FIG 6 - uploaded by Martin Preising
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Phase diagram of helium in the temperature-pressure plane: the melting line from ab inito simulations of Preising et al. 74 (bold blue line) and experimental data (dashed orange line and symbols) of Refs. 81-88. Shown are the P -T condictions where the BG closes in fluid helium according to the broadened method (dotted lines, results of Ref. 34 in orange and of this work in red), the histogram technique of this work for the fluid (bold red line) and that of Ref. 32 for the solid (bold orange line), and the HOMO-LUMO definition of Ref. 35 (orange dash-dotted line). The black lines display exemplarily P -T conditions for astrophysical objects which contain substantial fractions of helium: an old white dwarf, 89 the brown dwarf KOI-889b, 90 and the gas giant planet Jupiter. 91

Phase diagram of helium in the temperature-pressure plane: the melting line from ab inito simulations of Preising et al. 74 (bold blue line) and experimental data (dashed orange line and symbols) of Refs. 81-88. Shown are the P -T condictions where the BG closes in fluid helium according to the broadened method (dotted lines, results of Ref. 34 in orange and of this work in red), the histogram technique of this work for the fluid (bold red line) and that of Ref. 32 for the solid (bold orange line), and the HOMO-LUMO definition of Ref. 35 (orange dash-dotted line). The black lines display exemplarily P -T conditions for astrophysical objects which contain substantial fractions of helium: an old white dwarf, 89 the brown dwarf KOI-889b, 90 and the gas giant planet Jupiter. 91

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We examine the metallization of fluid helium with molecular dynamics simulations based on density functional theory. The insulator-to-metal transition is studied at densities between 1 and 22g/cm3 and temperatures between 10 000 and 50 000 K. We calculate the equation of state, the band gap dependent on density and temperature by using different de...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... results of neither the EOS, the DC conductivity, the reflectivity or the ionization degree demonstrate hints where the nonmetal-to-metal phase transition takes place. We instead use the histogram BG closure as a marker for the IMT. We summarize our findings for the IMT in dense fluid helium and propose a new highpressure phase diagram in Fig. 6, with special emphasis on the region where the BG closes. ) and that of Ref. 32 for the solid (bold orange line), and the HOMO-LUMO definition of Ref. 35 (orange dash-dotted line). The black lines display exemplarily P -T conditions for astrophysical objects which contain substantial fractions of helium: an old white dwarf, 89 the ...
Context 2
... for astrophysical objects which contain substantial fractions of helium: an old white dwarf, 89 the brown dwarf KOI-889b, 90 and the gas giant planet Jupiter. 91 We consider the histogram method as most reliable in order to locate the BG closure and the corresponding IMT in dense fluid helium in P -T space. Therefore, the bold red line in Fig. 6 separates the non-metallic (left) from the metallic fluid (right) according to our extensive DFT-MD simulations and evaluations outlined in detail in Sections III A to III ...
Context 3
... astrophysical objects like gas giant planets, brown dwarfs, or the atmosphere of old and cool white dwarfs which contain large fractions of helium. For instance, the P -T conditions inside Jupiter, 91 the largest gas giant planet in our Solar System, do not intersect our results for BG closure according to the histogram method (bold red line in Fig. 6) which we consider as most reliable. Therefore, Jupiter probably does not contain metallic helium in its deep interior. Since hydrogen is metallic under these conditions, 5,71 the consequences for H-He demixing, the solubility of heavier elements in H-He (core erosion), and its actual structure near the core have to be studied, see ...
Context 4
... and hotter than Jupiter (hot Jupiters) 93 reach more extreme P -T conditions in their interior and could, therefore, contain metallic helium. This has consequences for the calculation of their interior profiles, evolution scenarios, and magnetic field structure. 3 The brown dwarf KOI-889b intersects the metallization lines of all methods shown in Fig. 6 and therefore probably contains metallic helium in its deep interior. The representative white dwarf model 89 has a higher temperature than the scope of this study. However, unless the slope of the band gap closure lines changes drastically, this particular white dwarf should contain metallic ...
Context 5
... for jumps or discontinuities in any of our results. In particular, the ionization calculated from the TRK sum rule method clearly shows a continuous transition to full ionization of 2.0, see Fig. 5. Therefore, we conclude that the metallization transition in dense fluid helium is driven by BG closure and continuous or of higher order, see Fig. ...

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