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Proposed model for SBE

Proposed model for SBE

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Purpose This paper aims to develop an integrative framework based on a convergence of embodiment, ecological and phenomenological theoretical perspectives to explain the multiple processes involved in the consumers’ mining, processing and application of brand-related sensory data through a sensory brand experience (SBE). Design/methodology/approac...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... findings of both the in-depth interviews and the focus groups achieved the goal of this study by developing an integrative framework involving multi-processes to understand SBE mining, process and applied brand data in a brand setting from both managerial and customer perspectives, which added new insights to the existing literature ( Figure 1). ...
Context 2
... will be very happy to find that internet-famous food such as black milk tea shops or food stores in the mall, so that I will want to go there next time and it makes me feel that the mall has everything. (FG 1) Consumer-brand relationships. Customer satisfaction. ...
Context 3
... the ten aspects of the SBE construct (sensory impressions, caring, fun, comfortable, interesting, extraordinary, fun, innovative, pleasant and convenient) shown in Figure 1 provide the conceptual mechanism to depict SBE, which helps decision makers to measure the construct. This results imply that the consumer is an agent actively seeking sensorially gratifying, sensorially engaging and sensorially fulfilling experiences. ...

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IMPACT STATEMENT The study was on the buying behaviour of wealthy consumers in Zimbabwe, a country which has an unstable economy. The research was on how these wealthy consumers take into consideration the reputation of the luxury beauty product and the brand’s unique or differentiating features. The data for the research was collected from 200 ric...


... Researchers have delved into the psychological processes underpinning brand attachment formation, investigating factors such as self-identity, emotional bonding, nostalgia, and brand love (Li et al., 2019;Moussa, 2015;Moussa & Touzani, 2017;Shimul & Phau, 2023;Youn & Dodoo, 2021). Moreover, empirical studies have examined the role of various antecedents, such as brand personality (Malär et al., 2011), brand experiences (Zha et al., 2022), and self-congruity (Usakli et al., 2022), in shaping brand attachment (Aboulnasr & Tran 2019;Shimul & Phau, 2022). Several early investigations have laid the groundwork for subsequent studies and have contributed to our understanding of the intricacies of brand-consumer relationships (Fedorikhin et al., 2008;Park et al., 2006;Thomson et al., 2005). ...
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Customers tend to form strong bonds with the brands and attach firmly to them, which may eventually impact purchasing intentions and enhance customer loyalty. This study intends to investigate the intellectual structure and existing performance trends of the extant literature on brand attachment. We accomplish this goal by employing a bibliometric analytical toolbox and visualization tools: VOSviewer and Bibliometrix-R. The relevant data were retrieved from the two most prominent and most significant abstract and citation databases, that is, Scopus and Web of Science. This study examines the dataset from several as- pects. It identifies the most prominent authors, the most cited articles and the most relevant journals, hence deciphering the performance of the field. Then, a co-occurrence analysis was conducted, deciphering the field’s intellectual structure. Further, we mention significant implications for practitioners and managers interested in the topic. Finally, we orchestrate future research lines from two aspects, first delineated from recent works and from thematic clusters generated using co-occurrence analysis.
... Görme duyusunun algılanması 45 milisaniye sürmektedir (Öcel & Durak, 2023). Tüketicilerin davranışlarını etkilemek ve satın alma olasılığını arttırmak amacıyla kullanılan sosyal unsurlar görsel ipuçları olarak ifade edilmektedir (Zha, Foroudi, Melewar & Jin, 2021). Görsel uyarıcılar neredeyse tüm markalar tarafından kullanılan ve insanları etkisi altına alan bir durum sergilemektedir. ...
