Table 1 - uploaded by Amie Kreppel
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Presidential Vetoes of Public Bills by Type, Nixon -Clinton (1969-98)

Presidential Vetoes of Public Bills by Type, Nixon -Clinton (1969-98)

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... what frequency do presidents cast different types of vetoes? Table 1 partitions presidential vetoes from1969-98 into the three categories discussed earlier. ...
Context 2
... is striking is how few overrides were successful on Type III vetoes for Bush and Clinton. Despite a sizable number of bills passed by broad coalitions and vetoed (Table 1), only twice since 1989 has the president been overridden in both chambers. Bush was overridden only on cable television re-regulation; Clinton was overridden only on shareholder lawsuits, in a veto that puzzled Democratic leaders who thought they had worked out technical issues to the president's favor (cf. ...
Context 3
... finding begs the question of whether stronger parties in Congress make the president's task of persuading members to back his vetoes when challenged easier-even on legislation originally passed with a strong bipartisan spirit. A brief analysis of vote switching casts light on this and other questions raised by Tables 1-2 Tables 2a/2b/2c for two reasons. 6 First, we limit the analysis to those bills for which a recorded roll-call vote was available on the original legislation. ...
Context 4
... Table 1 Ford managed to convert less than 10 partisans on Type III legislation. These votes correspond generally to the earlier discussion about the two presidents' economic stands, which were largely symbolic. ...

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