Figure - uploaded by Dariusz Botor
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Photomicrographs of vitrinite particles from the Intra-Sudetic Basin. A and B – Sample 1s, borehole GW-19. C – Sample 17s,
borehole GW-19. D – Sample 10s, borehole GT-10. E – Sample 6s, borehole GT-10. F – Sample 22s, borehole GT-10. Photomicrographs under reflected white light and examination under oil immersion.

Photomicrographs of vitrinite particles from the Intra-Sudetic Basin. A and B – Sample 1s, borehole GW-19. C – Sample 17s, borehole GW-19. D – Sample 10s, borehole GT-10. E – Sample 6s, borehole GT-10. F – Sample 22s, borehole GT-10. Photomicrographs under reflected white light and examination under oil immersion.

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Raman spectroscopy and vitrinite reflectance measurements of dispersed organic matter from Carboniferous shales in boreholes in the northern part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin were used for thermal history reconstruction. Microscopic investigations have shown that the organic matter is dominated by the vitrinite maceral group. In analysed samples, org...

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... This organic component is applied to evaluate the thermal evolutionary history of the sedimentary basin (e.g. Taylor et al. 1998, Botor et al. 2020, Łuszczak et al. 2020, and references therein) or even in seismic hazard assessment (e.g. Phan et al. 2019). ...
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... Similarly, VR o (see e.g. Durand, 1980;Tissot and Welte, 1984;Gaupp and Batten, 1985;Botor et al., 2020;Łuszczak et al., 2020) and S (see e.g. Pollastro, 1990;Ś rodoń, 1995;Ś rodoń and Clauer, 2001;Derkowski et al., 2020) or both VR o and S (see e.g. ...
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Results are presented on the relationships between the vitrinite reflectance VRo, the Tmax temperatures determined with Rock-Eval pyrolysis, and the smectite (S) indices representing the percentage of smectite in the mixed-layer illite-smectite (I/S) from claystones. Samples locations are recovered from the Polish part of the Outer Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt. Organic indices show thermal maturities of most outcrop samples in the range of 0.47 to 1.49% Ro and 421 to 485 °C Tmax. Inorganic S indices values range from 8 to 60%. Lateral variability of the maturity measured with both organic and inorganic indices reflects mainly differences of maximum tectonic burial in the accretionary prism and subsequent exhumation and denudation. For the Western Outer Carpathians the calculated formulae for Tmax to VRo and S to VRo conversion are VRo = 0.0152 * Tmax - 5.938 (r2 = 0.87) and VRo = 1.1432–0.01295 * S (r2 = 0.65), respectively. Maximum paleotemperatures were calculated for individual samples from S indices by applying the novel formula T = ln (1.1432–0.01295 * S) + 1.68/ 0.0124. The proposed new conversion formulae might be useful in other regions with a similar geological setting, i.e. for claystone formations dominated by kerogen type III in fold–and-thrust belts, characterized by rapid tectonic burial accompanied by a low geothermal gradient, as well as maturities of the sub-bituminous to the medium volatile bituminous rank (0.5 to 1.50% Ro).