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Original specimens of Artemisia umbrosa (KW001000452 and KW001000453, on the same sheet) from the Besser historical herbarium at KW. See the label information in the text. 

Original specimens of Artemisia umbrosa (KW001000452 and KW001000453, on the same sheet) from the Besser historical herbarium at KW. See the label information in the text. 

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Artemisia umbrosa, initially described as A. vulgaris var. umbrosa, is an East Asian species that has been introduced and is now locally naturalized in some European countries. It has a complicated nomenclatural and taxonomic history. The name Artemisia umbrosa has been misapplied to related taxa of Artemisia sect. Artemisia, including A. verlotior...


... Sending actual samples (especially types) for investigation from one herbarium to another also carries certain risks for the preservation of valuable specimens, so it is not so commonly practiced today as it used to be before. Since all plant taxa studied by any methods and techniques must be reliably identified and labeled with their correct (i.e., nomenclaturally legitimate and currently accepted) scientific names, taxonomic identification of specimens, transcription of labels, search and analysis of protologues, identification of type and other original and historical specimens of species of Artemisia, as well as the analysis of the obtained results, will significantly improve our understanding of the taxonomy and nomenclature of representatives of the genus around the world, and will also lay the foundations for any further taxonomic and other studies of Artemisia (Mosyakin et al., 2017(Mosyakin et al., , 2018. ...
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Our herbarium inventory revealed that the collection of specimens of the genus Artemisia (Asteraceae) in the memorial collection of W.S.J.G. Besser (KW-BESS) at the National Herbarium of Ukraine (KW) contains at least 1186 herbarium sheets. The collection of specimens of Artemisia is stored in folders Nos. 234–249 of the Besser herbarium. Each folder contains individual paper folders (here termed taxon covers). In total, there are 217 individual taxon folders. Our analysis of protologues and herbarium labels demonstrated that the KW-BESS collection contains types and/or other original specimens in 118 taxon folders, but much more actual types of species-rank and infraspecific names. Additional analysis of their possible type status is needed for specimens in 28 taxon folders. The KW-BESS collection contains authentic and historical specimens of such famous researchers and collectors of the 19th century as A. Bunge, L.K.A. Chamisso, A.P. de Candolle, D. Douglas, J.F.G. Eschscholtz, F.E.L. Fischer, J.É. Gay, A. Gray, J.D. Hooker, V.V. Jacquemont, G.S. Karelin and I.P. Kirilov, K.F. Ledebour, A.F. Marschall von Bieberstein, C.A. Meyer, T. Nuttall, J.D. Prescott, Ch. Steven, N.S. Turczaninow, N. Wallich, etc. We present and discuss here some examples of labels written by Besser and several other famous botanists. Our preliminary assessment of this globally important collection established the foundations for further nomenclatural and taxonomic studies of Artemisia, in particular, those based on historical specimens at KW.
... So, the authors proposed renaming eponyms and retaining the original names as synonyms. on the contrary, recent research has revealed enormous misuse and erroneous application of scientific names in recent publications (Chang & Chang 2009;Mosyakin et al. 2018;hughey et al. 2019. Renaming eponyms and retaining the original names as synonyms is not taxonomically progressive. ...
... Перелік відомих місць трапляння виду на території України наведений у статті С.Л. Мосякіна зі співавторами (Mosyakin et al., 2018a). На Лівобережжі України його раніше знаходили тільки у м. ...
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Data on findings of seven species of vascular plants that are new records for the spontaneous flora of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine are presented. Four species (Artemisia umbrosa, Sedum album, Ribes aureum, and Prunus tomentosa) are alien plants completely naturalized in the studied area; other three species are treated by author as representatives of the indigenous fraction (Cerastium kioviense, Rhododendron tomentosum, and Vicia lathyroides). Cerastium kioviense and V. lathyroides are considered not rare species in the studied region but rather overlooked by botanists due to their early flowering period. Four species (A. umbrosa, C. kioviense, R. aureum, and P. tomentosa) were for the first time found in Poltava Region, two species (R. aureum, P. tomentosa) – in Kharkiv Region, and one (V. lathyroides) – in Kyiv Region. For all reported species, lists of their localities, places of original descriptions and nomenclatural types are indicated. The species name Prunus tomentosa is lectotypified.