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Uluslararası ticaret, günümüz küresel ekonomisinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Uluslararası ticaret, ülkeler arasındaki ekonomik ilişkilerin canlanması, şirketlerin büyümesi ve dünya çapında refahın artması için hayati bir öneme sahiptir. Farklı ülkeler arasındaki ticaret süreci, farklı yasal, kültürel ve dil engelleriyle karşılaşabilir. Bu nedenle, uluslararası ticarette kullanılan belgeler, ihracat ve ithalat işlemlerinin düzenlenmesinde ve güvenli bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesinde kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Ancak, farklı ülkelerin yasal düzenlemeleri, gümrük prosedürleri ve ticaret alışkanlıkları gibi faktörler, uluslararası ticaretin düzenlenmesini ve gerçekleştirilmesini karmaşık hale getirebilir. Bu karmaşıklığın üstesinden gelmek ve ticaretin sorunsuz bir şekilde gerçekleşmesini sağlamak için çeşitli belgelere ihtiyaç duyulur. Uluslararası ticaret işlemlerinde, bankalar mal veya hizmetle doğrudan ilgilenmezler. Bunun yerine, mal veya hizmet için düzenlenmiş belgelere dayanarak işlem yaparlar ve bu belgeler hukuki sorumluluklarını belirler. Bu tür belgelere genel olarak ticaret belgeleri veya vesaik olarak adlandırılır. Ticaret belgeleri, ülkeden ülkeye ve üründen ürüne farklılık gösterebilir, ancak birçok standart belge kullanılmaktadır. Bu belgeler, Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) ve Uluslararası Ticaret Odası (ICC) gibi kuruluşlar tarafından standartlaştırılması için çalışmalar yürütülmektedir. Ticaret belgeleri arasında resmi belgeler, ticari belgeler, taşıma belgeleri, finansman belgeleri ve diğer belgeler bulunur. Resmi belgeler, ticaretin yasal ve düzenleyici yönlerini düzenlemek için kullanılır. Bu belgeler, gümrük işlemleri, ithalat ve ihracat düzenlemeleri, vergilendirme ve menşe belirlemesi gibi konuları kapsar. Ticarette yaygın olarak kullanılan resmi belgelerden biri, ticari faturadır. Ticari fatura, satıcı tarafından alıcıya gönderilen mal veya hizmetlerin ayrıntılarını içerir ve ticaret işleminin temel belgesidir. Diğer resmi belgeler arasında gümrük beyannamesi, menşe şahadetnamesi ve ithalat/ihracat lisansları bulunur. Ticari belgeler, ticari ilişkilerin ve taahhütlerin belirlenmesi için kullanılır. Bu belgeler, satıcı ve alıcı arasındaki anlaşmaları ve ödeme şartlarını düzenler. Ticari faturalar, satış sözleşmeleri, siparişler, proforma faturalar ve akreditifler gibi belgeler, taraflar arasında anlaşmaların yapıldığı ve taahhütlerin yerine getirildiği ticari belgelerdir. Taşıma belgeleri, malın güvenli ve hızlı bir şekilde taşınmasını sağlamak için kullanılır. Bu belgeler, malın nakliye aracına yüklenmesi, taşınması ve teslim edilmesi ile ilgili bilgileri içerir. Taşıma belgeleri arasında nakliye faturaları, taşıma emirleri, konşimento, hava manifestoları ve taşıma sigorta poliçeleri yer alır. Örneğin, denizyolu taşımacılığında kullanılan konşimento (Bill of Lading), taşınan malın sahipliğini, taşıma koşullarını ve sözleşme hükümlerini gösterir. Havayolu taşımacılığında ise havayolu taşıma irsaliyesi (Airway Bill) kullanılır. Karayolu taşımacılığında ise uluslararası karayolu taşıma irsaliyesi (CMR) önemli bir belgedir.Finansman belgeleri, ödeme işlemlerini ve finansal taahhütleri düzenlemek için kullanılır. Bu belgeler, alıcı ve satıcı arasındaki ödeme şartlarını ve finansman düzenlemelerini belirler. İthalat ve ihracat işlemlerinde kullanılan finansman belgeleri arasında akreditifler, teminat mektupları, banka ödeme emirleri ve ödeme belgeleri bulunur. Uluslararası ticarette kullanılan belgeler, taraflar arasındaki anlaşmaların yazılı bir şekilde kaydedilmesini, yasal uyumluluğun sağlanmasını ve ticaret işlemlerinin güvenli bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesini temin eder. Uluslararası ticarette kullanılan belgelerin türleri ve özelliklerinin ilgili taraflar tarafından iyi bilinmesi ve tanınması son derece önemlidir. Çünkü belgelerin sözleşme şartlarına uygun olarak düzenlenmediği durumlarda, bankalar rezerv (ödememe veya kabul etmeme kararı) uygulayabilir. Bu durum, bankalar ile müşterileri arasında anlaşmazlıklara ve potansiyel hukuki sorunlara yol açabilir (Babayiğit, 2010:200). Ayrıca, bu belgeler, ülkeler arasındaki ticaretin takibi, istatistiksel verilerin toplanması ve ekonomik politikaların oluşturulması için önemli veri kaynaklarıdır. Bu nedenle, uluslararası ticarette kullanılan belgelerin doğru ve eksiksiz bir şekilde hazırlanması, ticaret aşamalarının olumlu tamamlanması adına hayati öneme sahiptir. Uluslararası ticarette kullanılan belgeler, ihracat ve ithalat süreçlerinin düzenlenmesi, mal veya hizmetlerin taşınması ve gümrük işlemlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi için vazgeçilmez araçlardır. Bu belgelerin doğru ve düzenli bir şekilde kullanılması, ticaretin sorunsuz bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesini sağlar ve taraflar arasında güvenin oluşmasına katkıda bulunur. Bu nedenle, uluslararası ticarette kullanılan belgelerin türlerinin ve özelliklerinin ilgili taraflarca iyi anlaşılması, dış ticaret çalışanlarının işini kolaylaştırır ve iş akışını daha verimli hale getirir. Bu çalışmada, uluslararası ticarette sıkça kullanılan belgeleri incelenmiştir ve bu belgelerin önemini vurgulanmıştır.
