Fig 5 - uploaded by Robert G. Bednarik
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Presumed mammoth depictions from Siberia: a. Mal'ta; b. Berelekh.  

Presumed mammoth depictions from Siberia: a. Mal'ta; b. Berelekh.  

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This critical assessment of the present state of secure knowledge of Pleistocene palaeoart in the continent of Asia considers both the proven occurrences from five countries, and proposed further finds that are of questionable status. The nature and diversity of the available pan-continental evidence is discussed. This survey indicates firstly that...

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Context 1
... in age perhaps only by the recently found Hohle Fels female figurine (Conard 2009) and the Lower Palerolithic "proto-figurines". Only two apparently figurative two-dimensional images are known from the Pleistocene of all Asia: the "mammoth" engravings found on a juvenile mammoth tusk from Berelekh and on a perforated ivory plaque from Mal'ta (Fig. 5). Of interest are also the stone and bone beads from Strashnaya Cave (Tolbor) and the perforated ostrich eggshell from Podzvonkaya, noting the finds of eggshell beads elsewhere in Asia (Mongolia and India). Some of these Siberian palaeoart finds are thought to be up to 40 ka old, bearing in mind that MP and UP traditions co-existed in ...
Context 2
... in age perhaps only by the recently found Hohle Fels female figurine (Conard 2009) and the Lower Palerolithic "proto-figurines". Only two apparently figurative two-dimensional images are known from the Pleistocene of all Asia: the "mammoth" engravings found on a juvenile mammoth tusk from Berelekh and on a perforated ivory plaque from Mal'ta (Fig. 5). Of interest are also the stone and bone beads from Strashnaya Cave (Tolbor) and the perforated ostrich eggshell from Podzvonkaya, noting the finds of eggshell beads elsewhere in Asia (Mongolia and India). Some of these Siberian palaeoart finds are thought to be up to 40 ka old, bearing in mind that MP and UP traditions co-existed in ...


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What is the impact of Criminal Tribes Act of 1871 based on the fraudulent census created by the British, and banishment of 30% of Indians as inherently genetically criminal (todays numbers, 450 million), mostly the artisan and working classes, famines created by the British railroads that centralized and spread the inflation to villages resulting about 165 million deaths in famines, about 45 trillion dollars stolen by the British, Fake theory of Aryan Invasion dividing Indian populations further to claim the right of the British to rule India, and English education replacing traditional Gurukula system and Sanskrit?
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Have you ever wondered why many Hindu students in the US, once they go to college, seemingly secure in their foundation of Hinduism, within months, they make a 180 degree change, suddenly questioning the Hindu upbringing and values you gave them, and talking about the genocide of Hindus in Kashmir becomes Islamophobia, Hinduism becomes misogynist, caste becomes genetic to Hinduism that must be rooted out by destroying Hinduism, British were good and civilized India, etc.? (Learn more about it @||||| Reflect on the most ancient and the only surviving culture of Hindutva that would be wiped off the earth by Abrahamic Iconoclastic Desert Sects (AIDSs) by 2047 Christian era, and the Global Future 2045 Congress that will be ready with an era of neo-humanity with the same ancient goal of spiritual self-improvement and realization of the Universal Consciousness (UC) by ~ 2050, if successful! Much to the chagrin of the rapacious and 4F-centered Abrahamic Desert Cults that ravaged the earth for the past 2,000 years bringing the ecological calamity upon the humanity with illegal wars and unquenchable greed of Colonial Business of Military Industrial Complex of Rapacious Desert Cults of Warfare and Apocalypse, their world would be gone and the ancient Hindutva of peaceful Vedic culture will come back despite the vengeance of peace and ahimsa (of jackal Gandhi, by which all Hindus perish with pleasure for Apocalyptic AIDSs ushering a new era), albeit with a different name! What is in a name? It is nothing but an illusion laced with ego concealing the Indvidual Consciousness (IC), preventing it from realizing the UC! Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge) is Advaita Vedanta. All beings are Parabrahma (Supreme Being) but they are covered by illusion (Maya) and ignorance (ajnana). Knowledge (jnana) of Parabrahma extinguishes illusions and ignorance. Therefore, Jnana Yoga is the way to destroy illusion and ignorance with knowledge of the Self and Supreme Being, which can be obtained by studying Prasthana Trayi (Brahmasutras, Upanishads, and Bhagavadgita) and practicing various prakriyas prescribed to prepare oneself to receive the wisdom of Vedanta of Hindutva (the essence/state of being a Hindu), the essence of which can be found in any one of the Vedic mahvakyas discussed in the article. However, indiscriminate use of some of these mahavakyas and other phrases from Vedic literature, darshanas, itihasa, puranas, etc., such as vasudhaiva kutumbam, ahimsa paramodharma, ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti, etc., out of context, trivializes the Vedic literature and its teachings for spiritual realm and distorts its purpose resulting in the destruction of the culture and genocides in the material world, as happened in the cradle of Hindu civilization (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir) and Mopla and Hyderabad, and other innumerable Minipakistans created in the Islamic Republic of India. A sizable number of Hindus are swayed by the vasudhaiva kutumbakam mantra and believe in “Ishvar Allah Tero Nam” with a firm ideology that all religions are different paths to the same Supreme Being, without understanding the texts of the rapacious rapist desert cults that appeal to the reptilian brain focused on 4Fs, condoned and explicitly enjoined in their sacred literature. There is an urgent need for de-deracination of Hindus who believe in the above dangerous and self destructive belief as exemplified by the jackal and deer story in Hitopadesha. In America, we teach children “stranger danger ” for their safety. Likewise, Indians need to be taught shatrubodh (शत्रुबोध) using the prasthanatrayi (प्रस्थानत्रयि), specifically the Bhagavadgita to recognize 1,400-year old ongoing destruction, rape and genocide of Hindus and their lands, properties, and temples by the rapacious desert cults determined to commit Hindu-Pagan Genocide as enjoined in their sacred texts. One has to exercise discretion and commonsense in trusting such वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम् worldfamily preachers, and befriending and sheltering the enemy jackals under the influence of such unconditional brotherhood like the deer in Hitopadesha. The price for such supidity would be not only self-destruction of the naïve individual Hindu, but also the destruction of the only surviving ancient culture – Hindutva - remaining 3% of the world’s ancient cultures, knowledge systems, architecture, and temples destroyed in the past 2,000 years. Hindugenocide aided by Hindu traitors who pretend to believe in such deceit as वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम् worldfamily are like dangerous jackals. These iconoclastic rapacious rapist ideology of desert cults appeal to the reptilian or primal brain of human beings. The phrase “reptilian brain” is derived from the fact that a reptile’s brain is dominated by the brainstem and cerebellum, which control instinctual thinking and behavior for survival. This type of brain is not reflective and, on the contrary, acts unconsciously and instinctively. The reptilian brain is made up of the reticular system, the cerebellum, the basal ganglia, and the brain stem. The basal ganglia and a number of the surrounding structures within the base of the forebrain are responsible for aggression, dominance, territoriality, and ritual displays. In desert cults, they are Feeding, Fighting, Fleeing, and Rape (F***) (4Fs) (Rape & Sexual Slavery Enshrined in Quran, 4:3, 24; 23:26; 33:50,73). ||| Islam has massacred over 1 billion HinduPagans, since 622 AD, from the birth of a demonic cult from the desert, Desert Cult, led by a barbaric pedophile, rapacious rapist, genocidal maniac, who has been proved to be worse than mass murderers like genocidal Lenin (12 m Russian deaths), Stalin (62 million Russians), Hitler (~80 million European, Russian, Jewish, and Hindu-Romanos in WWII), Brits and Churchil (35 million Indians, 2 m Russians) , Chiang Kai-Shek (10 m Chinese) , Mao (80 m Chinese), Nehru and Gandhi (> 7 m Hindus and their priests Brahmins, 14-20 m Hindu