Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... videoconference systems are normally hardware based and located in meeting rooms or classrooms, as seen in Fig. 1, which shows examples of a Polycom 1 equipment. Participants are expected to manually activate and call a remote number in order to begin interacting. Other solutions of room videoconference systems are Tandberg 2 (which is now part of Cisco), Lifesize 3 and Radvision (Scopia line) 4 ...
Context 2
... example, Fig. 10 shows the BigBlueButton plug-in for Moodle, which enables a teacher setup and schedule BigBlueButton sessions from within the Moodle interface 31 . Using the BigBlueButton plug-in a teacher can configure properties for the BigBlueButton session. Examples of properties are the name of the link in Moodle, restricting student's access to ...
Context 3
... the record property is set to true, the BigBlueButton server will record the audio, slides, and chat from a meeting for later playback within an HTML5 compatible browser (such as FireFox and Chrome), as seen in Fig. 11. ...
Context 4
... of events: (a) in person, where you just have a date and agenda in the website; (b) virtual meetings, possibly with streaming and recording; and (c) virtual congress, large virtual meetings, usually needing an on-site operator. These events happen inside spaces (or communities), that are a places where people with similar interests can interact. Fig. 12 shows one space inside Global Plaza where a recorded video is being played through the web ...
Context 5
... is a social network of users, spaces and events. Users can create and join spaces (communities) and can create and participate in events. All the events are held inside a community from a defined start date to an end date. Fig. 13 shows the user home page in Mconf-Web. This page has links to the most used features in the website. The label "Web conference room" shows the access point to the user´s web conference room (to start a meeting and invite people to his meeting, for example). The label "Communities" allows access to the user communities (or spaces). The ...
Context 6
... exception to this rule happens when the room is made private. When the user marks the room as private, he/she will be asked for two passwords: the viewer password and the moderator password. Any person invited must use one of these passwords to join the conference, and the password will define the role of this person. Fig. 14 exhibits the web page shown when an anonymous user tries to join a private web ...
Context 7
... Mconf-Web any user can start a web conference with just a few clicks, as shown in Fig. 15. After logging in the website, the user can simply click in the "join" button and the web conference will start. The same is valid for a community: after creating a community, any member can simply click in the "join" button and start the web conference. Fig. 15. Joining a web ...
Context 8
... Mconf-Web any user can start a web conference with just a few clicks, as shown in Fig. 15. After logging in the website, the user can simply click in the "join" button and the web conference will start. The same is valid for a community: after creating a community, any member can simply click in the "join" button and start the web conference. Fig. 15. Joining a web ...
Context 9
... of these features is the document sharing, where users can share any kind of documents inside a community. These documents can be accessed by any member of the community and, if the community is public, they can be accessed by anyone. Documents can also be tagged and versioned, so that it is easier to search for them later on. Fig. 16 shows the documents sharing ...
Context 10
... also a wall board and a notice board, where any kind of text messages can be posted and all members will be notified. In the user's homepage, there's a digest of the recent activity that includes the latest documents shared, messages and news posted, and events created. The user also has a calendar that shows the next events, as illustrated in Fig. 17. The website has also an internal messaging system, that works similarly to an email system and that users can use to communicate with each ...
Context 11
... in two libraries (called "gems" in Ruby). With these libraries, the front end application (in this case Global Plaza) can be replaced by any other Rails application and all the integration with BigBlueButton would still be functional. In other words, it is now easy to start a new front end application and integrate it with BigBlueButton. Fig. 18 shows how the application, the gems and BigBlueButton interact with each other. The gems were built in two levels: (1) a basic library for Ruby that simply performs HTTP calls to contact BigBlueButton's API; and (2) a library for Rails that is targeted for web applications and contains common data models and controlling logic to ...
Context 12
... session will discuss the development details of the Mconf Android client. There are two possibilities of interaction using Android devices, shown in Fig. 19 and Fig. 20: the first one is through a web browser, and the system works like in a regular PC, using Adobe Flash Player (shown in Fig. 19a); the other way is through the Android native application (shown in Fig. 19b and Fig. 20). There are two Android native applications, named Mconf-mobile and BBB-Android, which are described in ...
Context 13
... session will discuss the development details of the Mconf Android client. There are two possibilities of interaction using Android devices, shown in Fig. 19 and Fig. 20: the first one is through a web browser, and the system works like in a regular PC, using Adobe Flash Player (shown in Fig. 19a); the other way is through the Android native application (shown in Fig. 19b and Fig. 20). There are two Android native applications, named Mconf-mobile and BBB-Android, which are described in section 5.2. Fig. 19. Examples of web conference in a tablet using: a) flash or b) the Android application Fig. 20. Examples of web conference in ...
Context 14
... the development details of the Mconf Android client. There are two possibilities of interaction using Android devices, shown in Fig. 19 and Fig. 20: the first one is through a web browser, and the system works like in a regular PC, using Adobe Flash Player (shown in Fig. 19a); the other way is through the Android native application (shown in Fig. 19b and Fig. 20). There are two Android native applications, named Mconf-mobile and BBB-Android, which are described in section 5.2. Fig. 19. Examples of web conference in a tablet using: a) flash or b) the Android application Fig. 20. Examples of web conference in a smartphone using the Android application The Android operational system was chosen ...
Context 15
... 19 and Fig. 20: the first one is through a web browser, and the system works like in a regular PC, using Adobe Flash Player (shown in Fig. 19a); the other way is through the Android native application (shown in Fig. 19b and Fig. 20). There are two Android native applications, named Mconf-mobile and BBB-Android, which are described in section 5.2. Fig. 19. Examples of web conference in a tablet using: a) flash or b) the Android application Fig. 20. Examples of web conference in a smartphone using the Android application The Android operational system was chosen because of its big growth and popularity, in addition to a non-bureaucratic development and easy distribution for the ...
Context 16
... Mconf for Android is built upon many open source applications and libraries. Also, the support for mobile devices doesn't require any modification on the server side. The solution architecture is presented in Fig. 21. The figure depicts the software layers of both mobile applications developed (BBB-Android and Mconf-Mobile -see section 5.2), and each block is detailed hereafter. ...

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... Lastly, we should mention the work of Roesler et al. [74] who apart from extending the BigBlueButton Server and adding additional functionality and features to it. They created an ActionScript based client for mobile devices, bbb-air-client [75] which is integrated into our client, and is heavily modified for the requirements of our Thesis. ...
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... The webconference module is also responsible for the integration with mobile devices (Android and iOS), SIP phones and legacy videoconferencing room systems. This module is called "Mconf", and is also developed by the PRAV laboratory at UFRGS in partnership with BigBlueButton (Roesler, 2012a(Roesler, , 2012b(Roesler, , 2013a(Roesler, , 2013b(Roesler, , 2013c. ...
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