Prevalence of hearing loss as a function of age. The prevalence of hearing loss is presented as percentage of the population in each age group. The prevalence of hearing loss increases with age. 

Prevalence of hearing loss as a function of age. The prevalence of hearing loss is presented as percentage of the population in each age group. The prevalence of hearing loss increases with age. 

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... although different, the data among the mul- tiple studies above are not contradictory to each other if these data are overlapped together across the ages in terms of rate which is rising in presbycusis population. This rising trend can be clearly visualized in Figure 1 plotted based on the data combined from the above- mentioned reports in the literature ...
Context 2
... may be interesting to compare worldwide population at senior age with the worldwide hearing impaired popu- lation at all ages. This can be achieved for the year of 2025 as the values for both categories can be derived. Based on the number proposed by the United Nations Population Fund, by 2025, the number of people in the world aged 65 and over will reach around 1200 million [35]. Based on the number as we proposed above, by 2025, the number of hearing impaired people will reach 2568 million. Based on study of hearing impaired for the elderly people, the prevalence can reach 40% among the seniors at age of 65 or above (Figure 1). Therefore, the number of hearing impaired population in the elderly will be around 1200 million × 40% = 480 ...
Context 3
... number can also be derived from total world population in 2025 (7937 million) [35] and percentage of seniors in the population in 2025 (17%, interpolated from Figure 2). The seniors will be 1350 million (7937 × 17%) in 2025, and the seniors with hearing loss will be 540 million (1350 × 40%, Figure 1). The numbers of either hearing impairment groups in all ages (2568 million) and in seniors (510 million, means of 480 and 540) is over- whelming, and so, the challenge to meet this ever grow- ing demand is overwhelming as ...


... Presbycusis occurs symmetrically on both sides of the ear, is slowly progressive, and generally starts at low or high frequencies where there are no underlying abnormalities other than degeneration or aging. 1,2 Presbycusis was experienced by around 10 million people worldwide, with a prevalence of 11% between the ages of 44 -54, 25% at the age of 55-64, and 43% at the age of 65-84 years. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that by 2025, as many as 1.2 billion people aged over 60 years worldwide will suffer from presbycusis disorder. ...
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Background: Presbycusis is a type of hearing loss with sensorineural deafness due to the degeneration of the hearing organs. Gender is said to have an influence on the occurrence of presbycusis. The presbycusis is influenced by differences in activity routines carried out by women and men and differences in the anatomical shape of the auricles between men and women. The study aimed to identify the relationship between gender and presbycusis at the Mandalika Elderly Social Center, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Methods: The study design was observational analytic with cross sectional approach and purposive sampling technique. There were 50 research respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The research was conducted at the Mandalika Elderly Social Center, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The data obtained were analyzed univariately and bivariate with the Chi-square test using SPSS software version 23.0. Results: It was obtained that the demographic description of the research respondents obtained the majority of respondents aged 60-74 years (66%), female (66%), ungraduated (90%), and unemployed (90%). There was no relationship between gender and presbycusis at the Mandalika Elderly Social Center, West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia, p> 0,05. Conclusion: There was no relationship between gender and presbycusis at the Mandalika Elderly Social Center, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
... These benefits can be particularly important after people have retired from work. Unfortunately, age-related hearing loss seems to be a growing problem [1]. ...
... This was done for the purpose of eliciting the memory for any change in the participant lifestyle. These questions are 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,22,23,24, and 25. The final Arabic HHIE and suggested authors modifications were tested in a face to face interview 95% or written (pen to paper) 5% of 100 elderly Egyptians randomly collected from three different pools: Al-Zahraa University Hospital outpatient clinic (audiology and ENT clinics were excluded), railway station, and post office in Nasr City, Cairo. ...
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Background Hearing impairment ranks third on the list of chronic health conditions of the elderly, after arthritis and hypertension. As average lifespans increase, it is likely that the proportion of people with hearing loss will also increase. The purpose of the study was to develop, standardize, and apply an Arabic version of the Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (HHIE). Results The mean age of the 100 subjects included in the pretest was 64.92 ± 5.937 with age ranged from 60 to 84 years. The average score for each item (simple, clear, and relevant) for each separate question obtained more than 80% which is considered valid. One hundred percent of the participants reported that the entire inventory appeared simple, clear, and relevant, we further implied the jury opinion; the total score average of our jury for the entire inventory was calculated to determine the face validity of the questionnaire and found to be 89.81%. Responses of all participants for each question were collected and showed questions 8, 21, 6, 7, and 14 obtained the highest response results for both yes and sometimes. The HHIE showed high reliability ( p value < 0.001) for all questions. The demographic data of the forty participants showed no statistically significant difference between the complaining group of hearing loss and the non-complaining group as regards age and gender. There was a highly statistically significant difference between the complaining group and the non-complaining group regarding the HHIE. The sensitivity of the HHIE was 79% for severe auditory handicapping and only 24% for mild-to-moderate auditory handicapping. Conclusion The developed Arabic version of the HHIE has high reliability, validity, simplicity, and clarity which found consistent with the original English questionnaire and it performed well in the detection of hearing loss in elderly Egyptians. It can be applied in a large population and for use in surveys.
