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Real-time operating system (RTOS) architecture.

Real-time operating system (RTOS) architecture.

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IoT-based applications operate in a client–server architecture, which requires a specific communication protocol. This protocol is used to establish the client–server communication model, allowing all clients of the system to perform specific tasks through internet communications. Many data communication protocols for the Internet of Things are use...

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... Specifically, when a client publishes a message on a given topic, the broker ensures this message reaches all clients subscribed to that specific topic. The multi-topic subscription capability of MQTT [54] provides clients with the advantage of receiving messages from diverse sources, enhancing the scope and ...
... Specifically, when a client publishes a message on a given topic, the broker ensures this message reaches all clients subscribed to that specific topic. The multi-topic subscription capability of MQTT [54] provides clients with the advantage of receiving messages from diverse sources, enhancing the scope and versatility of information dissemination within the context of V2I. Refer to Figure 4 for MQTT architecture. ...
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Networking protocols have undergone significant developments and adaptations to cater for unique communication needs within the IoT paradigm. However, meeting these requirements in the context of vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications becomes a multidimensional problem due to factors like high mobility, intermittent connectivity, rapidly changing topologies, and an increased number of nodes. Thus, examining these protocols based on their characteristics and comparative analyses from the literature has shown that there is still room for improvement, particularly in ensuring efficiency in V2I interactions. This study aims to investigate the most viable network protocols for V2I communications, focusing on ensuring data quality (DQ) across the first three layers of the IoT protocol stack. This presents an improved understanding of the performance of network protocols in V2I communication. The findings of this paper showed that although each protocol offers unique strengths when evaluated against the identified dimensions of DQ, a cross-layer protocol fusion may be necessary to meet specific DQ dimensions. With the complexities and specific demands of V2I communications, it’s clear that no single protocol from our tri-layered perspective can solely fulfil all IP-based communication requirements given that the V2I communication landscape is teeming with heterogeneity, where a mixture of protocols is required to address unique communication demands.
... It is the pub/sub protocol that outperforms traditional communication protocols such as HTTP as a very known client/server architecture. The preference of MQTT comparing to other protocols came from its low overhead in terms of packet size and transmission delay for real time applications as proven in [1]. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) era is mainly dependent on the word “Smart”, such as smart cities, smart homes, and smart cars. This aspect can be achieved through the merging of machine learning algorithms with IoT computing models. By adding the Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to IoT, the result is the Cognitive IoT (CIoT). In the automotive industry, many researchers worked on self-diagnosis systems using deep learning, but most of them performed this process on the cloud due to the hardware limitations of the end-devices, and the devices obtain the decision via the cloud servers. Others worked with simple traditional algorithms of machine learning to solve these limitations of the processing capabilities of the end-devices. In this paper, a self-diagnosis smart device is introduced with fast responses and little overhead using the Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP-NN) as a deep learning technique. The MLP-NN learning stage is performed using a Tensorflow framework to generate an MLP model’s parameters. Then, the MLP-NN model is implemented using these model’s parameters on a low cost end-device such as ARM Cortex-M Series architecture. After implementing the MLP-NN model, the IoT implementation is built to publish the decision results. With the proposed implemented method for the smart device, the output decision based on sensors values can be taken by the IoT node itself without returning to the cloud. For comparison, another solution is proposed for the cloud-based architecture, where the MLP-NN model is implemented on Cloud. The results clarify a successful implemented MLP-NN model for little capabilities end-devices, where the smart device solution has a lower traffic and latency than the cloud-based solution.
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Recently, most outdoor localizations use a hybrid mechanism that integrating some IoT devices occupying with GPS (Anchor Nodes) and other wireless sensor nodes like LoRaWAN (without GPS-Unknown node). This hybrid method employed to achieve low power consumption and low cost solution. Our proposed framework focuses on determining the Mobile Anchor node locations with high accuracy to enhance the overall accuracy of all IoT nodes. To achieve this goal, the installation of low power consummations and low-cost localization sensors modules will be used in the proposed Anchor IoT node. These modules are the inertial measuring unit (IMU) and the low cost Global Positioning System (GPS). Then, this method will be implemented on AVR microcontroller (ATMega 128) to develop an IoT enhanced localization unit. The achieved results for our proposal show how the IoT device's state can be known accurately and at a high update rate (100 Hz, 10 milliseconds).
