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Out-of-vocabulary word distribution in English Gigaword (NYT), Twitter and SMS data

Out-of-vocabulary word distribution in English Gigaword (NYT), Twitter and SMS data

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Conference Paper
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Twitter provides access to large volumes of data in real time, but is notoriously noisy, hampering its utility for NLP. In this paper, we target out-of-vocabulary words in short text messages and propose a method for identifying and normalising ill-formed words. Our method uses a classifier to detect ill-formed words, and generates correction candi...

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... three corpora we compare are the New York Times (NYT), 4 SMS, 5 and Twit- ter. 6 The results are presented in Figure 1. ...

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... Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words are prevalent in social media text, and they pose significant challenges [14]. Furthermore, the evolving nature of online language necessitates periodic model updates [6]. ...
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... The work of Han and Baldwin (2011) is a well-known reference to the task of lexical normalization of tweets, albeit their study focused on English tweets for one-to-one normalization. But there is some work which concentrates on enhancing the current state-of-the-art NLP tools such as sentiment analysis by using microtext normalization techniques as a preprocessor to the input text. ...
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... Compared to word-level translation, characterlevel translation is more robust for unseen words. Another model was to first generate a set of normalization candidates for words, employ a Support Vector Machine (SVM) for unnormalized word detection and classification, and then an n-gram lookup for candidate selection [21]. Another character-focused model used two-step statistical machine translation [22], first detecting non-standard words using conditional random fields (CRF) sequence labeling, then translating the character sequence to a phonetic sequence, and finally translating this new sequence to words, with the words segmented based on their phonetic meaning, symbol or pronunciation improves the characters' alignment with parts of a word. ...
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Lexical Normalization (LN) aims to normalize a nonstandard text to a standard text. This problem is of extreme importance in natural language processing (NLP) when applying existing trained models to user-generated text on social media. Users of social media tend to use non-standard language. They heavily use abbreviations, phonetic substitutions, and colloquial language. Nevertheless, most existing NLP-based systems are often designed with the standard language in mind. However, they suffer from significant performance drops due to the many out-of-vocabulary words found in social media text. In this paper, we present a new (LN) technique by utilizing a transformer-based sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) to build a multilingual characters-to-words machine translation model. Unlike the majority of current methods, the proposed model is capable of recognizing and generating previously unseen words. Also, it greatly reduces the difficulties involved in tokenizing and preprocessing the nonstandard text input and the standard text output. The proposed model outperforms the winning entry to the Multilingual Lexical Normalization (MultiLexNorm) shared task at W-NUT 2021 on both intrinsic and extrinsic evaluations.
... Preprocessing is crucial when working with Twitter data, which can be quite noisy and in general may contain various non-canonical text elements such as user handles (@username), hashtags, emojis, and misspellings, among others. In their work, Nguyen et al (2020) attempted two normalization strategies, a soft one that made minor changes such as replacing usernames and hashtags, and a more aggressive one using the ideas of Han and Baldwin (2011). However, the authors found no significant improvement by using the latter normalization strategy. ...
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... As detailed below, the method is divided into two parts. Using lexical normalization, the invoice line item string was normalized according to Han et al., (2010) [44]. Recognizing ill-formed Out of Vocabulary (OOV) terms is called lexical normalization. ...
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... We also see issues in fitting the binomial regression models in the first place. The "Pairs" column indicates how many of the 66 Han and Baldwin (2011) In Figure 12, we compare the number of smoothing iterations to the average AIC (top graphs), average McFadden's pseudo-R 2 (middle graphs), and number of pairs that were successfully fit. We see that Retrofitting approaches get substantially worse with more iterations. ...
... and Liu et al. (2011). TheHan and Baldwin (2011) dataset was formed from three annotators normalizing 1,184 out of vocabulary tokens from 549 English Tweets. TheLiu et al. (2011) dataset was formed from Amazon Turkers normalizing 3,802 nonstandard tokens (tokens that are rare and diverge from a standard form) from 6,150 Tweets. ...
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Linguistic variation across a region of interest can be captured by partitioning the region into areas and using social media data to train embeddings that represent language use in those areas. Recent work has focused on larger areas, such as cities or counties, to ensure that enough social media data is available in each area, but larger areas have a limited ability to find fine grained distinctions, such as intracity differences in language use. We demonstrate that it is possible to embed smaller areas which can provide higher resolution analyses of language variation. We embed voting precincts which are tiny, evenly sized political divisions for the administration of elections. The issue with modeling language use in small areas is that the data becomes incredibly sparse with many areas having scant social media data.We propose a novel embedding approach that alternates training with smoothing which mitigates these sparsity issues. We focus on linguistic variation across Texas as it is relatively understudied. We developed two novel quantitative evaluations that measure how well the embeddings can be used to capture linguistic variation. The first evaluation measures how well a model can map a dialect given terms specific to that dialect. The second evaluation measures how well a model can map preference of lexical variants. These evaluations show how embedding models could be used directly by sociolinguists and measure how much sociolinguistic information is contained within the embeddings. We complement this second evaluation with a methodology for using embeddings as a kind of genetic code where we identify “genes” that correspond to a sociological variable and connect those “genes” to a linguistic phenomenon thereby connecting sociological phenomena to linguistic ones. Finally, we explore approaches for inferring isoglosses using embeddings.