... Рідкісність знахідок цього виду на дослідженій території пояснюється кількома факторами: недостатньою увагою ботаніків до сегетальних біотопів, "затуханням" цього давнього сегетального релікта у зв'язку з суттєвими змінами в рослинництві після Другої Світової війни, зокрема масованим використанням гербіцидів та загальною інтенсифікацією сільськогосподарського виробництва. (Mosyakin, 1990), нині відомі ще його одиничні місцезнаходження в правобережній частині Києва, Донецькій, Закарпатській, Київській, Львівській, Полтавській, Херсонській і Чернівецькій областях та АР Крим (Boiko, 2012;Mosyakin et al., 2018Mosyakin et al., , 2019Davydov, 2021). Місцезростання в Україні приурочені до залізниць, а також інших рудеральних біотопів на узбіччях доріг і в населених пунктах. ...
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Results of the conducted botanical surveys in the Forest-Steppe part of Zhytomyr Region are provided. Nine alien taxa (mainly xenophytes) new for the flora of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe have been identified: Allium altissimum, Amaranthus deflexus, Aphanes arvensis, Artemisia umbrosa, Crataegus sanguinea, Epilobium pseudorubescens, Erigeron strigosus, Polygonum calcatum, and Silene coronaria. Localities of these species are described and botanical-geographical comments are provided for most of taxa. There are also 64 taxa newly reported for the Forest-Steppe part of Zhytomyr Region, of which 31 are native plants, 32-alien plants, and 1 species of unidentified origin. Twelve taxa are rare and protected at different levels. Invasive plants in need of monitoring are identified among newly reported species. According to the new data, flora of the Forest-Steppe part of Zhytomyr Region includes more than 1320 taxa of vascular plants. An important result was the discovery at the border of Zhytomyr Polissya and the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of localities of five expanding species of the genus Rubus with predominantly Central European ranges: R. bertramii, R. gracilis, R. hirtus, R. montanus, and R. plicatus. Expansion of these species of blackberries in the eastern direction within the territory of Northern Ukraine is associated with natural migration and is probably caused by the gradual climate warming.
... A. verlotiorum is said to be native to East Asia, especially to China (Sanz et al., 2004).This species is currently naturalized in many African, western Asian, European, Australian, New Zealand and South American regions (Pampanini, 1923(Pampanini, , 1933Brenan, 1950;Bangerter, 1978;Webb et al., 1988;Esler, 1987;Leonova, 1994;Ariza, 1997;Thompson, 2007;Verloove, 2013;Ling et al., 2011;Kurşat and Civelek, 2011;Mosyakin et al., 2018) and other parts of the world (Gams, 1929;Mosyakin, 1990;Dubovik and Mosyakin, 1991;Gabrielian and Vallès 1996;Mosyakin 2006;Boiko, 2013;Mamchur et al., 2017;Mosyakin et al., 2019) Gams (1929) reported the first occurrence of A. verlotiorum in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. According to Gams (1929), he observed this species as a weed in the Nikita Botanical Garden. ...
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Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte (Asteraceae) is a species of Artemisia described from Europe but native to East Asia. It is an alien and/or invasive species that has become naturalized in many European regions, Australia, South America, New Zealand, North and South Africa, and Western Asia. In continuation of our work on Northeastern Pakistani Artemisia, we report the first local occurrence of Artemisia verlotorum Lamotte from Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan by investigating its geographical distribution and phylogenetic analysis. To date, we have observed this species in stony landscapes of Ghizer district of Gilgit-Baltistan. Phylogenetic analysis of A. verlotiorum with maximum likelihood approach using it's ETS (External transcribed spacer)and ITS (Internal transcribed spacer) of nrDNA sequences showed its resemblance with other Artemisia species reported from the world. This species needs to be included in the rare plant species list in the flora of Pakistan following the criteria of IUCN.
... ex Besser) Turcz. ex Verlot and A. verlotiorum (see also Bagatska 2008, Boiko 2009, 2013, Bortnyak & Voityuk 1991, Dubovik & Mosyakin 1991, Mosyakin 2006, Mosyakin et al. 2018, 2019, Mosyakin & Yavorska 2002. Almost simultaneously A. codonocephala Diels (referable, in fact, to the species named A. umbrosa in Ukraine) and A. selengensis were reported for the first time from Lithuania (Gudžinskas 1990(Gudžinskas , 1997 In Western Europe -geographically even more isolated from the Far East -only a single Asian species of the section was known to be naturalized, i.e. ...
