Fig 4 - uploaded by Ádám Tóth
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Response parameters in model settings of 4.a, 2.a, 4.b, 4.c, 4.d, 4.e, 4.f, 4.g and 4.h. a) Maximum outflowing water temperature, b) area of the thermal water reservoir (T > 30 • C) in proportion to the whole model domain and average water temperature, c) Péclet number plotted against horizontal hydraulic conductivity and d) location and horizontal extent of thermal water (T > 30 • C) discharge. Scenarios with recharge>1 m/yr are indicated by grey colour.

Response parameters in model settings of 4.a, 2.a, 4.b, 4.c, 4.d, 4.e, 4.f, 4.g and 4.h. a) Maximum outflowing water temperature, b) area of the thermal water reservoir (T > 30 • C) in proportion to the whole model domain and average water temperature, c) Péclet number plotted against horizontal hydraulic conductivity and d) location and horizontal extent of thermal water (T > 30 • C) discharge. Scenarios with recharge>1 m/yr are indicated by grey colour.

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Extensional domain type geothermal plays, as fertile targets for future resource development, consist of an orogen and an adjoining sedimentary basin of asymmetric physiographic and geologic setting. Preliminary geothermal potential, i.e. prospective geothermal regions, basin-scale flow patterns, heat transfer processes, temperature distribution an...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... portrayed very similar curves. The maximum temperature of discharging water (T max ) was not more than ~32 • C, except for one model geometry (4.g), where this value was a bit under 30 • C, i.e. without thermal water discharge. Water temperatures higher than 30 • C were mostly restricted to hydraulic conductivities of 2⋅10 6 to 5⋅10 5 m/s (Fig. 4.a). The portion of the thermal water reservoir (A% (T > 30 • C)) and average temperature (T av ) had the same plateau, starting at K = 2⋅10 8 m/s with values of ~79% of A% and ~ 58 • C of T av . There were only minor changes regarding A% and T av in the studied cases: their minima were ~ 4% and ~ 13 • C, respectively (Fig. 4.b). Minor ...
Context 2
... 2⋅10 6 to 5⋅10 5 m/s (Fig. 4.a). The portion of the thermal water reservoir (A% (T > 30 • C)) and average temperature (T av ) had the same plateau, starting at K = 2⋅10 8 m/s with values of ~79% of A% and ~ 58 • C of T av . There were only minor changes regarding A% and T av in the studied cases: their minima were ~ 4% and ~ 13 • C, respectively (Fig. 4.b). Minor differences could be observed in the values of Pe reflecting changes in the magnitude of groundwater flow due to water table variations: slightly higher Pe numbers were characteristic for cases (4.b, 4.e and 4.h) with higher water table maxima (1000 ft./304.8 m), i.e. groundwater flow was more intense. Otherwise, the critical ...
Context 3
... in the values of Pe reflecting changes in the magnitude of groundwater flow due to water table variations: slightly higher Pe numbers were characteristic for cases (4.b, 4.e and 4.h) with higher water table maxima (1000 ft./304.8 m), i.e. groundwater flow was more intense. Otherwise, the critical value of Pe = 1 was reached at K ≈ 5⋅10 8 m/s (Fig. 4.c). The location of thermal water discharge on the surface was controlled by the water table configuration. In cases (2.a and 4.d), where the regional slope was c' = 0.02 and the sine amplitude was a' ≈ 50 and 100 ft. (15.24 and 30.48 m), the thermal water discharged at the "regular" place of ~5800 m, i.e. at the discharge area of the ...
Context 4
... ~200 ft. (~60.96 m) (model 4.f), the location of discharge moved farther to ~8700 m because of local-scale variation of the water table and consequent shallow penetration depth of the flow paths. The width of the thermal water plume gradually decreased as the discharge location migrated along the x-axis and as the water table gradient decreased (Fig. ...

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... The elevation in the geothermal water discharge area may have exceeded the recharge elevation, leading to a phenomenon of "anti-gravity" in the study of the fault-controlled hydrothermal system in Kangding County (Wang et al., 2019). The water level in the discharge zone of geothermal water can be higher than the recharge level has also been confirmed in a modelling study of geothermal water transport in asymmetric basins (Tóth et al., 2020). The abnormal phenomenon that the water level in the discharge area is higher than that in the recharge area of the hydrothermal system indicates that, in addition to the gravity driving force, there is a new additional driving force that affects and even controls the discharge process of geothermal water. ...
... However, based on the numerical results, the water divides acted only as surface water/shallow groundwater divides because more regional conditions determine the deeper flow pattern. For that, a basin-scale evaluation is required, highlighting the importance of basin geometry and the asymmetry of driving forces [125]. ...
