Results of treatment effects model estimation.

Results of treatment effects model estimation.

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The key to promoting urbanization in China is to achieve urban integration of migrant peasant workers, and basic public health services may have a potential social impact on the subjective welfare of migrant peasant workers. In this paper, we use data from the China Migrants Dynamic Survey (CMDS) to study the impact of basic public health services...

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... to Table 5, the regression results of the first stage of the CMP method show that the impact of the establishment of health records on the social integration of rural mobile population at the district and county level is statistically significant at the 1% level, which is consistent with the expectation, indicating that the instrumental variable satisfies the correlation condition. Further, the regression results of the second stage show that the establishment of health records has a statistically significant positive effect on the social integration of migrant peasant workers at the 5% level, after controlling for possible endogeneity bias, again validating the finding that the use of basic public health services contributes to the social integration of migrant peasant workers. ...

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... This finding aligns with the existing literature [17,26,47]. With the rise in residents' income levels, non-economic factors such as fundamental public health services, education, climate change, and urban environmental quality have emerged as pivotal determinants influencing migrants' decisions regarding their place of residence [10,48,49]. As the National Hygienic City campaigns continue to advance urban environment and infrastructure in the future [42], it is anticipated that this will further facilitate the process of migrant citizenization, which is a pivotal factor for the sustainable development of a city. ...
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