Projected sensitivity for WISPFI experiment with an external magnetic field of 14 T while assuming a detectornoise limited setup. The CAST limit is also shown for comparison [20]. A: WISPFI baseline setup, where the applied laser power is 4 W in a HC-PCF fiber with a length of 500 m, and a core radius with a mean value of 5 µm and σ = 500 nm, 10 nm, and 0 nm. The total data-taking time is assumed to be 6 months for each variance case. The 15, 50, and 85 percentiles are also shown in different colors. B: WISPFI's long-term prospects including a 40 W laser and a 1 km-long PM HC-PCF fiber with a core radius of 5 µm and σ = 10 nm. The data-taking time is 1 year and 2 years (green-dotted region). The 50 percentile chosen for this case, results in DFSZ sensitivity. The tuning is performed by modulating the air pressure in the core of the HC-PCF from 0.1 bar to 23 bar. This results in an axion mass range between ∼ 50 meVto100 meV.

Projected sensitivity for WISPFI experiment with an external magnetic field of 14 T while assuming a detectornoise limited setup. The CAST limit is also shown for comparison [20]. A: WISPFI baseline setup, where the applied laser power is 4 W in a HC-PCF fiber with a length of 500 m, and a core radius with a mean value of 5 µm and σ = 500 nm, 10 nm, and 0 nm. The total data-taking time is assumed to be 6 months for each variance case. The 15, 50, and 85 percentiles are also shown in different colors. B: WISPFI's long-term prospects including a 40 W laser and a 1 km-long PM HC-PCF fiber with a core radius of 5 µm and σ = 10 nm. The data-taking time is 1 year and 2 years (green-dotted region). The 50 percentile chosen for this case, results in DFSZ sensitivity. The tuning is performed by modulating the air pressure in the core of the HC-PCF from 0.1 bar to 23 bar. This results in an axion mass range between ∼ 50 meVto100 meV.

Source publication
Full-text available
A novel table-top experiment is introduced to detect photon-axion conversion: WISP Searches on a Fiber Interferometer (WISPFI). The setup consists of a Mach-Zehnder-type interferometer with a fiber placed inside an external magnetic field (14 T), where mixing occurs and is detected by measuring changes in phase/amplitude. We will use hollow-core ph...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... and 0 nm. The resulting sensitivity is then determined from a simulation of a large number of fiber realizations. In each case, the resulting conversion probability P γ→a is calculated using the transfer-matrix approach (see [18,19]). This way, we can calculate for each realization the range of resonant mass and coupling that can be probed. In Fig. 3A, the 15, 50, and 85 percentile are shown in different colors. With the projected sensitivity, for σ = 10 nm and 50 percentile, the WISPFI experiment will probe the g aγγ coupling for the QCD axion in the KSVZ scenario within 6 months. The probed axion mass range can be varied between m a ≈ 50 meVto100 meV by changing the gas pressure ...
Context 2
... experiment will probe the g aγγ coupling for the QCD axion in the KSVZ scenario within 6 months. The probed axion mass range can be varied between m a ≈ 50 meVto100 meV by changing the gas pressure inside the core of the fiber between 0.1 bar to 23 bar (see also Fig. 6). In the case of a wider variation of core radii in the fiber considered in Fig. 3A, the axion mass range will extend without additional tuning, however, with decreased ...
Context 3
... WISPFI experiment will be sensitive to the QCD axion in a narrow mass range close to 100 meV that is so-far unexplored experimentally. The baseline configuration presented above (Fig. 3A) can be substantially improved by installing several optimized interferometers tuned individually to a resonant-conversion for different axion masses (e.g., by choosing gas pressure, wavelength, and core radii). The resulting sensitivity and mass range covered is therefore scaleable without the need to develop new methods. The novel ...
Context 4
... the sensitivity by orienting the polarization of the guided mode with the external magnetic field. In a setup with PM HC-PCF only, the laser power could be increased beyond the limits set by the step-index fiber. Such an example using a laser of 40 W and 1 kmlong PM HC-PCF with σ = 10 nm while measuring for a total of 1 and 2 years is shown in Fig. 3B. For the case of 2 years, a total pressure change of 23 bar is applied in 116 steps of 0.6 meV in order to reach axion masses between ∼ 50 meVto100 meV with a DFSZ ...

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A novel table-top experiment is introduced to detect photon-axion conversion: WISP searches on a fiber interferometer (WISPFI). The setup consists of a Mach-Zehnder-type interferometer with a fiber placed inside an external magnetic field, where mixing occurs which is detected by measuring changes in amplitude. Hollow-core photonic crystal fibers (...