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Artemisia princeps, originally native to eastern Asia (China, Japan, and Korea), has been present since at least two decades in several localities in Belgium and the Netherlands. It is in many respects intermediate between native A. vulgaris and introduced A. verlotiorum and, as a result, passed unnoticed for quite a long time. Diagnostic features of these three species as well as of A. × wurzellii (a hybrid of A. vulgaris × A. verlotiorum parentage) are thoroughly discussed and illustrated. A. princeps produces – in contrast with A. verlotiorum – viable seed in Western Europe. Hence, it is able to reproduce both clonally and sexually and is potentially a bigger threat to native biodiversity than A. verlotiorum. Most of the large populations of the latter in the study area turned out to belong to A. princeps instead. Genuine A. verlotiorum appears to be – at least at present – at the edge of the species’ climatic range in Belgium and the Netherlands. Compared with A. princeps it is much more widely distributed in an increasing number of localities in both countries, but usually occurs in rather discrete populations.
... In our earlier articles (Mosyakin, 1990(Mosyakin, , 1991(Mosyakin, , 1992(Mosyakin, , 2006Dubovik, Mosyakin, 1991;Boiko, 2009Boiko, , 2012Boiko, , 2013Mosyakin et al., 2017Mosyakin et al., , 2018 we already discussed various issues of distribution, morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Artemisia verlotiorum, A. umbrosa (Turcz. ex Besser) Turcz. ...
... As we already commented (Mosyakin, 1990(Mosyakin, , 2006Mosyakin et al., 2018), many earlier records of "A. verlotiorum" from Eastern Europe in fact belong to other related species of the A. vulgaris aggregate, especially A. umbrosa and sometimes A. argyi H.Lév. & Vaniot (see discussion and references in Mosyakin et al., 2018). ...
... As we already commented (Mosyakin, 1990(Mosyakin, , 2006Mosyakin et al., 2018), many earlier records of "A. verlotiorum" from Eastern Europe in fact belong to other related species of the A. vulgaris aggregate, especially A. umbrosa and sometimes A. argyi H.Lév. & Vaniot (see discussion and references in Mosyakin et al., 2018). ...
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Colonies of Artemisia verlotiorum (Asteraceae), an alien species of East Asian origin now widespread in many countries of the world, were found in 2018 in Kyiv in the Syrets Arboretum (Syretskiy Dendropark) and in a nearby abandoned plant nursery and greenhouses. At present, three clonal colonies have been revealed. Most probably rhizomes of that species were initially introduced to Kyiv with soil and/or imported trees and/or shrubs. However, one colony (along the wall of the administrative building of the arboretum) most probably emerged from seeds dispersed by wind from the main (supposedly initial) colony in the abandoned nursery. Before our find in Kyiv, A. verlotiorum was reliably known in Ukraine in Crimea (reported since the 1920s), Transcarpathia, and from Lviv (recent records, to be discussed in detail in a forthcoming article). Most probably A. verlotiorum is spreading in Eastern Europe mainly by rhizome fragments with soil and plant material. Other alien taxa of the Artemisia vulgaris group (especially A. umbrosa and A. argyi) occur in Ukraine mainly as "railroad" plants.
Based on the research conducted in 2023, the findings of 17 new and 22 rare adventitious plant species for the Kambarsky district of the Udmurt Republic are reported. New to the area are Acer tataricum , Agastache rugosa, Ageratum houstonianum, Allium proliferum, Campanula punctata, Galega orientalis, Gypsophila scorzonerifolia, Heliopsis scabra, Juglans mandshurica, Linum austriacum, Lobelia erinus, Oenothera ersteinensis, Phlox drummondii, Polygonum calcatum, Rosa corymbifera, Rosa podolica, Securigera varia . Examples of rare species in which new locations have been found in the area are Arrhenatherum elatius, Artemisia argyi, Artemisia rubripes, Artemisia umbrosa, Centaurea x dobroczaevae, Eragrostis minor, Gypsophila perfoliata, Oenothera depressa, Urtica cannabina . The majority of new and rare plant species (20 species) were found in railway habitats; a smaller number of them were found in flower beds (9 species), vacant lots (4 species) and other types of habitats. 8 species are indicated for the first time for the railways of the Kambarsky district. 8 species are new to the flower beds of Kambarka city. In many adventitious species, the number of currently existing locations has increased over the past 30 years; in some species, it has decreased or remained unchanged. 3 species (Epilobium lamyi, Phalacroloma septentrionale, Solidago canadensis ), not known in the Kambarsky district 30 years ago, are currently showing noticeable activity; they are rapidly settling in the district and occupy various types of habitats.
