FIG 8 - uploaded by Ali Kashefi
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R 2 scores obtained (a) with the ReLU activation function [see Eq. (7)] in the last layer of the point-cloud neural network and (b) without using the input and feature transforms in the neural network architecture (see Fig. 4).

R 2 scores obtained (a) with the ReLU activation function [see Eq. (7)] in the last layer of the point-cloud neural network and (b) without using the input and feature transforms in the neural network architecture (see Fig. 4).

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We propose a novel deep learning framework for predicting the permeability of porous media from their digital images. Unlike convolutional neural networks, instead of feeding the whole image volume as inputs to the network, we model the boundary between solid matrix and pore spaces as point clouds and feed them as inputs to a neural network based o...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... to keep the permeability in the physical domain and use the ReLU activation function [see Eq. (7)] in the last layer. This option has been used by several researchers such as Hong and Liu 11 and Tembely et al. 14 We implement the latter option to compare these two strategies. The outcome of using the ReLU function [see Eq. (7)] is illustrated in Fig. 8(a). A comparison between Figs. 8(a) and 6(a) indicates a higher R 2 score for our current approach (i.e., using the sigmoid activation function). Note that the scatter in Figs. 6 and 8 is quantified by the R 2 ...
Context 2
... answer this question, we remove the input and feature transform blocks from the point-cloud neural network (see Fig. 4) to investigate its usefulness. Figure 8(b) shows the R 2 plot as a consequence of this modification. As can be observed in Fig. 8(b), the R 2 score is reduced to 0.915 27. ...
Context 3
... second contribution of the transforms to the computer vision application improves our results as well. To answer this question, we remove the input and feature transform blocks from the point-cloud neural network (see Fig. 4) to investigate its usefulness. Figure 8(b) shows the R 2 plot as a consequence of this modification. As can be observed in Fig. 8(b), the R 2 score is reduced to 0.915 27. Hence, we conclude that the existence of these two transforms increases the network ability for ...

