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Relative frequency (in %) of agreement of diagnoses by the original KW method for the Kenworthy range using the general norms (G) with the norms per cultivation system: full sun (FS) and shading (S), Southern Bahia, Brazil, 2019

Relative frequency (in %) of agreement of diagnoses by the original KW method for the Kenworthy range using the general norms (G) with the norms per cultivation system: full sun (FS) and shading (S), Southern Bahia, Brazil, 2019

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Aim of study: The interpretation of results of leaf analysis can be performed by nutritional balance methods, such as Kenworthy method (KW) and diagnostic levels of contents, whose achievements for cacao constitute the main objective of this work. Area of study: Bahia, Brazil. Material and methods: The database covered cacao trees in two cultivat...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... to the agreement of the norms, there was also high agreement in the nutritional diagnosis by the original KW method, comparing the use of general norms and norms by cultivation system, with the average diagnostic agreement of 94.1% for cacao trees grown in full sun and 87.9% for shaded cacao trees ( Table 2). The diagnoses obtained in the Kenworthy diagnostic ranges did not occur due to chance, as indicated by the chi-square test (p < 0.01). ...
Context 2
... the differences pointed out between cacao trees nutrition with and without shading, for K, N, P, and S, there was a high agreement of the KW norms (mean and variance) for most nutrients between the two cultivation systems (Table 1) and of nutritional diagnoses ( Table 2), when general norms are compared with specific ones according to the cultivation system. This corroborates with Dias et al. (2010), who recommend the use of general norms for cupuaçu. ...

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... Nutrition studies in fruit trees vary, as different indices have been used. IBK has been used in cocoa (Theobroma cacao) (Bahia et al., 2021) and avocado (Persea americana cv. Hass) (Maldonado-Torres et al., 2007). ...
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... Tais resultados apontam a importância do acompanhamento do estado nutricional dessa planta. Os níveis críticos para o cacaueiro foram determinados por Bahia et al. (2021) A faixa de suficiência (FS) é um método de interpretação do estado nutricional das plantas baseado na norma de uma população de elevada produtividade, calculada pela média das concentrações dos nutrientes, do somatório e da subtração do desvio-padrão (DP), sendo este multiplicado pelo fator k relacionado ao coeficiente de variação . Quando as concentrações foliares dos nutrientes da lavoura a ser avaliada estão dentro da FS, considera-se que as plantas estão bem-nutridas. ...
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... From the point of view of agroecosystems sustainability, knowledge about the multiple relations between mineral nutrients in the soil-plant system and production components is one of the frontiers of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) science. Studies carried out in the cacao region of Bahia, Brazil, showed that crop yield, bio-concentration in plant tissues and other interactions between mineral nutrients in the soil-plant system depend on factors such as clonal variety (genotype), soil type, cropping system type, and agricultural input management (Araujo et al. 2017Bahia et al. 2021;. However, none of these studies has shown a systemic and simultaneous approach to nutritional diagnostic based on the analysis of mineral nutrients in the soil and cacao leaves. ...
... Recent evidence on mineral nutrition of cacao trees in Southeast Bahia region comes from exploratory and inferential studies, or the combination of different data analysis techniques: mineral nutrients in cacao beans in different soils and cropping conditions (Araujo et al. 2017); partition of mineral nutrients in cacao (leaf, husk, cotyledons, tegument, pulp) in different climatic conditions (Bahia et al. 2021); correlations between yield and mineral nutrients in leaves, and mineral nutrient ratios ; correlations between dry biomass of pod husk and cacao beans, and soil, leaves, and beans mineral nutrients ; yield response as functions of leaf mineral nutrients in different crop conditions (Bahia et al. 2021). In these studies, the experimental or non-experimental designs for data collection and analysis are highly variable. ...