... Görme duyusunun algılanması 45 milisaniye sürmektedir (Öcel & Durak, 2023). Tüketicilerin davranışlarını etkilemek ve satın alma olasılığını arttırmak amacıyla kullanılan sosyal unsurlar görsel ipuçları olarak ifade edilmektedir (Zha, Foroudi, Melewar & Jin, 2021). Görsel uyarıcılar neredeyse tüm markalar tarafından kullanılan ve insanları etkisi altına alan bir durum sergilemektedir. ...
... Görme duyusunun algılanması 45 milisaniye sürmektedir (Öcel & Durak, 2023). Tüketicilerin davranışlarını etkilemek ve satın alma olasılığını arttırmak amacıyla kullanılan sosyal unsurlar görsel ipuçları olarak ifade edilmektedir (Zha, Foroudi, Melewar & Jin, 2021). Görsel uyarıcılar neredeyse tüm markalar tarafından kullanılan ve insanları etkisi altına alan bir durum sergilemektedir. ...
... Brand experience, the responses evoked due to brand-related stimuli [1,2], is an essential marketing tactic that catches considerable attention of academicians [3][4][5][6]. Studies argued the significance of this concept [7] and the role of brand experiences in influencing loyalty and customer satisfaction [1,8]. ...
... Regarding experience measurement, researchers cannot directly measure experience because it is singular in nature and happens to an individual [13]. Therefore, the methodologies used in experience studies, such as focus groups and interviews, have several shortcomings [6]. In last few years, ethnography has become a key qualitative research method in experience studies, especially for comprehending the emotions and deep feelings experienced by individuals that overcome the limitations of questionnaire and interviewdriven literal meanings [13][14][15]. ...
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The competitive environment in the hospitality and tourism industry requires proper attention towards the effective management of hotel brands. Recently, in marketing literature, the customer brand experience has emerged as a multidimensional construct that influences customer loyalty. Stressing the importance of this branding construct, the study explores the underlying dimensions of brand experience in five-star hotel brands in an emerging economy like India. The study employs a qualitative research method, that is, netnography to identify the brand experience dimensions. The results reveal the importance of sensory (sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste), affective (feelings and emotions), relational (feelings of not being left alone), food (memorable meal) and leisure time (freedom to perceive and select activity during free time) experiences.
... According to the co-citation map outcomes from 2003 to 2011, the progress starts with e-WOM evolution (Bickart & Schindler, 2001;Dellarocas, 2003;Hennig-Thurau et al., 2004) which emphasizes the e-WOM mechanism (Bickart & Schindle, 2001;Gruen et al., 2006). Inspiring the framework of Christofi et al. (2021), Zha et al. (2022), Foroudi et al. (2020), and Lim et al. (2021), any mechanism has antecedents, decisions, and consequences. The same thing applies to e-WOM and the mechanism encompasses those three main elements. ...
Because e-WOM is one of the useful digital marketing elements for any organization, a better understanding of its process will help individuals take more advantage of this concept. e-WOM enables individuals to form relationships with firms, brands, and other customers, which leads to benefits for both consumers and companies. It plays a significant role in a firm’s performance. The present study implements a different approach to reviewing by combining two bibliometric methods, multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), via Bibexcel software to have a deeper investigation of the process. Considering the 468 journal papers on e-WOM allowed us to study the intellectual streams and significant perceptions underpinning e-WOM. By dividing the study timeframe into three periods, we realized that there have always been three main concepts in this field: consumer behavior, sales, and the tourism and hotel industry. Further, by proposing a framework, we have expanded these concepts accompanied by the role of artificial intelligence and robots in the process of e-WOM. Consequently, new concepts “r-WOM”, “automated user engagement”, and “smart selling” are introduced and demonstrated as a consequence of using technology-based tools in the process of e-WOM. Finally, the future scope of this field has been designed. We contribute to the literature by offering theoretical and managerial implications.
