Figure - uploaded by Milena Delatorre
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Plant functional categorical traits and respective attributes used in the Q-matrix Species traits Attributes Function relevance / Ecological significance Life-form Amphibious [AM] Fine-scale view of establishment and survival strategy associated with water level variation Emergent [EM] Amphibious / emergent [AM/EM] Free floating with surface leaves [FF]

Plant functional categorical traits and respective attributes used in the Q-matrix Species traits Attributes Function relevance / Ecological significance Life-form Amphibious [AM] Fine-scale view of establishment and survival strategy associated with water level variation Emergent [EM] Amphibious / emergent [AM/EM] Free floating with surface leaves [FF]

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The relationship between organisms’ traits and the characteristics of their habitats has been a central theme in ecology. Using two complementary approaches to analyze three-matrices of species composition, functional trait, and environment data (RLQ and fourth-corner analyses), we tested if environmental gradient determines aquatic plant traits in...

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Context 1
... plant traits that we used to unravel the association with pond environment were categorical, and attributes were determined in the field using our own criteria and those found on literature (Pott and Pott 2000;Baattrup-Pedersen et al. 2016). A detailed map of used plant traits and respective functions are in the Table 1. ...
Context 2
... the three variables that we used to represent the environment of ponds, pond surface area and depth showed wide variation, but pH had a more restricted variation, ranging from 5.95 to 7.62, with a mean of 6.66 (SD ± 0.38) (Table S1). ...


... In synthesis, both the environmental factors, the habitat, as well as the taxonomic and functional properties of aquatic plants ( de Menezes-B et al., 2014;Delatorre et al., 2019), contribute to the attributes of the ecological communities in the two lakes. Despite the differences in the conductivity and pH of the lakes, the diversity of the different groups of organisms did not vary substantially likely emphasizing the permanent role played by the littoral environments of the Amazonian lakes. ...
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Carbon from aquatic plants and periphyton in littoral zones subsidize food webs. Field work was carried out in two different lake types in the Colombian Amazon: a várzea (Yahuarcaca) and an igapó (Pacatúa). Plants in the littoral zone of várzea Lake had higher photosynthetic biomass compared to the plants of the littoral zone of igapó, but differences in root biomass were not significant. The two littoral zones contained a relatively high species richness and diversity (Shannon-Wiener Index) of organisms associated with the roots, although no significant differences existed between the two lakes. Littoral areas may be important in relatively isolated and physically fragmented large terrestrial landscapes such as the Amazon basin.
... The changes in the water quantity and depth have direct effects on the animal communities [18], plant diversity [19], and leaf characteristics [20] in the lake, and the evolution of the lake's landscape pattern plays a significant role in the regional ecosystem service value [21]. As a common intermittent wetland system, ponds and ditches play a unique role in affecting the physiological traits of plants [22], maintaining biodiversity [23], degrading agricultural pollution [24], regulating the regional carbon cycle [25], and changing the regional hydrological conditions [26]. The second category of research focused on exploring the ecological environmental effects of different types of water evolution. ...
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With the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin rising to China’s national strategy, the Yellow River Delta is facing a historic development opportunity, and the surface water problems in this region are becoming more and more severe. Owing to the dual effects of the swing of the Yellow River’s channel and human activities, the surface water in the Yellow River Delta is in an evolving state. Consequently, it is important to pay attention to the ecosystem response caused by surface water evolution for the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Delta. Drawing on ecological, economic, and network analysis, in this study, the ecological service and landscape effects of the surface water evolution in the Yellow River Delta from 1986 to 2019 are explored using remote sensing and socioeconomic data. The results are as follows: (1) The surface water in the Yellow River Delta has evolved significantly in the last 35 years. Artificial water accounted for the dominant proportion of the total water, and the composition of water tended to be remarkably heterogeneous. (2) The ecological services of the surface water in the delta increased significantly during the study period. The ecological services of the surface water improved to varying degrees except for sedimentary land reclamation. Tourism, materials production, and water supply became the leading service functions of the surface water in the Yellow River Delta. The proportion of cultural functions rose rapidly, and the share of regulatory functions shrank significantly. (3) The evolution of the surface water had an evident impact on the landscape pattern of the Yellow River Delta, which was manifested as physical cutting and spatial attraction. This demonstrates the comprehensive effect of protective constraints, spatial attraction, and spatial exclusion on the landscape pattern of regional land types. The results of this study have a certain guiding significance for the development and management of the water resources in the Yellow River Delta and also provide information for ecological protection in this region.
