Fig 25 - uploaded by Pere Aymerich
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Opuntia schickendantzii , individuo juvenil. La Bisbal de Penedès. 

Opuntia schickendantzii , individuo juvenil. La Bisbal de Penedès. 


... The latter authors conclude that P. oleracea is a polymorphic species and is not divisible into microspecies. (Sanz & al., 2004a,b;Aymerich, 2015dAymerich, , 2019. ...
... Non-native: C Distribution: Aw Remarks: A single individual has been observed in Castellbell, Bages (Aymerich, 2015d). ...
... Non-native: C Distribution: Cn Cc Remarks: Reported from Barcelona metropolitan area (Montjuïc and Esplugues de Llobregat) and Calafell, Baix Penedès (Gómez-Bellver & al., 2019a;Verloove & Guiggi, 2019). . Opuntia leoglossa has been detected in many Catalan locations (Aymerich, 2015d;Verloove & Guiggi, 2019). ...
... The latter authors conclude that P. oleracea is a polymorphic species and is not divisible into microspecies. (Sanz & al., 2004a,b;Aymerich, 2015dAymerich, , 2019. ...
... Non-native: C Distribution: Aw Remarks: A single individual has been observed in Castellbell, Bages (Aymerich, 2015d). ...
... Non-native: C Distribution: Cn Cc Remarks: Reported from Barcelona metropolitan area (Montjuïc and Esplugues de Llobregat) and Calafell, Baix Penedès (Gómez-Bellver & al., 2019a;Verloove & Guiggi, 2019). . Opuntia leoglossa has been detected in many Catalan locations (Aymerich, 2015d;Verloove & Guiggi, 2019). ...
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An annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula)
... This same morphotype is worldwide reported as an invasive cactus escaped from cultivation and wrongly identified as O. schickendantzii. In Australia, numerous records are available at the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA, and reporting this morphotype as O. schickendantzii, and more recently it has also been reported in Spain (Ortíz & Gonyalons, 2014, Aymerich, 2015, Senar & Cardero, 2019, Verloove & Guiggi, 2019. However, analyses of those materials cited for Europe and the Australian alloctone flora, as well as from the Boyce Thompson Arboretum, revealed that they do not correspond to O. schickendantzii. ...
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The genus Opuntia is one of the most emblematic of the cactus family (Cactaceae) and a species-rich clade within subfamily Opuntioideae. After molecular phylogenetic studies showed that the traditional broad circumscription of Opuntia could not be retained as the genus was polyphyletic, various segregated genera were recognize based on both morphological data and phylogenetic studies. Here, we reassessed an old and enigmatic taxon, O. schickendantzii, through molecular and morphological investigations. Our results support that O. schickendantzii was best circumscribed within the Salmonopuntia lineage based on molecular and morphological features. As a consequence, a new combination is proposed, and an epitype from the herbarium BAF is designated. An updated description of the taxon with illustrations is also given.
... It is sometimes cultivated in South Africa, and has now been found to be naturalised near Hopetown and Pofadder (Northern Cape Province) and east of Beaufort West (Western Cape Province) (Walters et al., 2011). In Europe, it is known in Spain (Sanz Elorza et al., 2004;Guillot Ortiz et al., 2009;Aymerich, 2015;Aymerich & Sáez, 2019), in France (Tison et al., 2014) and in Italy (Guiggi, 2010). The species is here reported Figure 3. Cylindropuntia spinosior. ...
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Botanical surveys undertaken in Central and Northern Tunisia (North Africa), mostly between 2015 and 2020, have revealed three new allochthonous cacti. The reported taxa belong to the genus Cylindropuntia (Cactaceae, subfamily Opuntioideae, tribe Cylindropuntieae). C. leptocaulis, C. prolifera and C. spinosior are here reported for the first time from North Africa. Updated nomenclature, descriptions, general and national distributions are pointed out for each species. An analytical key and field photographs are also provided.
... Cylindropuntia pallida is known since 2010 from Catalonia (Aymerich 2015a) and is here reported for the first time from Tarragona province. In Spain it is probably best known from the Valencian Community (Guillot 2003, Laguna et al. 2013, Deltoro et al. 2014, Vázquez & Albiach 2016 where it is considered a noxious environmental weed. ...
... On closer examination the species depicted in Figure 1, I in Sanz-Elorza et al. (2004) indeed shows O. leucotricha, not O. huajuapensis, and these two species have been confused on other occasions in Spain as well (Gómez Bellver et al. 2019, Verloove et al. submitted). Formal records of O. leucotricha from Catalonia seem to be rather recent (Aymerich 2015a, Sáez et al. 2015, Aymerich 2017). This peculiar cultivar was previously reported from Tarragona by Sanz-Elorza et al. (2006). ...
... However, this record probably refers to Mortolopuntia schickendantzii. In Catalonia it has been reported on several occasions in recent years, for instance from the provinces of Barcelona (Mallol & Maynés 2008, Aymerich 2015a, 2015b, Tarragona (Aymerich & Gustamante 2015) and Lleida (Aymerich 2017). Recently, it was also reported for the first time from Mallorca in the Balearic Islands ). ...