... It can be conveyed to others via some communication medium and it creates value that is sustainable over time. Knowledge and skills as information, experience, or expertise are vital ingredients for creating individual skills (Akarsu et al. 2021;Foroudi et al. 2021aForoudi et al. , b, c, d, 2022bZha et al. 2021;Hafeez et al. 2007) and constitute a means for organizational development to generate performance. Likewise, knowledge and skill are the sources of virtually anything the firm does, including intellectual property, perceived quality (and its maintenance), new products, and brand management. ...
Marketing assets are a source of competitive advantage for hospitality and tourism companies and an essential driver of their performance. The concept of marketing assets is conceptualized as intellectual assets, physical or tangible assets, and cultural or intangible assets. Using six studies, we illustrate the reliability and validity of the data used. Constructed on a resource-based view, we identify the key communication aspect of marketing capability and its components (i.e. market sensing, customer relationship, corporate/brand identity management, design/innovation management, performance management, as well as communication/social media capability). Marketing assets and competences affect marketing capability; however, gender and age also impact the research constructs.
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    Brand design expands the connotation and extension of products, satisfying consumers’ purchase needs to a maximum extent. This study aims to use the S-O-R theory to explore the key factors that stimulate consumers’ behaviors in purchasing bottled water and investigate the influences of design-driven fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) on purchase intentions of consumers. A questionnaire survey was conducted for data col-lection and the bootstrapping program of PLS-SEM was used in data analysis and significance evaluation of 322 samples finally obtained. The results show that brand image and design-drive attribute can positively affect perceived value, while sensory experience and brand image can positively impact emotional attitude. However, sensory experience does not directly facilitate perceived value and design-driven attribute cannot effectively affect emotional attitude. Both brand image and design-driven attribute can significantly influence purchase intention, while sensory experience does not have such a influence. Emotional attitude has a significant mediating effect on purchase intention, with a partial mediating effect of perceived value on purchase intention. These results have enriched the research on the influence of design-driven attribute on consumer purchase behavior and empirically analyzed the relationships of product knowledge and perceived value of consumers with their purchase intentions, providing new evidence for understanding the relationship between consumer purchase intentions and design-driven brands. The importance of design-driven attribute has been emphasized in this study, which is of important practical significance in exploring the underlying mechanism of consumer purchase intention and promoting the sustainable development of product design.
    ... This shows the homogeneity of customer responses in this indicator. Based on the idea of Zha, Foroudi, Melewar, and Jin (2022) stating that brand experiences result in bodily experiences and make strong impressions on customers' visual sense and other senses in their perceptions. The embodiment perspective suggests that consumers interact with brands in corporeal, instinctive, and sensual ways, leading to sensory activation and corporeal rationality. ...
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    Purpose: This study investigates the relationship between social media marketing efforts and brand perception among customers of clothing stores in Davao del Norte, the Philippines. Research Methodology: A descriptive-correlational research design was employed, involving 200 respondents selected through stratified sampling. Adapted questionnaires were used to measure social media marketing efforts and brand perception, and statistical analysis was conducted to determine the correlation. Results: The findings indicate a high level of social media marketing efforts, particularly in the areas of entertainment, interaction, trendiness, customization, and word-of-mouth. Functional perception has emerged as the most significant factor influencing brand perception. A significant correlation (p < 0.000, R = 0.784) was found between social media marketing efforts and brand perceptions. Limitations: The study's generalizability is limited because of its focus on a specific region and sample demographics. Contribution: This study underscores the critical role of social media marketing in fostering consumer trust and engagement in clothing stores. By leveraging user-generated content and entertainment elements, businesses can amplify brand visibility, deepen their emotional connections with customers, and foster loyalty and repeat purchases. Future research should delve deeper into the interplay between word-of-mouth marketing, affective perceptions, and brand identity to enrich our understanding of consumer behavior in the digital age.
    Purpose Virtual influencers (VIs), who are fictional characters, have gained popularity in recent years, particularly among Generation Z and millennials. With the hype surrounding VIs, more research is required. Thus, this study aims to examine how Gen Z members and millennials react to VIs used for marketing purposes. Design/methodology/approach This study follows an exploratory approach. The data were collected from 29 participants (14 male and 15 female) through two focus groups and semi-structured interviews. Findings The authors found that opinions about VIs were mixed, and two main themes emerged from the study: (1) challenges and potential and (2) decision-making and psychological aspects. Originality/value This study broadens the paradigm for analysing the efficacy of VIs. This emerging topic is of relevance for the marketing sector as well as for transdisciplinary research and practice.