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Materials and methods: field observations and herbarium collections, microscope technique Nomenclature: Plants of the World Online (POWO) (2022) Results: In this contribution, new data concerning vascular plants in Ukraine are presented. It includes new records and confirmations for the Ukrainian regions regarding 58 species from the genera of Aconitum, Amaranthus, Anthoxanthum, Artemisia, Asparagus, Cardamine, Carex, Celastrus, Cenchrus, Centaurium, Cerastium, Chenopodiastrum, Clematis, Crassula, Dactylorhiza, Datura, Dichodon, Dipsacus, Dysphania, Equisetum, Eritrichium, Euphorbia, Fritillaria, Gagea, Gentiana, Gladiolus, Glycyrrhiza, Gypsophila, Hedera, Helianthus, Hemerocallis, Heracleum, Iris, Juglans, Lemna, Lilium, Lunaria, Lysimachia, Mercurialis, Nymphaea, Pentanema, Prunus, Pulsatilla, Sagina, Scolochloa, Sedum, Silene, Solanum, Sorghum, Stipa, Thesium, Tribulus and Vitis. Among them, three species of vascular plants are newly reported from Ukraine: Anthoxanthum aristatum was found from Chernivtsi region; Eritrichium nanum – from Ivano-Frankivsk region; Euphorbia serpens – from Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Kherson Region and Odesa City. Some findings concern large areas including several regions, in particular, a new species for the Right Bank of the Dnipro River (Crassula vaillantii) and a new species for the Steppe zone of Ukraine (Pentanema squarrosum) are also reported here. Most of the new finds are given for administrative regions of Ukraine: six species are given for the first time for Cherkasy and Zakarpattia Regions, four – for Dnipropetrovsk Region, three – for Chernihiv, Kirovohrad and Zaporizhia Regions, two – for Kherson, Khmelnytsk, Vinnytsia and Volhyn regions, one – for Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Zhytomyr Regions and Autonomous Republic of Crimea. New localities or findings of vascular plant species confirmed by recent data from Cherkasy, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, Kirovohrad, Kyiv and Odesa, regions are given. The localities of numerous rare species of vascular plants are provided. Among them, it is species included in the Resolution № 4 of the Bern Convention (i.e. Thesium ebracteatum), the Red Data Book of Ukraine (i.e. Dactylorhiza incarnata, Fritillaria ruthenica, Gladiolus imbricatus, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Lilium martagon, Lunaria rediviva, Pulsatilla patens, Stipa pennata, Stipa tirsa) and regionally rare plants.
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The present 9 edition of Alien Species in the Flora of Ukraine: Years and Authors. Bibliographic List is a direct continuation of the first-seven editions. Editions 1–8, and 9 became well-known, and its paper (1 and 5) and electronic (1–9) versions were highly demanded in Ukraine, Poland, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Moldova and others. In addition to bibliographic descriptions given in Editions 1–8 and 9 new bibliographic sources related to prevention, control, distribution, evaluation of invasive potential, and other aspects of biogeographically alien species are presented. In 2021 the main Chronological index was enriched by 72 sources (total 1943), and Addition 2 was enriched by 33 sources (total 960). The general Bibliography is consists 2905. The compilers thank everyone who sent the bibliographic descriptions of their work, made additions, corrections and advice, and hope for the future joint work. The process of making a reliable information report on the bibliography of alien flora of Ukraine continues. Our e-mails, remains active all the time. For scientists’ botanists, ecologists, specialists in crop and grassland science, forestry, land surveying, plant control service and wildlife management, may be useful for students, environmental non-governmental organizations and to bibliographers.000000