... A hashtag is a word or phrase without space preceded by a hash symbol (#), which is used as a keyword to indicate the content of a tweet or the topic it is related to [53]. On Twitter, users primarily use hashtags to convey sentiments and opinions [24]. Many studies have shown the effectiveness of hashtags to be used in tweets analytic tasks [6,51]. ...
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People who share similar opinions towards controversial topics could form an echo chamber and may share similar political views toward other topics as well. The existence of such connections, which we call connected behavior, gives researchers a unique opportunity to predict how one would behave for a future event given their past behaviors. In this work, we propose a framework to conduct connected behavior analysis. Neural stance detection models are trained on Twitter data collected on three seemingly independent topics, i.e., wearing a mask, racial equality, and Trump, to detect people's stance, which we consider as their online behavior in each topic-related event. Our results reveal a strong connection between the stances toward the three topical events and demonstrate the power of past behaviors in predicting one's future behavior.
... Social media, however, can capture low frequency data that traditional corpora cannot; tokens of interest that may occur a handful of times in a traditional sociolinguistic corpus (e.g., seven instances of third person quotative talkin' 'bout and 23 tokens of associative 'nem in the Corpus of Regional African American Language, Kendall and Farrington 2020) occur hundreds of thousands of times on social media (Jones, 2015). The format is inherently informal (Han and Baldwin, 2011;van Halteren and Oostdijk, 2012;Eisenstein, 2013b), people write for their social networks (Eisenstein, 2013a;Doyle, 2014;Eisenstein et al., 2014;Yuan et al., 2016), and unconventional spellings that pose challenges for traditional NLP applications nevertheless provide rich linguistic information as people engage in identity constructionoften through intentionally representing their accents and pronunciation through innovative orthography (Jones, 2016c). People also navigate linguistic taboos orthographically: as Smith (2019) notes, "most white Facebookers (and a few blacks) variably spelled nigga as n***a, nga, ninja, nucca, and nicca, betraying some degree of awareness of the word's taboo status in wider social circles." ...
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There are some linguistic forms that may be known to both speakers and linguists, but that occur naturally with such low frequency that traditional sociolinguistic methods do not allow for study. This study investigates one such phenomenon: the grammatical reanalysis of an intensifier in some forms of African American English—from a full phrase [than a mother(fucker)] to lexical word (represented here as dennamug )—using data gathered from twitter. This paper investigates the relationship between apparent lexicalization and deletion of the comparative morpheme on the preceding adjective. While state-of-the-art traditional corpora contain so few tokens they can be counted on one hand, twitter yields almost 300,000 tokens over a 10 year sample period. This paper uses web scraping of Twitter to gather all plausible orthographic representations of the intensifier, and uses logistic regression to analyze the extent to which markers of lexicalization and reanalysis are associated with a corresponding shift from comparative to bare morphology on the adjective the intensifier modifies, finding that, indeed, degree of apparent lexicalization is strongly associated with bare morphology, suggesting ongoing lexicalization and subsequent reanalysis at the phrase level. This digital approach reveals ongoing grammatical change, with the new intensifier associated with bare, note comparative, adjectives, and that there is seemingly stable variation correlated with the degree to which the intensifier has lexicalized. Orthographic representations of African American English on social media are shown to be a locus of identity construction and grammatical change.
... "makan where?" → "where should we eat?"). from character/token level manipulation, early studies utilized lexical-based methods like dictionary lookup, word similarity, and N-gram probabilities (Han and Baldwin, 2011;Supranovich and Patsepnia, 2015). MoNoise (van der Goot and van Noord, 2017) built a pipeline that is similar to a ranking-retrieval approach. ...
Conference Paper
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Within the natural language processing community , English is by far the most resource-rich language. There is emerging interest in conducting translation via computational approaches to conform its dialects or creole languages back to standard English. This computational approach paves the way to leverage generic English language backbones, which are beneficial for various downstream tasks. However , in practical online communication scenarios , the use of language varieties is often accompanied by noisy user-generated content, making this translation task more challenging. In this work, we introduce a joint paraphrasing task of creole translation and text normaliza-tion of Singlish messages, which can shed light on how to process other language varieties and dialects. We formulate the task in three different linguistic dimensions: lexical level normal-ization, syntactic level editing, and semantic level rewriting. We build an annotated dataset of Singlish-to-Standard English messages, and report performance on a perturbation-resilient sequence-to-sequence model. Experimental results show that the model produces reasonable generation results, and can improve the performance of downstream tasks like stance detection .
... Another is lexical normalization before training: transforming non-standard tokens into a more standardised form to reduce the number of out-ofvocabulary tokens (Haruechaiyasak and Kongthon, 2013, Cook and Stevenson, 2009, Han and Baldwin, 2011, Liu et al., 2012. Both approaches therefore ignore the hidden semantics of misspelling, either by explicitly removing it or by losing the connection to the standard form. ...
... More recent works started investigating different types of misspelling formation. Cook and Stevenson (2009) and Han and Baldwin (2011) presented a consistent observation that the majority of the misspelling found on the internet is from morphophonemic variations (transformation of surface form of a word but conserve similar pronunciation) and abbreviations. This finding is then used as a guideline to build their lexical normalization models. ...
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User-generated content is full of misspellings. Rather than being just random noise, we hypothesise that many misspellings contain hidden semantics that can be leveraged for language understanding tasks. This paper presents a fine-grained annotated corpus of misspelling in Thai, together with an analysis of misspelling intention and its possible semantics to get a better understanding of the misspelling patterns observed in the corpus. In addition, we introduce two approaches to incorporate the semantics of misspelling: Misspelling Average Embedding (MAE) and Misspelling Semantic Tokens (MST). Experiments on a sentiment analysis task confirm our overall hypothesis: additional semantics from misspelling can boost the micro F1 score up to 0.4-2%, while blindly normalising misspelling is harmful and suboptimal.