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Recent field work in the Spanish province of Tarragona yielded new records for several interesting cacti (Cactaceae). New provincial records are presented for the following taxa (species preceded by an * have not been reported before from the autonomous region of Catalonia): Cylindropuntia pallida, *C. prolifera, *C. tunicata, Mortolopuntia schickendantzii, Opuntia aurantiaca, *O. dejecta, O. elata, O. elatior, O. engelmannii, O. leucotricha, O. lindheimeri var. linguiformis and Salmonopuntia salmiana. Several of these are potentially or genuinely invasive species. Invasive populations previously referred to Opuntia engelmannii are here ascribed to a form of O. phaeacantha. All species are illustrated.
... Va ser advertida per primera vegada a la península per Guillot & Sáez (2014b), en la província de València. Seguidament citada també a Castelló (Vázquez, 2014), Girona (Aymerich, 2015a(Aymerich, , 2016b, Barcelona , Alacant i també a la costa andalusa de Huelva (Sánchez Gullón et al., 2014 (Fig. 4). ...
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Con las observaciones de los últimos años en el este de la península ibérica (concretamente en Cataluña, País Valenciano y la provincia de Teruel), se aportan un conjunto de datos corológicos de 41 plantas alóctonas naturalizadas u ocasionales. Cabe destacar Annona cherimola y Manihot grahamii que se citan por primera vez en la flora ibérica; Echinopsis pachanoi y Hydrocotyle verticillata para Cataluña; Solandra maxima en el País Valenciano. Se tiene que excluir Opuntia pestifer de la flora valenciana, ya que se confirma que las citas anteriores corresponden a Opuntia aurantiaca. Además, se aportan nuevas localidades de Acacia karroo, Cylindropuntia kleiniae, Euphorbia tirucalli, Leucaena leucocephala, Lophocereus marginatus, Nicandra physalodes, Pelargonium inquinans, Physalis peruviana, Podranea ricasoliana, Sedum pachyphyllum, Senna corymbosa, Tradescantia pallida y Tradescantia sillamontana, táxones interesantes y poco conocidos en la flora alóctona del este ibérico. [ca] Amb les observacions dels darrers anys fetes a l’est de la península Ibèrica (concretament a Catalunya, País Valencià i la província de Terol), s’aporten un conjunt de dades corològiques de 41 plantes al·lòctones naturalitzades o ocasionals. Cal destacar Annona cherimola i Manihot grahamii que es citen per primera vegada a la flora ibèrica; Echinopsis pachanoi i Hydrocotyle verticillata per a Catalunya; Solandra maxima per al País Valencià. Cal excloure Opuntia pestifer de la flora valenciana, ja que es confirma que les cites anteriors corresponen a Opuntia aurantiaca. A més a més, s’aporten noves localitats de Acacia karroo, Cylindropuntia kleiniae, Euphorbia tirucalli, Leucaena leucocephala, Lophocereus marginatus, Nicandra physalodes, Pelargonium inquinans, Physalis peruviana, Podranea ricasoliana, Sedum pachyphyllum, Senna corymbosa, Tradescantia pallida i Tradescantia sillamontana, tàxons interessants i poc coneguts a la flora al·lòctona de l’est ibèric.
... In recent times, a considerable effort has been devoted to improving knowledge on escaped crop cacti in the western Mediterranean region (e.g. Guillot et al., 2009;Guiggi, 2010;Aymerich, 2015). This knowledge involves considerable difficulties, derived from several factors: i) observations often refer to undeveloped and non-reproductive plants, ii) the existence of clones used in gardening that only represent a small (and sometimes atypical) part of the characters of a species, iii) the heterogeneity and instability of the taxonomic treatments, along with the scarce, partial or poorly updated literature. ...
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New data on the identity and distribution of alien plants of the genera Cereus and Trichocereus in Catalonia are presented. Cereus jamacaru, C. repandus and C. peruvianus should be excluded from the flora of Catalonia. At present, the only species of Cereus regarded as casual in the studied area is C. hildmannianus. Four species of Trichocereus (T. macrogonus, T. schickendantzii subsp. schickendantzii, T. spachianus and T. taquimbalensis) are currently known the studied area.
... This species was reported for Catalonia by Aymerich (2015Aymerich ( , 2017 from the province of Barcelona-in similar conditions to our finding: a group of established plants in a slope resulting from a dumping of yard trimmings-and Girona. Intergeneric hybrid between Aloe aristata Haw. and Gasteria carinata (Mill.) ...