... The geothermal conditions could be more favourable (50-60 • C/km) around the foothills at the discharge zones and the occurrence of lukewarm springs [128][129][130]. The regions south of Lake Balaton (out of the current study area) could have higher geothermal potential [96,131] due to basin-scale hydrogeologic conditions [125]. ...
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... Goldscheider et al. (2010) published the first paper highlighting the significance of flow system approach in the understanding of the thermal water resources and related geochemical processes. However, the revealed discrepancy was only resolved by the conceptualization of Tóthian-type flow pattern for adjoint confined and unconfined basin-halves based on the joint interpretation of numerical flow and heat transport simulations (Fig. 1, Mádl-Szőnyi and Tóth 2015;Szijártó et al. 2019;Tóth et al. 2020). Based on these studies, we can identify those parts of the system where the carbonate rocks are unconfined or partially covered with siliciclastic sediments (i.e., semi-confined basin-half) and where intense meteoric water recharge takes place. ...
... Moreover, based on this concept, the potential locations of epigene and hypogene speleogenesis can be revealed. This geometry of two connected basin-halves of unconfined and confined carbonates, and the consequent heat distribution and flow pattern, the occurrence of springs and caves can be handled as a new adaptation of the Tóthian flow concept for carbonate sequences (Fig. 1, Tóth et al. 2020;Mádl-Szőnyi and Tóth 2015;Mádl-Szőnyi 2020). ...
... In this chapter, the remarkably diverse and rich literature of karst hydrogeology of Hungary was systematically introduced based on the regional groundwater flow concept adapted for adjoining confined and unconfined basin-halves of carbonate regions (Mádl-Szőnyi and Tóth 2015; Mádl-Szőnyi 2020; Tóth et al. 2020). Moving groundwater behaves as a geologic agent (Tóth 1999), therefore the discussed Hungarian karst systems and the consequent karst phenomena (springs, epigene, and hypogene caves) were interpreted as the manifestations of flowing groundwater. ...
The Hungarian karst regions with diverse geologic settings and hydrogeologic characteristics are presented and discussed in a basin-scale groundwater flow framework which is the adaptation of groundwater flow systems to carbonate regions and, thus, a novel approach in karst hydrogeology studies. Accordingly, a solid but comprehensive overview of the hydrogeologic environment (topography, climate, and geology), groundwater flow patterns and processes (flow systems and directions, hydrochemistry and temperature conditions), groundwater-related phenomena (springs and caves), and groundwater resources (direct and indirect use) is provided for the Aggtelek Karst, Bükk Mts., SW and NE Transdanubian Mts., Mecsek Mts., and Villány Mts. By the application of this concept, the asymmetric flow patterns, distribution of cold, lukewarm and thermal springs, heat accumulation and heat transport processes, mixing of meteoric and basinal and waters of local, intermediate and regional groundwater flow systems and potential locations of epigene and hypogene speleogenesis can be revealed and explained. The Hungarian karst areas reflect different properties but there are similarities regarding their hydrogeologic environment and flow systems, as well. Therefore, the local-scale karst features and peculiarities fit into a bigger, i.e., basin-scale, picture which can provide a sound base for regional hydrogeologic characterization of karstic carbonate areas.
... Geothermics is considered a promising field and continues to garner more research interest. Geothermics spans multiple sub-disciplines, namely, geology (Ngansom et al., 2019;Millett et al., 2020;Šafanda et al., 2020), tectonics (Carlino, 2018;Chicco et al., 2019;Hacıoğlu et al., 2020;Tzanis et al., 2020), geophysics Mazzoldi et al., 2020;Trainor-Guitton, 2020), and hydrogeology (Yurteri and Simsek, 2017;Maya et al., 2018;Tóth et al., 2020;Torresan et al., 2020). Scholars have explored and estimated the reserves of geothermal energy. ...
... The second quadrant is "geothermal water" and "enhanced geothermal system" enhanced geothermal systems. Both are widely distributed and have great resource potential and good application prospects (Agemar et al., 2014;Ma et al., 2017;Yurteri and Simsek, 2017;Lu, 2018;Catalan et al., 2019;Torresan et al., 2020;Tóth et al., 2020). However, they may not be well-developed due to scientific and technological limitations. ...
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Geothermal energy is considered a renewable, clean, and environmentally friendly energy source. In addition, it is efficient and relatively cost effective. Therefore, the demand for the development and utilization of geothermal resources is increasing annually. To understand the current status and developments within the context of geothermal research, quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out by combining two visualization software applications, namely, VOSviewer and CiteSpace; this analysis also entailed the secondary development of R language. The results showed that the USA, China, and Germany are the main contributors to geothermal research. We also found that geothermal research hot spots encompass five geothermal research clusters, such as renewable energy utilization, heat flow, numerical simulation, geochemistry, and groundwater. In addition, the strategic diagram and thematic structure revealed how geothermal research has evolved over time. Finally, the timeline view and burst term highlight the possible frontiers of geothermal power generation, enhanced geothermal systems, and ecological environment protection. These insights will provide scholars and policymakers with a systematic understanding of the current research and directions for future studies.