... Several studies have shown that differences in plant composition are related to the river water regime (Murray-Hudson et al., 2014;Reid & Quinn, 2004). Aquatic macrophytes have reproductive strategies (clonal and sexual) and morphological characteristics that permit them to lead with water level variation (Delatorre et al.,2019;Eckert et al., 2016;Rameshkumar et al., 2019). ...
... depending on the depth and frequency of flooding (Murray-Hudson et al., 2014). Thus, floods can act as a homogenizing factor that promotes changes n of aquatic macrophyte species, whether they increase or decrease during flood cycles (Catian et al., 2018;Delatorre et al., 2019). Consequently, this study aimed to examine macrophytes composition and their Spatial-temporal dynamic during different climatic periods in relationship with the water physicochemical variables in Santo Tomás wetland on flood plain Magdalena River (Colombian Caribbean). ...
... Rial (2006) reported that the diversity and abundance of aquatic plants change with water level variation. Periodic fluctuations in the water level allow the establishment of plant communities with changes in the dominance of certain species (Delatorre et al., 2019). During the dry period, when the water level decreases, some species establish taking advantage of the supply of nutrients from the decomposition of other plants (Pérez-Vásquez et al., 2015). ...
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Aim The associated flood events to floodplain of many rivers in the world affect the composition and structure of aquatic biota due the water levels variation can ensure ecological integrity of associated wetlands. This study describes the spatial and temporal variation in the macrophyte assemblage in the Santo Tomás wetland during seasonally flood-pulsed of the Magdalena River (North of Colombia). Methods For eight months, between 2017 and 2018 samplings were carried out in three stations for composition and abundance of aquatic macrophytes. Spatio-temporal pattern of richness was estimated with Chao methodology and vegetation cover was calculated using Kruskal-Wallis and U Mann-Whitney tests. A range abundance curve was used for species dominance between samplings and stations. A non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) was used to analyze the Spatio-temporal distribution, Canonical Correspondence Analysis (ACC) was performed to relate the physicochemical variables to the species composition. Results A total of 24 species of aquatic plants distributed in 23 genera and 15 families were registered in the transects. The most abundant species (% of vegetation cover) were Ipomoea aquatica (19%), followed by Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (14%) and Eichhornia azurea (13%). The most frequent life form was free-floating, followed by the emergent one. The Spatio-temporal changes and the highest values of richness and vegetation cover in the Santo Tomás wetlands occurred during the filling and high waters period. L. helminthorrhiza, E. azurea, Pistia stratiotes, Neptunia oleracea, I. aquatica, Salvinia auriculata, and Hymenachne amplexicaulis were the most dominant species. The quality water of Santo Tomás Wetlands showed spatial and temporal variations during flooding pulse and some physicochemical variables such as organic matter (COD, BOD5), pH, depth, ammonia, and fecal coliforms were related to macrophyte community composition Conclusions Spatial and temporal changes of aquatic plants in Santo Tomás wetlands were related to the flooding pulse of Magdalena River.
... As macrófitas aquáticas apresentam grande capacidade de adaptação e amplitude ecológica, sendo encontradas nas margens e nas áreas rasas de rios, lagos e reservatórios, mas também em cachoeiras e fitotelmos, nas regiões costeiras, em água doce, salgada e salobra (ESTEVES, 1998). Dada a heterogeneidade filogenética e taxonômica das macrófitas aquáticas, diferentes grupos dessas plantas são reconhecidos no Brasil, e elas são preferencialmente classificadas de acordo com seu biótopo (ESTEVES, 1998 (CATIAN et al., 2012;CUNHA et al., 2012;AOKI et al., 2017;MOREIRA et al., 2017;CATIAN et al., 2019), Aquidauana (ROCHA et al., 2007;COUTINHO et al., 2017;COUTINHO et al., 2019), Nabileque (ROCHA et al., 2015), Abobral e Nhecolândia (LEHN et al., 2011;CATIAN et al., 2017;DELATORRE et al., 2019 ...
