Rankings of municipal districts and city districts of Kaluga oblast based on the socio-economic

Rankings of municipal districts and city districts of Kaluga oblast based on the socio-economic

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Conference Paper
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The relevance of the study is determined by current trends in the development of world economy, Russian economy and the development issues in digital economy of federal subjects and municipal formations of Russia. It is challenging to assess the impact of digital environment on federal subjects and municipal formations and to make substantiated con...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... source of information for calculating the quantitative levels of socio-economic development sustainability of a municipal formation under modernization of the digital environment was the growth indices of the indicators presented in table 1. Table 1 The system of indicators of socio-economic development of the municipal formation in digital economy The table 2 shows the quantitative levels of socioeconomic development sustainability of municipal districts, city districts and Kaluga Oblast for 2016-2017 compared to 2015, and the rankings obtained on the basis of the above-mentioned levels. The quantitative level varies from 0 to 1. ...
Context 2
... source of information for calculating the quantitative levels of socio-economic development sustainability of a municipal formation under modernization of the digital environment was the growth indices of the indicators presented in table 1. Table 1 The system of indicators of socio-economic development of the municipal formation in digital economy The table 2 shows the quantitative levels of socioeconomic development sustainability of municipal districts, city districts and Kaluga Oblast for 2016-2017 compared to 2015, and the rankings obtained on the basis of the above-mentioned levels. The quantitative level varies from 0 to 1. ...

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