... The results of the coupled flux and heat modeling analyses are consistent with previous studies in other areas of the world. Groundwater flow on the basin scale is controlled by numerous factors: the configuration of the water table [35][36][37][40][41][42], the effects of temperature on fluid density and viscosity in heterogeneous anisotropic media [37,43], the effect of hydraulic conductivity contrasts and temperature boundaries [44], the three-dimensional flow field with the variations and areal distribution of heat affected by relief on the water table and permeability variations [37,45], advective heat transfer [29,30,42,45,46], temperature distributions for paleoflow systems [47,48], the modeling of heat as a groundwater tracer [49] and of large-scale flow [38], and the significance of basin asymmetry and geothermal assessments [36][37]50], among many others. ...
... The results of the coupled flux and heat modeling analyses are consistent with previous studies in other areas of the world. Groundwater flow on the basin scale is controlled by numerous factors: the configuration of the water table [35][36][37][40][41][42], the effects of temperature on fluid density and viscosity in heterogeneous anisotropic media [37,43], the effect of hydraulic conductivity contrasts and temperature boundaries [44], the three-dimensional flow field with the variations and areal distribution of heat affected by relief on the water table and permeability variations [37,45], advective heat transfer [29,30,42,45,46], temperature distributions for paleoflow systems [47,48], the modeling of heat as a groundwater tracer [49] and of large-scale flow [38], and the significance of basin asymmetry and geothermal assessments [36,37,50], among many others. ...
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The Independence Basin is located in a semi-arid region of Mexico, delimited predominantly by volcanic mountains. Around 30 m3/s of water are extracted from regional aquifers mainly for agro-export activities, causing declines in the water table of up to 10 m/a, increased temperature and dissolved elements that are harmful to health and the environment. Regional groundwater coupled flow and heat transport under current conditions were studied on a basin-wide scale (7000 km2) using a three-dimensional finite-element model under steady-state conditions to provide support for water management decisions and transient modeling. Isothermal, forced and free thermal convection under existing hydrological conditions prior to pumping are analyzed. The results show that the interaction of topography-driven groundwater flow and buoyancy-driven free thermal convection are consistent with historical hydrological records, the characteristics of the water table, and thermal anomalies observed in the basin. The simulated groundwater recharge is near 7 ± 0.25 m3/s, a balance broken since the 1980s by extensive pumping. The results show the importance of considering the groundwater temperature, its transient response in the evolution of groundwater extraction, and the upward migration of a thermal front through the fractured aquifer that has increased risks for health and sustainability.
... Numerical flow modeling of steady-state and transient groundwater flow pathways and intensities provides the base for transport modeling of mass (conservative or reactive) and heat, and paleo flow system modeling. (ENeRAG examples for application:[24,25,[36][37][38][39].) (3) Mass or contaminant transport simulations can be used for instance in groundwater vulnerability assessment and Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) evaluation, whilst heat transport simulations can be applied for instance in geothermal (groundwater and bedrock) energy utilization.(ENeRAG examples for application:[25,36,[40][41][42][43].) (4) Paleo flow system modeling requires preliminary geodynamic and structural modeling, then complemented with mineralogical and lithogeochemical studies it can be used for target generation in mineral exploration (ENeRAG examples for application:[44,45].) (5) Use of stable, radioactive and radiogenic isotopes as environmental tracers, as well as stochastic and spatial statistical modeling can significantly improve the modeling results, such as groundwater vulnerability and mineral potential evaluation.(ENeRAG ...
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The ‘Dynamic System Approach for Geofluids and their Resources’ was developed to harmonize research and the sustainable exploration of geofluids (e.g., groundwater, geothermal and hydrothermal fluids) and the related geo-resources (groundwater, geothermal energy and hydrothermal minerals). The conception is based on the basin-scale groundwater flow systems, which behave as a geologic agent, mobilize, transport and deposit matter and heat, whilst it can be evaluated quantitatively and in a distributed manner. Evaluation of these systems combined, for instance, with numerical, stochastic and isotope methods can jointly manage all types of geofluids, the related resources and the environmental consequences of their exploration and utilization. This paper describes the fundamental concepts of the approach and displays the proposed workflow and guidelines for practical applications such as groundwater vulnerability assessment, managed aquifer recharge, geothermal energy utilization, and the evaluation of hydrothermal mineral potential.