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We provide the first records of five non-native vascular plants for Europe—Commelina erecta, Cylindropuntia fulgida, Dasylirion serratifolium, xGraptosedum and Senecio crassissimus, two for the Iberian Peninsula—Lobelia laxiflora subsp. angustifolia and Pennisetum flaccidum, and four for Catalonia— Dimorphotheca fruticosa, xGasteraloe beguinii, Opuntia elatior and Tradescantia sillamontana. In addition, new local records are provided for ten taxa scarcely reported for Catalonia. During the last decades, ornamental horticulture constitutes the most important source of alien plants, and some of them are potentially invasive species at a worldwide level. Most of the plants listed in this study are escaped from gardens or established as a consequence of dumping green waste. Some species are locally naturalized and in some cases they could behave as invasive.
... In this locality it is obviously naturalized. In the past years it has increasingly been recorded as an escape in Spain, especially in Catalonia (Aymerich 2015). This Bolivian species is frequently grown as an ornamental but is only exceptionally observed as an escape. ...
... linguiformis from Santa Faz (Alicante) turned out to belong to M. schickendantzii instead (Guillot Ortiz & Sáez 2014). Since then it was also observed in various other parts of Spain, in the provinces of Barcelona, Castellón, Gerona, Huelva, Tarragona and Valencia(Guillot Ortiz & al. 2014, Sánchez Gullón & al. 2014, Vázquez 2014, Aymerich 2015, Gómez-Bellver & al. 2016. It is here reported again from Alicante province.The exact placement of this species is very controversial. ...
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New records are presented for non-native succulents from Alicante province (Spain). Agave lurida, Austrocylindropuntia cylindrica, Opuntia engelmannii var. linguiformis and O. microdasys ‘Rufida’ are probably reported for the first time from Alicante, whereas the presence of Mortolopuntia schickendantzii and Opuntia dillenii are confirmed. Trichocereus bridgesii is cited for the first time in the wild in Spain.
... En la Península Ibérica se tiene testimonios de la presencia de esta familia desde comienzos del siglo XVI (Laguna, 1533, Guillot & al., 2005, cuando se cultiva la especie Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., como productora de cochinillas (Dactylopius cocus Costa 1835 (=Coccus cacti Linnaeus, 1753)), destinadas a la obtención de tinte rojo, de enorme interés para la manufacturas textiles en aquella época. Desde esa época a la actualidad la introducción de especies de cactus se ha ido incrementando como consecuencia de varios motivos, pero especialmente por interés ornamental, llegándose a conocer más de 25 especies naturalizadas de Cactaceae en algunas regiones españolas (Guillot & al., 2005, Aymerich, 2015. En Extremadura sólo tenemos constancia de la presencia de Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., y Opuntia maxima Mill., como naturalizadas (Berthet, 1990;, siendo escasa o nula la literatura que se ha centrado en evaluar la diversidad de especies de la familia Cactaceae en la comunidad extremeña. ...
... Para alcanzar los objetivos de este trabajo se ha consultado el herbario HSS (Thiers, 2017), como una herramienta donde se conserva parte de la diversidad vegetal conocida para Extremadura. Se procedió a una exploración de buena parte del territorio meridional de Extremadura, se recolectaron materiales y se procedió a su estudio, basándonos principalmente en las obras básicas de Britton & Rose (1919), Moore (1968) y Pignatti (1982, centradas en el conocimiento de la familia a nivel general y particularmente en Europa, a los que apoyamos con los estudios peninsulares (Berthet, 1990;Sanz Elorza & al., 2004;Guillot & al., 2005;Aymerich, 2015), y finalmente con las aportaciones regionales . ...
... Distribución: Ampliamente distribuida por la mitad oriental de la Península Ibérica (San-Elorza & al., 2004;Guillot & al., 2008;Aymerich, 2015), siendo igualmente frecuente en la mitad occidental, aunque su estudio ha sido pobre. En esta ocasión se indica por primera vez para Extremadura, donde la encontramos especialmente en la mitad Sur del territorio. ...
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Our previous research on the xenophytes vascular flora of the Iberian Peninsula was continued in 2016-2017. Several new provincial or regional data are presented (18 taxa), especially for the provinces of Alicante, Huelva and Sevilla (Spain), and Algarve and Estremadura regions (Portugal). Special interest was paid to the naturalized flora of the Natural Park of Sintra-Cascais. For each taxon details are given about the distribution, occupied habitats, ecology, previous citations, the degree of naturalization, etc. Adiantum raddianum, Ageratina ligustrina, A. riparia and Fuchsia boliviana, are possibly mentioned for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula. The naturalization and spread of Blechnum cordatum is confirmed in Sintra (Estremadura, Portugal). Local novelties for Estremadura include Cenchrus setaceus, Cyperus papyrus and Nassella tenuissima are reported from Huelva, probably for the first time for Andalusia (Spain). Lemna minuta is possibly first recorded for the Algarve (Portugal), while Soliva sessilis is new for the provinces of Sevilla (Western Andalusia) and Algarve (Portugal). Elaeagnus angustifolia and Senecio angulatus turn out to be new for the province of Huelva. Finally, Leucaena leucocephala, Oenothera lindheimeri, Parthenocissus inserta and Tipuana tipu have been observed for the first time from Alicante province.