... Recent evidence on mineral nutrition of cacao trees in Southeast Bahia region comes from exploratory and inferential studies, or the combination of different data analysis techniques: mineral nutrients in cacao beans in different soils and cropping conditions (Araujo et al. 2017); partition of mineral nutrients in cacao (leaf, husk, cotyledons, tegument, pulp) in different climatic conditions (Bahia et al. 2021); correlations between yield and mineral nutrients in leaves, and mineral nutrient ratios ; correlations between dry biomass of pod husk and cacao beans, and soil, leaves, and beans mineral nutrients ; yield response as functions of leaf mineral nutrients in different crop conditions (Bahia et al. 2021). In these studies, the experimental or non-experimental designs for data collection and analysis are highly variable. ...
Nutritional diagnostic ranges (NDRs) for soil mineral nutrients (SMNs) and leaf mineral nutrients (LMNs) were obtained from the response of the relative dry biomass of cacao beans (rDBCB) and the relative dry biomass of cacao pod husk (rDBCH). Using an exploratory approach, the sample matching levels of the NDRs were determined to discriminate the results of the soil and leaf nutritional diagnostics. These objectives have been achieved from two methodological processes: a new approach to the boundary line technique where the two-dimensional graph is divided into class intervals based on the predictor variables to then establish the NDR from second degree polynomial regressions, and the development of a classification system for soil and leaf samples by NDR to later verify the corresponding matching levels. This new graphical analysis approach has also allowed us to observe how the SMNs and LMNs present different diagnostic profiles for the prediction of rDBCB and rDBCH responses. The leaf nitrogen (N), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and manganese (Mn) concentrations showed an NDR matching level above 80% as predictors of rDBCB and rDBCH responses. Leaf calcium (Ca) concentration showed a level between 60% and 80%. Soil phosphorus (P) concentration showed more than 80% of the sample matching level classified by NDR, followed by the concentrations of K, Ca, and zinc (Zn) in the soil that showed a level of coincidence between 60% and 80%. The lack of uniformity in the genetic potential of cacao production and management has produced differences between predictions.
... Based on Table 1, it is known that cocoa plantations with high disease severity (85-95%) have lower levels of N, P and K than plantations with mild disease severity (1 .2 5 -5.63%). The nutrient status of the cocoa was determined based on the criteria proposed by Bahia et al. (2021). According to these criteria, 73.33% of cocoa leaf samples contained nitrogen within the normal to excessive category, phosphorus: 46.67% are normal, potassium were deficient in 93.33%, calcium nutrient is categorized as normal in 73.33% of samples. ...
Background: Vascular streak dieback (VSD) is an important disease in cocoa and a decrease in nutrient supply is indicated to increase the severity of this disease. This study aimed to analyze the direct and indirect effects of nutrients that play a role in protecting cocoa plants from VSD. Methods: The research location was selected based on criteria such as being a smallholder cocoa plantation area, having 5-10-year-old plants and the presence of VSD disease. A sampling technique for observing disease severity was systematically conducted, with the main sample being farmers’ plantations. Cocoa leaf samples were taken from branches at one-third of the plant height, specifically from the upper canopy (leaves 3-4), which were physiologically mature, healthy and dark green. The variables observed were disease severity and cocoa leaf nutrient contents. The influence of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, B, Cu and Zn on VSD severity was analyzed using path analysis. Result: The results showed that disease severity was related to nutrient content in the leaves. The cocoa leaf nutrients that have a direct influence on the increase in VSD disease severity are K, Ca, Mn and Cu, while nutrients N, P, Mg, Fe, B and Zn have a direct influence on reducing VSD disease severity. Nutrients N and P have a significant direct influence, whereas nutrient K has a significant indirect influence through its interaction with nutrients N and P in reducing VSD disease severity.
... Otherwise, the soil K, Ca, and Mg contents on ring budding and side grafting were categorized as very high. It is important to highlight that the K + , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ ions present competitive inhibition in the absorption process, that is, they compete for the same root absorption site, consequently the greater presence of one inhibits the absorption of the other (Bahia et al., 2021). ...