... When advanced, the hearing impairment affects the person's ability to follow and understand one-to-one conversation also in a quiet environment and in daily living (watching television, listening to the radio, speaking on the telephone) [2]. The inability to hear prevents the elderly from communicating efficiently with family members and maintaining links to the world, reduces cognitive abilities, contributing to their isolation, causing social withdrawal, depression and possibly dementia [6]. Evidence supporting the relationship between auditory dysfunctions and subsequent cognitive degeneration has grown over the years [7]. ...
Presbycusis is the most prevalent age-related, non-reversible, sensorineural hearing loss. Evidence supporting the relationship between auditory dysfunction and cognitive degeneration has grown over the years. Because of the aging of the world population, an early identification of the disease and an audiological recovery could mitigate the rate of cognitive decline with positive consequences for quality of elderly’ social life. A group of 50 patient (70–92 years) underwent audiometric tonal examination to evaluate hearing ability. Only 50% (active group) were equipped with a bilateral hearing aid. After three years, all patients were retested. Among the active group, the Mini-Mental State Examination was administered to 7 pathological patients to assess cognitive status at the begin and at the end of the research. The results show that the active group has achieved a significantly higher minimum audibility threshold than the control group (p < 0.01) and a cognitive benefit.
... Due to increased longevity and demographic changes in many developed countries, age-related diseases such as AMD, cataract, glaucoma, and presbycusis are gradually becoming more prevalent (Congdon, Vingerling, & Klein, 2004;Minassian, Reidy, Lightstone, & Desai, 2011;Tham et al., 2014;Zhang, Gomaa, & Ho, 2013). Therefore, age-related aetiologies of ADB might become relatively more frequent compared to other aetiologies (e.g. ...
The present study provides an overview of aetiologies and co-morbidities of acquired deafblindness in a Danish national sample of 514 individuals above 50 years of age identified with acquired deafblindness. Information was obtained from a survey and a register. The most frequent aetiology of vision loss was age-related macular degeneration (55.4%). The most frequent aetiology of hearing loss was presbycusis (53.7%). The most frequent aetiology of acquired deafblindness was the combination of age-related macular degeneration and presbycusis (41.5%). However, among the younger participants (50–59 years of age), Usher syndrome was the most common aetiology (62.5%). The aetiologies of acquired deafblindness are many and constituted by several different combinations of hearing and vision loss aetiologies. The most frequent aetiologies are age related.
... 3 É, atualmente, o comprometimento sensorial mais frequente entre idosos, com prevalência de 25% na faixa de 70-74 anos, 50% em idosos até 85 anos e maior do que 80% em pessoas acima de 85 anos. 4,5 A presbiacusia pode causar uma redução na percepção da fala, alterações psicológicas (como depressão, por exemplo), isolamento social, problemas relacionados ao alerta e à defesa (capacidade de ouvir buzinas, a campainha do telefone, som de alarmes etc.), bem como as funções cognitivas. 5,6 Todos esses fatores refletem negativamente na qualidade de vida do idoso. ...
... 4,5 A presbiacusia pode causar uma redução na percepção da fala, alterações psicológicas (como depressão, por exemplo), isolamento social, problemas relacionados ao alerta e à defesa (capacidade de ouvir buzinas, a campainha do telefone, som de alarmes etc.), bem como as funções cognitivas. 5,6 Todos esses fatores refletem negativamente na qualidade de vida do idoso. 5---7 Não obstante a alta prevalência da presbiacusia, alguns autores têm demonstrado que doenças crônicas que mais frequentemente acometem o idoso, como a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) 8---12 e o diabetes mellitus (DM) 13---19 podem ter relação com alterações auditivas. ...
