Primary transcript levels in adult mouse anaemic spleen (red) and kidney (blue) for: Lmo2 (exon2-intron2), Caprin1 (exon3-intron2), Slc4a1 (exon1-intron1), Pkd2 (intron2-exon3), Epn1(exon1-intron1), Gapdh (exon1-intron1) and Vh16 (genic). Levels were quantitatively assessed by RT-qPCR and expressed relative to Gapdh. Epn1 is a second ubiquitously expressed reference gene, Slc4a1 is an erythroid cell specific transcript, Pkd2 is a kidney specific transcript, Vh16 is not expressed in either tissue.

Primary transcript levels in adult mouse anaemic spleen (red) and kidney (blue) for: Lmo2 (exon2-intron2), Caprin1 (exon3-intron2), Slc4a1 (exon1-intron1), Pkd2 (intron2-exon3), Epn1(exon1-intron1), Gapdh (exon1-intron1) and Vh16 (genic). Levels were quantitatively assessed by RT-qPCR and expressed relative to Gapdh. Epn1 is a second ubiquitously expressed reference gene, Slc4a1 is an erythroid cell specific transcript, Pkd2 is a kidney specific transcript, Vh16 is not expressed in either tissue.

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The Lim domain only 2 (Lmo2) gene encodes a transcriptional cofactor critical for the development of hematopoietic stem cells. Several distal regulatory elements have been identified upstream of the Lmo2 gene in the human and mouse genomes that are capable of enhancing reporter gene expression in erythroid cells and may be responsible for the high...


... We studied the moderately expressed gene LMO2 (79.8 TPM), a regulator of hematopoiesis for which multiple CREs have been previously nominated 27,28 . CASA identified a cluster of strong CREs +67-76 kb upstream of the LMO2 promoter (Extended Data Fig. 4b). ...
... CASA identified a cluster of strong CREs +67-76 kb upstream of the LMO2 promoter (Extended Data Fig. 4b). These CREs reside within H3K27ac peaks that have been reported to interact directly with the LMO2 promoter and drive expression in vivo 27,28 . This stretch of CREs has been shown to recapitulate LMO2 expression in blood cells, which is consistent with our use of K562 cells 29 . ...
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Effective interpretation of genome function and genetic variation requires a shift from epigenetic mapping of cis-regulatory elements (CREs) to characterization of endogenous function. We developed hybridization chain reaction fluorescence in situ hybridization coupled with flow cytometry (HCR–FlowFISH), a broadly applicable approach to characterize CRISPR-perturbed CREs via accurate quantification of native transcripts, alongside CRISPR activity screen analysis (CASA), a hierarchical Bayesian model to quantify CRE activity. Across >325,000 perturbations, we provide evidence that CREs can regulate multiple genes, skip over the nearest gene and display activating and/or silencing effects. At the cholesterol-level-associated FADS locus, we combine endogenous screens with reporter assays to exhaustively characterize multiple genome-wide association signals, functionally nominate causal variants and, importantly, identify their target genes.
T-box transcription factors play essential roles in multiple aspects of vertebrate development. Here, we show that cooperative function of BRACHYURY (T) with histone-modifying enzymes is essential for mouse embryogenesis. A single point mutation (TY88A) results in decreased histone 3 lysine 27 acetylation (H3K27ac) at T target sites, including the T locus, suggesting that T autoregulates the maintenance of its expression and functions by recruiting permissive chromatin modifications to putative enhancers during mesoderm specification. Our data indicate that T mediates H3K27ac recruitment through a physical interaction with p300. In addition, we determine that T plays a prominent role in the specification of hematopoietic and endothelial cell types. Hematopoietic and endothelial gene expression programs are disrupted in T Y88A mutant embryos, leading to a defect in the differentiation of hematopoietic progenitors. We show that this role of T is mediated, at least in part, through activation of a distal Lmo2 enhancer.
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has been rapidly evolved in these 10 years. The practical use of high-throughput sequencers makes it possible to identify the localization of epigenetic modifications in detail. Recent technologies including ChIP-seq and RNA-seq allowed demonstration of protein-DNA bindings or splicing variants even with a small number of cells. These technologies have great potential in a wide range of renal diseases because only a few amounts of human renal biopsy samples can be harvested. In addition these techniques have been adapted to a variety of tissues in different model organs. PAT-ChIP (pathology tissue-ChIP)-seq protocol on freshly isolated mouse embryonic kidneys can be used for in vivo analysis of transcriptional factor recruitment on chromatin. RIP-seq can be used to analyze the RNA-binding proteins on genome-wide scale. Chromosome conformation capture (3C) assay makes tremendous progress into Hi-C which can detect genome-wide long interactions on chromosomes which have cell-type specificity. It is important to catch up with the speed of technical development and make use of these tools in order to understand the epigenetic mechanisms systematically.
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has been rapidly evolved in these 10 years. The practical use of high-throughput sequencers makes it possible to identify the localization of epigenetic modifications in detail. Recent technologies including ChIP-seq and RNA-seq allowed demonstration of protein-DNA bindings or splicing variants even with a small number of cells. These technologies have great potential in a wide range of renal diseases because only a few amounts of human renal biopsy samples can be harvested. In addition these techniques have been adapted to a variety of tissues in different model organs. PAT-ChIP (pathology tissue-ChIP)-seq protocol on freshly isolated mouse embryonic kidneys can be used for in vivo analysis of transcriptional factor recruitment on chromatin. RIP-seq can be used to analyze the RNA-binding proteins on genome-wide scale. Chromosome conformation capture (3C) assay makes tremendous progress into Hi-C which can detect genome-wide long interactions on chromosomes which have cell-type specificity. It is important to catch up with the speed of technical development and make use of these tools in order to understand the epigenetic mechanisms systematically.
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There are a number of factors that have conspired to create a crisis in healthcare. In part, the successes of medical science and technologies have been to blame, for they have led to survival where lives would previously have been cut short. An informed public, aware of these technological advances, is demanding access to the best that healthcare has to offer. At the same time the burden of chronic disease in an increasing elderly population has created a marked growth in the need for long term care. Current estimates for expenditure predict a rapid escalation of healthcare costs as a proportion of the GDP of developed nations, yet at the same time a global economic crisis has necessitated dramatic cuts in health budgets. This unsustainable position has led to calls for an urgent transformation in healthcare systems. This commentary explores the present day healthcare crisis and looks at the opportunities for chiropractors as pressure intensifies on politicians and leaders in healthcare to seek innovative solutions to a failing model. Amidst these opportunities, it questions whether the chiropractic profession is ready to accept the challenges that integration into mainstream healthcare will bring and identifies both pathways and potential obstacles to acceptance.