaptación de MARC 21 que incluye los postulados de los Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) basados en el modelo entidad relación (Orduña-Malea, 2008;Vila-Suero, 2016), apreciándose como un instrumento esencial para el intercambio de información en entornos automatizados (Library of Congress, 2017;Lam, 2002;Veve, 2009;Vila-Suero, 2016). En este contexto, RDA también proporciona directrices e instrucciones sobre la descripción de recursos digitales, cubriendo todos los tipos de contenido y medios de comunicación. ...
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p>Se plantea cómo la comunidad bibliotecaria gestiona información en paralelo con otros sectores profesionales del mundo web. Las herramientas y vocabularios controlados desarrollados en las bibliotecas aplican similares tecnologías que son el cimiento de la web semántica, las ontologías. Abordan los problemas que subyacen a la sobrecarga de información digital, ayudando a controlar y contextualizar los datos. Este texto propone un modelo de formatos de exportación que facilita el intercambio de datos de autoridades entre sistemas de información, en la biblioteca digital VESTIGIUM. Con este propósito se crea el patrón de la Tabla autor, que cumple con las premisas de publicación de Linked Data (LD): los cuatro principios básicos definidos por Berners-Lee para la publicación de LD y así, asegura la visibilidad y contextualiza la información, creando un prototipo interoperable de datos biográficos.</p
... The metadata collected were stored in a relational database for their later use in the data set. The information proceeding from ABCD, Moodle and DSpace underwent data extraction and homogenization, after which we applied Authoris, a system in charge of purging data, disambiguating author names, correcting subject terms by means of Natural Language Processing, and generating unique entries for each authority (Leiva-Mederos et al., 2013), thus creating an intermediate database to be used by the tool D2RQ to create RDF triplets. D2RQ provides access to data by means of a SPARQL Endpoint. ...
... Leiva-Mederos et al., 2013); and ...
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Purpose Information from CRIS is stored in different formats, in platforms that are not compatible, or even in independent networks. It would be helpful to have a well-defined methodology to allow for management data processing from a single site, so as to take advantage of the capacity to link disperse data found in different systems, platforms, sources and/or formats. Based on tunctionalities and materials of the VLIR project, this paper presents a model that provides for interoperability by means of semantic alignment techniques and metadata crosswalks, and facilitates the fusion of information stored in diverse sources. Design/methodology/approach After reviewing the state of the art regarding the diverse mechanisms for achieving semantic interoperability, the paper analyzes: - the specific coverage of the data sets (type of data, thematic coverage and geographic coverage); - the technical specifications needed to retrieve and analyze a distribution of the data set (format, protocol, etc.); - the conditions of re-utilization (copyright and licenses); and - the “dimensions” included in the dataset as well as the semantics of these dimensions (the syntax and the taxonomies of reference). The semantic interoperability framework here presented implements semantic alignment and metadata crosswalk to convert information from three different systems (ABCD, Moodle and DSpace) to integrate all the databases in a single RDF file. Findings The paper also includes an evaluation based on the comparison —by means of calculations of recall and precision— of the proposed model and identical consultations made on OAI and SQL, in order to estimate its efficiency. The results have been satisfactory enough, due to the fact that the semantic interoperability facilitates the exact retrieval of information. Originality/value The proposed model enhances management of the syntactic and semantic interoperability of the CRIS system designed. In a real setting of use it achieves very positive results.
... Authority Control is the most expensive part of the cataloging process [20,7,21], it is a global problem, affecting not only libraries but organizations of all kinds [16]. Authority Control is necessary for meeting the catalog's objectives of enabling users to find the works of an author and to collocate all works of a person or corporate body. ...
... The need to uniformly record information on each author included in a catalog is addressed in work and research stemming from several international organizations. Libraries and organizations of international prestige such as the United States Library of Congress (LOC), the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) acknowledge the fact that the information exchange protocols on the Web are insufficient means of controlling authority in the catalogs and systems of library management [16]. ...
... • The need for authority control is made explicit, and the Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) comes to light with the US Library of Congress [16]. In Asia, the Hong Kong Chinese Authority Name (HKCAN) is established. ...
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Authority control is recognized as an expensive task in the cataloging process. This is actually an active research field in libraries and related research institutions even when several approaches have been proposed in this research area. In this paper, we propose AUCTORITAS, a tool for exposing high value services on the web for the authority control in a generic institution environment. This paper describes the application ecosystem behind AUCTORITAS and how the semantic web languages make possible the semantic integration of heterogeneous applications. Likewise we evaluate the applicability of the proposal for academic libraries.
... In parallel, several institutions and governments around the world have published their data following the linked data principles. Linked data refers to a set of best practices for publishing and interlinking structured data on the web (Berners-Lee, 2006). Over the last few years, the W3C has played an important role in the development of standards such as Resource Description Framework (RDF) and SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL). ...