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Introduction: Chronic diseases can act as an accelerating factor in the auditory system degeneration. Studies on the association between presbycusis and diabetes mellitus and systemic arterial hypertension have shown controversial conclusions. Objective: To compare the initial audiometry (A1) with a subsequent audiometry (A2) performed after a 3 to 4-year interval in a population of elderly patients with diabetes mellitus and/or systemic arterial hypertension, to verify whether hearing loss in these groups is more accelerated when compared to controls without these clinical conditions. Methods: 100 elderly individuals participated in this study. For the auditory threshold assessment, a previous complete audiological evaluation (A1) and a new audiological evaluation (A2) performed 3-4 years after the first one was utilized. The participants were divided into four groups: 20 individuals in the diabetes mellitus group, 20 individuals in the systemic arterial hypertension group, 20 individuals in the diabetes mellitus/systemic arterial hypertension group and 40 individuals in the control group, matching them with each study group, according to age and gender. ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests were used, with a significance level set at 0.05. Results: When comparing the mean annual increase in the auditory thresholds of the A1 with the A2 assessment, considering each study group and its respective control, it can be observed that there was no statistically significant difference for any of the frequencies for the diabetes mellitus group; for the systemic arterial hypertension group, significant differences were observed after 4kHz. For the diabetes mellitus and systemic arterial hypertension group, significant differences were observed at the frequencies of 500, 2kHz, 3kHz and 8kHz. Conclusion: It was observed that the systemic arterial hypertension group showed the greatest decrease in auditory thresholds in the studied segment when compared to the other groups, suggesting that among the three studied conditions, hypertension seems to have the greatest influence on hearing.
... The aged people rely on hearing to face these disabilities. In both elders' and youngers' hearing is an important sensation (Zhang et al., 2013). If hearing sense of aged people is good their quality of life will be good. ...
... In contrast, if the elderly group becomes a victim of hearing loss, then their life quality would be substantially reduced and contributes to depression, social isolation and possibly dementia in the elderly (Woodcock & Pole, 2008). Age-related hearing loss (Presbycusis) is a progressive bilateral symmetrical sensorineural hearing loss result from aging (Zhang et al., 2013). Presbycusis is describe as; patient in noisy environment cannot understand speech, cannot locate sound sources, his/her acoustic information central process become slowed and hence his/her hearing deteriorated (Gates and Mills, 2005;Zhang et al., 2013). ...
... Age-related hearing loss (Presbycusis) is a progressive bilateral symmetrical sensorineural hearing loss result from aging (Zhang et al., 2013). Presbycusis is describe as; patient in noisy environment cannot understand speech, cannot locate sound sources, his/her acoustic information central process become slowed and hence his/her hearing deteriorated (Gates and Mills, 2005;Zhang et al., 2013). It can be sensory, metabolic or neural depends on parts of the ear to be damaged (Mills et al., 2006;Schuknecht and Gacek, 1993). ...
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The hearing is an important sensation of all living organism to maintain his or her life mainly in human. Any distortion to it leads to hearing impairment. Hearing loss (HL) can be congenital or acquired. It can be syndromic; HL associated with other abnormalities or non-syndromic, HL is not associated with any other anomalies. Hearing impairment have mostly autosomal recessive loci, but can be autosomal dominant, X-linked, and mitochondrial. Acquired HL can be genetic or environmental factors based. Age-related HL is acquired hearing loss occur in aged population. Its prevalence rate increases with age. Genetic of presbycusis is not well-known, but NAT2*6A polymorphism, SNPs in KCNQ4, grainy head-like 2 gene, Glutamate receptor-7 gene, 4977-bp mt-DNA deletion in human and 4834-bp mtDNA deletion in rodents were identified. Different strains of mice are developed like C57BL/6J, CBA/CaJ, DBA/2J, BALB/cJ and Fisher 344 albino rats mainly used as models to study HL and presbycusis. Like other disorders have complete treatment, but HL cannot be completely treated. However some attempts can be made for its betterment by using hearing aid devices, surgical and pharmaceutical treatments. In future stem cells and gene therapy will be the affective methods to treat congenital hearing impairment and presbycusis.
... Reactiveoxygen species (ROS) menimbulkan kerusakan mitokondria mtDNA dan kompleks protein jaringan kohlea sehingga terjadi disfungsi pendengaran. 11,14,15 Pada penelitian ini didapatkan laki-laki lebih banyak menderita presbiakusis dibandingkan perempuan. Laki-laki lebih banyak mengalami penurunan pendengaran pada frekuensi tinggi dan hanya sedikit penurunan pada frekuensi rendah bila dibandingkan dengan perempuan. ...
