Overview of the experimental crosses and their reproductive output. 909

Overview of the experimental crosses and their reproductive output. 909

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The rate and chromosomal positioning of meiotic recombination significantly affects the distribution of the genetic diversity in eukaryotic genomes. Many studies have revealed sex-specific recombination patterns, with male recombination typically biased toward chromosome ends, while female recombination is more evenly distributed along chromosomes,...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... separated into individual vials before reaching maturity, and subsequently sexed and mated with 130 full-sibs. For each of the four families, we selected the F1 pair with the highest reproductive output for 131 further breeding (Table 1). We separated F2 individuals as larvae, sexed them when mature, and then 132 placed them in the DNA isolation buffer. ...
Context 2
... separated F2 individuals as larvae, sexed them when mature, and then 132 placed them in the DNA isolation buffer. In total, we used 199 bulb mites from the four families to 133 construct the genetic map, comprising 8 P, 8 F1, and 183 F2 individuals, with the number of F2 134 individuals per family ranging from 32 to 60 (Table 1). 135 . ...
Context 3
... mapping and removal of reads with low mapping quality, we retained 4.43 × 10 9 reads and 196 258 individuals (Table S1). The mean coverage was 21.3X in the P and F1 samples, and 9.25X in the F2 259 samples. ...