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O termo Bioma refere-se a uma área do espaço geográfico representada por um tipo uniforme de ambiente, dentro do qual é possível identificar características similares de macroclima, fitofisionomia, solo e altitude (WALTER, 1986). Dentro dessas áreas espécies surgiram e se desenvolveram em resposta à essas características do ambiente. Tal processo permite que por exemplo, dentro dessas áreas os vegetais apresentem aspectos, formas e processos fisiológicos característicos (CRAWLEY, 1989). Dessa maneira, a manutenção desses biomas, com suas características ambientais únicas, é de fundamental importância para a manutenção da biodiversidade e dos serviços ecossistêmicos que ali ocorrem (regulação climática, ciclo de matéria, segurança alimentar, entre outros) (PBMC/BPBES, 2018; JOLY et al., 2019). O Brasil é formado por seis grandes biomas: Amazônia, Caatinga, Cerrado, Mata Atlântica, Pampas e Pantanal (IBGE, 2019). Dentro desses ambientes são encontrados uma grande diversidade de fauna e flora e características únicas de relevo e clima. Essa variedade de biomas está relacionada a grande extensão territorial do Brasil e a sua posição geográfica. Todas essas características fazem do Brasil o maior detentor de biota continental do mundo, sendo estimado um valor entre 15% e 20% das aproximadamente 1,5 milhões de espécies descritas no planeta. Só de plantas vasculares os números mais recentes citados são de 56108 espécies, com 12400 (22%) endêmicas. Esses dados representam aproximadamente 22% do total mundial (LEWINSOHN; PRADO, 2002; SHEPHERD, 2002; HUBBELL, 2008; GIAM et al., 2010). Dentro desse contexto, os biomas Cerrado e Pantanal se integram por meio dos rios que nascem nos planaltos do Cerrado. Esses rios contribuem na formação do Pantanal, nas planícies inundáveis da bacia do Paraguai (BRASIL, 2007). No Domínio Cerrado, a dinâmica ambiental é proveniente de uma marcada sazonalidade climática com duas estações bem definidas, o período seco e o período chuvoso (ASSAD, 1994; SILVA, 2011). Essa sazonalidade climática modifica constantemente as propriedades do solo, da flora e da paisagem e a reestruturação de muitas comunidades (AMARAL et al., 2013; MALHEIROS, 2016). No Pantanal as áreas conhecidas como planícies de inundação se caracterizam pela presença de hábitats que variam de aquáticos a terrestres, de acordo com o grau de comunicação com o rio principal (PAZ; TUCCI, 2010). Os ciclos de secas e cheias são um importante fenômeno hídrico para a região, criando um sistema complexo e dinâmico (JUNK; DA SILVA, 1999; RESENDE, 2008). O Cerrado é uma das 25 áreas do mundo consideradas críticas para a conservação, devido à riqueza biológica e à alta pressão antrópica a que vem sendo submetido (MYERS et al., 2000). O Pantanal, por sua vez, é reconhecido mundialmente pela abundância de sua fauna (MITTERMEIER et al., 1990; HARRIS et al., 2005) e é considerado Reserva da Biosfera e Patrimônio Natural da Humanidade pela Unesco (BRASIL, 2018). O conhecimento dos aspectos que envolvem a fauna, a flora e as características dessas paisagens são de extrema importância para a sua conservação e preservação. As áreas de transição entre esses dois biomas, chamadas áreas de ecótono, se fazem presentes no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. Nessa região, os biomas Cerrado e Pantanal possuem correlações quanto aos aspectos geomorfológicos e fitogeográficos (RODRIGUES et al., 2017). Na região o encontro entre o Planalto de Maracaju-Campo Grande e a Planície Pantaneira é uma área comum de elementos bióticos e abióticos entre o planalto e a planície (FILHO et al., 2009). A transição entre dois ecossistemas implica a existência de uma área com valores intermediários para diversos parâmetros ambientais (NEIFF, 2003). Por um lado, a área de transição pode gerar um aumento na biodiversidade, dado o fato dessas áreas apresentarem representantes de fauna e flora dos dois ecossistemas (VELOSO et al., 1991). Contudo, essas áreas de transição podem também representarem barreira ou área de isolamento com ecossistemas vizinhos (MALANSON, 1997). Desta forma, uma análise voltada para as áreas de ecótono entre esses dois biomas faz-se necessária, uma vez que a preservação de um depende da preservação do outro. Sobretudo para o entendimento de que essas paisagens de ecótono podem ser responsáveis pelo isolamento e amortecimento das alterações dentro dos biomas Cerrado e Pantanal. Este E-book traz estudos desenvolvidos na área de ecótono Cerrado Pantanal no município de Aquidauana (MS) e entorno. O município está localizado a 130 Km a oeste da capital Campo Grande. Aquidauana por se tratar de um município com influência dos biomas Cerrado e Pantanal, abriga uma grande biodiversidade, sendo citada pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente (BRASIL, 2002) como área prioritária para conservação da biodiversidade. Na mesma via, o município se destaca por sua vocação turística e agropecuária, o que demanda atenção, devido ao processo de intensa ocupação e exploração antrópica dos recursos naturais. Dessa maneira, o conhecimento de suas características ambientais e dos processos ecológicos desempenhados por sua fauna e flora contribuem para sua preservação e manutenção.