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Presbiakusis adalah gangguan pendengaran sensorineural pada usia lanjut akibat proses degenerasi organ pendengaran yang terjadi secara perlahan dan simetris pada kedua sisi telinga. Di seluruh dunia diperkirakan sekitar 30-45% masyarakat di atas umur 65 tahun didiagnosis menderita presbiakusis terutama pria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik prebiakusis berdasarkan audiometri, usia, dan jenis kelamin. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah deskriptif retrospektif. Subyek penelitian adalah data rekam medis penderita presbiakusis yang dilakukan pemeriksaan audiometri selama periode Januari 2012–Desember 2014 di Klinik Gangguan Dengar dan Bicara Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan THT-KL FK UNPAD/RS Umum Pusat dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Didapatkan sebanyak 429 penderita presbiakusis terdiri dari 62,7% adalah laki-laki karena laki-laki umumnya sering terpapar bising ditempat kerja dibandingkan perempuan. Penderita presbiakusis terbanyak yaitu tipe neural 35,7%, pada tipe neural terjadi atrofi sel rambut pada kohlea yang dapat disebabkan oleh mikroangiopati pada kohlea. Berdasarkan usia, yang terbanyak yaitu usia >65 tahun sebanyak 60,4%, ini berhubungan dengan proses Reactiveoxygen Species (ROS) yang sering terjadi pada usia lanjut. Penderita presbiakusis yang datang ke Klinik Gangguan Dengar dan Bicara Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan THT-KL RS Hasan Sadikin, Bandung yang terbanyak adalah usia >65 tahun dan tipe neural.Kata kunci : Gangguan pendengaran, Neural, Presbiakusis
... La presbiacusia es considerada como uno de los problemas de incapacitación más importantes por su impacto sobre el bienestar físico, emocional y social. Afecta la comprensión del habla, pero también puede llegar a afectar al nivel de participación social, lo que para muchos autores se relaciona con una significativa tendencia a la depresión y disminución de la autoestima (Kramer, Kapteyn, Kuik y Deeg, 2002;Algaba y Altuna, 2013;Zhang, Gomaa y Ho, 2013). ...
La pérdida de audición es un problema significativo para las personas mayores: es el tercer problema crónico más importante durante el envejecimiento después de la hipertensión y de la artritis. Instrumentos como la Escala sobre actividades diarias dependientes de la audición –ADDA– fueron diseñados para ser aplicados en contextos no hospitalarios con el fin de detectar posibles problemas auditivos que deberán ser confirmados a través de una exploración audiológica completa. El objetivo de la investigación fue comprobar la efectividad de la Escala ADDA como herramienta para la detección de la pérdida auditiva en una muestra de 135 personas mayores asistidas en un centro hospitalario, considerando el hecho de que algunas de estas personas presentaban deterioro cognitivo leve.
... Aging is associated with various physical and cognitive changes, including both structural and functional changes in the auditory system resulting in hearing difficulty. Hearing impairment is the third most common chronic condition in older adults, ranking just after arthritis, and hypertension (Zhang et al., 2013) and it has a significant impact on older adults' quality of life (e.g., Strawbridge et al., 2000;Dalton et al., 2003). The most common cause of hearing impairment in older adults results from various structural and functional age-related changes in the cochlea (Schneider, 1997). ...
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This study examined the effect of auditory-visual (AV) speech stimuli on working memory in older adults with poorer-hearing (PH) in comparison to age- and education-matched older adults with better hearing (BH). Participants completed a working memory n-back task (0- to 2-back) in which sequences of digits were presented in visual-only (i.e., speech-reading), auditory-only (A-only), and AV conditions. Auditory event-related potentials (ERP) were collected to assess the relationship between perceptual and working memory processing. The behavioral results showed that both groups were faster in the AV condition in comparison to the unisensory conditions. The ERP data showed perceptual facilitation in the AV condition, in the form of reduced amplitudes and latencies of the auditory N1 and/or P1 components, in the PH group. Furthermore, a working memory ERP component, the P3, peaked earlier for both groups in the AV condition compared to the A-only condition. In general, the PH group showed a more robust AV benefit; however, the BH group showed a dose-response relationship between perceptual facilitation and working memory improvement, especially for facilitation of processing speed. Two measures, reaction time and P3 amplitude, suggested that the presence of visual speech cues may have helped the PH group to counteract the demanding auditory processing, to the level that no group differences were evident during the AV modality despite lower performance during the A-only condition. Overall, this study provides support for the theory of an integrated perceptual-cognitive system. The practical significance of these findings is also discussed.
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Background: This study aims to determine the type of presbycusis and the location of the lesion based on audiogram images, speech audiometry and Otoacoustic Emission. Method: This study was an observational study of 36 presbycusis patients (72 ear samples). Pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry and Otoacoustic Emission were examined to determine the most types of presbycusis and the location of the lesion. A cross-sectional descriptive research method was conducted to analyze the dynamics of the correlation between risk factors and effects by using approaching, observing or collecting data at once (point time approach). Each research subject was observed only once, and measurements were performed towards the character status or subject variables during the examination. Result: The results showed that presbycusis was primarily obtained in the 60-69 years age group (69.4%). And the most types of presbycusis based on the audiogram were metabolic presbycusis (36.1%). The average hearing range based on the audiogram was at a frequency of 26-40 dB or the degree of mild deafness. Most types of deafness were Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL). In speech audiometry, most NPT and NDT were mild and normal deafness as much as 44.4% in NPT and 56.9% in NDT. Based on the OAE, 72 samples showed the results of the referrals. In addition, regarding the results of the audiogram, speech audiometry and OAE, the location of the lesions of all samples were in the cochlea (100%). Conclusion: The most common type of presbycusis based on audiogram images is metabolic presbycusis with a mild hearing loss.