Описывается устройство, осуществляющее передачу данных и обработку команд попротоколу MQTT в сети Интернет. Изготовлена небольшая партия для оценки работо-способности в реальной практике. Программное обеспечение для микроконтроллера напи-сано на языке Си с применением операционной системы реального времени (ОСРВ), позво-ляющей упорядочить разработку программного обеспечения за счет псевдопараллельногоисполнения кода, механизмов синхронизации задач (семафоров, мьютексов), механизмаочередей. В работе представлен пример алгоритма взаимодействия задач FreeRTOS: зада-чи ожидания команды от сервера, задачи измерения температуры, основного потока, вы-полняющего пересылку сообщения на сервер в ответ на появление строки в очереди сооб-щений. Ядро разрабатываемого MQTT-клиента составляют микроконтроллер STM32 иGSM/GPRS-модуль SIM800. На устройстве выведено большое число интерфейсов, что по-зволяет подключать самую разнообразную периферию (датчики температуры, влажно-сти, давления, сервоприводы и т.д). Устройство способно самостоятельно восстанавли-вать подключение к сети в случае его обрыва. Используется собственная реализация про-токола MQTT версии 3.1 QoS 0 в программном обеспечении управляющего микроконтрол-лера. Сообщения MQTT передаются в рамках TCP-подключения, устанавливаемого средст-вами GSM-модуля. Управляющий микроконтроллер общается с GSM-модулем посредствомAT-команд. Реализована возможность двустороннего обмена сообщениями в реальномвремени, что позволяет использовать разработанную микропроцессорную систему как врежиме автономного управляющего устройства, так и в интерактивном режиме выпол-нения команд, поступающих по беспроводной сети, и отправки статусов исполнения этихкоманд. Главной особенностью MQTT-клиента является возможность удаленного обнов-ления программного обеспечения микроконтроллера (OTA), реализованное с использованиемвспомогательного микроконтроллера и микросхемы flash-памяти. Разработанный MQTT-клиент предназначен для использования в качестве основы микропроцессорных систем –клиентов Интернета вещей.Интернет вещей; программно
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In the 21st century, society has been undergoing a technology-driven transformation which heralds a new revolution that has potential to strengthen the position of an individual and community but may also lead to the marginalization of certain groups. The Internet of Things takes advantage of the technology’s potential to improve digital competencies and the quality of life in society. The purpose of this paper is to obtain information about the digital competencies and needs of contemporary seniors and pre-senior age people, as well as socially sensitive groups from Poland’s rural areas. To strength the level of internet infrastructure in rural areas, power line communication (PLC) systems that utilize high-voltage line(s) between transformer substations are presented as a cost-effective communication tool. PowerLink IP has made PLC systems today more attractive and efficient than ever before. Based on nation-wide representative surveys conducted in deliberately selected groups, we collected information on digital competencies and formulated recommendations pertaining to the structure and contents of an innovative internet portal as regards offering, sharing, and the availability of commercial and social services targeted at seniors and other dependent groups. The recommended portal combines the needs of target groups with interests of entrepreneurs, self-government authorities, and NGOs.
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With the emergence of distributed energy resources (DERs), with their associated communication and control complexities, there is a need for an efficient platform that can digest all the incoming data and ensure the reliable operation of the power system. The digital twin (DT) is a new concept that can unleash tremendous opportunities and can be used at the different control and security levels of power systems. This paper provides a methodology for the modelling of the implementation of energy cyber-physical systems (ECPSs) that can be used for multiple applications. Two DT types are introduced to cover the high-bandwidth and the low-bandwidth applications that need centric oversight decision making. The concept of the digital twin is validated and tested using Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a cloud host that can incorporate physical and data models as well as being able to receive live measurements from the different actual power and control entities. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the real-time implementation of the DT for the ECPS based on internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing technologies. The normalized mean-square error for the low-bandwidth DT case was 3.7%. In the case of a high-bandwidth DT, the proposed method showed superior performance in reconstructing the voltage estimates, with 98.2% accuracy from only the controllers' states.