Table 2 - uploaded by Michael Peterson
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Percent of Internet Access by Country for 1999 and 2001, ranked by 1999 usage. The percent of users is specific to the population of each country. 

Percent of Internet Access by Country for 1999 and 2001, ranked by 1999 usage. The percent of users is specific to the population of each country. 

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This chapter discusses the adoption of the Internet as a medium of communication that has been particularly rapid since the appearance of the World Wide Web (WWW) in the early 1990s. The number of Internet users has increased dramatically as the technology has spread around the world. In the process, the dominant means of map distribution has also...


... Doświadczeni użytkownicy wolą pracę z mapami papierowymi, podczas gdy osoby z małym doświadczeniem (w tej grupie najczęściej znajdują się uczniowie) wolą elektroniczne mapy z interaktywnymi rozwiązaniami (Hurst i Clough, 2013), które oferują wiele ułatwień. Należy jednak wspomnieć również o ograniczeniach map cyfrowych, które wynikają z medium przekazu informacji: ograniczona gama barw (dodatkowo zależna od urządzenia), wymiary mapy, rozdzielczość ekranu (Kraak i Brown, 2001;Peterson, 2006). W badaniu przeprowadzonym na początku XXI wieku respondenci będący studentami geografii zostali poproszeni o ocenę map papierowych i cyfrowych (Pedersen i in., 2005). ...
W artykule podjęto próbę wskazania roli map cyfrowych w edukacji w odniesieniu do zakresu nowej podstawy programowej kształcenia ogólnego w zakresie geografii w szkole podstawowej. Po dokonaniu przeglądu literatury dotyczącej korzyści wykorzystania nowych technologii w edukacji, w tym myślenia przestrzennego, dokonano zestawienia i oceny aplikacji internetowych zawierających mapy cyfrowe. Wskazano czynności i polecenia, które można wykorzystać do realizacji wybranych tematów lekcji w zakresie geografii Polski i Polski na tle Europy. Artykuł zamyka uproszczony przykładowy scenariusz lekcji dotyczący wykorzystania jednego z geoportali na lekcji geografii w klasie VII.
... Spatial information, mostly presented as maps are one of the most common means used in visual risk communication 3) . Maps used for disaster management can be formed as traditional paper maps, digital maps, map-based information systems, simulations, or web-technology 1,[4][5][6] . The contents of the maps ranged from the visualizations of areas exposed to a particular hazard or risks such as hazard maps or risk maps up to the spatial distribution disaster occurrences. ...
SIKK Magelang (Sistem Informasi Kebencanaan Kabupaten Magelang) is a web map-based disaster information system built by a local disaster management agency in Magelang, Indonesia to serve as a disaster database and a one-way disaster risk communication tool. This article assesses awareness, perception, and usage intention of the information system with local risk managers, volunteers, and public audiences in a historical city in Indonesia, namely Magelang Regency. The study found that respondents were unfamiliar with the disaster information system but were willing to use SIKK Magelang as a source of disaster information after a usage trial.
... According to their research, there are 2 most popular ways to develop cartography, namely web and cellular mapping. Both are popular and active, (Kolesnikov and Kikin, 2016;Hemalatha, 2015;Kikin, 2014;Shashidhar, 2014;Mitchel, 2005;Michael, 2003;Kraak, 2001) caused by modern features such as web technology, cellular devices and wireless communication facilities (Kolesnikov and Kikin, 2016). The role of application in the world today has increased and is now used to do production work, which was only for entertainment facilities (Kolesnikov and Kikin, 2016). ...
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Point of Sales is a system used to make sales transactions. MPC Computers is a retail that sells computer accessories. But in its operation MPC Computer still applies a manual system, so that the services provided are not optimal. Reporting that requires a long time makes it difficult for store owners to determine inventory for the future because the information is not detailed, this results in reduced performance. In dealing with this, a Point of Sales application is made with the SCRUM agile method. This method was chosen because it is fast and light in application development and has a vision of high value products in creativity and productivity. There are three roles in the development of SCRUM, namely the Product Owner, SCRUM Master and Development Team. The Product Owner will define the business requirements needed, then from those needs transformed into a product backlog facilitated by the SCRUM Master, the Product Backlog will be transformed back into a sprint backlog that will be developed by the Development Team. During the execution the requirements can change and be flexible with the consequences of development being disturbed. The output of SCRUM is an application that will provide various modules such as purchasing, sales, inventory and reporting. The goal is to control the number of store inventory assets. So that stores can improve service, get detailed information, save time, and reduce costs.
... Related Works in real-time Web-cartography Integrating web cartography has been studied since 1997 [6]. Several techniques have been added to maps, making them more interactive, dynamic, multimedia and improving the access to information (accessibility, timeliness, authenticity). ...
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In recent years, we have seen a growing number of location-based sensors used to measure increasingly diverse phenomena. Therefore, we consider the increasing need to efficiently manage the huge amount of data collected from located wireless sensor networks (WSN). In some phenomena, it is fundamental to generate maps in real time. Data can be grouped into web-cartography for diverse purposes; so finally, we develop a web-based mapping on demand. In this paper, in addition to cartographic functionalities mentioned above, we are facing another challenge. Indeed, we encounter the problem of avoiding on-the-fly overlays of multiple visual layers in order to get a result that is easy to interpret due to visual interference between graphic elements. The present paper describes an approach to the cartographic visualization of geo-data regularly acquired by WSN and exhibits a prototype portal based on an open source platform for integrated visualization as visual realtime animated summaries An application in meteorology is proposed.
... According to them the most popular ways of cartography development are web-mapping and mobile mapping. Both directions are very popular and developing actively, (Hemalatha, 2015;Kraak, 2001;Kikin, 2014;Mitchel, 2005;Michael, 2003;Shashidhar, 2014) which is caused by modern features of web-technologies, mobile devices and means of wireless communication. ...