... Second, we addressed the potential role of distinct ecological processes on the variation of species composition in nightly activity by fitting relationships on (c.1) the differences in species composition from the early-late night period and (c.2) the variance of such differences across the different monitored days patches of these vegetation formations and have their low-lying adjacent areas composed of seasonally flooded grasslands that often inundate during the rainy season (Prado et al., 2005). The aquatic vegetation of these freshwater water bodies comprises erectophile grass-like plants from Cyperaceae and Typhaceae families, and floating emergent plants from Pontederiaceae, Araceae, Salviniaceae and Nymphaceae families (Delatorre et al., 2020;Evans & Costa, 2013;Pott & Pott, 2000). ...
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Temporal scale in animal communities is often associated with seasonality, despite the large variation in species activity during a diel cycle. A gap thus remains in understanding the dynamics of short‐term activity in animal communities. Here we assessed calling activity of tropical anurans and addressed how species composition varied during night activity in assemblages along gradients of local and landscape environmental heterogeneity. We investigated 39 anuran assemblages in the Pantanal wetlands (Brazil) with passive acoustic monitoring during the peak of one breeding season, and first determined changes in species composition between night periods (early, mid and late) using two temporal resolutions (1‐ and 3‐hr intervals). Then, we addressed the role of habitat structure (local and landscape heterogeneity variables from field‐based and remote sensing metrics) and ecological context (species richness and phylogenetic relatedness) in determining changes in species composition (a) between night periods and (b) across days. Nocturnal calling activity of anuran assemblages varied more within the 1‐hr resolution than the 3‐hr resolution. Differences in species composition between early‐ and late‐night periods were related to local habitat structure and phylogenetic relatedness, while a low variation in compositional changes across days was associated with low‐heterogeneous landscapes. None of these relationships were observed using the coarser temporal resolution (3 hr). Our findings on the variation of calling activity in tropical anuran assemblages suggest potential trade‐offs mediated by fine‐temporal partitioning. Local and landscape heterogeneity may provide conditions for spatial partitioning, while the relatedness among co‐signalling species provides cues on the ecological overlap of species with similar requirements. These relationships suggest a role of niche dimensional complementarity on the structuring of these anuran assemblages over fine‐temporal scales. We argue that fine‐temporal differences between species in breeding activity can influence the outcome of species interaction and thus, addressing temporal scaling issues can improve our understanding of the dynamics of animal communities.
... The same cannot be said for Asia, the second continent for number of studies, where China accounts for most of the publications and very few studies have been carried out outside China (e.g., Kato and Kadono (2011) and Amano et al. (2012) in Japan; Bashir Shah et al. (2014) in India). The other continents lay far below in the list, but we noted emerging studies in the Brazilian wetlands present along the Amazon basin (e.g., Delatorre et al., 2019;Catian et al., 2018). Studies conducted in Oceania mainly concern the topic of invasive species, for example the research on effective management actions (Eller et al., 2015;Ellawala Kankanamge et al., 2019) or the impact of disturbance due to anthropic activities on native and invasive species (Mouton et al., 2019). ...
The use of functional traits (FTs) can provide quantitative information to explain macrophyte ecology more effectively than traditional taxonomic-based methods. This research aims to elucidate the trait-based approaches used in recent macrophyte studies to outline their applications, shortcomings, and future challenges. A systematic literature review focused on macrophytes and FTs was carried out on Scopus database (last accessed May 2020). The latest 520 papers published from 2010 to 2020, which represent 70% of the whole literature selected since 1969, were carefully screened. Reviewed studies mainly investigated: 1) the role of FTs in shaping communities; 2) the responses of macrophytes to environmental gradients; 3) the application of FTs in monitoring anthropic pressures; and 4) the reasons for success of invasive species. Studied areas were concentrated in Europe (41%) and Asia (32%), overlooking other important biodiversity hotspots, and only 6.2% of the world macrophytes species were investigated in dedicated single species studies. The FTs most commonly used include leaf economic and morphological traits, and we noticed a lack of attention on root traits and in general on spatial traits patterns, as well as a relatively poor understanding of how FTs mediate biotic interactions. High-throughput techniques, such as remote sensing, allow to map fine-scale variability of selected traits within and across systems, helping to clarify multiple links of FTs with ecological drivers and processes. We advise to promote investigations on root traits, and to push forward the integration of multiple approaches to better clarify the role of macrophytes at multiple scales.
