Percentage difference between measurement and simulation results

Percentage difference between measurement and simulation results

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This study presents simulation works carried out regarding to the airflow movement and particle dispersion in mechanically ventilated laboratory space at Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The measurement of air velocity was taken using Anemometer kit 4 in 1 while the particle dispersion was measu...

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Context 1
... comparison of the average hourly data for duration of eight hours is as shown in Figure 5. The measured value is below than the simulated value with percentage difference range from 6 % to 9 % as in Table 1. ...


... The capacity of the welding work shop is (25-35) students and the number of the welding machines is (15). There are three windows at the north wall which normally closed and no heating-ventilating-air conditioning (HVAC) system is exits, except a forced ventilation system consisting of 10 exhaust fans with of capacity (41.6) m 3 Copyright  2017 Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences. All rights reserved. ...
This study investigates experimentally and numerically the environmental conditions prevailing in a large mechanically ventilated welding workshop which lies in the Basra Oil Training Institute in Iraq. The numerical part was accomplished with the aid of the computational fluid dynamics by ANSYS 15 program. This software program was compared against the results of a resemblance research work ]1[, which shows a good agreement. Numerical results are compared with experimental data collected during different ventilation and occupational conditions of empty and full workshop daily work, and there is a good agreement between experimental data and numerical results. The experimental part was done by using suitable calibrated devices to measure the air velocity, temperature, relative humidity and concentration of CO, CO2 gases in the different locations of the indoor environment of welding workshop. The results of this study demonstrate that the occupants of the existed welding workshop suffer from healthy problems because of the harmful gases, and the inefficient ventilation system used.
... The capacity of the welding work shop is (25-35) students and the number of the welding machines is (15). There are three windows at the north wall which normally closed and no heating-ventilating-air conditioning (HVAC) system is exits, except a forced ventilation system consisting of 10 exhaust fans with of capacity (41.6) m 3 Copyright  2018 Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences. All rights reserved. ...