refugees, Hindu genocide completed in Pakistan and Bangladesh) and the President of the USA (>30 m people in 37 countries, combined). Since the beginning of Christian era, 97% of the ancient cultures have been erased from the world, leaving just 3% of ancient cultures of the world. ||| It should be a shame for "proud Hindus" like Shashi T that their priests are destitute, cleaning toilets, pulling rikshaws, and doing other jobs, instead of dedicating their lives for the spiritual well-being of the world reciting Vedas in temples continuing the thousands of years old oral tradition of preserving the divine knowledge (Brahma Vidya – Veda); but unfortunately not so for a majority of "proud Hindus" who are under the spell of Nehruism, Gandhiism, Marxism, Wokism, the Liberal Evangelical Western Democracy and Islam [SO LEWDISM], in the materialistic stupor of mahavakyas recited by snakes and jackals in puranas and Hitopadesha, like the stupid deer.||| "If Muslims established their rule after killing all Hindus we would be ushering in a new world by sacrificing Hindu lives" and eliminating the last & the only surviving ancient culture on this planet, as per MK Gandhi, Caliphate jackal impersonating a Hindu. “The ancient religion of India is doomed and if Christianity does not step in, whose fault will it be?” asks Max Mueller, colonial jackal. Nevertheless, how can any sane person equate the UC of Advaita Vedanta of Hindutva of Sanatana with the jealous, iconoclastic, vengeful, demonic, deceptive, intolerant God of AIDSs localized and limited to a particular unique address called Heaven of Desert Cults that give members of Adharmic AIDSs dominion over all other human beings and the entire world for them to rape, loot, sell into sex slavery, kill cows, destroy forests, plunder native cultures, commit cultural genocide of native cultures, etc.? Comparing Gods of AIDSs to the Universal Consciousness with unlimited forms and names, especially to Sat which “the learned and the wise speak of in many ways: It is Indra, glorious; Mitra, universal friend; Varuna, highest adorable; Agni, light of life; Divya, heavenly; Suparna, supreme beauteous; Garutman, supreme dynamic; it is Agni, life and leader of existence; Yama, supreme controller, law and justice, and the judge; and Matarishva aka Vayu aka Agni aka Yajnakarta, supreme energy of the universe” of Sanatana Dharma of Hindutva is the most vulgar and disgusting blasphemy like equating Bhagavan Srikrishna with Duryodhan or Shisupala, Hiranyakashipu with Bhagavan Narasimha, Ravana with Bhagavan Srirama, etc.; not only per Hindutva, but also per the books of AIDSs. If anyone says, “when the Universal Consciousness is everywhere and in everything, the jealous and monstrous god of AIDSs who demands followers to destroy temples, loot land and resources, and rape Hindus, and sends idolators, polytheists, and non-believers to an eternal Hellfire be equivalent to Bhagavan Srikrishna or Srirama” that individual is either insane or Hindugenocidal maniac like MK Gandhi. |||===========================================||| LISTEN to Dr. Syed Rizwan Ahmed, a socio-religious-legal-political_commentator known for his candid, frank, bold, nationalist views:
Sibirya’da Üst Paleolitik Çağ’ın başlangıcı, en azından, günümüzden yaklaşık 47.000 öncesine tarihlenir. Öncül Üst Paleolitik Çağ’ın nasıl ortaya çıktığı ve hangi insan -alt- türüyle ilişkilendirilmesi gerektiği konusunda tartışmalar sürerken, o evrenin başından itibaren görülen dilgi temelli taş endüstrilerinin gün ışığına çıkarıldığı kültür katmanlarından “simgesel davranışlar”ı işaret eden çok sayıda maddi kültür ögesi bulunmuştur. Anatomik açıdan modern insanların Avrasya’ya yayılımı ile ilişkilendirilen “modern davranışlar” (veya “davranışsal modernlik”) ve onun bir alt kümesi olan “simgesel davranışlar” kavramları altında tanımlanan pek çok unsurun Sibirya’da Öncül Üst Paleolitik Çağ’ın başından itibaren görülmesi, o yeni kültürün modern insan topluluklarına atfedilmesi yönünde önemli bir destek olarak görülebilir. Bu makalede, Sibirya’da Üst Paleolitik Çağ’ın başlangıcı hakkındaki hipotezleri, sorunları; o çağda görülen “simgesel davranışlar”a işaret eden bulguları ve öne çıkan örnekleri; ölü gömme ve inanca ilişkin bulgular, süs nesneleri ve takılar, taşınabilir sanat nesneleri, iki boyutlu betimlemeler, kaya ve mağara resimleri başlıkları altında incelemeye çalışacağım.
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