Intermittent rivers are dynamic ecosystems that experience a predictable or unpredictable loss of surface water and are characterised by changing lotic, lentic (ponding) and dry habitats. Plant communities colonising dry channels during the desiccation stage can be diverse, abundant and differ in their tolerances to water availability and habitat conditions. This study examines the colonisation of terrestrial vegetation in two intermittent rivers in the United Kingdom, and whether terrestrial plant taxonomic richness and functional diversity increase during the dry phase. Six reaches were surveyed for terrestrial plants during the dry phase over a standard 100 m length every month from April to October 2021. We found the channel and bank taxonomic richness increased with drying duration. Functional traits of vegetation height, clonality, clonality richness and Ellenberg's value of light moisture also increased with stream desiccation. Bed sediment conditions (the proportion of sand and gravel) and the 12‐month antecedent percentage of zero flow days were the key drivers of plant community composition. We believe plant propagules from the riparian zone and channel vegetation on topographic high points in the channel aided plant colonisation of the riverbed once flow ceased. Past research may have underestimated the biodiversity value of intermittent rivers by failing to include the ecological importance of plants during the dry phase. Information on plant diversity of the dry phase is important to determine the overall biodiversity of intermittent rivers for their long‐term conservation and management.
This is an overview of the aquatic plants of the Pantanal wetland, from our field observations and the leading publications. We added an updated checklist of 533 species, including their life form and habitats, based on herbarium records with reliable identification, mostly from our collections. We compiled 509 species of Angiosperms, comprising 76 families and 182 genera, nearly all native, only eight naturalized and three cultivated. Macroalgae (Charophyta), liverwort (Bryophyta), and ferns and allies (Polypodiopsida) add to 24 species. The species-richest families are Cyperaceae (86 species), Poaceae (76), Fabaceae (35), and Plantaginaceae (24), together adding up to 44% of the total number of Angiosperms. The most numerous genera are Ludwigia (25), Cyperus (24), Rhynchospora (19), Utricularia (19), Eleocharis (17), Bacopa (14), Scleria (12) and Echinodorus (11). Most species are amphibious and emergent plants, whereas only a few are submerged. We comment on species taxonomy, flora, curiosities, ecology (traits), aquatic weeds, habitats (including floating meadows), life forms, biology, dispersal, vegetative propagation, seed bank, vegetation dynamics, how to collect, usefulness, impacts, resilience, and conservation. Most exotic species are also amphibious; the most invasive is Urochloa arrecta. Only four species are endemic to the Pantanal, all of Arachis of floodable habitats, A. hoehnei, A. linearifolia, A. valida, and A. vallsii. The Pantanal contains the tiniest (Wolffia) and the biggest (Victoria) hydrophyte.KeywordsAquatic macrophyteChecklistFloodplainFloraHydrophyteLarge riversPantanalSwampWetland
Determining the relationship between plant functional traits and the environment are key for the protection and sustainable utilization of riparian wetlands. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, riparian wetlands are divided into seasonal floodplain wetlands (natural) and pond-like wetlands or paddy fields (artificial). Here, species composition differences were catalogued based on plant functional traits including origin, life history, and wetland affinity in natural and artificial wetlands. Wetland physicochemical characteristics and regional socio-economic parameters collected as indicators of environmental variables were used to analyze the plant functional trait-environment relationship. The results reveal that plant functional traits in the seasonal floodplain wetland are impacted by physicochemical characteristics of habitat. The abundance of annual plants tends to decrease with concentration of heavy metals, while species diversity is mainly determined by soil physical and chemical properties, especially soil pH and temperature. Specifically, wetland-obligate species (not in water) are more resistant to heavy metal content in water than species with other types of wetland affinity. Life history strategies of species in artificial sites tend to be significantly associated with animal husbandry and artificial populations, while the wetland affinity of species is mainly determined by regional agriculture, especially the installation of agricultural covered areas. Furthermore, water quality and nutrients in suspended sediments from the Yellow River affected species diversity and life history strategies by affecting water and soil conditions of surrounding wetlands, especially conductivity and phosphorus levels.