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The development of Information and Communication Technologies has increased the number of scientific journals in digital format, speeding up dissemination and access to content. A large number of scientific journals have been included in the Open Access Initiative, giving full access to the complete texts of their scientific papers. In addition to complete text, some of these journals offer their bibliographic data via Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). However, bibliographic data are dispersed, without being given an explicit relationship making their discovery and reuse for other information systems impossible. To address these issues, we propose a platform for publishing bibliographic data following the linked data principles. The proposed approach has been applied in a use case in the context of the DBJournal project for publishing bibliographic data from Open Access journals in Cuba.
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Resumo: A Resource Description and Access foi desenvolvida pelo Resource Description Steering Committee, como um conjunto de elementos de dados para a criação de metadados de recursos de biblioteca e patrimônio cultural. Em 2017 foi publicado o modelo conceitual Library Reference Model, consolidando uma estrutura única como modelo de referência para bibliotecas. Há uma intensificação do uso das tecnologias da Web Semântica, como o Linked data, que apresentou uma nova perspectiva para descrição e ligação de dados. Com estas alterações, o grupo Steering Committee verificou a necessidade de uma nova estrutura da Resource Description and Access, o Projeto 3R, que reformulou a estrutura do site Resource Description and Access Toolkit alinhado ao Library Reference Model. Isto posto, a questão norteadora desta pesquisa foi: quais as principais alterações da Resource Description and Access com o Projeto 3R? O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi apresentar as mudanças nas diretrizes considerando as alterações desenvolvidas no Projeto 3R. Foi empregado o método comparativo para análise das estruturas das duas versões do Resource Description and Access Toolkit. Como resultados observou-se que as principais mudanças no Projeto 3R podem ser divididas em três aspectos: (1) mudanças no site Resource Description and Access Toolkit; (2) mudanças estruturais nas diretrizes; e (3) mudanças relacionadas à aproximação com o cenário de publicação de dados na Web e o Linked data. Conclui-se que o Projeto 3R causou mudanças no uso do site, na estrutura das diretrizes, além de promover aproximações com o Library Reference Model e com o Linked data. São necessários esforços para compreender os meios mais eficientes de aplicar as diretrizes Resource Description and Access Projeto 3R na catalogação e nas áreas de pesquisa e ensino em catalogação.
The purpose of Digital Library system is collection of electronic objects. The “authorities” module runs the entire mechanism for fetching the authority data from the remote server. The study explores mechanisms for integration activities behind the authority control and practical evaluation. This study has been done on the publicly accessible online library OPAC through Google Form tools. It demonstrates that all authority control tools can manage several headings than just one or a few. The research seeks explanation through systematically searching observations of Online OPAC databases for studies of authority control. According to the findings, AuthorityBox is a Koha add-on that enhances the system's functionality. It complies with VIAF identifiers and other MARC21 authority data to compliance with RDA Cataloguing Guidelines. The open source integrated library system Koha enables easy authority import into the ILS-OPAC search engine. Statistically, Haringhata Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal, India used the most authority terms, with 24,820 personal names and 53,256 topical terms. This study reviews the many recommendations and techniques for designing a library discovery authority framework. It also focuses on the software and standards for integrating VIAF with Koha, VuFind, and Google Custom Search Engine for importing authority data from other libraries via the Z39.50 server.
Authority control for bibliographic data management in Indian libraries is generally a neglected area and thereby library OPACs of the country (including OPAC of the National Library) supports only the finding function of a catalogue and not the collocating function. In this context, the part II of the three part series on library carpentry (part I has been published in April issue) is an attempt to apply library carpentry methods in building authority datasets from scratch. It deals with the methodologies for developing authority datasets by applying data wrangling techniques and subsequent transformations of these datasets into ready-to-import MARC 21 format (for authority data). Like the previous part of the series, this research study is also represented through a case study. The case study narrates development of geographic name authority datasets for - states and union territories (level I), districts of India (level II), sub-districts (level III) and community development blocks of India (level IV). It also demonstrates that how the merged geographic name authority file for India can be implemented in an open source ILS and can become instrumental in enhancing retrieval efficiency through geodetic search feature in an open source library discovery system. It concludes that the proposed mechanisms and methodology (supported with proofs of the concept) may lead to a new era of authority-controlled cataloguing in Indian libraries.
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O Linked Data é um conjunto de melhores práticas criado para lidar com os problemas de recuperação de dados e de informações no ambiente Web e pode ser aplicado ao domínio bibliográfico, como forma de garantir que as bibliotecas compartilhem seus dados efetivamente. Objetiva-se analisar como a relação entre dados bibliográficos e o Linked Data tem sido abordada pelos profissionais da Ciência da Informação, a partir da realização da Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RS). A RS foi o método que permitiu analisar o corpus documental e o estado da arte acerca dos dados bibliográficos e o contexto Linked Data. Como resultado analisou-se 56 artigos nos quais se observou que as principais preocupações ao discutir a temática são: apresentar projetos de adequação de dados bibliográficos ao Linked Data; discutir o processo de conversão de dados bibliográficos ao Linked Data; e realizar discussões conceituais sobre a adequação. Conclui-se que, embora os artigos apontem muitos desafios é uma unanimidade entre os documentos analisados que a adequação seria vantajosa para as bibliotecas.