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Cocoa ( Theobroma cacao L.) is one of Indonesia’s leading and important export commodities. The cocoa plant rejuvenation techniques aim to increase cocoa production and quality. Ring budding and side grafting can rejuvenate old and unproductive cocoa plants. Therefore, this research was conducted with objectives: 1) to record macronutrient contents, yield components and yields of three cocoa clones, KKM 22, RCC 70 and RCC 71, rejuvenated with ring budding and side grafting, 2) to determine the best techniques in rejuvenation program for old cocoa stand based on nutrient contents, yield components, and yields indicators of three cocoa clones. This research was carried out from November 2020 to January 2021 at Cocoa Plantation, North Segayung Production Unit, Pagilaran Company. The results showed that ring-budded plants had the highest N nutrients content in leaves, stem organic-C production capacity, pods number per stand per year, dry weight bean per stand per year and dry weight bean per hectare per year, which was significantly better than side grafted plants. The macronutrient of total parts (leaves, stem, and root) trend was leaves > stem > root. The trend of macronutrients in cocoa were organic-C > N > Ca > K > Mg > P. Based on the macronutrient content of cocoa tissue, KKM 22 have a higher content of organic-C, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg compared to RCC 71 and RCC 70. The budding ring technique was the best in the rejuvenation program for old cocoa stands based on nutrient contents, yield components, and yield indicators of three cocoa clones.
... Among the worldwide methods for obtaining reference values of nutrients, critical levels (CL) and sufficiency ranges (SR) (Ulrich and Hills, 1967) have been widely adopted (García-Escudero et al., 2013;Melo et al., 2018;Rozane et al., 2020). CL and SR have recently been obtained for fruit tree species using boundary regression (Almeida et al., 2016;Ali, 2018;Bahia et al., 2021). Using boundary regression under the Bayesian approach allows for exploring probabilistic universes with greater accuracy (Corassa et al., 2018;Ciampitti et al., 2021). ...
... Due to the current lack of information, the official recommendation includes many different fruit species in the same group of nutritional requirements (CQFS-RS/SC, 2016). Therefore, the P fertilizer rates might be insufficient for some of these species, which prevents plants from expressing their maximum productive potential (Almeida et al., 2016;Ali, 2018;Schmitt et al., 2020;Bahia et al., 2021). In other situations, these 'universal' recommendations can exceed plant needs, representing an environmental risk of P contamination (Schmitt et al., 2013;Han et al., 2021). ...
In South Brazil, grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) have been grown in acid sandy soils, increasing phosphorus (P) need for fertilization. However, current fertilizer guidelines for growers are based on Vitis labrusca grown in clay soils. Therefore, there is a clear need to provide new recommendations on fertilization in vineyards. This study aimed to: (i) establish critical levels (CL) for P in the soil and grape leaves at flowering and veraison growth stages; and (ii) propose P maximum technical efficiency (MTE) rates for white and red grapevines grown in sandy soils based on a Bayesian approach. The study was carried out in sandy soil in South Brazil, with six P fertilization rates (0, 10, 20, 40, 60, and 100 kg P 2 O 5 ha − 1) applied annually from 2011 to 2015. Grape yield, P concentration in both soil and leaves (at flowering and veraison), and grape composition were measured during three growing seasons (2016, 2017, and 2018). The CL of P in the soil was 37 mg dm − 3. This study is the first to propose CL for grapevine leaves at flowering (1.63 g kg − 1) and at veraison for white (1.12 g kg − 1) and red (1.38 g kg − 1) grapevine cultivars in Brazil. Lastly, we proposed MTE rates for 'Chardonnay' (42 kg P 2 O 5 ha − 1) and 'Pinot Noir' (66 kg P 2 O 5 ha − 1). This new information provides foundational knowledge to reduce the rate of P fertilization up to 60 % for 'Chardonnay' vineyards. The utilization of this Bayesian approach has relevant implications for defining the optimal P management to be applied to vineyards around the globe.