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Development of mobile applications is a very popular trend of today’s informational technologies. Moreover, mapping applications are one of the most popular among all. However, development of mobile applications has some issues while implementing application for multiple mobile platforms and while making it work offline. According to our development experience, it was decided to show main methods of mobile application development, describe advantages and disadvantages of each with respect to mapping functions and application complexity. Special attention was paid to hybrid mobile development technology in order to check out the widespread information about it’s high development speed in compare to “native” and to make sure that it allows to realize easy transferring of existing web application to mobile platform.
... The Internet, in particular the World Wide Web, is fast becoming an integral part of our daily lives and an essential medium for satisfying everyday needs (Skarlatidou et al., 2013). Within the past few years, the popularity of interactive web maps has exploded (Hazzard, 2011), and accessed and viewed by millions of users today (Peterson, 2003). Indeed, with the advent of open source solutions like Geoserver, Tomcat Apache, Udig and OpenLayers, online mapping is easily accessible, and everyone can create modern, fast and interactive web mapping applications with little or even no knowledge of geography, cartography or programming. ...
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In the last years, the distribution of spatial and non-spatial data on the internet plays a crucial role in national development. It facilitates communication between administration, decision-makers and citizens for urban management. In order to encourage the sharing and disseminating of data, the present study aims to develop and implement WebGIS framework for urban management, which offer possibilities to access the right data in the right time to make the right decisions. In this paper web based WebGIS architecture is described and implemented using open source tools such as Geoserver, Tomcat apache and OpenLayers. The work also utilized Web client technologies such as HyperText Markup Language (HTML) for providing the flexibility and more interactivity. An area of Batna city in eastern of Algeria has been chosen. The study demonstrates that web GIS in combination with an urban geographic information system (GIS) is very useful and vital tools for visualizing and improving the decision-making processes.
... The Internet, in particular the World Wide Web, is fast becoming an integral part of our daily lives and an essential medium for satisfying everyday needs (Skarlatidou et al., 2013). Within the past few years, the popularity of interactive web maps has exploded (Hazzard, 2011), and accessed and viewed by millions of users today (Peterson, 2003). Indeed, with the advent of open source solutions like Geoserver, Tomcat Apache, Udig and OpenLayers, online mapping is easily accessible, and everyone can create modern, fast and interactive web mapping applications with little or even no knowledge of geography, cartography or programming. ...
... en 1996, Google Maps en el 2005,…) y a través de aplicaciones móviles. En esta época se publican varios libros que abordan las posibilidades de estos "nuevos mapas": "Interactive and Animated Cartography" (Peterson, 1995), "Web Cartography" (Kraak & Brown, 2001), "Maps and the Internet" (Peterson, 2003) y "Multimedia Cartography" (Cartwright & Peterson, 2007), entre otros. Respecto a la cartografía en dispositivos móviles, Bollmann (1996) fue el primero en comprender el mapa como una secuencia de representaciones en el contexto de las actividades del usuario, atribuyendo al mapa el papel de sistema dinámico. ...
... There have been several prior attempts to generate a static 'map' of the Internet [8,14,35]. Researchers have used traditional cartographic tools and developed GIS systems [33,43]. Most of these, including one of the most iconic pictures (by Burch [8] republished in Wired, shown in Figure 1), were taken in a different era of the Internet. ...
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One of the goals of network administrators is to identify and block sources of attacks from a network steam. Various tools have been developed to help the administrator identify the IP or subnet to be blocked, however these tend to be non-visual. Having a good perception of the wider network can aid the administrator identify their origin, but while network maps of the Internet can be useful for such endeavors, they are difficult to construct, comprehend and even utilize in an attack, and are often referred to as being " hairballs ". We present a visualization technique that displays pathways back to the attacker; we include all potential routing paths with a best-efforts identification of the commercial relationships involved. These two techniques can potentially highlight common pathways and/or networks to allow faster, more complete resolution to the incident, as well as fragile or incomplete routing pathways to/from a network. They can help administrators re-profile their choice of IP transit suppliers to better serve a target audience.
... A representação gráfica do espaço por meio de mapas é utilizada pela sociedade desde os povos pré-históricos. Embora não haja consenso quanto à autoria e data da primeira cartografia criada, existem indícios que remontam sua origem à Mesopotâmia por volta do século 25 A.C. [3] A [4], e que se propõe a representar dados de naturezas distintas, predominantemente quantitativa, relacionados à suas localizações físicas. ...
... Assim, as cartografias online podem contribuir para investigação e compreensão de diferentes contextos sócioeconômicos-culturais, dentre os quais eventos em saúde. Segundo Peterson [3], a Internet ressignifica o uso dos mapas, que não estão mais limitados ao papel impresso e podem se distribuídos e acessados mais rapidamente pela Rede. Além disso, emergem também práticas de interação homem-mapa, como o mapeamento colaborativo e a produção coletiva de conteúdo em mapas disponíveis na web [9]. ...
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Este trabalho busca discutir o uso de cartografias para representação de dados em eventos de saúde, principalmente aqueles relacionados a estudos epidemiológicos, pela ótica do Design. A partir de uma síntese histórica e conceitual, este artigo destaca o papel que os princípios da representação gráfica, a tecnologia de geolocalização, o fenômeno do Big Data e, finalmente, as ferramentas colaborativas para compartilhamento de dados desempenham na criação de cartografias sobre o tema saúde.