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... This requirement for extensive Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) memory not only demands resources but also affects training accuracy by constraining the batch size, a critical parameter for model optimization [25][26][27]. To address some of these limitations, PointNet architectures were introduced, which represent the microstructures with a point cloud to predict the permeability of porous media [28]. Despite its more economic use of GPU memory compared to CNNs, PointNet also has its limitations. ...
This study presents a Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)-based approach for predicting the effective elastic moduli of rocks from their digital CT-scan images. We use the Mapper algorithm to transform 3D digital rock images into graph datasets, encapsulating essential geometrical information. These graphs, after training, prove effective in predicting elastic moduli. Our GNN model shows robust predictive capabilities across various graph sizes derived from various subcube dimensions. Not only does it perform well on the test dataset, but it also maintains high prediction accuracy for unseen rocks and unexplored subcube sizes. Comparative analysis with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) reveals the superior performance of GNNs in predicting unseen rock properties. Moreover, the graph representation of microstructures significantly reduces GPU memory requirements (compared to the grid representation for CNNs), enabling greater flexibility in the batch size selection. This work demonstrates the potential of GNN models in enhancing the prediction accuracy of rock properties and boosting the efficiency of digital rock analysis.
... 11 Additionally, the inherent susceptibility of soil structure to changes makes it challenging to obtain complete soil samples for permeability studies. 12 Consequently, some scholars aim to clarify the percolation mechanism 13 and establish the relationship between pore characteristics and permeability through theoretical analysis, 14 experiments, 15 simulation, 16 and artificial intelligence, 3,17 to facilitate the engineering practice. ...
The fluid transport in porous media is a critical property for oil and gas exploitation, construction engineering, and environmental protection. It is profoundly influenced by pore geometry and mineral properties. Currently, the Kozeny–Carman equation serves as the permeability prediction equation for porous media, established on the circular pores model. However, it fails to fully account for the impact of pore shape and mineral properties of the soil, leading to significant deviations between predicted and measured soil permeability results. In this paper, based on scanning electron microscope image and mercury intrusion porosimetry, the pores were divided into circular pores and narrow slit pores according to the ratios of pore area and circumference. Then, the quantitative expression of the two types of pores and their connectivity and tortuosity were given, and the circular and narrow slit composite pore model was used to describe the soil pore. Subsequently, the electrostatic potential of pore water was calculated by the Poisson–Boltzmann equation to consider the adsorption effect of minerals on pore water. Combined with the Navier–Stokes equation, the permeability prediction equation considering pore geometry, pore connectivity, and tortuosity and mineral properties was established. Finally, the experimental results illustrated that the theoretical prediction results were in good agreement with the experimental results. The proposed permeability prediction equation proves valuable for assessing and predicting the fluid transport in porous media.
... This requirement for extensive Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) memory not only demands resources but also affects training accuracy by constraining the batch size, a critical parameter for model optimization (Smith et al., 2017;He et al., 2019;Kandel and Castelli, 2020). To address some of these limitations, PointNet architectures were introduced, which represent the microstructures with a point cloud to predict the permeability of porous media (Kashefi and Mukerji, 2021). Despite its more economic use of GPU memory compared to CNNs, PointNet also has its limitations. ...
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This study presents a Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)-based approach for predicting the effective elastic moduli of rocks from their digital CT-scan images. We use the Mapper algorithm to transform 3D digital rock images into graph datasets, encapsulating essential geometrical information. These graphs, after training, prove effective in predicting elastic moduli. Our GNN model shows robust predictive capabilities across various graph sizes derived from various sub-cube dimensions. Not only does it perform well on the test dataset, but it also maintains high prediction accuracy for unseen rocks and unexplored subcube sizes. Comparative analysis with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) reveals the superior performance of GNNs in predicting unseen rock properties. Moreover, the graph representation of microstructures significantly reduces GPU memory requirements (compared to the grid representation for CNNs), enabling greater flexibility in the batch size selection. This work demonstrates the potential of GNN models in enhancing the prediction accuracy of rock properties and boosting the efficiency of digital rock analysis.
... Different from the digital models directly built by computer aided design (CAD) software, the raw geometric information of the heterogeneous geometries, which exist in natural structures including porous rock and soil, or the artificial structure including alloy material and concrete material, is obtained by camera such as CT scanner [5,6]. These digital models have voxel-based irregular shape (named as VI-shape for brevity) rather than the smooth shape analytically described by non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) function, leading to specific requirements for numerical methods to handle the voxel-based irregular structures [7][8][9]. ...
... Machine learning (ML), especially neural network (NN), has emerged as powerful computing algorithms that have gained widespread adoption in the engineering field in recent years [19][20][21][22], including properties prediction [9,23,24], data recovery [25][26][27], structure optimization [28][29][30], constitutive substitution model [31,32] and partial differential equations (PDEs) solver [33][34][35][36], etc. ML methods open up new possibilities for FEM to handle VI-shape, and existing ML-enhanced FEM methods [8,[37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45] provide inspiration for the establishment of finite elements with interpolation functions capable for VI-shape. One of the recent representative works is the multiscale model proposed by Yin et al. [41]. ...
... It captures the spatial distributions and properties of point clouds by applying a series of symmetric functions, and has been widely used in tasks such as object classification (Qi et al., 2017) and recognition (Wu et al., 2020) in three dimensional (3D) datasets. With respect to pore-scale modelling, a PointNetbased approach has been proposed to predict porous media properties from point cloud representations of porous media (Kashefi and Mukerji, 2021). In this approach, the authors extracted the point cloud coordinates of the rock surface from binary images and used them to train the PointNet architecture to regress the permeability of the input point clouds. ...
... We adopted the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014) and set the learning rate to 0.1, 0.05, and 0.025 times the initial learning rate when the epoch was 30, 60, and 90, respectively. In neural networks, the hyperparameter batch size is limited by GPU memory and thus affects their performance (Kandel and Castelli, 2020;Kashefi and Mukerji, 2021;Keskar et al., 2016). We set the batch size to 8, 16, 32, and 64 while keeping the rest of the hyperparameters unchanged to observe the effect of batch size on the performance of the two models for predicting the permeability of 3D porous media. ...
... We evaluated the performance of the models on the validation subset and the testing set by the coefficient of determination R 2 , the RMSE, and the median absolute relative error (MedARE), measures that are widely used in predicting the permeability of porous media (Elmorsy et al., 2022;Kashefi and Mukerji, 2021;Tang et al., 2022). The evaluation functions can be stated by the following expressions: ...
The direct acquisition of the permeability of porous media by digital images helps to enhance our understanding of and facilitate research into the problem of subsurface flow. A complex pore space makes the numerical simulation methods used to calculate the permeability quite time-consuming. Deep learning models represented by three-dimensional convolutional neural networks (3D CNNs), as a promising approach to improving efficiency, have made significant advances concerning predicting the permeability of porous media. However, 3D CNNs require significant computational resources due to their extensive parameters, which limit studies to small-sized porous media, and their generalization capabilities are insufficiently explored. To address these challenges, we propose a novel CNN-Transformer hybrid neural network, merging a 2D CNN with a self-attention mechanism. Additionally, we incorporate physical information into digital images, constructing a PhyCNN-Transformer model to reflect the impact of physical properties on permeability prediction. In terms of dataset preparation, we employ the publicly available DeePore porous media dataset with sample size of 2563 cubic voxels and labeled permeability calculated by pore network modelling (PNM). We compare the two transformer-based models with a 3D CNN in terms of parameter number, training efficiency, prediction performance, and generalization, and the results show significant improvement. By employing transfer learning, the well-trained transformer-based models proved capable of adapting to porous media with different sizes (achieving an R2 score of 0.9563 with 300 training samples), while the 3D CNN lacks this transferability.